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16402809 No.16402809 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16402821
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just imagine having a job

>> No.16402845

Most people have better vacation benefits than this. I get 9 paids holidays, 12 vacation and 8 sick days which can be used for anything. Sure it's not as great as other countries but it's also not terrible. If I stay at my job for 20 more years I'll get up to 25 vacation days.

>> No.16402854

Actually 10 paid holidays I forgot about MLK Day. There are holidays like Veteran's Day and Columbus Day that we do have to work on which is gay

>> No.16402871

Vacation time isn't mandated by law, only sick time (and even that depends on the state). What can be said though is that depending on your job and Length of Service with the company/organization, you can end up with a lot more than the standard 4 weeks that Euros get. I've heard of boomers with 20-30 years at one job having anywhere from 5 to 8 weeks vacation at certain places.

Most Americans only get two weeks though because we don't stay at jobs for 40 years anymore, and companies frequently cut benefits.

>> No.16402880
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>if I stay at my job 20 years

>> No.16402884

Employment law is generally not a federal issue and legal requirement or not almost all full-time employees get some paid vacation.

>> No.16402888
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>If I stay at my job for 20 more years

>> No.16402893

It's okay, if I'm not rich from crypto in 5 years I'll just neck myself

>> No.16402898
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>If I stay at my job for 20 more years I'll get up to 25 vacation days.

>> No.16402905

>imagine working

People would rather slave away and keep their so called dignity rather than reject this jewish society.

>> No.16402907

Hahahahahahaha amerifat wagies aren't allowed time off work.

>> No.16402914
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congrats on this, seriously

>> No.16402931
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holy shit kek, didn't know these cucks got no annual leave at all

>> No.16402958
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muh (((free-market))) will solve this

>> No.16402968

this is bait but it made me laugh

>> No.16403039

I did know how you guys would react to the 20 years thing, but it's all true- unironically

>> No.16403193


>> No.16403224 [DELETED] 

America is a great country if you're an entrepreneur and/or making $250k+/ year. For the middle class the US is okay but not great. For the lower class (<$60k/ year) it's a complete shit hole because of
> 50% non-whites
> tons of crime
> tons of drugs
> no real culture
> no "free" health care
> no "free" education
> shitty wages (especially if you meassure it on an hourly basis)
> uber wagekek mentality (almost no vacation, very long work hours, work until you die goyim etc.)

>> No.16403232

Waging in America is one small step above slavery. I really need link to hit 1k before I heart attack from caffeine overdose.

>> No.16403262

America is a great country if you're an entrepreneur and/or making $230k+/ year and can live in very nice neighborhood. For the middle class the US is okay but not at all great. For the lower class (<$60k/ year) it's a complete shit hole because of
> 50% non-whites
> tons of crime
> tons of drugs
> tons of mentally ill homeless people who don't get any help
> most large cities are extremely ugly and dirty
> no real culture
> no "free" health care
> no "free" education
> shitty wages (especially if you meassure it on an hourly basis)
> uber wagekek mentality (almost no vacation, very long work hours, work until you die goyim etc.)
> shitty food culture
> extremely biased/ dishonest media
> lots of corruption and shadow government
> ultra degenerate society in general (hook up culture, music industry, Hollywood, LGBTQ, PC shit etc.)

>> No.16403423

Mutts are some of the most cucked people, its only through collective brainwashing they believe they are free.

>> No.16403460

somebody post the wagie day off math

>> No.16403761

yeah the fluoride really hit america pretty hard. i dont know how the general average society was 50 years ago, im sure there were shitty people always. but at least where i live, if you go in a crowd of normies these days the chances you pick a few random people the chances that they pretend that their life is a rap video is really high.

>> No.16403792

America never stopped being a slave republic. It's exactly the same now as it always was. And fluoride is naturally occuring in nature idiot.

>> No.16403819
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Seeing the sights, getting drunk, and fucking Euro thots isn't all it's cracked up to be OP.

>> No.16404592

Not in the quantities present when it's added. Naturally occurring fluoride is about ~1/20 that of added fluoride where I live.

>> No.16404638
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>If I stay at my job for 20 more years

>> No.16404656

funny how your "lower class" salary ($60k/year!!!) would make you stupidly higher class where im from. If you have that salary and hate america you should save a couple years then move to a third world country.
I bet you'd be back to america in no time

>> No.16404678

hey retard, it's paid vacation. Doesn't mean you have to spend your money traveling, but you get the same money by literally sitting at home, if you choose not to travel.

