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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16205853 No.16205853 [Reply] [Original]

>had a McDonald's binge last night
>went back to flat
>went to sleep, woke up at 8 am today
>browse internet, drink coffee
>read 8.5 pages of a boring old pseudy novel
>go to gym; wear contact lenses again; see GymThots and GigaGymThots, which was demoralising as fuck; volume lifting went very well
>went for my usual walk while listening to midwit BBC podcasts and CumTown
>walk around park, feel demoralised by all the Staceys (the amount of Staceys on the underground has been extremely high this weekend)
>go to a famous museum because I have nothing else to do; walk around
>now drinking coffee; may have one last binge tonight, but unsure

I am now heavily tending towards staying in London in the hope of being promoted in my large company and maybe getting to fire any dumb posh normies that I might be in charge of. I just want to be able to look down on people from some platform.

I saw some video about the evils of whiteness on the BBC website and I think the ragefuel improved my strength at the gym. They got some dumb white pleb to gawp at some stupid racist non-whites and their childish arguments.

I read some silicon valley guy's Twitter last night and felt so demoralised. Everyone is a 21 year old who dropped out of Stanford to become a millionaire. I am absolutely sure that I have some level of autism or Asperger's. Why the fuck can I not be bothered learning programming?

I wish I had done a degree I was interested in. I've never done anything intellectually non-trivial in my life.

There are some people I really don't like (who I knew irl). Is outliving your enemies classed as good revenge? Is it still good revenge if they're older than me? What do you do when you have enemies that are younger than you (I don't have those)?

>> No.16205917

Bro you should save up some money and come to america. I can go outside and scream fuck niggers and sand niggers too if I want and nobody can do shit about it

>> No.16205941

No one cares about your shitty London life dude fuck off

>> No.16205963

You have the pussy on a pedestal worse than most people. Post your personal defects somewhere else

>> No.16205984


>> No.16205986

Sad. Normies leave now

>> No.16205990

I hope a towel head rubs you over with a truck and puts you out of your misery, OP

>> No.16205996

i thought i was the only one, fren

>> No.16206006

UK is a containment zone for people too beta to come to America stay on your containment island Nigel

>> No.16206009

> I can go outside and scream fuck niggers and sand niggers too if I want and nobody can do shit about it

Hehe try that in germany and after Achmed & Dikembe ass-raped you the jew state will take everything from you have left.

>> No.16206019

fuck off back to twitter and post your incel blog there u fuckin nonce

>> No.16206022

/biz/ - Business and Finance

>> No.16206041
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>> No.16206052
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Kek fuckin saved. Good meme

>> No.16206057

>mad that white women overlook you and would rather fuck niggers who know nothing so you come here and post nonsense about normies.
Those niggers are more successful animals than you. They live in the moment and get pussy. You claim intellectual superiority, but you see the results of their lifestyle and compare it to your own and you just can’t stand it. I hate niggers too, but not because they are better than me, like they are better than you. If being better than a nigger makes me a normie, that’s fine, but me and the niggers are having a better time than you. Go drink tea in Londonistan with OP

>> No.16206093
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imagine not practicing mindful asceticism and thinking your still gonna make it in 2019

>> No.16206107
File: 12 KB, 248x203, ADDF52DB-0466-4BFF-939A-7E64B55150F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with you r9k blogpost faggot

>> No.16206119

Just googled asceticism. Looks like a fancy word for COPE