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16456365 No.16456365 [Reply] [Original]

>throat getting dry
>energy running low
It's happening bros, I'm coming down with something as of the last 5 hours. How do I ensure maximum wellness while spending the least amount of money? No (((medicine))). Currently sipping some tea with honey. Aside from getting plenty of rest how can I fight this? Can't miss work because I might be getting recruited for a new role plus my current boss is out of commission after literally getting his house burned down. Give me your health tips. Does the onion in a sock meme work?

>> No.16456376

high dose of vitamin c and fast

>> No.16456377

Drink a shit ton of sake and bundle up in 3 big blankets, then go to sleep. You will sweat out all the nasties by morning.

>> No.16456397


>> No.16456844
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seems like a safe route
checked. i-is this real?

>> No.16456884
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give streptococcus salivarius a try if you have a problem with strep throat.

>> No.16456903

Works for me. Stay hydrated though, because alcohol dehydrates you very fast, which can make things worse.
Think of it like flushing out your system. I got it from my dad, who has been doing it since he was a kid, but he used wine instead of sake. I just like sake because it’s strong but goes down easy. You generally want to get very drunk but not to the point of blacking out or puking. Just enough to let you sleep and sweat out all the garbage. Make sure to drink plenty of water too. Also recommend a good dinner to fuel your body as it tries to process all the alcohol.

>> No.16456913

I was feeling ill 2 days ago and went to sleep with a sweater and sweats on and woke up fucking soaked in sweat and now I feel like a million bucks

The human body is a magnificent thing

>> No.16456954

Can confirm anon. Don't need to go overboard on the sake, just a shot or two of warm sake is enough.

>> No.16457034

Drink water, dress in layers and sweat under a couple blankets for as long as you can. Get up, drink more water, peel off layer of sweaty clothes and repeat. It raises your body temp so the virus can’t survive or blossom. The longer you can sweat under those blankets the faster it’ll be over.

>> No.16457061

Oranges, lemons, chicken soup, tea, honey, and a small bottle of rum

>> No.16457244

I do this, haven't needed meds in years

>> No.16457251

Shove a piece of copper up your nose and rub it around

>> No.16457260

jerk off and sleep

>> No.16457262

Yes, the onion trick works. Its the same reason for why you should never leave a half onion in the fridge, because it will attract all the bacteries

>> No.16457279

Take a zinc supplement daily until symptoms stop. You can take the vitamin C as well. I find the zinc really reduces the sore throat symptoms a lot and the runny nose a fair amount.
After the cold stops, eat foods rich in copper for a couple days, as zinc and copper compete with each other for absorption and too much of one can cause deficiency of the other.

>> No.16457427

>I won't take western medication because I deify the jews

>> No.16457482

Fuck u sober fag