>> No.16404694

>all of these angry Europeans angrily posting about America on thanksgiving

Go eat some turkey you fucking faggots instead of complaining about America. Your family is downstairs eating turkey and mashed potatoes and being thankful while you make shitposts about my country. Inb4 you're posting too. I'm Jewish we don't celebrate Thanksgiving dumbass.

>> No.16404702

Don't know about the other countries but UK is wrong. It should be 28 total, including public holidays. Maybe the lazy jocks and sheep shaggers get more though I don't know.

>> No.16404707

And I get 43 days of paid home sitting here in germany.

>> No.16404730

I get thirty days PTO, which can be used for vacation or sick days. We also have six holidays plus two floating holidays (really just additional vacation days but it keeps minorities from complaining their special holiday isn't recognized with a day off). PTO can rollover between years which makes it better than separate sick days which don't rollover at most non government jobs.

>> No.16404750

I get paid up to six weeks almost normally when I get sick.
What are those sick days you have ?

>> No.16404885

Very true. We are the goodest of goys. I loathe it here.

>> No.16404917

Feels good man, spanish working on public transportation here.
28 vacation days 12 sick days 4 personal days + 15 days of extra vacation a year.

>> No.16404986

I've got 30 days paud leave plus 4 public holiday days.

>> No.16405017

> Make twice as much and get taxed less, can buy guns and incandescent light bulbs

Yeah I'll take it

>> No.16405044

what are incandescent light bulbs good for other than smoking meth?

>> No.16405154

>minimum wages are good and don't cause price ceilings resulting in unemployment
Fuck off Communist Nigger, your glow is obnoxious.

>> No.16405230

Call me a wierdo but I hate vacation. I have a really comfy technical job and somtimes I would rather just sip my coffee at my cuck cube and read engineering stuff then rage in las vegas or eat fried shit on a cruise. I do like doing 4 days weekends and watching star trek and play video games.

>> No.16405242
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>> No.16405244

>Thanksgiving is celebrated everywhere in Europe.
The absolute state.

>> No.16405353

they give higher quality light

>> No.16405527

I’m torn. On one hand my country (USA) has 0 days PTO but on the other hand I get paid $112000 per year to do a job that in any Europoor country I wouldn’t get paid half that, plus my taxes are lower. There are advantages to both, obviously. If you’re young, skilled and healthy I think America is better. You can work for a couple years then take a few years off. If you’re old/sick all the time then America must be a fucking nightmare to try to work in. Thoughts?

>> No.16405640

I have 20 days of vacation, 12 holdiays, and "unlimited" sick time. I don't see the issue.

>> No.16405700

The company I work at gives me unlimited vacation time. But thats because I own the company

>> No.16405719

>If I stay at my job for 20 more years I'll get up to 25 vacation days.

holy shit I’m an American wageslave as well but this is the most hilarious wagie cope I’ve read on this board. I’m convinced it’s an epic trolle, well done friend

>> No.16405721


This, it's 20 + 8 minimum.

You often get more, though.

Yanks are fucked either way

>> No.16405736

>holidays like Veteran's Day and Columbus Day that we do have to work on which is gay
poor you

>> No.16405742

Some of us in the legal field have miserable stressful jobs that will put us in an early grave. I’d welcome more vacation time with open arms, but then again maybe I just need a new job.

>> No.16405746
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>> No.16405928

Its not even a secret or conspiracy. The government outright admits they put flouride in the water. They say its for healthy teeth.

>> No.16406615

Yeah they have more red and infrared light and less blue

>> No.16406657

State government here. Paid to work for 260 days per year and can take up to 32 off for various reasons (but they are largely interchangeable) I use some, save some, trade some for cash. In a couple more years of seniority it will go to 45 days.

>> No.16406785

Literally what I did this week and it was pure bliss. Fuck vacations. That's overhyped boomer shit.

>> No.16406942

you dumbass. 60k in america is nothing. mostly spent on rent/healthcare/car maintenance/food etc.

>> No.16407053

The US has triple the living cost of your shithole


>> No.16407617
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Feels good to be British.

Inb4 some Amerimutt says some shit about muslims despite the UK being 89% white.

