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File: 90 KB, 1078x716, 4184810e50684c06815c662e754f0aca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16638847 No.16638847 [Reply] [Original]

This car is 200k used
Would it make sense to purchase this if I made 1.5 million from chainlink

>> No.16638855


>> No.16638908

only buy if you can afford to buy 10

>> No.16638914

Ask me how i know you're black.

>> No.16638929

make that number 15 million and you can afford to drive that car otherwise you are a nigger tier consumer.

>> No.16638930

Not at all. Just get a used 997 for like 30k

>> No.16638936

5-10% networth, retard.

>> No.16638957


OP, also remember that sport cars are terrible depreciating assets (just in case buy a second hand car) and they cost a fortune in maintenance, gas, insurance & shits.

You'll never make $1.5 MM out of LINK so there's no problem in the first place.

>> No.16638994

what about a 991 for ~55k 2013/2014
I have 3 bitcoin I bought last december that are under the long term capital gains now
kind of want to just use those to make the down payment insurance and other stuff until link moons in 6 months

>> No.16639028

Eventually just buy a 718.
Average normies and thots can't distinguish a $300k cars from a $30k.

>> No.16639036
File: 106 KB, 1200x628, 2019-porsche-boxster-t-and-cayman-t-promo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic

>> No.16639071

Better yet, get a 981. Better sounding, looks just as good, cheaper.

>> No.16639082

If you think buying an expensive car is ever a good idea you deserve to be poor your whole life.

>> No.16639099

Cars should never exceed 20% of your net worth, unless it's a business expense and consequently would return you money. I made a similar mistake and in the process of selling the car since I have no use for it and ~$10k-$20k will be going down the drain.

>> No.16639103

what type of car

>> No.16639127

I wouldn't be able to, the value of money is too high for me. There are a number of things that have precedent over a shiny car, I'd go so far to consider such a purchase morally reprehensible of at least inconsiderate to my family.

>> No.16639137

Not something I'd like to disclose although the was in the 6 figures range. Trust me, it gets boring after a while. The experience is what you are seeking, experiences like this one can be rented out for a x period of time while avoiding all the liabilities and losses.

>> No.16639169
File: 111 KB, 1200x997, 1537059282872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn own a 918 after moon and have to settle for a shitty 911
Why even live

>> No.16639171

I've rented a gt3 twice at the porsche experience center in atlanta and it's kind of sweet
it's not worth the money but being bored it might be worth the 10k depreciation to zip around country roads for a summer or two

>> No.16639208
File: 84 KB, 995x876, DOOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That car looks really happy.

>> No.16639369

Just get a regular gt3 instead of the rs. I wouldn't drop $200k on a car unless I owned my home outright and was worth $4-5 million

Even then I probably wouldn't buy one unless I took up driving at the track as a hobby.

>> No.16639414

I wouldn't buy a car like that regardless of how much money I make. In fact I have no car, even though I could easily afford one. I don't need one and their ecologic footprint is enormous.

>> No.16639577

I was actually wondering, if I drove an expensive car, would it help do more business with rich people? As opposed to a well kept average price car.

>> No.16639587

why, when you can get the new Tesla roadster for that little money, it's faster and sexier

>> No.16639839

expensive clothes make people appear more competent, i don't see why it would be any different with cars.

>> No.16639852

Should only be purchased with money earned in interest passively and only if the money is something you wouldn't miss. I regret many purchases because the money could have gone into an investment that would generate money instead of cost money.

>> No.16640681

Don't be a little bitch. We are all anonymous

>> No.16641078

You dont need such an expensive car. Anything above 300 HP is just overkill

>> No.16641094

>if I made 1.5 million from chainlink
Do you sit in your room punching numbers into a calculator all day? Only devs make millions from ERC tokens. How new to crypto are you?

>> No.16641104

>I was actually wondering, if I drove an expensive car, would it help do more business with rich people?
Your reputation and knowledge helps you do business with rich people. What's the point in being some fucking retard driving a 250k car that he doesn't own.

>> No.16641134
File: 96 KB, 384x384, 1575191698357_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it make sense to buy a USED car for 200k. Short answer, no not really and not if you have 1.5 Mill.

Long answer: If you're young, then yh sure have fun, still better to invest the 200k you would spend on the car and put into real estate or buy shares of various different companies.

Personally I think you'd spend 200k, get bored quite quickly, sell it for a loss and still be a millionaire but a millionaire that's learned an expensive lesson.

Invest the 200k and once you have multiple sources of passive income and once that 200k can be earned within under a year from 1/2/3 incomes then buy it.

>> No.16641138

200k, plus insurance, plus parts and labor for maintenance

>> No.16641495

dont buy a 200k car anon, wtf is wrong with you? and this is coming from a car guy.
you would be better off just buying a used 981 cayman 3.4l.
its definitely a lot more fun to drive a slow car fast, than to drive a fast car slow

stop feeding the system that is designed to make you go broke

>> No.16642167

the car in the background is better

>> No.16642222
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1200, lexus_lfa-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting this overpriced pos in stead of a lexus lfa.

>> No.16642938

What a terrible waste of money, really

>> No.16643197

The amount of money you have has no effect on what you should buy. Your CASH FLOW does. I would buy that car easily if I was making at least $200k/year net. Finance the entire purchase or just lease it. No cash.

>> No.16643227
File: 113 KB, 600x709, 1533287283817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending more then 5% of your wealth on a car thats not an classic car

>> No.16643253

>spending 15% of your net worth on a car
no, you might want to begin at the basics. maybe learn basic math first.

>> No.16643502

Porsche is a Vollwagen with leather seats. Always sits at dealer does very little for mother earth

>> No.16643550

if you invested 1,5m just into A-AAA bonds (~2%), you'd be making 30k a year from nothing, but keeping invested, so no it doesn't make sense, exept you wanna make a business out of it that pays you more than that(including maintenance and tax)