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File: 104 KB, 623x703, young men btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19031428 No.19031428 [Reply] [Original]

Why cant young guys make money anymore?

>> No.19031459

video games are more fun than making money

>> No.19031474

Women are benefiting from a society where men have eliminated most of the physical risk for them. Combine that with the fact that men are still needed to perform most low paying, physically demanding jobs, and the myth of a gender pay gap and you have the perfect storm.

>> No.19031481
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because its easy to look at the game and see its not worth playing

>> No.19031489
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>Dude men are making less than women BUT ALSO DON’T FORGET ABOUT MUH PAY GAP!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1
There are actual honest to god biological men who will read that headline and subheader and be happy about the state of things because of how effectively kike media has permeated their brains

>> No.19031493
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>gender pay gap in their favor

>> No.19031504

>gender pay gap in their favour
Females in stem get easy stipendia and they get the good jobs because of quotas, also everyone helps them and even in a higher position they have to fulfill less expectations to be seen on the same skill level as a far more skilled male

>> No.19031505
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spent it all on shitcoins. WELP

>> No.19031523

Because if a woman posts their nudes online chances are she can get a bunch of cash
If I do It I would get laughed at, at best
Also quotas un diferent jobs and shit

>> No.19031531
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>Women making more money than men despite men making more money than women

>> No.19031551

This is the most monkey brained subhuman headline I have ever read

>> No.19031558

why should we?

>> No.19031582

Eat the bugs goy

>> No.19031585

Some orwell shit right there

>> No.19031597

that is a man

>> No.19031613

This has literally always been the case as career men pick up wives 10 years younger than them.

All the retards complaining about the lack of good women at their age don't realize that they'll have their pick of good 18-20 year old women when they're 30 and have a career.

>> No.19031658

I wouldn't cry over it. It's because the corporate culture is moving in a direction that is more suitable to females, e.g. getting raped forever with no possible escape

>> No.19031672

Except we have no economic future. Unless you mean a career in getting gibs

>> No.19031747

*sip*. The economy will continue be garbage for millenial men

>> No.19031830

Men can take solace knowing career women have a 100% divorce rate.

>> No.19031838

The headline isn't misleading you guys just have shit reading comprehension. It's claiming despite men generally earning more the opposite applies to young people.

The pay gap is a lie and the kikes are stealing our youth but that is a separate point.

>> No.19031876
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They're all going to worship my BBC

>> No.19031899

except no young men are going to have careers for the forseeable future

>> No.19031941

Its a fucking joke all of it a society run by women in collapse. Have you been to a clinic every fucking doctor is a women and women are the hardest to deal with. They wont help you for in fear of their job. Its a society where everything is pre fucking programmed there is no more outside of the box not as long as women keep advancing over mens strengths. They want a society where men are no longer seen as masculine you anons know this. They want us skimpering and scampering all over those career women with empty egg cartons with no worth to themselves or society.

>> No.19031981

Clickbait title
You have to acknowledge the actual problems in society aside from the drivel that journos spew to poke you in the side in order to piss you off for clicks

>> No.19032030
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It’s all fucking rigged

>> No.19032053

to what end

>> No.19032063

>pick of good 18-20 year old women when they're 30 and have a career.
he still believes this COPE

How many quality 18-20 year old women do you know currently date 30 year olds.
The think 30 year olds hitting on 18 year olds is creepy, they want the young chad

>> No.19032072

so brave of them to outperform men while getting paid $0.70 for every $1 a man makes.

>> No.19032073

because zoomers are literal worthless scum. theyre the product of gen x'ers who are complacent with being nothing more than boomer lapdogs let the jews use mtv and nig culture to distract them from real issues so they can sit around and say things are 'lit' and 'fire' without actually have any useful insight. they literally only exist to serve and maybe perform some menial bitch work actual humans cant be bothered doing themselves

>> No.19032081

fucking simp buying whores with muh career salary when chad gets to fuck her for free.

>> No.19032098


I don't believe that shit. It's just another sensationalist shitpost that butthurt NPCs make.

It's your "IN YOUR FACE FAGGOT" type of article.

