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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17383279 No.17383279 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a serious discussion on Kleros?

First of all I would like you to see this video:

Now I would like you to see this announcement:

Lastly, I would like you to see this interview:

For me, probably my favorite thing about Kleros is the sheer amount of possibilities for stakers curating items such as the TCR2 token registry on Uniswap Ninja:

The possibilities are endless. I have to say I havent been this excited about a crypto project since the beginning of Ethereum or Chainlink.

I think in terms of upside price potential its in diapers yet, 13m market cap is super low still.
Let's discuss this great project politely and hopefully get other anons interested, as well as discussing weak points and improvements. Thank you.

>> No.17383288

> exit scamming as we talk

>> No.17383414 [DELETED] 

How are actual lawyers and professionals going to get PNK tokens to use in court if a bunch of NEETs are hodling and hoping for the price to moon? In my mind if the price skyrockets this will inhibit mainsteam adoption.

>> No.17383420

>sirs buy more india buy more sirs

>> No.17383446

Bruh, you're describing a problem that literally every cryptocurrency has, because crypto is still unknown for plebs. It's not unique to Kleros.

>> No.17383452

its not meant to replace lawyers though

>> No.17383455

Anon, I got the same vibes... It will be a wild ride, it's like living the link Epoch once again. If you dyor you are comfy

>> No.17383479 [DELETED] 
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Seems to be very prohibitive for them to get in at the current price. Right now it costs $426 to stake on the non-technical court. Unless the minimum stake will be reduced over time alongside the price, people planning on using Kleros as a main source of income are going to be priced out.

>> No.17383502

Cheapest court currently (general court) is only 1k PNK though, so around 30$. Seems reasonable to me. The numbers in the blog post are for the earliest courts that required high stakes as to not fuck up the system from the getgo lol

>> No.17383507

Well it won't be a copy of the existing legal system, look for game theory, focal/Schelling Points or read a bit the kleros blog. The cost of the courts will adjust with the price. I got a good feeling about the project, the product and the team

>> No.17383513
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Biz has had over a month to get this. It hit ath yesterday and is up 3x from when it was shilled here. Pajeets will scream pnd but if you did any research you’d realize
>shilled by vit
>rising volume
>tyler technologies
>working product generating $500k for staking jurors
>link whales in deep (check etherscan)
>doesn’t need crypto to be successful
>can be plugged into any dapp

If you don’t hold atleast a suicide stack of this then you’re ngmi. Pic related.

>> No.17383528

You guys implying 0.0000001 can’t hold info or be used as a vote. Also, with further development they can, now brace for this one, build a platform like a dot gov site to easily facilitate this. Think court plus Skype plus blockchain. Shit tier FUDs tldr leredditers
Give me a minute to eat and I’ll give my thoughts.

>> No.17383552

Why haven’t you considered the retail side of things? You really think this is best served by being used in an actual judicial system? This is how I know you’re not as smart as you think you are.

Take a look into how much amazon eBay PayPal etc pay random pajeets to follow a guidebook to make decisions in online disputes. Do you know how big this industry is?

Assuming eth and crypto get mainstream adoption, kleros can literally be integrated into anybody’s/company’s project/dapp. This saves so much time and money for companies not having to deal with disputes, not having to pay millions to actual pajeets to do a task so simple.

>> No.17383559

what's a suicide stack of pnk?

>> No.17383569
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I'm still doing the reasearch beacause it's so complicated, watching the video you linkes as we speak,reading the book...yeah, if you did your research you are comfy. Anons need to relax and let the project flower imo

>> No.17383588

Check out their Thomson Reuters presentation. It is not only Kleros related but more a general crypto outlook. Federico starts talking at 14 minutes.

>> No.17383592


>> No.17383594

On the contrary, if you think about it for like 15 seconds, you'll see how fucking stupid the entire idea is

>> No.17383595

I think a governance voting could lower them eventually

>> No.17383605

I’d say 100k. I was shilled this during the token sale and ended up being one the best decisions to go in. The team is capable, they even wrote a 300 page book about what they’re doing. Not to mention it’s not just disputes/courts, they have their own oracle, escrow, token curation, etc. 12mm cap is laughable when you start comparing.

>> No.17383613

Ngmi, do some more research so you don't necc later on

>> No.17383615

it was 100k but half of biz got price out lmao

>> No.17383621
File: 77 KB, 657x684, 0339E1D0-D462-4CE1-A2E0-B5F8BA512B8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is great fud I am going to sell. Pic related is you. Unironically find better fud and have sex

>> No.17383708

thx for the pepe anon, yeah I'm not selling, it's that simple

>> No.17383709
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>no substance because he can't compose his little baby thoughts
Lmao ok, we've all been there I guess.

