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16607567 No.16607567 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16607598

GenX here and I approve this - millennials are as insufferable as boomers and I agree >we should just skip to GenZ

>> No.16607625

>GenX here
You have to announce this because just like the rest of your generation you are: invisible.

>> No.16607631

MSM is hoping this happens because of how redpilled millenia have gotten in the last 5 years but the zoom will become even more jaded than we are when they enter the worforce and meet the )ew irl for the first time.

>> No.16607657

this, just skip millenicucks. Worst generation to waste oxygen on this planet. Zoomers are based consumers, have peak humor and are less whiney and easier to talk to. Their fashion and music taste succs but nobodys perfect.

>> No.16607662

lol at generations. can I be considered z please? I am born only four years away from 1996. can I has house too?

>> No.16607663

Not brainwashed milenials are unironically based, they are destroying every possible boomer ponzi just because they are lazy and poor and some do it on purpose.

>> No.16607674
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It is not fair, zoomers have all that youtube and fortnite money and we just got meme'd into debt.

>> No.16607712

>economists believe...
stopped reading there

>> No.16607786

Where are they getting the capital from? They're still getting memed into college debt and competing with everyone else in this awful job market. Dont forget the property are overpriced and rising

>> No.16607873

It's not too late to start your TikTok career anon

>> No.16607897

>millenials aren't buying our bags at ATH
>tell them zoomers will buy it to make them FOMO before the banking system collapses we don't have much time left

>> No.16608026

the only reason why boomers like zoomers is because zoomers are their grandkids. people always like their grandchildren more than their children. i also hope that zoomers don't get screwed like us millenials did, but they obviously haven't learned not to go to college and there's an imminent financial collapse

>> No.16608029

Topkek they have no bitcoin

>> No.16608036


they are being GASP skilled blue collar workers. Seriously wish Id been an electrician, fuck a wage slave desk job.

>> No.16608043

wasn't this generation just eating tide pods in January?

>> No.16608077
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Millennials, being the children of boomers, were raised terribly through television/video games and heavy drug/sex use. Gen Z is being raised by the successful members of Gen X who made it by being not degenerate. This doesn't surprise me at all, boomers were awful people and awful parents.

>> No.16608088
File: 16 KB, 676x411, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read the comment kek. they know about u neets

>> No.16608113

boomers were awful people and awful parents.

>> No.16608152

>reading ranjeet articles by jacob pussy
never gonna become a homeowner OP

>> No.16609081

Then who the fuck are the parents of gen x?

>> No.16609159

To this day nobody knows, everyone has kept Silent on it

>> No.16609226


>> No.16609241

Ok Boomer. kek

>> No.16609282 [DELETED] 

Kek millenials are just as fucked, if not more fucked, than millenials. This is just boomer damage control.

>> No.16609296

Kek zoomers are just as fucked, if not more fucked, than millenials. This is just boomer damage control.

>> No.16609309

they were a child birth from the mating ritual of Lilith and some angel dude.

>> No.16609315

Based. I am trying to do everything to empower GenZ. Fuck Boomers, Fuck Millenials. Fuck Jannies.

t. Millenial

>> No.16609317

According to the standard definition of Millennials, people who are 38 years old are the same generation as a 4chan-browsing permaincel playing video games 16 hours a day at age 23 right now, which is absolute bullshit because these two are completely culturally distinct. Even if you take the socially-normal of the people born in the 90s and compare them to those born in the 80s, it's still two completely different generations split apart by the fact that one grew up with PCs and the internet, while the other did not.

It's better to group the people born in the 80s with those born in the 70s while grouping those in the 90s with the current zoomers up to 2008. The former group consumes culture only from within itself and has idols their age, while the latter group, namely the eceleb-watching group, has it's idols in the 18-30 years of age, i.e born between early 90s to early 00s. It's retarded to take the people born in early 90s and arbitrarily put them in the same group as people who have never touched a video game

>> No.16609370

This. Imagine falling for any of this bullshit.