>> No.19032105

So what you're saying is that the article criticizes women being over privileged as result of overcompensating them for some supposed wage gap?

Remember when feminist sued Google (?) a while ago for supposed sexism and it turned out that men are actually being disadvantaged and discriminated against? Yeah... But women can never have enough and are never at fault for any thing because Muh patriarchy...

Fuck my life with this cancer shit my entire childhood makes sense now. It was cancerous white knights and Feminazis why my life is shit.

>> No.19032118
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Women are bigger good goy normies than men, who'd have thought it?

>> No.19032120

>Men earn less than women
>Muh pay gap
So fucking tiresome

>> No.19032132

Also fuck grammar I'm tired as fuck. Deal with it.

>> No.19032148
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Women are great and powerful.

>> No.19032151

It’s not what you make, it’s what you keep. Guaranteed the guy making $40k is socking away more equity per month than the woman making $80k.

>> No.19032227

This right here. A lot of women are spendthrifts who waste money on handbags, makeup and vacations. When they get old and can’t work they will blame their poverty on income gap. And millennial men like asmongold can make over $100K a month and still only eats of the Wendy’s dollar menu and wears the same clothes he has had since high school.

>> No.19032232


>> No.19032269

More jobs require Marxism brainwashing

>> No.19032313

I dont like women, so there is no reason to try to make more money than I do right now
No children to spend it on after all.

>> No.19032316
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C'mon. Thats just a stupid measure. What counts should be what you can save. So the difference between your income and your expenses. Sure earning a lot of money is nice, but what is the point if you have to use most of it for rent and other basic living expenses like food?

>> No.19032378

>More jobs require Marxism brainwashing

Because corporations love Marxism.

>> No.19032403

women get constant positive reinforcement and become well adjusted individuals. whereas men are increasingly becoming incels and NEETS.

>> No.19032433

Yeah it's a hard world for us young men out there. Things are changing though, it's happening. Don't forget to actually go out there and do something with all of your redpills you fucking neckbeards. I literally made this 19yo cutie pie get the entire couch wet on Saturday. You too can have this.

>> No.19032562

Breaking news: men are making less money despite making more money.

Is this the power of patriarchy?

>> No.19032567


33 year old dating a 19 year old here. It happens.

>> No.19032624

100% cope bullshit.
Meritocracy is taking advantage of previously under-utilized talent.
Women are becoming richer (than the near destitution they lived in previously) and men are becoming poorer (than the owners of everything even their wives used to be).
Fucken hell, only wimps complain about this, you can't compete with women? What do you do for work? Knitting?

>> No.19032638

Saving ruins the economy.
People need to spend all their time and then all of the little share they get of the wealth they generate.
Otherwise they'd start being absolute degenerate arseholes

>> No.19032659

If your boss isn't homosexual you cant compete, you can only do much better work easy

>> No.19032672

Imagine not thinking there's an agenda behind all the blatantly male smearing headlines now

>Young men aren't earning as much as young women
>Countries with female leaders are handling corona better!

Why would they shill this anon?

>> No.19032675

The (((service based))) economy should be ruined
Cruise lines should cease to exist
All the useless deadweight should go

>> No.19032702

I am the Vice President at a sales organization. I have managed a lot of women and they tend to be catty and mediocre as employees. I promoted many promising women early on my career and they almost always got btfo by their male counterparts. Gonna have to demote another female manager here soon for poor performance. Maybe it’s a sales thing, though.

>> No.19032720


Three words:

Pink fucking dicks.

I don't know why there are white guys who haven't hung it up yet and gone gay.

You're pretty much cursed at birth.

>> No.19032804

Wageslave Cope.

>> No.19032830

how's your am/wf thread going, chang? I don't usually see you here on /biz/

>> No.19032944

>Brains like you and I

How old are you? Serious honest to god question.

>> No.19032956
File: 29 KB, 400x400, dc567y2-c5236632-994d-471b-9436-754e288f1f13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I thought there was a pay gap that feminists always bitched about. What happened?