>> No.17383733

if you could share your arguments it would be a nice addition to the thread anon

>> No.17383770

>One Indian reviewing dispute case evidence will be cheaper than a bunch of whiny white neets who want to be rich reviewing dispute case evidence

You realize this is not a realistic use case, right? Are you going to spend 30 minutes to an hour of your life resolving a dispute so that you can get paid a fraction of a penny? An Indian will cost on average maybe $1 to resolve a single dispute. If you want a decentralized dispute resolution you need multiple parties agreeing, so let’s say the minimum is 5. Now 5 people get to split that $1, so 20 cents each. Want a TRULY decentralized system with hundreds of parties splitting the fees? You get the point.

Name a single dispute that actually makes business sense to be resolved this way. Pro tip: you can’t.

>> No.17383784

Lmao ok
People are already doing it right now so...
This isn't some theoretical product, they have it working right this instant retard.

>> No.17383788

Yes, sure they do. Yet you can’t tell me what is being resolve this way.

>> No.17383803


Kleros juror decisions tend to be more accurate and less biased than those of centralized dispute resolution platforms because it incentivizes the anonymous arbitrators. And, since Kleros is fully decentralized on the Ethereum blockchain, enforcement of dispute rulings is also less complicated and costly you fucking faggot

>> No.17383810


>> No.17383861

I’m not saying anything about the accuracy of the decisions that would theoretically be made. As someone who has been on every side of a dispute (submitted, defended, and even resolved), I can tell you there are no automated ways to solve most of them which currently exist in the real world. You need at least some human intervention, and so my question still stands: given how cheap a dispute is to resolve (my more cut and dry disputes which are the simplest and still could not be processed by Kleros any differently than I do it cost me ~10 cents to resolve), and how little business sense it would make for me to pay more to get a better outcome every now and then with ANY dispute case, and the fact that nobody is going to spend their time working a job as a Kleros juror to be paid less than the third worlders I hire now, explain to me the actual business benefits.

>> No.17383863
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>not a realistic use case
Literally being used already and has over $500k in revenue. Fud harder pajeet

>> No.17383869

> Satsgang in full meltdown as we speak

>> No.17383872

Literally prove this. What are these people buying with their crypto for this $500k? What are the disputes over? You guys are so obvious.

>> No.17383881

i bought 12k for 0.5ETH i rally couldnt afford to buy more, otherwise i would have to sell my link.

>> No.17383894

>amazon eBay PayPal
By default the buyer always wins and these companies don't do shit until you complain often and loudly.
The cost to them is negligible.

Kleros is useful for big boy disputes where two parties come to an agreement and lock the funds in escrow.

>> No.17383906

Also, if you don’t see the potential for the retail industry then idk what else is left to say. You have to envision a world where crypto is globally adopted to understand.

>> No.17383907

How many cases have you helped arbitrate? What were the disputes? What did you have to do to help resolve the dispute? The people here shilling won’t talk about the details of how this all works, and you can’t find those details searching online or on the Kleros website, so maybe someone who owns some can let us know. Very secretive stuff.

>> No.17383957

You need much more intelligent AI for this to function. We are probably 10 years+ away. Resolving a dispute case is never just following a logic tree, you actually have to read and interpret things in order to follow that logic tree. The logic tree is not why cases get resolved poorly, it’s the reading and interpreting part which is the problem. Kleros only behaves off of logic trees, and would rely on jurors to do the reading and interpreting part.. which may get to a more accurate decision since you decentralize it, but will be way more costly. The vast majority of disputes are not worth spending additional money on. And as it is third party dispute companies win client cases back ~75% of the time so if you really need to be winning disputes you can guarantee yourself 75% of them just by actually doing the work. Most companies don’t even bother doing the work because it’s not worth any resources.

>> No.17383974

I understand what you’re saying. I’m an eBay fag and make a living doing so. 1800+ feedback on my two accounts. eBay PayPal and the likes unfavorably side with the buyers but do side with sellers on occasions. But even then, they still need to pay pajeets to handle these default decisions. It’s not automated and is an expensive process. Yesterday I opened a case as a seller and had to go through two pajeets who told me the same thing and basically how it didn’t meet their guidelines for me winning the case. If it were automated then okay but it can’t be automated because we’re not dealing with data that is easily automated. It still needs human interaction which is why they pay pajeets but pajeets at that scale are expensive. Companies could Unironcslly rid themselves of pajeets while letting game theory play its part. Again, this basically only happens if crypto is mainstream.

