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187449 No.187449[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am thinking about getting health insurance through obamacare. However I am pretty much a minimum wage worker.
I checked and premiums are so high, $6000 wtf is this? So my plan won't cover me untill I have payed that much. Theres a plan with $0 premium for $170 a month. Is this worth it financially?

>> No.187464


>I'm a minimum wage worker
>Premiums are high


Either >>>/pol/ or check again faggot.

If you're making less than like...40k, you're eligible for medicare expansion, unless you live in a retarded state like fucking Alabama or whatever that wouldn't take free money because they hate the fact the president is black.

>> No.187474

Pay the fine, eat healthy, don't drink and drive.

>> No.187520

Yeah the first year's fine is cheaper than the cheapest approved health insurance right? It's when it hits the second year that we need to get insurance. Still it's fucking retarded.

>> No.187537

Ahh...the shitty fucked up American healthcare system.

OK, here's the deal. American Healthcare System is fucked up. Obamacare tried to fix it but... it's also fucked up.

If you are making minimum wage, that probably mean you don't shit to your name. You're still entitle to medical care at hospital ER. You'll just stick the your healthcare cost up other taxpayer's ass. The hospital can't do jackshit to you, because you're a poorfag.

If you do get health insurance through Obamacare, the premium is depended on your income. If you are poor enough to qualify for "free" premium for bronze plan. Congrats, now you have to shell out $6000 for deductible. What that mean is, if you didn't pay the first $6000 in medical cost to insurance company, you essentially don't have a health insurance.

If you are a minimum wagefag you'll probably too poor to even qualify for Obamacare subsidy. You'll have to apply for Medicaid. It also depend on the states. Some states are retarded and they enjoy fucking over poor people so they didn't expand their medicaid coverage to 138% of poverty level. What that mean is you'll be in "medicaid gap". You did not benefit from Obamacare.

If your state did expand Medicaid, Congrats! You could apply for Medicaid. Medicaid is known for having poor coverage because it's a poor people's program. Poor people don't vote, so politicians enjoy ass fucking poor people's program.

My advice is try to apply for Obamacare. If you could get a "free" $6000 deductible coverage (bronze plan.) Then get it. You'll have to pay $6000 first to have any insurance.

If you don't qualify for Obamacare, then apply for Medicaid. Expect government examining your ass for any sign of hidden money.

Either way, you are fucked. Go find a better job. Quit being a minimum wage bitch. Get an education from REPUTABLE college.

>> No.187545

Or you could just pay a fine. Since you are so poor, you could even apply for hardship exemption. You don't even need to pay $95 fine.

>> No.187583

obamacare doesn't work. just forget about it and vote republican. republicans will make it go away.

>> No.187789

This. OP don't try to spread your bullshit here. If you read up on the stuff, you more than likely won't have to pay shit. We will all be paying it for you.

If you really want to complain, then you have a valid point with "I don't want to sign up for free care that gives the government another way to track me".

>> No.187798

It won't go away. It's like a cancer that will keep coming back. The whole core of American medical system is rotten. Removing Obamacare won't cure the disease. Republicans(fuck the poor party) won't do jackshit either.

>> No.188501

I really don't know who Obamacare helps. Sure, if you are really poor, you get "free" insurance. But yes it is $6,000 deductible. If you are really poor, get sick and can't work how the hell can you come up with $6,000?

>> No.188508

A lot more easily than you can come up with whatever you would have to pay without insurance.

Do you even know what a deductible is?

>> No.188594

You also get regular checkups at no cost and I believe money off generally super expensive prescriptions. Particularly when your previous options were not going to the doctor ever or going when you are about to die racking up bills six times higher than the premium. If you make very little money you will also get medicaid unless your state sucks and if your state does suck youwill still be better off with actual regular checkups, a hard limit on medical expenses, and prescription benefits.

>> No.188602

My point is that, to the very poor, $6,000 might as well be $60,000 or $600,000. They will never be able to pay medical bills they rack up. Just as some poor do now, they will incur medical bills that remain unpaid...shit! I just realized the Affordable Healthcare Law isn't designed to help the poor; it helps doctors and hospitals who will get paid for the bulk of their services.

>> No.188610

Do you have any idea what kind of hospital bills you can rack up over and above 6000$? Do you have any idea how much money it costs to have an accident?

Do you have any... ANY fucking clue what "Insurance" is? No?