>> No.19033029
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gf cant even 2+2 and she was a laborant, marketing salesman, airplane factory worker.

me? I can 4353x35353. I can design homes, create art and music, understand complex theories but I will never get a good job.

storm is coming to roasties. i worked factories where the fucking root of the production had 4 tired guys working 6 days a week. Meanwhile the hr is full of pregnant ugly cows sitting on thier wrinkled orange textured asses while stink leaks from thier holes. They also stupid as fuck and for some reason there are many many of these useless people by every fucking company. 5 woman chitchatting in ONE FUCKING OFFICE whole day doing fake alibi jobs 1 person could do in 8 hours. And there are many more offices... meanwhile we are suffering from unbearable conditions in the fucking basement for pennies.

Storm is coming.

>> No.19033256

this, women are being given cheat codes

>> No.19033295

Something to do with discipline, the better discipline the greater you excel. Most men occupied with lots of porn.

>> No.19033349

>tfw sexy NEET and wagecuck 3DPD roasties are hunting me
>reject them and enjoy my 2D waifu

>> No.19033378

They can get $500 tips being waitresses

>> No.19033407

Fuck you JIDF AI bot

>> No.19033420

yeah that's not the case in tech. the guys are usually way more retarded socially and it's actually the women that are the least emotional. only in tech though

>> No.19033421
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Diversity hiring women over men, duh.

>> No.19033499

here in eastern europe men have poor work ethic, an innate tendency to disobedience and they like to rebel against any kind of authority ever since elementary school. so if you hire a man he will talk shit about, not do the job properly and probably even steal your shit, while you will even have to pay for this. women are just superior if you look at these aspects.

>> No.19033543

No one on this board is going to understand what you meant by that

>> No.19033887

Women are born slaves

>> No.19033894

Meritocracy doesnt exit retard. Women get paid more for the same jobs look at the google stats that came out when some roastie tried to sue them. Women get exclusive seats and scholarships in universities and they get hiring qoutas in big corps. They get all kinds of free handouts and shit not to mention they can always fuck their boss for a promotion. Anyone that has been in the planation for long enough knows that its almost never the best man for the job that gets it. fucking delusional boomers here man.

>> No.19033914
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>> No.19033994

This is probably the only good thing about a society where women get paid more....it'll completely change the idea of marriage for them
They'll finally have no choice but to acknowledge that being forced to make monthly payments to someone just because they made less money than you, is unfair as fuck. Because they'll be the ones paying
They might probably tell each other to only marry a man that makes as much as them if not more. Problem is, that type of man will be rare as fuck for the average woman to find, thereby slowly killing marriage

>> No.19033996

That' a meme, t. soon to be 30 with a "good career".
Women in their early 20s want to "have fun" which mean dating the funny popular good looking boys at their college. Not some bowtie dude working all day who don't even have a tiktok account.

By 24-25 they change their tune but with the lifestyle of many they're already less than fresh mentally and physically when they don't straight up packed issues.

The fallacy that you can somehow avoid generational issues is a big meme.

>> No.19034018

You will still pay them because they almost ALWAYS get the kid.

>> No.19034096
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>> No.19034102

weed, video games, low test level, etc

>> No.19034114

Child support is different, even though I know the courts also use that to milk men's wallets
If a couple gets married then divorced with no kids and the woman makes more, then by law she'll have to pay. It's happened to famous women like Britney Spears, Madonna, Anne Heche, Mary J. Blige and Scary Spice
And now it'll happen to the average high-paid woman who gets married

>> No.19034129
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>it's actually the women that are the least emotional
LMAO are you fucking kidding me

>> No.19034139

>women richer than men
>pay gap in favor of men
do the kikes even try anymore?

>> No.19034168

Nah, your post smells of roastie cope. Nice job not addressing a single point. Now timestamp your beef curtains so we can all have a good laugh.

>> No.19034179

Because of the pill.
The pill changes female hormones, their hormone s change and stop sending signals that they are healthy and fertile.
In turn, men are not signaled to try and win a mate.
Mens motivation plummets because low libido, hormone chicks are walking around.
Men are now confused because they are not getting turned on and mens essence to spread the seed is now not being signaled to fire.
Mens hormones in turn drop.
Test drops and now men are not optimistic, less agressive and fundementally, evolutionarally useless.

