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18694791 No.18694791 [Reply] [Original]

In the longterm are zoomers going to get fucked harder than millennials did with the 2008 financial crisis?

>> No.18694810

If anything theyll be better adapted considering the #1 job will be internet prostitute

>> No.18694813

>implying millennials aren't getting double fucked

>> No.18694818

Considering that we're about to enter WW3, yes.

>> No.18694837


>> No.18694888


Try being born in 1990 man

graduate highschool 2008
hit your 30s when the global economy crashes

>> No.18695223

Yeah, it sucks.

>> No.18695434

We 90s babies literally inherited a planet of shit. Spirituality is the only thing left intact for us

>> No.18695461

1992 here. Shit blows.

>> No.18695465

Yup totally feel ya 1999 baby shit sucks

>> No.18695661

you've got it about the worst, at least being born in '95 I have been employed for a couple of years after graduating already
good luck with graduate jobs

>> No.18695707

93 here. Trying to find a job at 16 in 2009 I was competing against 40 year olds to work at the pool.

>> No.18695730

In the long term, I think zoomers will do better because we're going to be able to adapt in the new great depression 2. I say adapt only because we're so young so we have more time to find a way to make it work. Millennials dont have as much time as us.

>> No.18695736

those first 10 or so years were pretty killer though I tell you what!

>> No.18696065

Pretty much everybody under 30 is completely fucked. Suicide rates will be skyhigh.

>> No.18696503

No, because millenialials are still getting fucked.

>> No.18696529

89 fag here, apathy and nihilism are at an all time high.

>> No.18696545

we are already fucked

>> No.18696719

New generation is too pussy to fight. There will be no wars militarily anymore, but economic war yes.

>> No.18696746

Non-essential lives matter too

>> No.18696787

>going to get fucked
Zoomers were fucked from day one

>> No.18696904

Of course, both will get fucked but zoomers a more. Both generations are buying baby boomers inflated assets generated through last 30 year's QE and not letting any form of consolidation happen which would have been an entry point for younger investors. You are paying now and in the coming years the debts of the baby boomer generation who lived well above the standard of living that would have applied to them in terms of gdp and productivity.