That must be why you hate Obamacare and are all "muh freedom" retarded. Fuck off back to /pol/ you fucking illiterate, uneducated motherfucker.

>> No.188612


>6,000 might as well be $60,000 or $600,000.

No. 6,000 you can scrounge from family, friends, or hell maybe you were smart enough to save a little money from your job before you got that heart attack or broke your back or whatever it was.

>> No.188621

That's why they expanded medicaid too (unless your state hates Obama).

It also gives poor people regular checkups in the at no cost in the cheapest plan and prescriptions. Preventative care is huge for someone who couldn't even afford to go to the doctor before. Chronic shit that people wouldn't get looked at before would be seen here as well.

If they live in a shitty state they still may get a bill they can't pay because they can't afford the 6,000 but its still way better than before. Its not perfect, but it does help. Also, as I said earlier, your argument falls apart when you take into account the law is designed to expand medicaid.

>> No.188987


OK, this is coming from a former Obama supporter who voted for him two times. Obamacare is shit.

Did you even check what's covered under "preventive care"? Check it out.
>aspirin use
wtf? how much is that coverage worth? $5?
It is shit. Who would really think that it's useful? Remember this was an ANNUAL coverage.

Think deeper. Why would someone get a $6000 bill from hospital? Why is hospital bill so god damn expensive in land of Freedumb? Hint: hospital billing in Freedumbland is a creative fiction not based on reality. Is Obamacare going to do anything about cost control?

Medical cost in this country is out of control. Obama didn't address the issue of cost control. All it does is all a very expensive insurance plan on top of a broken system.


>> No.188993

>No. 6,000 you can scrounge from family, friends, or hell

You apparently have never been poor

>> No.189049
File: 136 KB, 1701x738, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not doing your own due diligence

>> No.189072

>All it does is all a very expensive insurance plan on top of a broken system.

thats what he was paid to do

>> No.189125


>estimated cost

conveniently left out what scale that's on.
>per week
>2650 deductible

>> No.189664

Obamacare is an awful law. We should adopt France's system. It wouldn't be that hard for the USA to do. Just expand Medicare to every citizen. Use ultimate buying power leverage to drive prices down.

>> No.189959

I would love to adopt France's system. Unfortunately, in the Freedumbland that would mean put millions people in health insurance industry out of work. There is almost no political will to fight the insurance lobby.

>> No.190167


I like how you picked out the worst one out of a list in the double digits. I'll give you one.
wait two
>Cancer screening
wait, every single thing on that list besides the one you pointed out is useful Here is one freely available to children like you: Autism screening.

Besides that you get actual checkups at the doctor and you are once again conveniently ignoring the medicaid expansion.

> It wouldn't be that hard for the USA to do.
It would be impossible fro the USA to do. The difficulty of any kind of health reform is entirely in the political side, not on the implementation side.

>> No.190865

>$2,650 deductible
>Min $40 copay
>Pay a whopping 30% after shelling out $2,650
>Get to pay $140/month for this this "insurance"
>tfw this is for an individual

Lel. Just pay the fine. Most young people have annual medical costs below $2k anyway so why pay $140/month to get the same thing?

>> No.190898


The guy I was replying to obviously hasn't if he thinks there isn't a difference between 6,000 and 60,000

6,000 is doable if you're serious about your health. 60,000 is a pipe-dream without lots of outside help and donations.

>> No.190943

In case you get really really sick . Thar's the whole point of "insurance"

>> No.190944
File: 130 KB, 1134x1357, 1353540304091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We should adopt France's system
So you are saying you hate medical innovation and want people to suffer and die in waiting lines?

Kill yourself.

The ONLY answer to fixing healthcare is freedom.
Look how incredibly cheap healthcare is in countries with market based medicine(hint:not usa)
Singapore and Switzerland.

Look how cheap healthcare was in the united states before the government took it over.

>> No.190953

>There is almost no political will to fight the insurance lobby.
All france does is gives their medical cartel total power over their citizens.
That's basically what socialized healthcare is.

>> No.190960

neet normals who do jack shit all day get healthcare coverage, you get a bunch of bullshit for working a low wage job. very fair right?

>> No.190972

some more info on lodge practices from the NIH:

>> No.191173

And to those who are mostly poor but not utterly destitute, there is a huge difference between 6k and 60k

>> No.191333

OK, are you telling me that a healthy adult haven't gotten those immunization before they entered elementary school. Flu shot is what? $20 at walgreen? Hep A and Hep B is not recommended for general population. It's only recommended for high risk occupation, which the employer will pay for it.