>> No.16609395
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>> No.16609414 [DELETED] 
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>boomie kike bagholder wishfull thinking backed by nothing : the article

>> No.16609439

well...they are getting red pilled at an earlier age than millenials are

>> No.16609444
File: 53 KB, 405x348, thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am happy to sell my houses to you.
I am happy to sell you pills.
Eat those pills, kid, eat em!

>> No.16609454

zoomers are going to buy the absolute peak and get left with the bigbag
i'm a millennial and realized it's all futile, not buying anyone bags

>> No.16609770

ok im 22 wheres my house

>> No.16610561
File: 105 KB, 300x286, pUBP43C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck can they do no-effort shit like this and get hundreds of thousands of views. I almost wish I had a low enough sense of integrity and pride to do this

>> No.16610881

Fuck Millenials.
Zoomers aren't a lost cause yet.
t. millenial

>> No.16610893

Anyone else get the vibe these articles are attempting to push younger generations to buy houses (from boomers at high costs right now when homeowners are having difficulty sellinhg) rather than younger generations actually "poised to buy houses"?

>> No.16610905

zoomers are a whole league of poor worse than millenials. they're not buying fucking houses.

>> No.16610919

yuh think? Look at the dude writing it. Looks like a real estate agent.

>> No.16610959


>> No.16610966

Yeah, I don't know any zoomers that are working high enough income jobs to afford a mortgage. Mommy and daddy can't help with the down payment, and most don't want to be strapped into a location yet anyway.

>Be a boomer
>Buy a 5bd/3.5bth mcmanision in the suburbs
>"I want at LEAST $425k!!!"

>> No.16610979

the oldest zoomers just graduated college. The average zoomer is in high school flipping burgers.
There is absolutely no data to base this headline off of.

>> No.16610987

>pls buy my bags: the article
the ponzi is collapsing and as a millenial i will happily blackpill any zoomer that listens

watch what happens when the boomers finally die out and all their riches get inherited by their retarded millenial offsprings

>> No.16610988


>> No.16611016
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astronomically based

>> No.16611189

This. Gen X are literal who's and Gen Z will be the same. You're not even notable enough to have a unique name besides your generational letter of the alphabet.

>> No.16611281
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Gen Z will be able to afford $10 million dollar starter homes.
My sides

>> No.16611844

>this, just skip millenicucks. Worst generation to waste oxygen on this planet.
Whatcha doin (((Boomer)))?

>> No.16611852


>many economists believe

GenZ confirmed poorest generation yet

>> No.16611871

Zoomers have no aptitude for creativity and ingenuity as they're all literally glued to their phones 24/7 like some turbo consumer. The algos are way too powerful, Gen Z will be the most easily manipulated and broke generation ever seen in the West.

>> No.16611893

millenial here, weed smoker video palying game playing unemployed guy here

my little brothers dont smoke weed and are in university.

they probably look at me as such a failure and they dont wanna be me,

they dont even smoke weed with me.

>> No.16611900

im 30

they are 18, 20 and 24

we have same parents they are different generation.

>> No.16611952

weed isn't popular with zoomers?
im in my 30s and idk anyone that doesnt smoke tree

>> No.16611984
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>Timing is another factor: The oldest subset of millennials graduated from college right as the economy went into a recession, which has presented career- and income-related hurdles that have delayed other life milestones. Gen Z, on the other hand, is coming of age during an upswing in the economic cycle and benefitting from that.
>zoomers are coming of age during an upswing in the economic cycle
thanks OP, needed a good laugh

>> No.16612003

Right up your ass faggot!!

>> No.16612015

if you were born in 85 into a tech family in the bay area there's a good chance the way you grew up has more in common with people born in 2000 than someone born into an amish community in 95 and only getting out to the world at 15.

grouping people based on birth date worked very well for the post WW2 generation, but since then it's been only getting, and will continue to be getting less and less accurate, as this single attribute makes people have less and less in common with each other.

