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File: 170 KB, 1160x629, trumps fw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17805455 No.17805455 [Reply] [Original]

when the white house reveals trump's positive coronavirus test results how far will the markets plunge

>> No.17805476

>The WH ever revealing Trump tested positively for the virus

>> No.17805482

It will surge in anticipation of Based Pence

>> No.17805502


>> No.17805504
File: 226 KB, 624x720, He+grows+only+stronger+_2cb66e1f38db256f29c95468fea59b1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking he can get sick

>> No.17805506

they reveal it after he isnt sick anymore and he brag how he beat it easy

>> No.17805564


>> No.17805583

>they reveal it after he isnt sick anymore and he brag how he beat it easy
"Chicken soup and Sprite are hate symbols," said Heebstein Goldblat from the Jewish Defense League.

>> No.17805596


This is what probably will happen, but I have zero idea on how they would spin it properly. The dude's 73, obese, and eats like shit. The virus will probably do a number on him and he'll have to disappear from the public for at least a couple weeks

>> No.17805612

Sleep 7up, and bananas are racist


>> No.17805626

but he probably doesnt pop 10 different medicin pills daily like other 73+ guys do

>> No.17805642

They wouldn't reveal it unless it killed him.

>> No.17805654

gonna be awkward when he just dies out of nowhere

>> No.17805673

>A couple of weeks
Both my dad and I were out of commission for roughly 2 weeks from just the flu. We are both younger, fitter, and with a better diet than Trump. Your estimate of 2 weeks is very conservative.

>> No.17805700

Why are you assuming you're fitter than Trump, or that he eats like shit? Let me guess, you think being (((vegan))) is unironically healthy? Trump eats steak every day, he'll recover in no time.

>> No.17805726

why would they?

>> No.17805755

I eat carbs, meat, veggies, fish, all kinds of stuff. I rarely have fast food and I don't drink diet coke. I voted for Trump, but if you genuinely think he's physically healthy or fit you're delusional. Most of the jobs I've had invloved hiking daily and some form of physical labor.

>> No.17805781

He's definitely fitter than an average 73 year old. Calling him "obese" is just absolute irony, look around, half of America is ACTUALLY obese.

>> No.17805822

When did I call him obese? Oh yeah, I didn't. His diet and lack of exercise doesn't make him any more likely to survive than the average Italian boomer. The average 73 year old American is not a good gauge for health.

>> No.17805880

I tagged two people in my reply, it was the other guy who called him obese. He's literally moving all day long, it's enough exercise for an old man. Sure, some resistance training would help, but he's doing fine.

>> No.17805966

He doesnt even fuck melania anymore. So who is fucking melania?

>> No.17805973

He's 73 and fat. That should be more than enough but he also apparently gets very little sleep because he's awake and off adderall all the time. I have no idea how his old heart can take it.

>> No.17805982


i can't imagine the utter chaos not just in the markets but in everyday life, it's a case of public good > right to know the truth, and he's been so low energy lately i've started getting a bit nervous when he makes an appearnce

>> No.17805995
File: 123 KB, 936x1200, EC5Me_wXkAAj8k5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The leaf BULL.

>> No.17806016

Why do people keep saying he's fat, when literally over 50% of American population are fat slobs? He holds his weight pretty well.

>> No.17806029


>If the white house reveals trump's positive coronavirus test results how far will the markets plunge

Fixed it for you.

>> No.17806051
File: 41 KB, 660x371, black bull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is a black bull

>> No.17806066

>implying democrat media won't start spreading the news that an anonymous source confirmed his infection on their news channels
lmao, you're done for crashing this shitty market with no survivors

>> No.17806069

Just look at him. Apparently he weights 110kg which is not healthy at all. Just because he looks better in comparison to the massive amount of fat slobs in America doesn't make it good.

>> No.17806176

He might as well, he sat next to someone who tested positive. People aren't gonna believe a no even if he's fine.

>> No.17806190

shit would get leaked

>> No.17806326


Because they despise him on a deep and personal level and have been driven to hysteria by their constant agitation. Also the little bit about how Biden can't get through a public event without embarrassing himself has them on the defense.

>> No.17806366
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even if he was positive, they would never admit it.

>> No.17806389

>obese boomer

He'll be dead soon

>> No.17806428

He sat next to two people that tested positive anon.
>Pres. Of Brazil
and then a few days later
>Mayor of Miami
Its a really low probability Trump didnt catch anything when they were all hanging out together at Mar-a-lago

>> No.17806509


what the actual fuck is wrong with you? did your mom drop you on your head as a baby? I keep seeing these "Trump is actually pretty healthy" comments and was ignoring them....but they're all coming from you. are you actually fucking retarded? how can you look at that fat fucking retard and think he's in shape? unless maybe you're a fatter fucking fatass than he is....in which case he probably looks like an improvement.
gahh you're hurting my brain that someone like you can be this fucking dumb. holy fuck.

>> No.17806593


See, literally seething over a off hand internet post. They're in a constant state of emotional agitation and can't think straight.

>> No.17806616

>He's definitely fitter than an average 73 year old. Calling him "obese" is just absolute irony, look around, half of America is ACTUALLY obese.