>> No.19034186

They can’t make ez money on twitch YouTube Instagram my fans etc
Hell, I know girls that were cute, and they got hired in jobs just to sit around and look pretty
It’s ez life
Lol if I could wish, and immortality and superpowers weren’t option I would wish to be able to change from boy to girl willingly
Make money as a girl and have fun as a guy

>> No.19034190

Lol who made that shit

>> No.19034200

jesus fucking christ

>> No.19034217

I've given up working like a slave to support a society that hates me. I was burning out for next to no reward while people less competent than me were getting promoted, so I said "fuck it", got a got a simple job with less pay and now just do what I want to do.

>> No.19034225

Now I just have to find a woman to marry and divorce me.

>> No.19034249

>i worked factories where the fucking root of the production had 4 tired guys working 6 days a week. Meanwhile the hr is full of pregnant ugly cows sitting on thier wrinkled orange textured asses while stink leaks from thier holes. They also stupid as fuck and for some reason there are many many of these useless people by every fucking company. 5 woman chitchatting in ONE FUCKING OFFICE whole day doing fake alibi jobs 1 person could do in 8 hours. And there are many more offices... meanwhile we are suffering from unbearable conditions in the fucking basement for pennies.
so much this.
I used to work as a carpenter in a little company : we were 6 carpenters for a dozen of office roasties doing strictly nothing all day but chatting/playing on their phone/doing their nailes and MAYBE spending 1h per day doing the plannings and calling customers. They don't even bothered pretending to work when our simp boss was around.
He could have fired them all but one, triple our wages and the end result would have been exactly the same. Of course the company ended up closing.
This is the same everywhere but for few exceptions. This is one of the main reason western countries are doomed to fail.

>> No.19034253

>those sources at the bottom
What a fucking joke

>> No.19034266

>Women in their early 20s want to "have fun" which mean dating the funny popular good looking boys at their college.

>> No.19034276

Are you all fucking retarded? As much as I hate the subheading for feeling the need to bring up a pay gap rather than sticking to the main point, it's not claiming men are now earning less than women. It's about the earnings of each gender changing relative to prior times, in opposite directions. It's poorly worded but what do you expect from garbage with a stock photo like that?

>> No.19034320

Night shift steel worker here
We have 1 HR and I’ve seen that bitch a grand total of twice since she’s started working here almost a year ago. This after our previous HR did the same shit and she was fired for it.
Women in the workplace was a fucking mistake

>> No.19034343

Are they taking anything where a woman is even remotely involved and claiming it's all women? I believe that women influence the majority of purchases, but no way are they buying almost everything themselves. It does give some interesting statistics if you think about it though. it means that a woman is not involved in 9% of new home purchases, 8% of vacations, etc. Shows there's a lot more men living their own life than you think there is.

>> No.19034349

Weed, porn, videogames. Its very cheap and easy to be a comfy sloth nowadays.

>> No.19034383

>More millenial men are earning less even with the gender pay gap working in their favor.
What a sentence is that? Thats exactly the definition of gender pay gap.
They treat it as a law of physics or something. Fucking feminists, always victim mentality just like coloured people.

>> No.19034392

>I believe that women influence the majority of purchases, but no way are they buying almost everything themselves
I think a lot of families, the woman still does the grocery shopping, etc. And if it's for other shit she'd likely want to be involved because "her opinion matters".
But yeah idk how women purchase 93% of whatever constitutes as food. I guess there are no single obese men right?

>> No.19034401

>even with the gender pay gap in their favor

>> No.19034408

>Remember when feminist sued Google (?) a while ago for supposed sexism and it turned out that men are actually being disadvantaged and discriminated against?

No. Link?

>> No.19034433

I think it's more than that, there's just no incentive or motivation for most men to work hard these days as they will just get shat on. You only get one life, why bust it for no reason, might as well enjoy it with the hobby of your choice.

That's what I'm thinking. Women almost always influence decisions in families, but the guy is still there and likely is going to pay for it. This chart seems to take it as *only women* make the decisions. Stupid.

>> No.19034444

You should have opened up your own carpenting company, offered your coworkers 50% more, undercut your old boss 20% in prices and be the king of your castle.
Wtf such a lost opportunity man.

