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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18996412 No.18996412 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want it to pls

>> No.18996448


Who do you think will paid the us debt?

>> No.18996472

>will paid
English, nigger

>> No.18996478

It will be worse than that. They will realize they need more money. There will be inheritance taxes, gift taxes, taxes for just having more than 10 million... the possibilities are endless. Dark times ahead. If you have money open a letter slot business in the Caymans and run everything through that.

>> No.18996487

Income and sales taxes will, but good lord not capital gains. What are you, mad?

>> No.18996509

I'm driving and shitposting, nigger

>> No.18996531

>Who do you think will paid the us debt?
no one retard, FED is doing debt monetization

>> No.18996568
File: 19 KB, 600x450, 26114183_144684189528666_6740168536038795395_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks the US debt will ever be paid

>> No.18996586

ok glowfag
what about states that count capital gains as income

>> No.18996596

How am I a glowfag, just telling you LEGAL possibilities?

>> No.18996807

your ID color

>> No.18997117

Well then, by your ID color you must be a tranny.

>> No.18997143


>> No.18997169


>> No.18997177


>> No.18997207 [DELETED] 
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Almost certainly. But on the bright side a lot of people will be emigrating from the country which means less competition for jobs

>> No.18997260

Diff posters. Take your medicine schizo, not everything is a conspiracy lmfao

>> No.18997371

Check again. You are dead wrong.

>> No.18997392

Probably not, that would disgruntle the already pissed proles. We will pay for the FED QE dollars thru the hidden tax of inflation. Have you been to the grocery store lately? I went yesterday, $22 a pound for not even top shelf steak