>> No.17383984

One of the most interesting disputes I've seen so far was over a chemical plant plans. Even my father, engineer of over 40 years wants in on this. Arbitrage is a huge problem these days because companies can stall important projects indefinitely if they dont get the contract.

>> No.17383985

there isnt many cases tho. less than 3 cases. i guess if i had more staked i would had more cases

>> No.17383993

There’s people who posted their court gains in the chat. Your fud is fucking garbage BTFO. You must be a false flagger. How big is your stack

>> No.17384012

>spoon feed me wah wah
dyor already, it's tiresome.

>> No.17384019

Pajeet post proof or stfu for fuck sake

>> No.17384066

Prove you’ve seen this. This would be a multi-million dollar on the line problem, I would like some proof a company would prefer to risk EVERYTHING on a random anonymous jury system vs. going to the court of law.
Can you give some details about those 3 cases you’ve seen? Thanks.
I don’t want a screenshot with numbers, I want to see information about the cases and how the disputes were resolved. Then I want to understand for each case what a single juror was paid. All I’ve seen to date are fake screenshots which contradict what the company says is happening and what the honest anons say as well.
>I don’t have any proof because I’m a scammer and this is my deflection
The lowest form of scum. Just kys now and save yourself the trouble of being you.

>> No.17384084

>doesn’t know where to find cases
1 min of research would have helped you. kleroscan.com

>> No.17384088

>Prove you’ve seen this. This would be a multi-million dollar on the line problem, I would like some proof a company would prefer to risk EVERYTHING on a random anonymous jury system vs. going to the court of law.
You're a goddamn idiot dude ffs.
You realize not all disputes can be solved in a "court of law" right? Namely disputes where there is no common jurisdiction, increasingly common in the globalist age.

Holy shit you're just dumb. Not even gonna read the rest of your gay post.

>> No.17384101

kike detected, only a jew would be such a scumbag to want everything offered on a plate and when other anons offer it to him to insult them, repent

>> No.17384119

>angry pajeet
>Goddaaaaam idiot sir, very very idiot sir!
>pls buy kleros now, we are losing our village!

>> No.17384136

Just go to Kleroscan.com dude. All the info you need is there.

>> No.17384156

> just go to Kleroscam.com sir
> very justice jurisdictional judges sir

>> No.17384177

Nice reply, really argumentative.

>> No.17384231

>You're a goddamn idiot dude ffs.
>You realize not all disputes can be solved in a "court of law" right? Namely disputes where there is no common jurisdiction, increasingly common in the globalist age.
>Holy shit you're just dumb. Not even gonna read the rest of your gay post.

>what is International law
Calls others idiots
Everything can be resolved on "court of law" its matter of time and money you god damnn borke shitcoin peddling niger at least shill it right.

Pajets on biz came up whit arbitary 500k$ in fees number, NOONE uses this shit lol

>> No.17384245

Right now everything leads to a web3 error page, I’ll check back later. Surface level says each dispute averages ~$3,680 so these are not common every day disputes (btfo our eBay/PayPal shillers), they are also not land contract or business contract disputes (btfo our my dad is a chemical engineer guy). Also every case I tried to open was resolved in zero rounds which I am guessing means there was no actual process followed, and only 90 jurors have been drawn over 160 cases so for this to be remotely decentralized I guess maybe ~10-20 of those cases even made any use of Kleros vs just being able to be executed via any smart contract. Will check again later to see if the case details actually load.

>> No.17384267
File: 503 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200222-164522_Adobe Acrobat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to kleroscan.com and find it, I only saved the pdf file attached to the case. Here's the 1st page

>> No.17384394

kek based and polymer chemistry pilled

>> No.17384473

What...? A crypto project with an actual working product making revenue? Scandal !!! Scam!!!,

>> No.17384660

you need to sign in with metamask

>> No.17384671

>full melting down indians trying to keep the scam alive
This is dumping like a curry shit

>> No.17384691

>International law
Holy shit you're retarded

This is the best they can come up with sirs. We are going to be rich.

