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File: 58 KB, 711x400, 011316_3Dteeth_THUMB_LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17641549 No.17641549 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder to take care of your fucking teeth.

Neglected my teeth my whole life and now i need like 5 teeth pulled (three are wisdom teeth), a root canal, an implant to replace a missing tooth, and bunch of fillings. All in all im looking at close 10k!

>> No.17641577

but i can buy more link with the money...

>> No.17641580

Good advice, I do 2 checkups a year nowadays and it's been going great, doesn't have to be much depending on your condition

>> No.17641617

i havve been only chewing on one side of my mouth for the past 2 years because i need two root canals on one side, 3 thousand dollars!!!!

fuck that i have been buying link. instead,

now i have 14k links.

i also stopped paying credit cards to acquire more link.

i can now pay off all my debt and get my teeth sone and i still aint DOING IT!!!

aint fucking selling!!

>> No.17641663

Hang in there anon. Don't give into the credit card and dental jews no matter how fat your gains become.

>> No.17641687

dentists are the worst scam of all. never again, i really need to have huge pain that anything will make me go there.

>> No.17641713

>not having dental benefits at your employer

>> No.17641742

No shit.

Guys your personal health is more important than anything, dental is especially important. There is literally Zero cost and infinite gains in flossing/brushing one additional time per day.

For fucks sake don't ignore this warning

>> No.17641750

Go to Turkey fren. All of those will cost you $800 at the most. They have one of the best dental care in the world.

>> No.17641756


I used to think this way, but you will regret this later and end up spending even more money. You need healthy teeth to enjoy your life and will realize this when things get even worse. Not to mention, bad teeth/gums also affect the rest of your body.

>> No.17641760
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imagine not having told teeth

>> No.17641776

And floss every single day. Brushing is a meme but flossing is the best thing you can do about your teeth.

>> No.17641805
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Kek just go to Columbia. You can get like 12 veneers for 5k(Pic related)

>> No.17641817

This. You're supposed to go for a checkup once every 6 months. Do that, floss and brush twice a day with an electric toothbrush and you wont have any issues.

flossing is actually extremely important btw, they dont tell you to do it every time you get a checkup for no reason.

>> No.17641868

This, even worse is how they break it up and don't really explain it to tell you in the meantime. So about 4 years ago I had a root canal. Then afterwards they're like okay we'll see you in a month for the crown, ask about the price on that, north of 2k. Fuck you. Long story short, I got a root canal years ago with no crown, and likely need another one on the other side. Basically my mouth is a ticking time bomb.

>> No.17641911

same here senpai, drank shitloads of soda most of my life and was horribly inconsistent with brushing my teeth, now over the past 3 years I have/had some 25+ major appointments to fix my teeth, from bridge work to crowns, fillings, and pulled teeth, the pain/discomfort alone makes me regret not taking care of them, let alone all the time and money spent.

>> No.17641923

I've had bad dentists. For example, the long-time family practicioner I used to go to. I cracked a tooth on a seed that was in a slice of bread. The dentist ground out the tooth and did a root canal which was fucked up because he didn't fully kill the nerve, so now there is a sensitive spot in my face where the nerve still lives.

I have a latex allergy, and for the crown, the dentists insisted using the standard Gutta Percha which is a kind of natural latex. I had to fight hard to get him to order the synthetic stuff and reschedule. Having the constant presence of allergic material in my body would have been kind of a shitty outcome for me.

He kept telling me every time I should get my wisdom teeth taken out (partially erupted) as "prevention". My brother had this done and got all sorts of dry socket, problems, etc. To this day I do not have major problems with them even though they are hard to get at.

He also tried to convince me to get the metal fillings, the ones that off-gas mercury, saying it was no problem. I am also allergic to metals like nickel, so again I had to insist. His UV-composite fillings became detached and I had to go back in and get them redone.

I found out from casual conversations that this guy was a Mormon. Reflecting on the craziness of that particular cult, it all clicked for me and I found another dentist.

This new dentist is a chill young family practice specialist with modern equipment, and told me that the wisdom teeth weren't necessary to replace unless there were problems. The cleanings were done with up-to-date techniques, and his fillings were always perfect. He talked about staying up to date on new techniques and research and was generally all-around a cool dude.

tl'dr there are great dentists, but also very shitty dentists, and I suggest you shop around and don't just go to the one you've always gone to or has been the family practitioner. Schedule a cleaning, look into the background of the doc.

>> No.17641946
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Listen up
Floss correctly everyday, learn how to floss
Buy a Phillips SoniCare
Buy a WaterPik
Buy non whitening toothpaste
Periodically scrape your teeth with your fingernail
Focus on brushing the tops of your teeth not the side
Do not drink low ph water like reverse osmosis or distilled

>> No.17641958

I went to Mexico when I needed a lot of work done

>> No.17641967


my parents were retarded, they didn't take me to the dentist as a kid not even once. i never knew to brush my teeth twice a day and floss until i was in my 20s, i just brushed in the morning most of my life. And also drank soda regularly. All in all in my case, things could have been much worse, im going to brush my teeeth three times a day now, yes, even after eating lunch in the middle of the day. What some people here dont understand is bad teeth = bad quality of life.

>> No.17641980


>Focus on brushing the tops of your teeth not the side

i was with you but that's not good advice. You should brush all areas of the teeth equally.

>> No.17641984

I’ll never understand why teethlets always get the brightest blue chiclet caps, you can instantly tell that they are fake.