>> No.16407738

Jesus you're stupid, look at the London stats.

People are talking about England when they say this shit, Scotland and Ireland are nobody countries.

>> No.16407758

England was 85.4% white in 2011, probably in the 70s with London being 50%+ la Creatura in now.

>> No.16407903
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Fuck you, achmed.

>> No.16407918

Only thing significantly more expensive is rent it seems (2x more expensive), yet you have salaries that are like 3-4x higher.
This is compared to Amsterdam

>> No.16407982

I’m the guy you replied to (changed IP). I’m not American. Things are probably a LOT cheaper in your country.
If you’re living in a big city in the US then 60k really isn’t very much. You won’t have much left over after taxes, rent (like 20k/ year), utilities, health insurance, a car and basic groceries.

You could probably afford to move to some really poor country like Niger and live there for a few years too. So why don’t you? Because you don’t like/ understand the culture, you don’t know the language, it might not be safe, the infrastructure sucks, you don’t have any friends/ family there, there are no good career opportunities, you would miss your own country’s culture etc.
For the same reasons most people who live in wealthy western countries don’t want to move to Thailand and retire.

>> No.16408121

Take a shower bum

>> No.16408134

With my company 7 years. I get 25 vacation days, 2 sick days, and 9 holidays. Only minimum wage workers are affected by no PTO

>> No.16408144

how will urinated turds of shitmerica ever recover?

>> No.16408186

I've got a permissive time off policy. As long as nothing major is going on and I check in from time to time, I can dissappear for a week whenever. Small company, works well and nobody abuses it. That freedom and flexibility beats mandated month long "holiday".

>> No.16408303

that's what watching too much TV does to people

>> No.16408312

>funny how your "lower class" salary ($60k/year!!!) would make you stupidly higher class where im from
that's before taxes, though

>> No.16408431

and then you become poor after falling ill, or simply die because you can't pay for your treatment

anyway, I guess the best way of doing things would be to work in the US and make as much money as you can, then retire early and leave to some poor, cheap country with good socialized healthcare.

>> No.16409140

We don't want American refugees

>> No.16409197


>> No.16409448
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>> No.16409527
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i could puke when i read stats like this
all i want is a clever, qt british gf who appreciates my frugality, and who takes pride in herself and is happy for me to do the same with myself
globalists are diluting the one and only place where british qts come from with a demographic whose genetics spawn utterly inferior cultures
god almighty—global conflict was set in stone the moment that not being okay with paying people to live in your house became an act of violent racism worthy of legally incriminating condemnation

>> No.16409710

Bet you can’t even name one thing that’s bad about America

>> No.16409765

Worked at a shitty place a few years ago (meat processing facility) doing office work.
>No paid vacations the first year for most people working on the floor
>3 sick days a year
>Low pay
>Hygiene questionable

Surprised of no lawsuits (or at least none I heard of)as I expected the meat to be infected by something.

>> No.16409792

there's like 50 reasons listed in this thread

>> No.16409810

sir someone has to pay for my lard

>> No.16409822

Based UK
>6 weeks paid
>+ public holidays
>+ 12 sick days
>work 4 days a week

>> No.16409828

Meh, I worked in a steel yard grinding concrete off of steel concrete forms with tweakers spracked out of their minds on meth 2 feet away grinding like idiots and the employer wouldn't even provide safety glasses, let alone a proper face shield. Absolutely blew me away that osha hadn't absolutely btfo that place.

>> No.16409835
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>> No.16409852

I work for a Danish company and get over 30 weeks off a year!!
Them scandinavians sure know how to look after their work force

>> No.16409856

Easily the worst job I've ever had. It payed $11/hr and didn't have any benefits because they kept you on as a permanent temp employee. Oh and you got absolutely drenched in form oil and regularly destroyed clothes and boots.

>> No.16409864

30 weeks? You must work in the migrant investigations unit of the national police.

>> No.16409874

meth makes me wear women's clothes and fap to tranny porn, no idea how people can go work on it

>> No.16410336

Finance burger here. We get 30 days PTO per year starting. Bankers take care of their own

>> No.16410630
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Holy fuck anon.
I live and work in germany and you know what my benefits are?

Paid up 40+ Vacation Days Per Year.
I can call in sick for like another 40 days splitted up to 12 months or whenever i need but not more than 30 days in a row.

And i only stayed 1 year at my Job KEK.


