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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18135926 No.18135926 [Reply] [Original]

>the same people giving you financial and crypto advice are anti rent paying communists
This may be one of the most egregious examples of a board being filled with people who have no business talking on a topic in 4chan history. It's really something to behold.

>> No.18135947

Dude /g/ just talks about old fucking ibm thinkpads. Much gayer than here.

>> No.18136001

Being a leech isn't business, it's being a parasite.
A business usually has some inate value to society. Landlords with no other incomes usually don't have that.

>> No.18136012

we also talk about cute programming socks, lisp, haskell and c. thank you very much sir

>> No.18136044


>> No.18136059

Landlord provide a desired service.

>> No.18136872

It's almost like the economy isn't a one way street. Get a real job, landie. Need to pay off that mortgage.

>> No.18136914

No they actually don't

>> No.18136922

>me above contract law
>me have house free

>> No.18136931

Those people weren't here 3 weeks ago. Look at the chart. It used to be us comfy NEETs and pajeets. Now we have left/pol/ faggots

>> No.18136972

If you think during the massive economic crisis that's going to come in the next couple of months the government's favor is gonna fall on your side, you're gonna have a hell of a ride.

>> No.18136992

I agree that if people don't pay rent they shouldn't be on the property in practically every cicumstance but if you can't support your properties without other people's money then tough shit. Get a real job.

>> No.18137013

It’s a fucking raid, faggot.
Ignore them. Making threads about rent at all, or threads about being a landlord right now, is suspicious and shouldn’t be taken seriously.

>> No.18137026

Also watches.

>> No.18137045

>No they actually don't
So then why do you pay them money?

>> No.18137055

>The government will breach contract law
Americans are truly pathetic. Mass shootings cant change a constitution but an economic crisis can change contract law. Your country is fucked.

>> No.18137059

>Why do you give the parasites in your body precious calories bro

>> No.18137064

Take your lithium.

>> No.18137179

You're missing the point. We're not anti-rent because we're legit communists, we're anti-rent because we're scrooges who see opportunity in temporary communism.

>> No.18137202

It's a perfectly valid question.
I don't pay rent, why do you?
What are you doing different from me, maybe that's the key to understanding your situation?

>> No.18137222
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>temporary communism

>> No.18137270

Guess you have a low IQ

>> No.18137301

They are all discord trannies. They come from /pol/. Don’t fall for their bullshit. Once this shit is over, they will leave.
Nevertheless, /biz/ isn’t the best place if you want to make monet. You might find interesting information and discussions but you need to know where to look.

>> No.18137321

>only communists don't like rent-seeking landlords
you are a shit for brains stupid fucking moron

>> No.18137336

bros a lot of the people that post here are neets athat maje fun of wagies.
That theyre closet anti capitalist doesnt surprise me in the slightest.

>> No.18137354

Landlords are cancerous middlemen. That house would still be available to me, at a lower cost, if the landlord was strung up on a rope

>> No.18137382

I haven't seen a Haskell thread in a while. where TF are the functional programmers at?

>> No.18137417

Don't use words like communism you pointless better-off-dead zoomer.

>> No.18137472

If all poor people were dead tomorrow would this be a net positive for humanity?

>> No.18137475

>Don't call me out on my bullshit

>> No.18137481

What about individuals who don't want to commit to owning property? Should students living outside of a school be forced to OWN a house for only 2 years? There will always be a market for some form of renting

>> No.18137489
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The board is full of communist raiders pretending to be biznessmen, trying to subvert and demoralize honest folk.

Shoo shoo, commies. Shoo shoo!

>> No.18137507

This is what happens when they close all the schools down, 4chan turns into reddit

>> No.18137510

we're in /dpt/, waiting for the right time to strike any ctard that dares to question the church of the moenad

>> No.18137536
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>cute programming socks, lisp, haskell and c.
Wait what?

>> No.18137552

More larp bullshit trying to normalize this commie tranny raid. nigga we see you. in fact your are glowing.