>> No.17642058
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The Dental Jew is one of the worlds biggest rackets. An absolute con. Similar to how (((they))) steal your foreskine at birth, (((They))) also steal your teeth during lifetime and coerce you into willingly 'brushing' with mind altering (((fluoride))) and poisoning you with (((mercury))) tooth fillings. Sometimes they even put micro chips into the fillings on behalf of the CIA or FBI to control your mind. Make no mistake about it, BigDental is a Jewish trick that needs exposing.

>> No.17642061

he looks like vitalik LOL.

>> No.17642095

>i havve been only chewing on one side of my mouth for the past 2 years
Dude seriously get your teeth fixed. LINK isn't going to moon anytime soon...

>> No.17642108

Never seen a cavity form at the side. Its always from the top. And the reason i mentioned because for years i buzz sawed horizontally the most and i assume others do. Also there are no crevasses on the side only the top.

>> No.17642155
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>flossing and irrigating at the same time
for what purpose
you will damage your gums with a floss as well

>> No.17642168
File: 11 KB, 137x500, 31iyW3oM3cL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank me later

>> No.17642174

I'm saving up for all on four.

>> No.17642179


they form on the side as well just as easily if you leave plaque constantly or drink sugary drinks...usually along the gumline.

>> No.17642180

Who told you 3k?! You could pull it yourself and have a fake one installed for half that.

>> No.17642185
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>> No.17642223

careful, some dentists are very eager to perform non-essential procedures because they just want money

>> No.17642286

How was the price? I was going to go but I expect Columbia to be cheaper

>> No.17642296

One thing my mom always told me to do and I listened. Happy.

>> No.17642319

That's normal by 30yo, any dentist will find something to work on.
>three are wisdom teeth
Literally a nothingburger, you should worry more about having to pay that much

>> No.17642595

My teeth are justed too, already had multiple root canals, a bridge, and two teeth pulled due to breaking them during a motorcycle accident. When i make it from link, i plan on getting implants in place of the root canals, and to replace my missing teeth. The missing teeth have fucked my jawline, and root canals are terrible for your health in the long term.

>> No.17642610


Lol I have a friend who is an Endodontist. He makes about $10k per week.

>> No.17642651

I might be wrong, but when my wisdom teeth came in my jawline instantly looked 10x better. The whole (((pull your wisdom teeth as soon as they come it, goy))) meme needs to stop.

>> No.17642709

Root canals are ticking time bombs. You might as well have the tooth rot away.

>> No.17642735
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remember to floss too
I used to just brush my teeth twice a day and thought that was enough
ended up with like 15 cavities, all of them on the sides in between the teeth

>> No.17642739
File: 597 KB, 718x550, teeth4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17642840

>>>>>>business and finance
Fuck me this board is dead, mods remove this shit.
Mfw board so dead I'm actually bullish.

>> No.17642845

>File: 31iyW3oM3cL.jpg (11 KB, 137x500)
>>>17641549 (OP)
>thank me later
what is this

>> No.17642866

Its toothpaste you fucking idiot

>> No.17642985

Some Japanese whitening toothpaste. Probably the worst thing you can do for your oral flora.

>> No.17643038

Yeah same. Can't afford to do anything right now. I didn't get any wisdoms taken out, so they've pushed all my front teeth forward and made them all crooked. Also didn't even brush for years, and I mean years. Eventually went for a check up cause I had pain and they cleaned (for 400 mind you) and now the bottom middle teeth are loose along with being crooked.

I had nice teeth in highschool. Becoming neet for 10 years just fucked them all up. Totally my fault.

Hope I can fix them eventually. Maybe if I save enough or link goes 1000eoy I'll be able to get implants or veneers. I don't think I can do much with the loose teeth at this point.

>> No.17643051

It's not a whitening toothpaste. I forget the name of the active ingredient, but it fills in enamel. It regenerates your teeth, sort of. No meme either, there's plenty of studies done on the ingredient. Fluoride has a monopoly in the west though, so it'll never take off.

>> No.17643064

>three are wisdom teeth
that's fucking normal

>> No.17643171

The only thing you drink should be water.
I don't really brush all that properly but my annual dentist appointment takes me less than 5 minutes each time since my teeth are perfectly fine.

>> No.17643193
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>> No.17643376
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reading about this shit atm
japs vs fluoride jew
gonna try it I guess

>> No.17643419

do oil pulling 2x/day with coconut oil to kill the infections, before you think about having a root canal, as they can cause their own issues.

>> No.17643487


>> No.17643583

No fluoride, active ingredient: nanohydroxyapatite.

It's literally used to regrow bone. google it.

>> No.17643607

I've had three root canals in the last year for a total of $350. Get better insurance. And I live in the US

>> No.17643643


THIS. They say that dentists have the highest suicide rate out of any profession, and if that's true, I'm convinced it's because of the weight of their sins piling onto their consciousness. Fuck 90% of dentists.

>> No.17643653

hate orthodontist and dentist scammers

>> No.17643654


Remember electric toothbrush >>>>>> regular

>> No.17643722


Reminder to only visit dentists who named their dental practice after themselves and NEVER visit chain dentists. I was scammed for over $1000 worth of unnecessary procedures by a chain dentist. Don't let it happen to you. Don't visit a dentist that has more than one location.

>> No.17643830

vitalik after the 2020 bullrun

>> No.17643941

also check their reviews. the crowd is usually right

>> No.17643996

I’m looking at 2.5k to fix all my shit, fucking sucks I grew up in a developing country and nobody told me to take care of my teeth.