>> No.16410645


I get three weeks' vacation, seven days sick, five personal, sick and personal are added one day per two months.

You just don't understand that statutory minimum means that employers and employees are given the freedom to offer and choose.

>> No.16410652

ITT europoors think “free” really is free

Protip: look at your taxes and your negative rates faggots and still can’t get shit

>> No.16410657

>wage 50 hours a week with no vacations
>still make shit money
>if i keep at it for a few more years i can move up to 30 dollars an hour
>still wont be able to buy a house
fuck this shit it's impossible to get wealthy from nothing these days, i think im just gonna move into a super dangerous career field and hopefully start taking home six figures and use some business loans and hopefully die during work

>> No.16410658

At 20 business days oer month that's literally 4 months of the year. I refuse to believe that's a thing anywhere

>> No.16410689

Is this what we've came down to

>> No.16410696

America is the shittiest country in the world but I'm sure I'd at least be having better luck if I moved away from a border state. Trades are all Mexicans. Companies get away with shitty practices all the time because it's a "pro-business" culture I.E. let every company lay-off all their employees and hire insular Indian companies to rehire them as permanent temps instead.

>> No.16410706

Oh and I have to take a moment to describe just how awful the culture here is with regards to work. It's not just the bosses but the employees. I'm convinced that if we invented Star Trek replicators we'd STILL be convincing people that they don't deserve to live if they can't sell Big Macs.

>> No.16410726

oil rig?

>> No.16410732

Stop deluding yourself. Public schools feed the propaganda that the usa is the best nation. Heck i used to believe we were the only "free" nation due to how they taught in public schools. Have realized the truth.

>> No.16410740

No only two, you dont count when you sick because you actually need to be sick, its paid but no holiday, you cant just take when you like, need to go to the doctor and so on, its also not really constricted, you can be sick more than 40days, and the 30days at a time is also no direct limit but after that you only get 80% of you pay or something, its then not paid by the employee but your social security

What happens you sick that often an long is another thing

>> No.16410741

>employers and employees are given the freedom to offer and choose
>just walk in, look him in the eye, firm handshake, and demand 30 days of pto

Now thats just nonsense when you know the majority of positions do not offer this.

>> No.16410758

Still would rather move to europe than stay in the usa. Would likely have an easier time finding a decent and higher paying job than here in the usa plus way more time off.

>> No.16410767

Yes, americans put all their energy into the economy and don't get shit back from it.

>> No.16410769

Imagine having a restricted time to be sick, like you cant be sick more than 6 days!
Most retarded thing i ever heard, burgers are truly full blown wagies

What happens when you break your arm or leg? Just have to work even though you cant? Or just dont get paid? Top kek
Here in germany youre just 6 weeks at home, fully paid and then go back to work, and you could break your leg again in same week and be away again

>> No.16410778

How do you get a state job. Have tried almost never got contacted.

>> No.16410783

My friend had his appendix burst or something.
3 weeks in hospital. Lost his job over it.
Not to mention that the government only gives you gibs if you're black, a veteran, or lost a leg.
I hate this fucking country so much. Just be a good goy for 5 years and you'll make so much money! Yeah right. Even if its true it's not exactly dignified.

>> No.16410806

Nigger we have extended medical leave. My state just introduced Family/Medical/Maternity leave

>> No.16410807

Because that's government mandated leave, which doesn't exist in America because it's nanny state horse shit. If you aren't valuable enough as an employee to demand time off then you probably don't deserve it.

I have track-free vacation, meaning I take as much time off and as long as I get my work done and to satisfaction nobody complains. I've taken a little over 5 weeks this year. I took this whole week off in fact. Last year I took off less time cause I wanted a higher utilization bonus. I have that flexibility.

Mandated time off is for slaves.

>> No.16410811

>My state just introduced Family/Medical/Maternity leave
>just introduced
I'm surprised there haven't been more burgers going postal

>> No.16410829

Because it's something companies have already offered... like you were told these problems only affect the unskilled plebs, not people with actual skills and good jobs. Virtually every company in America that pays middle class wages offers extended leave and has done so for decades.

>> No.16410830

We already have a federal medical leave that I believe is unpaid if you take it, but now in NY you still get paychecks while on leave

>> No.16410831

Hahaha what's the point of public holidays nigga. Like just make people work through them. Like just pay them less for the rest of the year if you have to them more on public holidays nigga.