>> No.16612019
File: 59 KB, 215x107, brave_2019-12-19_22-20-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there goes the neighborhood

>> No.16612044

>zoomers are coming of age during an upswing in the dead cat bounce

>> No.16612065


>> No.16612181

Because millennials are fucking retards who move out of their parents' house ASAP. They pay sky-high rent and have nothing saved. I'm the only person at my office (everyone is in their 20s) who still lives with their parents.

>> No.16612222

so they expect housing to crash again, basically. ready to bite the curb again fellow millenials?

Is it 2 recessions or a recession and a depression in our lifetimes?

>> No.16612232

'86 and everyone I know grew up with the internet and PCs from like the mid/late 90s forward. Grew up in SoCal but I don't think I've ever met anyone the same age as me who hasn't had internet since childhood at some point.

>> No.16612266

Your rich

>> No.16612270

I grew up in a lower/middle class area my dude.

>> No.16612276

this. hilarious cope in this article. should be titled:


>> No.16612285
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>> No.16612311

87 and socal as well, I didn't have internet till highschool and plenty of people I knew didn't have it till at least middle school/highschool.

>> No.16612319

88 here. my ma was a techie so we had interwebs in my early 10s

>> No.16612382

Yeah this.

And yeah. Zoomers will become more jaded. When you are young, your mind works better, you pick up on things quicker. Zoomers will be able to sense something is incredibly wrong in their early 20s and they will start acting on it. We can already see it beginning. I think the most cucked people are older Millenials. Those who were 30 yo boomers when Trump got elected have no idea what the fuck is happening in the world.

I sense a big shift in my friends from highschool, some people just can't keep up with trends. They are somewhat socially retarded or disengaged.

>> No.16612444

can confirm, millenial ex pot big smokie reporting in, my 3 youngers gen Z brothers don't smoke, even tho i always proposed them to smoke for free whatever they wanted, and they knew i was a weed dealer who could provide for them free of charge.

>> No.16612502

interesting how earlier access to the internet made them more responsible.

>> No.16612558

Theres more job openings now than when millenials entered the workforce but its all shit low wage service jobs

>> No.16612565

based zoomers.

>> No.16612855

>Furthermore, home price appreciation could continue to outpace wage growth
jesus fucking christ this chode. god I want to punch his obese fucking face

>> No.16612884

Marge and Homer Simpson

>> No.16612915

This isn't a fucking shitcoin blog. How are thay going to buy 1million cickshed in the shitting street ghetto in SF. Huge college debt. Low salaries. Astronomical RE prices. Boomers are fucked and the day of pillow is on the way.

>> No.16612935

>Millennials, being the children of boomers,

>> No.16612939

are you retarded?
Gen Xers are a degenerate people, they are overdosing on drugs right now in mass

fucking nitwit

Millies on the other hand got screwed by the debt college meme, but... they are angry now and want serious change in society. They are the future of politics.

>> No.16612950

not to put you down but smoking it is stupid (are you a nigger?) it's a medicine and you're only helping big farma keep it away

>> No.16612952


Generations in general don't make sense because everyone has their own definition

some millies have boomer parents, some don't, most gen xers have boomers parents tho..

Boomers in America were born during the 1940s

>> No.16612954

Kek he refutes the main shill point of his own article. That'll be many rupees deducted.

>> No.16612963

What the fuck are those economists smoking lmao. They think that just by """predicting""" that zoomers will buy more houses they will magically become rich and able to afford mortgages. Not how it works.

>> No.16612971

implying there will be any fucking jobs by the time zoomies get out of college, top kek

Maybe the top few percentile of IQ will make it as ai programmers but the rest are completely fucked.