>> No.19034472
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>you have to be an outgoing social butterfly to work in tech
Useless HR roastie detected. I really hope the coof forces companies to eliminate your useless position.

>> No.19034505

First time I've heard this but it makes sense .. I wish there were scientific studies on this, but feminists wouldn't allow such. I can tell you for a fact that women who've been on birth control for many years have a certain, similar "look" and aura about them. And they don't radiate much femininity or attractiveness, even if they have their nice tits hanging out or technically check all the boxes for being feminine. There's just... something about them.

but every so often, theres a woman who carries a completely different aura about her and I feel primal and "normal" again. Is this a birth control thing? Many of those that wake my inner primal are asians desu...

>> No.19034527


Because this is a zero sum game. Simps that make money give jobs and opportunities to pretty women for the years that they are pretty, and then they fire them and hire the younger prettier bitches.

The only way out of this hell hole is to as a man, earn some money and then hire whores to do easy work, because society is full of simps that want to spend money where a pretty face is.

The world is literally becoming pimps and harems, look at the big companies, male CEO at the top, with a gang of useless pretty bitches under his command, lording it over the rest of the peasant males, screaming that they'd rather share a winner male CEO, than even think about giving a hand up to any other men to earn money or have any opportunities. The women expect us to fight the top males so they can see who the winner is.

This is why you should never have sympathy for women. They encourage this system, they broke the brotherhood and patriarchy where men gave each other jobs and in turn they were the ones providing for the family. How are these single whores going to provide for a family when the only guy they want to fuck is the CEO who's being chased by millions of women? The math doesn't work out.

It's up to you guys not to simp and put your foot on every bitches neck metaphorically, because women simply don't respect men, they hate us because we're better and they use us as slaves.

>> No.19034546


Let them earn more. They only want the top guys, they all fighting for the top male, but there's a million bitches going for one guy at the top. Cool. Let that top male and company give these bitches jobs, while the men languish and are held out of the economy due to 'gender diversity quotas', and then when things get bad, mug and rob these bitches. Who cares? Rob them, mug them, do whatever, the math doesn't work out for them, they aren't going to have protectors, there's a thousand bitches getting fucked by one man, he can't protect them all.

Women are just going to actually become real targets of crime and real misogyny and they created this problem for themselves by turning society against men.

>> No.19034559

this post is lit

>> No.19034560


>> No.19034580

cos girls camwhore and guys play vidya games obviously

>> No.19034598
File: 1.30 MB, 1000x4624, jobs_by_gender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gender pay gap meme is because of boomers and richfags. Boomer men greatly outearn boomer women and the richest people of any age are mostly men, which more than offsets women in their 20s earning more than men in their 20s so young women can still have a chip on their shoulder despite having the system rigged for them and earning more than their peers. Just like they do with looks, women only acknowledge the existence of the very top men when they're screeching about muh pay gap. They completely ignore the lesser men so they fixate on the male executives and male entrepreneurs while never once noticing the male landscapers and male roofers and male road pavers who all earn shit pay doing hard work that society needs to function far more than most roastie jobs.

>> No.19034604


Fucking google it you fuuuucking cunt.


>> No.19034696

High IQ based poster. Women encourage a system of male misery therefore they deserve all the evil shit that happens to them in todays society.

>> No.19034750

It really pisses me off how the average person is completely unable to understand systems that vary with time.

>> No.19034780

>It's poorly worded but what do you expect from a woman?

>> No.19034795

its pretty much widespread porn addiction meaning need to work less to impress a RL grill

>> No.19034824

Retard. Most males just get assraped by shit job market. Women are less autistic and network more hence how they get better jobs leaving males with dogshit. Women are better at playing the complacent bitch role which this current boomer society strives on

>> No.19034873

the less socially retarded you are the worse you're going to be at a tech job

>> No.19035376

They are actually looking into it because the pill actually fucks chicks up and they are waking up to it. World is actually changing for the better.

But its all about the hormonal signalling, so funny to see junkie hot chicks "feeling" a druggie they can do drugs with.

Same as for positive traits e.g. exercising; all hormonal signalling

>> No.19035400
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The shift from blue collar jobs to a "service" economy. Plus, mass immigration.