Your argument that he's not obese is that many other Americans are MORE obese?
What the fuck kind of logic is that? Obesity is binary and doesn't require comparison to the rest of the population to be true.

Fitter than an average 73-year old, maybe true, but the average 73-year old working executive? Probably not.

>> No.17806654

God, I will so crack a can of beer once the lard ass is officially diagnosed. And Pence too. One of them will be dead and cold soon, it will be glorious.

>> No.17806663
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>> No.17806855

It would pump. Because it would reveal that wve been losing our minds over a fucking nothing burger.

>> No.17807056

I guess when people can't come up with credible insults they just result to personal ones.

Literally everyone in this thread is saying "drumpf fat", when half the fucking country is in worse shape. I don't understand the logic.
Not to mention the guy running against him literally has fucking dementia.
Libtards are absolutely delusional if they think Biden can do anything good for America.

>> No.17807087

if he survives kek

>> No.17807297


the logic is that although, yes, half the country is fat as fuck DOES NOT mean that this dumbass isn't an obese whale. you fucking mongoloid. I can't believe Im even wasting my afternoon talking to someone low IQ dipshit like you. jesus titty fucking christ this country is fucked.

>> No.17807340

5D waterpolo logic

>> No.17807408
File: 339 KB, 700x464, cnn-jim-acosta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim are you actually getting paid for being here or just bored

>> No.17807425
File: 904 KB, 1105x1179, FC728734-5825-480B-B5AB-820FE732EA8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He drinks way too much Diet Coke and eats insane amounts of fried and fast food, and takes way too many prescription drugs. The only exercise he gets is golf. All these are facts not some democratic conspiracy

>> No.17807427

I dunno. That single button on his jacket looked liked it was in dire need of a bailout which he promptly provided once he stepped away from the podium.

>> No.17807470

>if only you knew..

>> No.17807485

He's literally, objectively, clinically obese. That's why

>> No.17807810

Trump tested negative

>> No.17807863

based as fuck. the mans immune system is top notch

>> No.17807892
File: 44 KB, 720x720, 1583898449169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17807923

good genes. some say the best

>> No.17807965

he would, because he has presidential access to nyquil, sprite, chicken soup and a warm bed. Because it's just a fucking flu bro.

>> No.17808001

>obese whale
Trump is 6'3 with a broad frame, him being 230 lbs or whatever he is isn't anywhere near obese.

>> No.17808017


But the tranny incels assured us that if you are in the same room as a positive person for 30 minutes you will automatically die! How could this happen, surely their years of self medicating HRT have made them medical experts?

>> No.17808310
File: 26 KB, 133x65, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17808334

Dems will do that anyway without evidence. Just like the did with that Russia bullshit but stayed noticeably quiet on Chinese and Israeli and even Saudi interference

>> No.17808348


>> No.17808390

>Hey john, go tell that faggot reporter I tested negative

>> No.17808403

>according to the White House

>> No.17808645

He's still more likely to survive even at his advanced age, and he'll have literally the best treatment in the world.

>> No.17808699

Nigga I want to clap them tocks

>> No.17808802
File: 93 KB, 796x1024, 1583630655677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DOW 3000 down!

>> No.17809098

is he not visibly quite fat?

>> No.17809354
File: 80 KB, 981x1024, trump-negative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, bro. He's negative.

>> No.17809584

While true, him being in a respirator for the remainder of his presidency to deal with permanent lung damage and sounding like he's speaking through a gravel mixer probably wont do wonders for the stock market either.

>> No.17810275

he probably is infected but they're pumping him full of antiretroviral drugs. they know that if they say he is sick, the markets will tank even more

>> No.17810288

lmao and he'll be conveniently absent for 2 weeks "to be with his family"

>> No.17810320

you need to wear the tin foil hat bro

>> No.17810323

he could die and they'd weekend at bernie's him until the virus calms down. They'll have his twitter shooting out zingers about crazy bernie.

They need to prevent civil disorder or shit will be an order of magnitude worse.

>> No.17810330

I bet Trudeau nails Melania and Ivanka

>> No.17810338
File: 74 KB, 674x674, LolPlane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How could this happen, surely their years of self medicating HRT have made them medical experts?
Mfw! kek
>the beta Trudeau admit you're possibly infected and go into isolation
>the chad Trump denial crab bucket "if I'm infected, you're infected, but don't tell the media"

>> No.17810370


Someone has to do it, not like Trump and Jared have working penises.

>> No.17810460

>After college, after Trump mostly gave up his personal athletic interests, he came to view time spent playing sports as time wasted. Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted. So he didn't work out. When he learned that John O'Donnell, one of his top casino executives, was training for an Ironman triathlon, he admonished him, "You are going to die young because of this."

>Trump said he was not following any special diet or exercise regimen for the campaign. '''All my friends who work out all the time, they're going for knee replacements, hip replacements — they're a disaster,'' he said. He exerts himself fully by standing in front of an audience for an hour, as he just did. 'That's exercise.'"

>> No.17810500

Trump tested negative. This guy is such a fucking gigachad.

>> No.17810506

>Op is an impotent fag
Case closed

>> No.17810662

cope harder you filthy jew

>> No.17810691

yeah, it will never be officially announced; only chance is of a leak