>> No.16612972

they are just hoping zoomers are dumb enough to get into mortgage debt right after they turn 20, to gain the next generation of debt slaves

>> No.16612981

with boomers the cutoff point is very clear, those who were born after the end of WW2.
and 3 US presidents were born right the cutoff point (46). turns out even when you're an infant (likely even when you're still in your mom's womb with a sufficiently developed central nervous system) your parent's stress will have an effect on the kind of person you're going to become.

>> No.16613010

thats the problem with the Z'ers

they are addicted to cellphones as much or worse than Millenials are. they are deforming themselves physically as well

>> No.16613026
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1995 here am i a zoomer or millennial

>> No.16613035

do you own a $10m house? if yes you're a zoomer. if not, you're a millenicuck

>> No.16613039


>> No.16613074


>> No.16613081

Yeah yeah we already know we've been fucked over in every way possible and suck.

Now brown zoomers will be more successful than us too.

Why don't we just roll over and die huh? You should see the look of contempt I get from brown doctors for taking their time, while they warmly greet other brown invaders.

This shit is fucked up.

>> No.16613089


>born too late to get rich just by shaking hands into a cushy job
>born too early to get rich by being an idiot on instagram and tiktok

>> No.16613241




>> No.16613245

not true at all, just like in all generations a group of people succeed while the rest sit and on their ass and procrastinate their life only to regret and rant on an anime image board

>> No.16613271

>zoomers growing up with the newer propaganda
>so smart so knowledgeable
>gen tiktok
gen z will save us

>> No.16613283

Holyfuck, based and redpilled

>> No.16613303

>yes goy buying 800099 million dollar house is very red pilled
Kill yourself.

>> No.16613429
File: 9 KB, 401x367, 1576682455353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 27 and have a 14 year old cousin that I treat as the little brother I never had. He is so full of enthusiasm and naivete. He knows he's gonna make it (and I have no doubt about it because he's got a good head on his shoulders and I guide him with the business lessons I have learned over the years).

It pains me, however, to know that he thinks life will always be a breeze like it is for him now. I try to stay positive and not curb his optimism all the much. I force him to be a hyper realist instead. It doesn't help that his mom and dad are intelligentsia academic artistic Gen-X product of the 80's types.

I began redpilling him when he was 12. I have high hopes for the kid as a result

>> No.16613586

1995 is final millenial cut off date
after 1995 is zoomer

>> No.16614026


>> No.16614958

What TV show did you grow up watching

>> No.16614983

I had a similar cousin situation. The fucker thinks he shits gold. Also, your cousin is a lost cause. You can't teach someone with a silver spoon in their mouth the feeling of hardship, to them its just an intellectual concept that they will use for their own social ends.

>> No.16614990

This retard is playing right into the control scheme that is the whole "Boomer,Millenial,Zoomer labelling (or dividing?) game" PsyOp.

>> No.16615091


Stop smoking for a bit so you can get a decent job. I smoke a lot and have to stop when I know I need to for a piss test or when getting another job.

I know the trades are memed hard but they are in demand.

>> No.16615301

I'm a zoomer and I'm saving money to get into real estate after I finish college and start working. Very good degree I'm getting, and it's paid for through scholarships. I'll probably graduate soon after the recession too, so all my investments will make massive gains.

You millenials better not fuck this up by electing a socialist though. I have no qualm genociding you if you stand in our way.

>> No.16615878

Ask me how I know you’re Canadian

>> No.16616074

up yoir ass plato!!!!!

>> No.16616120

>hurr kikes are not really in every middleman company fucking everything up durrr

>> No.16616887


bro if we have another recession we're all going to war, don't kid yourself

>> No.16616908

It’s definitely Jewish proganda with a sinister motive that’s for sure. Just look at the author’s face in Op’s pic.

>> No.16616950

>doing fornite dances

>> No.16617013

>millenials better not fuck this up by electing a socialist though

boomers fucked it up already and they are going to leave millennials holding the bags.