>> No.18137566

>cute programming socks

okay tranny

>> No.18137632

>where chart?
it's an organized leftypol raid. it's obvious as fuck to real bizraelis.. what's funny is they are such retarded impressionable children that they will probably lose more of them than they gain as they are never exposed to anything but their plebbit echo chambers. Maybe this is why there is million of dollars for "Reducation" hidden in the stimulus bill that they were so in a hurry to pass. enjoy your gulag commie.

>> No.18137679

>without other people's money
retard. the state can't support itself without "other peoples money"
the grocery store can't support itself without other peoples money
universites DEFINITELY can't support themselves without other peoples money.
see a pattern fucktard? this is why you deserve to be homeless.

>> No.18137694


>> No.18137711

from who you retarded nigger? the state?

>> No.18137728

yes. by definition

>> No.18137764
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Until we return to 10-15k posts a day, we are being raided. Currently sitting at 26k.

>> No.18137779

All land should be held in public ownership and no one should be allowed to profit off it.

>> No.18137828



>> No.18137839

So the state should own everything. That would end well. Die statist scum

>> No.18137863

so how do farmers sell the food grown on the land they work?

>> No.18137877

where is this posted?

>> No.18137884

it's pretty obvious half of the people shitting on landlords are unironical 19 years old normalfags raiding us from somewhere else, and the other half the usual brand of shitposters fanning the fire
when did anyone on these boards ever gave a fuck about landlords? there's maybe a couple topic on that per month, generally from newfags, where they're redirected to biggerpockets or reddit and everyone moves on to talking crypto again

>> No.18137933


>> No.18137943

They profit from the food, not the land.

>> No.18137960

1. /biz/ is full of the worst fucking investors I have ever seen
2. This is a /leftypol/ raid and they're even dumber than normal /biz/ posters
3. Invest in oil after april

>> No.18137959

>when did anyone on these boards ever gave a fuck about landlords?

The only time its ever discussed is when somebody is interested in investing in real estate and owning rental homes lol. This shit is just another investment to us, and when we willingly sign a contract we don't fucking rage when we're asked to meet the conditions.

>> No.18137967

The government will never figure out that I hid all my gold inside my asshole

>> No.18137974

If everyone owns it, no one owns it.

>> No.18137997

Frankly I initially came to this board about 3~2 years ago to learn to start my own business. The entire fucking site was flooded with Chainlink spam and so I left because it was obviously just a containment board for scams. Came back during the current crisis and at least I get to read entertaining landlord vs Tendies threads.

Still down have a business

>> No.18138008


>> No.18138016

But they're /pol/ immigrants with an agenda, anon

>> No.18138089

They're not usually here, they're just goofy chapo kids raiding, and for some reason think we're all landlords. Absolute retards.

>> No.18138219

Can anyone show me what the average leftypol commie actually looks like? I can't picture the kind of person who would waste their time "raiding" 4chan

>> No.18138254

who decides which people get to pick and sell the fruit in an orchard?
it would have to be the owner of the orchard right?
that's everybody?
so it's a free-for all?
why would anyone ever plant anything?

>> No.18138314

biz is being brigaded by ChapoTrapHouse and Leftypol trannies.

>> No.18138359

>why would anyone ever plant anything?
you get shot if you disobey the government

>> No.18138373

Commie capitalist its all the same. Government monopolizes violence=aristocracy rule

>> No.18138384


>> No.18138429

What the fuck are you gonna do about it besides complaining? Leave? Lmao

>> No.18138463

Being a leech isn't a business? How do you explain welfare, affirmative action, lax standards for dealing with repeat offenders in the court system?

Our whole society is shit people who are very rich or very poor. The hard working, autonomous and free middle class is being exterminated. The culprits are the leeches on the top of and bottom of society. Together they outnumber role model and decent Americans in both resources and dare I say in 2020 sheer numbers.

>> No.18138483

eat a bag of dicks i give my land to no body.

>> No.18138895

Based, buy-to-let properties are the best investments one can make.