>> No.16410838


>> No.16410839

Sick days are meant for on the fly incidents that weren't planned. If you know you're going to be absent for a while because of an injury or illness you apply for extended medical leave, which is a thing every company does. The leave doesn't guarantee pay (at least not in all cases), but it does guarantee they can't fire you for your absence, it's part of your employment contract that you're guaranteed that leave.

>> No.16410841

If you don't like it get a better job.

>> No.16410849

I already have a job that's closed on those days

>> No.16410851

Then what are you bitching about?

>> No.16410858

Because that faggot is saying employers shouldn't be closed on holidays

>> No.16410863

>these problems only affect the unskilled plebs
Mmm I guess they're maybe more willing to accept bullshit over people who have to think for a living.
Well I'm happy for you.

>> No.16410865

So what, in Europe the company just pays you to exist basically? You get a job then if you can't work they have to pay you regardless? Starting to see why Europe's economy has gone nowhere in the last few decades. I feel bad for anybody trying to run a business. Fucking nightmare when your employees only work 2/3 of the year and collect paychecks in bed because they caught the flu.

>> No.16410869


I used to. I got time and a half and work was easy as shit. And fuck family (unless they’re your children)

>> No.16410874

You fuck your children?

>> No.16410882

This isn't even counting the trillions in unfunded liabilities that the US government owes to Medicare and Social Security. If a democrat gets elected this country is going to go broke.

>> No.16410889

When was the last time a large tech company or amazing new business came out of Europe? Basically only Spotify because all the other companies have been in their current position for decades.

>> No.16410891

We're not going to see any of the money we're putting into those programs are we?

>> No.16410892

>I feel bad for anybody trying to run a business.
You shouldn't. Most European business owners are every bit as lazy as their employees and rely on EU tariffs and market quotas to keep them in business. Who needs to innovate and expand when the EU prevents both foreign and domestic competitors from taking your business? Fuck I wish I had a business in the EU, literally free money.

>> No.16410894

It's about time. If we're gonna all get murdered by cartels I'd rather it happen now instead of having to work 10 years at a job I hate but can't advance due to autism and then get killed.

>> No.16410913

Yeah all the big European companies I know of are last century, in some cases pre-EU. All I hear coming out of the EU anymore is regulations. No new tech, no new ideas. They sit there and complain about how Google and Amazon and Apple are bleeding them dry and nobody can bother to start up a rival company even though at this point I think the EU would throw money at them to do it. I know France for a while was putting a fund together to spur tech innovation, and that appears to have gone nowhere.

>> No.16410922

EU funding is chump change compared to venture capitalist bucks in silicon valley. Anybody with an idea gets the fuck out of Europe and beelines to California. 21st century brain drain.

>> No.16410930

Google and Amazon and Apple get government subsidies.

>> No.16410947

No they don't.

>> No.16410991


actually (at least in Austria) the company stops paying you after like 6 weeks and the mandatory health insurance pays you for the time of recovery.

in extreme cases you can get fired, but you'd probally have to be sick for atleast a year

>> No.16411011

I live in South Korea. What the fuck is a "vacation"?

>> No.16411035

They get tax breaks, which are not subsidies. And those tax breaks are only offered in specific situations where the state stands to gain far more money than they are giving up in the short term. By an order of magnitude.

>> No.16411064

So how many days off do Americans actually get?
Assuming that paid leave is instead foisted onto the employer as their responsibility, ho much do they get?

>> No.16411357

I make $250k/yr with 25 vacation days, unlimited sick days, and I can't remember if I get 10, 11, or 12 holidays.

>> No.16411365

>If I stay at my job for 20 more years
This is how you bait. A well deserved (you)

>> No.16411435
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In Europe as an employee you can do whatever the fuck yiu want because in the first place you don't have to work to survive and second nobody wants to work so if you're good and skilled you're going to have a good time.
The reason why we need nigger and arab slaves to do the customer service jobs. Come and see it yourself lol.

>> No.16411456

No we don't need niggers and arabs that's a falacy and it's easy to check by just seeing how many of them are on welfare, hint its more than 66% all across Europe.

