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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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17779896 No.17779896 [Reply] [Original]

What are you waiting for anons? Don't you want to make some money?

>> No.17779928

>Implying I have any fiat left to buy the crash

I was dollar cost averaging before the floor fucking crumbled under our feet

>> No.17780011

i bought my shit at the tip of the bull trap. now just waiting until it drops enough i can justify a panic sell. i hope it doesn't go there so i can hold

>> No.17780081

Lol. Markets fucked.

>> No.17780095

Waiting for next week. You haven't seen anything yet

>> No.17780098

i lost 75% this week
might as well bring it to zero in the hope to recover

>> No.17780132

I am broke right now because six months ago I rejected a very good job offer because it wasn't the specific kind of work I wanted to be doing. I've been regretting it ever since.

My hope is that this will crash harder and harder and I'll be able to rack up something in the fire sale with my next wage(s).

>> No.17780159

This. everything still looks to be dropping. Amirite?

>> No.17780165

Sold and moved to money markets back in November.

Put $20k in near close yesterday. Got $32k left to put in if we fall more.

Going to have made $60gs by next year.

>> No.17780169

Will link drop below 2 again? I finally got my money off faggot Robinhood but the withdrawal is taking forever. Would like to double my stack.

>> No.17780179

waiting for link to go below $1
might drop more into pnk too

>> No.17780207
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I'm waiting for the real dip

>> No.17780287

Should have sold all that shit in late februari and shorted the market like I did.

>> No.17781065

Yup. Monday is when we see if it shits or shines. That's when things will be hopping.

>> No.17781152
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Ime torn between buying now or waiting till monday. Link is literally 2.04 right now but I dont know if it will dip more than that. Advice anons?

>> No.17781208

People are only now being sent kept home from work and school en masse.

Yes, shit will absolutely hit the fan next week. It's just a matter of calling who will get hit hardest.

>> No.17781252

Thiis is just the beginning

>> No.17781256

same bro. got like $300 left in my checking right now. it hurts alot