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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18601579 No.18601579 [Reply] [Original]

>Experiencing the clown world in my community, my nation and thanks to ze internetz, the entire world.
>Never have I wanted a WW3 more than right now. No more than ever, I can imagine it happen in my lifetime.

What products are most sought after by everyone during wartime, that a civilian could produce in large quantities with minimal expenses?

If it ever happens, I want to join in on war profiteering.

How do I become a true "Gulaschbaron"

>> No.18601724

During the war the quick and big bucks are made in food black market.
In any cause, just listen to what people want and the government is prohibiting, and sell that.
Risky buisness, but if you are carefull, ruthless and not filled with pride, you ll be on the top.
Just don't be white.

>> No.18601764
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nigger detected

>> No.18601835

>Never have I wanted a WW3 more than right now. No more than ever, I can imagine it happen in my lifetime.
There's no such thing like you playing call of duty IRL, retard
Just nuclear bombs everywhere.

>> No.18601845

On, no i'm white.
But i can clearly see the writing on the wall.
We be the next armenians!

>> No.18601866
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Expected food provisions to be near the top during a time of crisis. Not even exclusive to war honestly.

Also, kindly drink bleach nigger


>> No.18601917

Perfect strategy, we'll use that discrimination to our advantage like the sandmen and kikes.

Still, the bleach is still on the table, go albino.

>> No.18601989

If they were truly for gun rights they wouldn't be semi auto, but fully auto.

>> No.18602174
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I got a literal barn for larger storage and a field available for crops. Never underestimate the power of potatoes during wartime. Also tried doing homemade red wine which was a success.

Still curious if there's other viable options.

>> No.18602444

>Rabbi? Is that you?

>> No.18602481

Do Armenians make the best weapons you can buy?

>> No.18603674

Always considered bavarian rifles as the optimal choice for quality long-barrelled firearms.