>> No.17384706

>common pajeet arguments
> Holy shit you're retarded sir Holy shit you're retarded pls buy indian shit sir

>> No.17384715

Bro if you need me to explain why you can't relay on "international law", then I don't even know where to start. You're just dumb if you seriously believe the average US company has any recourse to law with 3rd and 2nd world shitskin companies.

You. Are. Just. Dumb.

>> No.17384792

What’s the book called? I want to read

>> No.17384822

There's indian law sir, it's valued everywhere

>> No.17384840


>> No.17384861

I bought 50k, but now everyone keeps calling it a suicide stack. I may have to get more.

>> No.17384913

>he has nothing
Go away retard

>> No.17385161

Based, proofs posted faggot nigger now what? Just gonna ignore it like the kike you are?

>> No.17385170

oh this is a fud, no i get it, please to be buying the token sirs!

>> No.17385412

Is 5k PNK, enough??

>> No.17385434

sirs I am jury sirs

>> No.17385770

What do we realistically see this going to and when?
It's very promising but the team needs to start getting exchange listings

>> No.17385788

This idiot told you all he’d done all the research and looked everywhere online only to admit he hasn’t been on the fuckin official kleros site and looked at the cases but was telling you paragraphs of text about the cases regardless. Why would you continue even responding to that idiot? Then he didn’t even understand how to use meta masks. It’s obviously some retarded boomer

>> No.17385804

4 BTC volumen LOL

>> No.17385844

5k= 5,000 $

>> No.17385995

more like 50k :)

>> No.17386002

Even if pnk is 100 dollars split between 3 parties and documented on a site which is what most governances already do in the paperless days it would be more cost effective. Fiduciary responsibilities should apply to an industry evolving in the digital age.

>> No.17386023

The exchange could be a host to provide public record keeping using the ledger. What’s stopping anyone from putting a will on the ledger?

>> No.17386375

literal kike got posted proof and runs away, this confirms for me Kleros is shilled hard against by coordintaed kikes

>> No.17386756

Yeah it's super cool idea but when is it actually gunna be a working product

>> No.17386965

The book is great, Thomas schellings focal points are interesting too. I can't say for sure that it will moon but it's a long time ago since I was so comfy with a project, even if we moon there will be bumps on the way, the more you know about your investment the comfier the hold

>> No.17387789

If you sell a good project with a tiny market cap just because the price went down, you are an indecisive retard and you deserve to lose everything.

>> No.17387815
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Binance soon

>> No.17387862
File: 3.70 MB, 4032x3024, DB0A3E09-E912-462A-901B-8FBC36F90FCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see someone saved my perfectly cropped screenshot from weeks ago and doing the needful with it. Thank you, sir.

>> No.17387898
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w-where did you get that from? When is it from?

>> No.17387901
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You there! Yes, you!

Don't you dare FUCKING sell, or we'll cut you to ribbons!

>> No.17388503

bump because im watching the video. Seems smart so far, but I'm curious...what arguments can both sides give to jurors? Is their information to be given?

>> No.17388757

holy kek

>> No.17388966

Lmao Clement is based, this actually makes me even more bullish. Only super autists sign up for classes like this

>> No.17389024

Oh fuck just realized everyone in this pic is part of the Kleros team and not just Clement. Absolutely bullish, only turbo autists and huge fucking nerds who lack social skills and instead spend all their time on the computer would engage in activities such as this. This is the type of team you need for success in crypto, not a bunch of chads who spend all their money on expensive team steak dinners every week instead of isolating themselves like autists and just focusing on programming/developing.

>> No.17389119
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based katana wieldieng autsts uninronicaly love then ty for pointingg that out, this is the real insider shit I need, gonna buy atleast 10k more this week

>> No.17389149

Honestly, I really like this so far. But in addition to my question here >>17388503 i get a little bothered by the fact that we talk about "siding with the majority." Doesn't that mean the majority can be wrong though? I feel like I missed that point, and you can just keep appealing, but I'm wondering how this really works like an ACTUAL court.

>> No.17389202
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Yeah this bear really left it's Mark on me.
>3x I better get out it might dump.
Kleros fundamentals are really comfy, not a lot of people know about it either.
This might be one of the few 1000x projects.
That is if we get another bull run.
Yeah this is super bullish.
The team is great, but remember this thing will become a real DAO eventually.
I hope every pinkster on here is ready to be part of this journey.

