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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16649754 No.16649754 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best non-STEM university degrees?

>> No.16649773
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fuck niggers

>> No.16649785
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>> No.16649801

Istg I'm white, just that my dad is a deadbeat and my mom is schizo so I get free uni.

>> No.16649813

>can't into STEM
you're a nigger no matter how you slice it OP

>> No.16649829

east asian languages, though you are probably too much of a brainlet so you will pick something like accounting or psychology.

>> No.16649871

Only non-STEEM careers that matter are business, law and medicine. Everything else is bollocks.

>> No.16649996

I'm in accounting. It's the quintessential midwit degree. We have great job security. We have plenty of exit opportunities. If you plan to stay in business then the skills you learn will always be there for you to use. The coursework varies though. Sometimes it's so easy that you don't even have to try and you get an A. Other times no matter how much you try you get a B. Sometimes it switches within the same class.

>> No.16650013

>94% likelihood of computerization
>accountants: this is bullish!

>> No.16650120

i did that and I'm not sure, if I shot myself in the foot or if that opened opportunities for non classical career path? I'm not sure wheter to get another degree, but from a free european university in a different subject

>> No.16650134

>east asian languages

>> No.16650503
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Who is she?

>> No.16650553


>> No.16651259
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he thinks this tranny is a girl

>> No.16651308
File: 6 KB, 633x332, feel_guy_smiling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if a tiny dollop of brown goodness peeked out from the center of her ample bossom...
Is what I would say if I had a scat fetish
But I don't you guys, I'm just joking haha

>> No.16651625

based and hahapilled

>> No.16651679


>> No.16651689

kikes aren't white

>> No.16651715

Business isn't that bad, just don't overpay for it. Economics is ok as well. The problem is that these majors are flooded with brainlets and NPCs who aren't going to know how to leverage this information to their benefit, they're just looking for a McDegree to get before someone offers them an easy job.

Most people shouldn't even be going to college.

>> No.16651753

Low T whiteboi

>> No.16651772

>asks business/finance what the best non-stem degrees are

>> No.16651800


Although theirs an overproduction of lawyers, boomers and normgroids see a law degree and think their in thee room with Stephen hawking. It's widely applicable as well, like a business degree.

>> No.16651847

Most of the accounting jobs that can be automated already have been. If you're an actual CPA then you're more of a manager over an accounting process than some pleb book keeper who didn't even go to college. Automation means less dumbass employees for you to manage, not that you yourself will be replaced. Auditing in particular is very safe from automation. Furthermore, you can hedge against automation by minoring in something computer related and using your specialized knowledge to automate accounting processes.

>> No.16651864


>> No.16652229

When the west finally collapses, where do you think all the wealth will transfer to? It's gonna go to the places with actual production and savings.

>> No.16652237

Skip law, it's a dead field unless you're one of the top 2% of graduates. Outside of biglaw, where you'll be worked 100 hours per week to get your $160K starting salary, the average new lawyer either doesn't get a job at all or makes about $50K/year. That's after taking on an average of about $150K in debt to get the degree.

One of my classmates had $300K in student loans. She got one of those $50K jobs. I don't know how she'll ever pay those loans off.

>> No.16652269

Just whore yourself out. The most profitable career path. You would not believe how much I've spent on some girls. Thinking of becoming a gigolo myself.

>> No.16652513

Where you go is more important than what you study, in the USA at least. Apply to as many top schools as you can then look at what they're top curriculums are. Harvard is known for law while Penn is known for real estate so you would study those respectively. Follow opportunity not your passion.

>> No.16653478

That's only true for Ivy League level schools. Unless OP is a nigger with a 6.9978 GPA who serves vegan meals to homeless people (or a celebrity's daughter), he's not going to Harvard.

Also, law is a graduate degree in the U.S. An undergrad "prelaw" major is the most worthless degree imaginable, done only by complete retards who have no chance of doing well in law anyway.

>> No.16653513

glad we all can agree that a non-STEM degree is fucking worthless. i'd do business if i absolutely had to choose. why the fuck don't you just do STEM? jesus.

>> No.16653516

I’m white but not smart enough for STEM. Should I do marketing?

>> No.16653580

There's a lot of money in marketing and sales but you have to be born for it.

>> No.16653591

I am a huge introvert. I want to do digital marketing like Facebook and instagram marketing like Tai Lopez and Gary Vee

>> No.16653616
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Just study whatever you want while networking your ass off through your 20s

>> No.16653621

if you're not going to do STEM you fucking HAVE to make friends anon.

>> No.16653631

Life is about who you know and how hard you work, so many STEMfags shoot themselves in the foot by being ridiculously smart/qualified but being completely socially inept