Th-thanks western democracies..

>> No.19035405
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probably because women just need to be hot to get a useless job whereas men need to be a top 5% candidate

>> No.19035463
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> swipe tinder
> profile of literal e-thot / instagram model / attention whore pops up
> 'Software engineer at Google'
where did society fail bros? Why even try?

>> No.19035480

Feminism. They have convinced society at large that women are so massively disadvantaged that everyone needs to bend over for them, which is why companies like Google are trying to scoop them up for diversity points.

>> No.19035494
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It's because when white men and white women apply for the same job, the management is more likely to pick a woman from the pile.
The women want another woman because of feminist goals, the men want a woman because they're thinking with their dicks, and both agree that employing women makes a company look good.
You're only getting hired as a man if what you're doing is highly specialized and important, if it's some marketing/pr/hr bullshit that anyone can do, they're gonna hire a woman.

>> No.19035509


>> No.19035526

Christ, that headline
>muh gender pay gap
Didn't MacKenzie Bezos eliminate that singlehandedly?

>> No.19035540

No need to care about shit like that. Millennials will have record high unemployment soon anyway.

>> No.19035620
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>that pic

Mass shootings are going to be a daily occurrence in a few years

>> No.19035665

disability is getting stronger

>> No.19035729


Are there studies on this? It seems like propaganda mostly to continue to encourage dumb young women to rack up 100K student loan debt because men are opting out of college and women make up most of students.

>> No.19035739

Its not just because of feminist goals, look up the 'women are wonderful effect', women actually have a strong in group bias subconsciously while the opposite is true for men (due to distrust of other males).
Imo to prevent this in future we would have to keep women out of the workforce almost completely.

>> No.19035773


realistically once you hit 30 your youngest will be 24 - 25. No worthwhile girl will date a 30 year old out of high school kek

>> No.19035821

I'm going on 30 and dating a 20 year old

>> No.19035825

You dont know shit. You obviously have zero life experience if you actually believe that

>> No.19035846

Gender pay gap that favors women: beautiful and brave
Gender pay gap that favors men: horrific and evil

>> No.19035862


What the actual fuck

>> No.19035892

I wonder what the breakdown by race is?

>> No.19035898

when you want to prove women stronk, but also keep the women oppressed narrative at the same time, you have to employ doublethink

>> No.19035914

Because they are whores

>> No.19035937

Guys what happened to serial killers?...why arent there any good ones anymore helping us to solve the roastie problem

>> No.19035946

no. the author could have claimed that the gender wage gap was getting narrower. but that wouldn't be doublethink

>> No.19035947
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Oh, how wrong you are.

>> No.19035960



It's too difficult to get away with murder these days. Surveillance is everywhere.

1950 - 1980 were the golden years.

>> No.19036006

Bundy was such a fucking epic Chad...lots of girls could do with earning the lessons he dished out for free

>> No.19036188

Its already at the point where the only people qualified for high level positions are women because they have been given all the middle management positions for the last 20 years

>> No.19036296

For me its the toybox killer

>> No.19036328

State benefit and camwhoring vs actual industrial activity.

>> No.19036338

males in those positions are chad looking too retards

>> No.19036352

The west is a shy, dishonest matriarchy. It's obvious if you have a brain and aren't a cuck.

>> No.19036395

I am glad. Every single one of you bitches are my competition. I'd rather you'd be wiped out so more bitches for me.

>> No.19036508

>they'll have their pick of good 18-20 year old women when they're 30 and have a career

Too bad sex isn't as important as you go 30+ and beyond

>> No.19036566

Well a lot f soi men like yourself think it’s “creepy”. That’s why it’s somewhat rare, but it can happen. Especially if you’re wealthy

>> No.19036611

we live in a literal matriarchy where women make all the money and only select the chadliest of chads. this system needs to be torn down asap.

>> No.19036613

Ever consider maybe she manages to be both physically attractive and good at programming?

>> No.19036669

You know a lot of girls don’t care. And you can just lie to get the others that do

>> No.19036713


>> No.19036714

Stop arguing with the fatherless cunts, this thread was made by female jannies to try to make guys mad. We all know women are girling their way through life, they all suck at programming and work in general but the men in charge can pay them less and use them as free office fuck meat. I've never met a woman who actually knew what she was doing professionally.