>> No.17389210

read the book

>> No.17389229

bruh it's like 300 pages

>> No.17389230
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0.495 ETH plus PNK as reward is certainly not a fraction of a penny you noob

>> No.17389251


>> No.17389258

I genuinely am interested right now desu, I'm translate english C1 and I saw there is a subcourt fo the english language so I will be there soon once I have min 100k

>> No.17389271
File: 249 KB, 1223x1086, 5AA31400-0E96-4814-85CF-A15AF42CD463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suck my dick and don’t waist valuable the great Vishnu time will not be spent spoonfeeding white fools.

>> No.17389273

how much do you need to stake to get drafted as a juror? 2x min? 3x minimum? Pls no bully

>> No.17389291

That's rude, I've been doing my research, but that's 300 pages

>> No.17389298

Roastie scum. In my country you are raped.

>> No.17389307


>> No.17389326

>read the section regarding Jurors, it explains everything

>> No.17389379
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May you be whipped for this

>> No.17389471

Not sure if I found the right section, but I decided to stop by the "Is Kleros Fair?" section and read the framework on this. I'm starting to get a vibe as to why this board maybe struggles seeing the use of this, because this is starting to hit some law framework checkboxes, so tell me if I miss something on this:

What I described "IS" a real possibility, but no more than in any other dispute. The general principal here is that there is a good faith intention to pick the reasonable outcome, because that is 1) what you would expect everyone else to pick. and thus get paid for. Am I missing something? Suppose the harder thing here that muddies it up is financial incentive, so I might take some time to read the book, but I'm just trying to get a broad understanding of the philosophy here.

>> No.17389530
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Hello white nigger. If you want hand hold then go to telegram shitting meeting. Or read the archive. Or read the book but my sirs are not wanting you more talking.

>> No.17389554

yeah i saw your first post kid, I'll give you another (You) but I'm kind of done going back and forth with you

>> No.17389635
File: 530 KB, 1671x1061, 1E1CE0A4-BD45-4F5E-9490-C9AADC21A798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feed me feed me- big boy

No. Leave.

>> No.17389903
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read The Kleros Adjudication Process in the book, that is where the info is, just ctl f it my white brother

>> No.17389924
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I enjoy a little pain with my sex, I like my balls squeezed while she is sucking

>> No.17389931

COLIN RULE: There is a quote from Gandhi which says: “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win”. That’s been my experience with ODR (online dispute resolution). When you put out new ideas, everybody goes: “wow, these ideas are so futuristic, they’re never going to happen”.
And then slowly but surely history catches up with you. The thing about being a visionary is that people think you’re nuts at the beginning, but slowly people come around. So, I think it’s important to let people come to the realization on their own timeline.
When we first introduced the concept of the Community Court at eBay, people thought: “That’s an interesting idea, but it will never work”. Once we started to scale it up to do thousands and thousands of cases, people said: “Wow, maybe it will work after all”.

>> No.17389948

Thanks fren. Will check it out. Godspeed my Aryan friend.

>> No.17390004

I get thinking shills on /biz/ are retarded, but I don't understand how you can do twenty minutes of research on this project and not see it as undervalued. Colin Rule is THE father of online dispute resolution, and his interest and support of the project is obviously genuine. I'm really excited to see where this project starts getting picked up first. It wouldn't take a very high volume of cases to really set this off.

>> No.17390104

I don’t get how to create disputes. If I go to dispute resolver, you have to put in 2 addresses for party A and party B, but I create the dispute for X amount of ether. Where does this ether go and under what circumstances?
Is it all to party A if it is ruling option 1, and all to party B if ruling option 2? Or does it get distributed to the kleros jurors?

Despite all their fuckingn documentation, they don’t have a simple explanation on how to create a case directly without going through escrow or whatever.

I just want to create a case so people can debate, and have a donation smart contract feed it via crowdfunding

>> No.17390116
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any jurors here know how much multiplied by the initial stake I should stake so that I can have a higher probability of being chosen?

>> No.17390138

it goes to the jurors broh, those are the arbitration fees

>> No.17390147

All of it? What’s my incentive to even create the dispute then?

>> No.17390151

>paying $150 for a $3800 dispute
>paying that at least 5x to "decentralize" your vote
>paying $750 to resolve your $3800 dispute which may be resolved not in your favor
>paying 20% fees to resolve a dispute when a bank will do it for you for 2%.
>Even if you just have ONE juror making it no better than a bank, it still costs 4%, 2x as much.

Yea, I'm gonna go ahead and say this isn't a system that will work or makes any sense.

>> No.17390166

To get your money back or to keep it. Imagine a buyer/seller dispute on the bluckchang. You have to imagine crypto being mainstream as well. It’s all possible.

