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18154442 No.18154442 [Reply] [Original]

Property taxes are a scam. You don't really own your home even if you have no landlord.

>> No.18154502

One hunned

>> No.18154588


>> No.18154638

a world where there isn't subtle pressure on landlords to do something productive with the piece of earth they have custody over is worse
you only have a right to claim what is yours to own that which you created.

>> No.18154657


Property doesn't exist outside of its own environment, there is infrastructure that serves you and your property that is paid for by the state. Sewage and water mainly, then there is electric and communications, not to mention roads and rain drainage systems. You can't exist without these services, so pay your fucking property taxes.

>> No.18154659

My prop taxes are $13200 yearly. Not too terrible for Commiefornia

>> No.18154674

And also necessary to incentivize selling of property and productive use of land.

>> No.18154707
File: 662 KB, 680x657, yoshi's truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My prop taxes are $13200 yearly
Disgusting. You shouldn't have to pay more or so much for what is already yours.


>> No.18154795

Based and Georgistpilled

>> No.18154806

>You don't really own your home even if you have no landlord.
You never did.

Like you can say you own real estate, but only the government is backing up this claim, with a piece of paper that says so.

And only until they say so.
There was a case in our country where the government decided to build a railway station across an entire island, and they decided to just take some private properties that were in the way.

The law in our country says you can't say no to the government, and they just paid the "owners" the "fair market value". Except that the value decided by the government was like 10% of the actual going Marley price of all nearby real estate.

Basically the government can take it from you anytime.

You don't really own anything.

There are things like the government freezing/seizing accounts, or cases of civil forfeiture when the police finds you carrying lots of cash in person, or that one time that the US government demanded all gold be turned in when the gold standard was abolished, or them stealing purchasing power by introducing inflation via brrrr, or just outright banning large bills like some countries have done, etc.

Crypto imo use the best thing you can claim to actually own, and even that is only while the network still exists, and also until consensus decides you own it (like BSV supposedly had some ideas of reclaiming coins in old inactive wallets).

Making bitcoin the strongest argument for this (having the strongest network and the most stubborn consensus that refuses to change anything).

But in the end, you don't really own anything, except yourself... is what I wanna say, but then there are stories of people waking up in a bathtub full of ice with missing organs. Seems even body parts are easier to take than your bitcoins.

>> No.18154830

land is everyone's, pleb
If your property taxes are too much for you to handle then sell and settle for something more suited to a low-income wagie.

>> No.18154913

I cashed out my home in Cali.
I have to pay $19,800 a year in 2 payments.
Why the fuck didn’t I finance and be able to pay it monthly.

t.lives nigger rich.

>> No.18154925
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>property cuck
Nonsense landlord-kun. Not when there are far better systems for property in place in other parts of the world.

>> No.18154939
File: 15 KB, 326x326, luigi speaks truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You americans really need to get your shit together if you don't think there's a better system where what's yours is truly yours.

>> No.18155438

We are already paying a utility bill, water and electricity aren't free and property tax doesn't pay for that dumbass

>> No.18155772

You have failed to understand his post. Try again.

>> No.18155812

All taxes are a scam yoshi bro

>> No.18155827

This is the issue with hardcore libertarians including that whole mantra of "you didn't build that" that people fail to understand.
You don't exist in a vacuum, how is this so hard to understand? Roads are paid by all, education is paid by all, healthcare, even in the US of school shootings, is paid by all because when people don't the state does, and since we're talking of the US, are you familiar with a little something called the rural electrification act? you actually think you pay for everything you use? try to understand that the world is more complex than you think

>> No.18155877

ive been telling people this forever, why should i spend 30 years paying off a mortgage to a bank just to end up paying rent to the government for the rest of my life? property taxes are theft, there is simply no way to justify property taxes when income tax alone should be enough to fund the government.

when the government gets to the point of taxing your home they are just robbing you.

>> No.18156005

> All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

>> No.18156527

Well lets do something about it then. Here is the history of the main problem on earth that trickles down all other problems, and at the end a solution. The written version is in the description. https://www.bitchute.com/video/lSaKoijh6YDd/

>> No.18156558


A solid 75-80% of the government budget goes to entitlements and welfare services. Nice try. We could run the bones of society off of way, way, way less tax revenue.

>> No.18156569

Your property taxes don’t go to the federal government so try again

>> No.18156589


>State and local governments don't run their own entitlements/welfare services

>> No.18156594

Property taxes pay for local schools i.e. babysitting for nigger children, dumbass

>> No.18156603

Go on...

>> No.18156609

They do but not with state money, are you this ignorant about how government works?

>> No.18156638


No I'm perfectly intimate with it actually. A little too intimate. I was attacked by the local city school district's Jewish lawyers when I bought my first house and they forced me to pay retroactive back taxes on a reappraisal at the selling price. So I paid $10,000 in taxes on a house I wasn't living in at that time so that local school administrators could take a vacation to Hawaii. Fuck you.

>> No.18156664

Imagine buying a house and not checking out with the city, county or state if there are back taxes owed on it. That is on you dude

>> No.18156676
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>the muh roads argument

>> No.18156693


It's not conventional back taxes. The sellers had the house officially recorded at $200k, I bought it for $300k, the local city schools had their lawyer army immediately get that factored in as the going tax rate, and made me pay for that jolted difference for the whole year's taxes despite me buying the place in December. And this has become their new standard practice for padding their discretionary income fund. Imagine going to bat for these scum bags.

>> No.18156715

Property lines only exist because the government draws them.

>> No.18157156
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Figures nigs and bankers would want us to pay property taxes. There are better and less greedy systems out there for this kind of shit, even in the shit hole that is the Caribbean.

>> No.18157161
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Money ain't got no owners, only spenders.

>> No.18157183

Move to tennessee then.
They dont have property taxes.
Its a shithole full of methheads tho.
your call.

>> No.18157210
File: 59 KB, 960x882, comeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't exist without these services
Why are all commies incapable of grasping the idea of off-grid self-sufficient living? Is it because the very existence of just one man providing for himself shreds their entire belief system?