>Colorectal Cancer screening
Oh, your doctor found and removed polyps in your colon. Congrats! Your "free" screening just turned in $10000 procedure.

>depression screening
God damn, just get your ass outside and walk 30 minutes everyday.

>fatass screening
If you are fatass, then your are fatass..what's there to screen?

>diabete screen
You can buy a fucking blood sugar test kit from walgreen for $20.

>Cholesterol screening
OK, this one is worthwhile. You can order your own cholesterol test for $50.
>Blood pressure screen
You can get free blood pressure test from walmart.
>Alcohol problems
Just go to AA already.

Only free preventative care that is worthwhile is Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm.

Free checkout from doctor is worthwhile but all other "free" preventive cares are bullshit.

Seriously Anon, have you even try to apply for medicaid? It's a fucked program that will stripe you of all your dignity.

>> No.191356

>The guy I was replying to obviously hasn't if he thinks there isn't a difference between 6,000 and 60,000
The point I was making is that the very poor are going to be unable to pay $6,000. "It might as well be $60,000" as far as the likelihood of the bill getting paid.

>> No.191358

>getting sick

>> No.191749

The individual mandate was a Republican plan to counter Clinton's single payer system plane when he's in office, the Heritage Foundations website even had the entire plan listed before anyone even knew Obama

>> No.191918

>2650 deductible.

Did you even have health insurance before all this mandatory stuff began?

>> No.191944
File: 1.30 MB, 1096x2684, healthcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Obamacare going to do anything about cost control?
The price of medical care in our country is because of all sorts of price controls, regulations and subsidies from the government.

If we had a free market system like we had 100 years ago it would be much cheaper. Remember Lazik Eye Surgery 20 years ago? It was expensive as hell, remember? Well now it's not. And the whole time it has almost never been covered by insurance.

And no, socialized medicine doesn't fix that. You just removed one middle man that you have little to no control over (insurance) with another you have even less control over (government).

>> No.191947

>Poor people don't vote, so politicians enjoy ass fucking poor people's program.
Poor people do vote. If not politicians wouldn't have any incentive to make these shitty programs. They aren't doing this shit for the welfare of poor citizens, they're doing it for votes. It does also help that these programs keep the poor poor and stupid because the dumber and poorer a person is they'll keep voting for you whenever you give them their next entitlement program.

>> No.191991


Talk to some people who get really sick, the insurance company is there at every single turn trying to fuck you and get out of their end of the deal. Also someone post the maximums they will cover so I can have a giggle.

>> No.192021

You guys don't seem to understand Obamacare at all.

Its for the guy who makes $40-$100k a year and spends his money on that sweet new lift for his truck instead of buying some health insurance. Then when he flips his truck he needs $200k to pay for all the surgeries but can't because hes got no savings and can't work because hes all messed up. So he just files for bankruptcy and the tax payer ends up paying for it.

Its not for poor people. They are already covered. Its not for rich people. They have insurance AND all the toys they want. Its for the middle class guy who "could" buy insurance but doesn't because I mean holy crap man have you seen the sweet new Dodge Hemi? Im 100 ft. tall and bulletproof I don't need no insurance.

>> No.192030

>Remember Lazik Eye Surgery 20 years ago? It was expensive as hell, remember? Well now it's not. And the whole time it has almost never been covered by insurance.
Because its considered voluntary/cosmetic surgery

>> No.192035

It's also quite nice for people starting a new business. non-group based insurance was expensive, even if you only wanted a catastrophic policy. Now you are part of a large pool, and prices are low.

>> No.192043

check into medicare/county health services for your county. gtfo.

>> No.192047

Yes because its new. And the people in my example are most likely small business people. It won't stay cheap for long though. Obamacare simply increases the number of patients (demand). It does nothing to address the staggering investment of time and money it takes to become a doctor (supply).

It also does nothing to regulate the ridiculous costs and shady billing practices doctors routinely use. The next time you need a minor surgery done, call around and ask how much its going to be. Try getting a straight answer. You never will.

>> No.192054

poor people weren't already covered, especially if they didn't have children.

>> No.192321

True story:

I need to get a chest x-ray done. Called area hospitals, they both want $400-500. Found a radiology place 90 miles away could do it for $37. Even after paying for gas to drive there it's still cheaper.

Billing and medical cost in most hospitals are not base on reality.

>> No.193744

Thank FUCK you made that image