>> No.17390184

How much do companies pay pajeets to handle disputes for them annually? Figure that out and maybe you’ll see. You’re failing to see the multiple cases for this.

>> No.17390200

Alright, so how do I load ETH into the dispute so I can get my money or keep it? That’s what I mean. I don’t see a way to charge the case with ETH, it just asks for arb fees that go directly to the jurors.

>> No.17390218

You’re on a basket weaving forum man. Go to their tg and ask

>> No.17390267
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Two big arguments for PNK are the rewards if you take part in that indian gang rape community.

>> No.17390715

I do like to poo in the loo

>> No.17390905
File: 70 KB, 768x480, 1-theindiangov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, thank you for investing into PNK. You make it possible.

>> No.17391182

the most exciting thing about this:

link taught us how to sniff out bullshit and gold. comfy.

>> No.17391669

Yep. Pnk is the easiest moon out there

>> No.17391761


>> No.17391783

Tfw you find out the 2m pnkie discord "insider" is only an insider cause his gf is literally in the kleros team who's been larping he's under NDA etc about the next ETH conference got found out where do i sell this shitcoin /biz/

>> No.17391941

you could create the dispute with the dispute resolver, and then use a second arbitrator smart contract to read the result of that ruling and act accordingly.

>> No.17392022

This is the stupidest idea for a crypto that has ever been conceived, nobody who has been here through 2017 would ever buy this.

>> No.17392145

scamful project indeed.
good moons of 2017 were of the highest-brained investors

>> No.17392216

It's not stupid at all. Consider the usecase of a cryptocurrency equivalent of Fiverr, what prevents the creator from providing a subpar service to the patron? Sure you could have some sort of ether contract to verify that something was delivered, but arbitrating the quality of a deliverable is obviously a very human thing. A regular smart contract could hold crypto funds in escrow and withhold the money until file is provably uploaded to the recipient sure ... but i'm sure you can envision how easy a system like that would be to game. Instead imagine that you have a arbitration smart contract baked into that transaction. Each party pays a small fee to be held in escrow until the moment that either the customer is unsatisfied with the delivered product or the transaction completes properly. If the customer is happy with the product, the initial fee held in escrow is refunded to both parties and the buyers payment is transferred to the seller. However, if they are unsatisfied the Kleros smart contract executes and automatically uploads the product delivered, the transaction details, and the work requested to be disputed in a Kleros court. Now imagine you have that contract pre-baked into every transaction you make with cryptocurrency. You can see how that would lend a lot of trust to making crypto purchases, knowing that if you are given a subpar product or service you have recourse for a refund.

>> No.17392916
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i bought more kleros and some knc just now

>> No.17393051

it already is

>> No.17393091
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>> No.17393098

The entire point of smart contracts is that you don't need a third party arbitrator or escrow

Absolute fucking moron

>> No.17393121

Then don't use them. You don't need it. When it comes to smart contracts, why is it so hard to believe that they may not be all the smart?

>> No.17393225

No shit retard, Kleros AUGMENTS smart contracts by allowing decentralized arbitration for usecases that require human judgement such as the one I described in my previous post (a blockchain version of Fiverr).

>> No.17393297

how would a smart contract alone with no human arbitration determine if someone delivered on photo-shopping an image to the letter of the transaction? Say that you hired me to edit a specific photo to a expected level of quality, the smart contract pays out when I upload a half-assed photo or a different photo entirely? Once the funds pay out there is no recourse for dispute resolution.

Of course, if both parties are satisfied then theres no problem and the smart contract simply pays out after the timeout period lapses.
But if there's a dispute that the contract wasnt fulfilled properly it can be determined in a human-centric meaningful way that takes into account the totality of the contracts intent, not just what can be programmed onto a smart contract ... Thats the usecase for Kleros.

>> No.17393312

wheres the discord?

>> No.17393758

It’s like 3 days old.

>> No.17393795
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Stop spoonfeeding retard fucks who only spite you. Why help retarded sub 100 IQ monkeys to gain any money? delete please

>> No.17394000

Disagree. That post was helpful and probably showed a lot of anons the light who otherwise would have doubted.

>> No.17394097
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>> No.17394240
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Do more research sir! I can assure you you become rich!

>> No.17395064
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nice shoop fren

>> No.17395134
File: 101 KB, 819x581, 1581795595982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quality of kleros threads destroys all the other scam shitcoins. That's it I'm going all in!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.17395368

how many PNKY for her