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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16858827 No.16858827 [Reply] [Original]

We're all going to make it edition

Post about your goals and dreams

>> No.16858876
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Bumping because people need some hope and positivity in their lives. I believe in you anon.

>> No.16858895

Thanks man

>> No.16858918
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I wholeheartedly believe that you possess the ability to achieve whatever ultimate life goal that you want.

>> No.16859219
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I'm 50k away from leaving the rat race. I've set up real estate, with rentals covering mortgages for 2 apprtments. 50k will get me a little house a few hours from the city, and the appartment I'll free up will genrate 600 per month passive income.
I'll have chickens, a greenhouse and a veggie garden.

>mfw when I'm 3 years away from a simple frugal life, free from corporate retardness, alternating between long /out/ treks and working on my house and garden, with more disposable income after lodging expenses (mine being zero) than 70% of gen pop slaving away for Starbucks and shiny toys

>> No.16859249

My only hope is Chainlink or suicide.

>> No.16859285

Ok fags I took the black pill and looked into Ferrum. Their team is top tier look at this.
Financial Strategist is from Blackstone. AUM: US$472 billion and former Raytheon and State Street. You know how fucking huge this is? This is literally more money than all the African central banks combined. CEO was a software engineer at Bloomberg, Amazon, and Microsoft before starting Ferrum. Others on the team are from Amazon, Capital One, Paypal. All the heavy hitters. How the fuck is this still valued so low. Does anyone really believe this is going to stay at a 1.5mil market cap when its literally a dag built around defi?
Thank god i sold my fanties right before that dip to ATL. It actually does look like a scam lmfao how did I really fall for this shit.

>> No.16859296
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I want to raise a happy child with a happy childhood. I don't want it to live through the shit I had to go through.

>> No.16859297

Where do I find a pajeet to make a website for me

>> No.16859305

Sounds comfy. You'll make it man

>> No.16859385

>Post about your goals and dreams
I want to leave the place where I'm in currently (university) and live a comfy calm life in Eastern Europe somewhere.
Don't really mind where. Living costs should be low.
Eventually have a family, or a gf. But that would just be a bonus.
However, I gave up on it. I will propaply end up working a dead end job here and will kill myself in a few years.
The problem is, that I am too dumb for Computer Science and keep on failing all my classes after the first three semesters went well.
And I'm not made for this job neither.
I'm only good with people and that is what I enjoy.
Basically I have no more goals anymore. I am already 26. I guess I will just enjoy the few years I have left and then finish myself. Maybe do a trip to Asia or so before.

>> No.16859393

Unironically made 2k in the BSV ramp. It's life-changing money for me at this point. I don't even know what to say. Thank you, principal bundle fibers underlying all known reality.

>> No.16859407

Yeah 26 is the age. You know it's coming. But you don't know what.

Let me help you out. All those things you think you want? Cozy? Comfy? Decent job? Those are the dreams of 20 year old.

By the time you acquire them, your biology and immediate circle will demand far more of you. If I had a dime for every 28 year old I've heard in ths last year say, "All I wanted was a ____ to play video games and drink/get high/fuck, but now that I'm here... everyone is on some new shit," I'd be rich.

By the time you acquire your perfect little neetcave, life will demand more for you. Aim at a family and some time-consuming assets to appreciate. Your 30 year old self will thank you. Life gets weird from 25 on out. Take care.

>> No.16859408

I am on the path to feeding Americas hungry poor with bugs and veggies grown in a geothermal system.
Link gains will only help to increase the speed at which this plan unfolds

>> No.16859439

> Within 2 years get promoted
> Within 3 have a BA
> Within 5 get promoted to senior management or leave company for senior management role
> Get MBA
> Within 10 years get board level position

>> No.16859469

>feeding americans
>bugs and veggies
you are so lost, you actually believe this.
just in what is, i'm sure, a futile attempt to save you: bro, turn back. you have swallowed too many of whatever pill you're taking. you're on some "holy shit is that a guy shitting in the street" stuff right here. literally never, ever. civil war before your reality.

>> No.16859480

Doesn't help that I'm a retard though who is only cut out for dead end jobs.
I won't do shit, and start a family just for the sake of it, because someone demands something from me. Wtf. And let alone finding a gf.
Laughable all together.
You are brainwashed.

>> No.16859494
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Finishing taking notes over this book on MySQL then JavaScript so I can start on this video course for Golang and build full stack web applications (yes I'm using Golang because it's what Hyperledger and Chainlink use). I want to build something that makes tons of money so I can pay off my family's debt while playing retro JRPGs and reading/working out all day. I also want to travel while banging Asian women and doing drugs but the first things I mentioned are more important.

>> No.16859517

Sorry to crush your dreams, but chances are low that this all works out

>> No.16859556

all at the ripe old age of 27

>> No.16859557

I'm aware. If it doesn't work out, at least I have a nice GitHub portfolio to add to my resume. I'm going the extra mile though. I'm already good with databases and frontend development. I'm a prolific note taker so I can instantly remember countless programming concepts just going through what I wrote on them. Additionally, I understand the networking, security, and system administration required for building a scalable infrastructure. My goal is to already have the entire thing built by hand like Terry A. Davis programming Temple OS before going to investors. I've also got a good sense of UX design and am pretty sure I'm literally autistic enough to pull it off.

>> No.16859561


>> No.16859572

>gets to 30
>brain starts dying
>"i finally have money and games"
>settles into routine
>40 rolls around
>"i never went to japan"
>fomos in and has a miserable time fucking with unsocializable japanese milf career women
>"g-guess that was good"

another expat fucking a 30 year age gap into thailand

>> No.16859586

yea this is about all of /biz/ in a post, faults and all

>> No.16859598
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DESU I'd rather be that and free then still stuck in the rat race and not being able to buy a good life for my siblings and parents. So get fucked defeatist.

>> No.16859605

your uh... siblings... and uh... parents? they'd eat you for a shot at their dream... yeah, you're... you're a... uh, um, well... a cuck.

>> No.16859611

This already Sounds way better anon.
I thought you would be a clueless idiot who recently started reading books and now thinks this will make him a worldclass coder.
I give you a good chance to succeed by what you wrote there.
But still: Consider getting help with the project or get investors or whatever.
Sure it is nice to do all this alone.
But there is the possibility that you end up with something that doesn't make you rich and you realize you invested the last 5 years into this.
Sure you learned a lot, no matter what.
But this anon has valid points, with which I aggree: >>16859572

>> No.16859634

Ah I see, you're just a bitter miserable faggot looking to shit on anyone with ambition because you're probably a bitter miserable NEET. Opinion discarded, faggot.
Nah I've been taking and indexing multiple books front to back and I'm immediately more competent than most people afterwards.

>> No.16859647

I need 400k. Ill buy a nice 200k plot of land, build a house for 70k. The rest of the money will be put into a savings account and used while i go to college to learn some interesting skills. I enjoy working so ill work part time at walmart or mc donalds so I can bang young hopeless roasties

>> No.16859655

No.. see... me? I'm just ahead of the curve.

>> No.16859673

I hate every job. I hate every fucking job. The only reason I'm working is to pay rent while I wait for Chainlink to moon. I fucking hate working.

>> No.16859674

My dick is ahead of the curve into your mom's cervix. Do the world a favor and retroactively abort yourself with a 12 gauge.

>> No.16859684

Why do you write like a pajeet/boomer?

>> No.16859694

He's LARPing as Heath Ledger's joker on anime image board because he's an edgy underage.

>> No.16859753

holy shit you niggers are underage as fuck
cap this cringe

>> No.16859791
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>Hah gottem! I was just pretending to be retarded.