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16372835 No.16372835 [Reply] [Original]

Another day slips by and I have achieved nothing. Every dream I pursued, I failed to catch. And soon, I will be too old to do anything.

>> No.16372881

how old are you?

>> No.16372900

late thirties

>> No.16372928

I rebooted my life at 30 and then made another major change at 42. It's only too late if you tell yourself it's too late.

>> No.16372945

I'm 32 and feel this way as well. And right now it's all because crypto has spent the last two years shitting itself. FML.

>> No.16372960

what kind of change at 42?

I guess you have a point. Even at 30, I was pretty pessimistic about my life. But now, I'd give anything to be 30 again.

>> No.16372994
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33 neet and life is getting better, don't despair anons
first, picture that pepe whenever you feel angry, afraid, depressed, unhappy
take 5 minutes of your day to do something productive. doesn't have to be more than that
visualize your goals
forgive yourself for whatever failure happened in the past. people have made it from scratch at 30, 40, 50. failures are experiences leading you to the one time you will make it

>> No.16373009

>t.24 yo neet on path to millionaire within 2 years
it just takes a strong handshake lad.

>> No.16373027

25 neet here. I've given up on any kind of life. My plan is to save my money. Move to the cheapest place I can. And make money by trading the markets which is is do-able if I have the money vs low living cost. That or stay a neet forever.

>> No.16373028

Anyone who feels they fucked up in life should just go teach English in Korea. Marry a hottie 10 years younger and the work is a piece of piss.

>> No.16373045

I never understood this. How do you teach English without speaking the language of the one you're teaching it to?

>> No.16373048

Just turned 32, been a NEET all my life. What's your plan fren?

>> No.16373067

Mine is a long and convoluted story. I will try to give the nutshell version.

>left graduate school to help my mother who was diagnosed with cancer
>what started as assistance to help her become better, eventually became palliative care
>she passed away
>now I have 3 years with no graduate degree and nothing on my resume
>wut do?
>real estate market booming; get license
>make bank
>still not satisfied. This is breddy gud, but not where I expected to be in life.
> about to turn 30 ask myself, "if you could be doing anything right now what would it be?"
>went back to my childhood dream of aviation
>industry circumstances changed, there was now a possibility of a career that didn't exist when I was younger.
>find a way to make it happen
> currently employed as an airline pilot
>still hadn't addressed many of my character defects which were holding me back in life and my career.
> on my days off, I had developed a serious drinking problem because of these defects
>sought professional help through my airline
>now am a captain making a really good income...will be applying to a different airline next year to make more money doing the same job.

>> No.16373104

sorry to hear about your loss. Do you have kids yet? That seems to become less and less likely as I get older.

>> No.16373157

no, one of my defects that I have just had to learn to live with is that I'm a gayfag. I remain celebate, because I consider it to be an abnormal lifestyle. I can't say that this defect makes me happy, but I made peace with it and it is no longer a resentment.

>> No.16373173

kys if you know what's good for the white race

>> No.16373193

i've been a lifelong neet as well. picked up some programming last year, but it's not my thing. going to start a company next year, using some blockchain stuff as the backend. maybe it'll work, maybe it'll fail
it's easy to feel like there's hurdles to doing anything, especially when we're isolated for a while. but anons in here tend to be unironically smarter than average. even after years/decades of playing vidya or whatever, there's generalized lessons and skills you can draw from the experience
the redpill for me was the realisation if you go out and talk to people, try to make things happen and to provide value to the other person, you're ahead of normies who mostly lead passive lives according to the script of society
there's nothing to lose by shooting emails to people, worst case scenario they don't reply and you're at the same spot as before. many entrepreneurs are big on giving back and helping out, and a great CEO is always on the hunt for smart people too
most anons ITT have great potential if they ever decide to commit. i'm sure you do too fren. gl with what you choose to do next

>> No.16373252

It's almost like 4chan has always been a community of the smartest and brightest albeit fucked up people alive. Having enough thick skin to post here despite all the shit flinging proves as a metric that you can see through all the bullshit to separate the chaff from the wheat, something that normies can never do.

>> No.16373256

if you have the will to be celibate then have you considered willing yourself to change? do you want to change? would you adopt?
in any case at least your sins don't manifest themselves in the physical realm to the same extent as many gayfags

>> No.16373345

Let's be honest here....that is one thing that it may be a little bit late in life to do. How would you even broach this subject with a woman. Oh, by the way, I've been celibate because I have a homosexual orientation, so, anywho, what would you like for dinner?

>> No.16373389

My demented half-arab mother (whose abuse I have to thank, it made me the 45yr old NEET that I am) once told me that arab oil monarchies princes are sometimes philanthropic, and it may be worth it writing to them to get funds for a project.
Arabs love poetry, emotional situations and subservience. I bet a very well-written letter gushing with feeling could move one or several of them, if an anon has an interesting project

>> No.16373443

28 brainlet with an associates degree. Can I become a pilot? I have my RE license but haven't done anything with it because I'm a low confidence loser who doesn't think anybody would want to use me as their realtor so I haven't really tried