>> No.16411463

Are you impyling there are no big companies in europe because of that? Because there sure are

Not sure what tech companies have to do with sick leave, every company has to follow that, and there are successfull companies with thousands of employees who all get those benefits and none are broke because of that

Burgers are so proud of their tech companies, google has offices in germany too you know, they get those benefits too, just not you burgers

>> No.16411483


>t. Content slaves

I'm not against getting money or being an entrepenuer investing in crypto, I think people who are not trying to beat the system instead of staying content with their 9-5's are comfortable slaves. Some jobs like people who actually provide to the betterment of everyone like construction workers and plumbers deserve respect.

>> No.16411484
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It's quite sad what's happening but i wouldn't call it genocide. Sooner or later all of those half humans are kicked out anyway. Conservatives are taking over in 2020, they are already winning elections in every country. In my country if a nigger doesn't find a job in 3 months, it's sent back to niggerland.

>> No.16411846
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>Sooner or later all of those half humans are kicked out anyway.
Germans and Swedes don't breed anyway lol.
Nobody is kicking shitskins out without crashing the "solidarity" pension systems, which nobody can do without losing the next election.
Face it, Europe is lost.

>> No.16411849

OK communist

>> No.16411971

>Some jobs like people who actually provide to the betterment of everyone like construction workers and plumbers deserve respect.

That's more of a nationalistic thing to say rather than a communist.

>> No.16412303

I've lived and worked in the US, Japan, and South Korea, and I know that Japanese and South Koreans don't actually use any of their vacation days unless they want to be ostracized by everyone else in their company, so vacation days in those two countries are effectively zero.

>> No.16412311

Literal NPC mentality

>> No.16412321

What are Mexican vacations like? A few days break from being shot at by a rival drug paramilitary? Japanese have vacation time? I thought the only way to get out of work in Japan was with a noose.

>> No.16412325
File: 529 KB, 1171x1707, FA6653C5-7C93-4480-88D4-87F0FC4A7D0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> muh blue collar plebes deserve respect
They deserve to be paid and they are

>> No.16412344

Funny, I make 50k and live pretty damn well. The power of flyover country

>> No.16412563

This is as delusional as saying crypto will change everything. Immigration a small piece of bigger puzzle. They bring them here only to kick them out later. Nobody will sacrifice Europe to apes and muslims. There's no civil wars because it's already changing, if it doesn't happen fast there will be civil wars. MSM doesn't show whats happening, most of politicians aren't able to walk on the streets. Jews are fucked and preparing for their genocide and they know it.

>> No.16412568


>> No.16412598

Most people working full time in germany have 30 days vacation though.

>> No.16412718
File: 1.07 MB, 266x268, 1402553716626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16412734

I get six weeks of payed vacation/sick time. Just because its not "statutory minimum" doesnt mean we don't have any

>> No.16413405

the world simply needs more superpowers than just US and China. Otherwise scientific progress is slow.

>> No.16413427
File: 9 KB, 220x220, 1566101869755.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care anymore.

>> No.16413436

Eurocucks need more nukes too. It really is important for more countries to actually have an opinion

>> No.16413450

this. don't know what the fuck this infographic is on about. it's probably whining that McDonalds employees don't have guaranteed days off from the gubbermint, lol

>> No.16413455


>> No.16413755

This is like the epitome of American "fuck you, got mine" mentality. You happen to have nice benefits and free time in your cushy, privileged jobs, therefore everything is great and the system doesn't need to change. Despite that there are in fact people that get NO days off because they the law says that's ok and the employers are exploiting it.

>> No.16413809

I'm all for taxing the billionaires more and getting universal healthcare, but there's no need for the government to mandate days off, sorry

>> No.16413825
File: 257 KB, 1200x798, helvetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 sick days

>> No.16413832 [DELETED] 

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>> No.16413849

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

>> No.16413865

That only accounts for official regulated holidays. Americans get days off and many get twice as much when they negotiate with their employer. Only ones screwed are retards working shit jobs minimum wage and shit. You are ignorant.

>> No.16413878
File: 192 KB, 663x715, B7662912-75D6-411A-AD9C-7567B29C3548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get help anon

>> No.16413897
File: 79 KB, 626x960, IMG_20191129_111344_366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>earn 3 hours of PTO every 2 weeks
>Toilberg is closing the office from Christmas Eve until New Year's
>Only get New Year's Eve and Christmas off
>Rest of the the day's I'm forced to use all my PTO and then some because I've only been working here for a few months
>Going into next year with negative PTO
I hate working so much