All the women in this thread need to accept that their fathers won't love them no matter how hard they work, and their efforts will never match that of a man's.

>> No.19036726

Women get money thrown at them men don't

>> No.19036750

>women become victims of crime
True, if I'm already willing to rob and kill an armed man with connections over disrespect then I'm not gonna have trouble chopping up a clueless woman if it comes to survival and she's utterly powerless to stop it

>> No.19036762

>gardening leave

>> No.19036786


Lol goddamn this board can be 100% correct sometimes.

This is only part of the puzzle though.

The reality is men just don't care anymore. The 1950's housewife is gone, it's harder than ever to own property and get ahead, and global elite corruption is more exposed than ever.

Never underestimate the power of a man who no longer cares at all.

>> No.19036816
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this. its over

>> No.19036818

This, women will collectively vie for power as a group despite hating each other on a personal level and doing anything to destroy each other over petty shit as long as it doesn't break the facade. Men will openly compete with other men that they love

>> No.19036833
File: 516 KB, 566x691, B785150D-24DB-4CA9-90F4-36105200ABFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I’m in my thirties and can’t date women my age because they’re all more successful than me. I hooked up with some girl on a business trip and once we started chatting about our lives she couldn’t put her clothes on fast enough. I had a tinder date with a neurosurgeon girl who accused me of putting me something in her drink after I told her I change oil for a living. Meanwhile a 19 year old girl would drive herself 30 miles for months just to date me

>> No.19036835
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>> No.19036843


>> No.19036846

we dont have vaginas

>> No.19036878

Yeah you don't get away with those sort of killings any more. Gang killings or chopping up homeless people is about the best you get away with, and you can't really do any of the usual weird serial killer shit like strangle them and take trophies, which probably takes a lot of the fun out of it.

The more ridiculous/stupid/skilled serial killer types just become guns for hire (though that only covers a certain subclass)

>> No.19036910

women are the ones sucking the wealth from men.

>> No.19036923
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>Men are earning less even with the gender pay gap in their favor

>> No.19036965

it was anti-cope bro. As in the "wait until you are 30+ :^) " -thing is bullshit. Sex is better when you are young.

>> No.19037057

>91% of women say marketers don’t understand them
>spend 7 trillion

>> No.19037070

is both cope

sex is best when you are young, but you still want to fuck young stacies at 30+ but cant


>> No.19037145
File: 147 KB, 1494x2235, for every 100 women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad this is going to get buried but men are disposable always have been

>> No.19037177

>never underestimate
more like never overestimate

I've been NEET for 3 years and got savings for plenty more (assuming bitcoin moons I'll be neet forever)
a productive day for me is writing video game smut and posting it online for the 3 people who read it
all while mommy feeds me tendies

>> No.19037197

I got meself a semi solvent wife 10y older than me, with two degrees, and I still make more money than her. Comfy as fuck, no petty mind games, never had so much money as now
Younger grills are shieet

>> No.19037206

It's possible, but ridiculously rare. The autistically dedicated mindset which makes a good engineer conflicts hard with narcissistic traits. Every good female engineer I've met in any industry has been a 6/10 simply because they don't care enough to spend an hour putting on make-up. They, like other good engineers, are strongly meritocratic. If they knew their appearance was getting them special favors then it would hurt. At their base, a good engineer wants critique, not blind agreement. They want to see their designs weather the harshest storms of time.
I have never seen a pretty girl engineer who was any good. A woman who spends a lot of time on her appearance is spending less time on her craft. She's gaining ground through social manipulation and never benefitting properly from peer review. It makes sense to be prejudice against them in the same way it makes sense to be prejudice of a guy who switched from marketing to engineering five years into his career.

>> No.19037330

tfw no beautiful 30 yo team lead that can barely read code but always got her way with management regarding features and timelines
the other roasties were always seething
but all I wanted was to have my testicles crushed under her heels

I miss her so much bros

Yeah never met a pretty and good engineer, the best female engineer I knew looked like a literal chicken nugget
she was downright repulsive
and the worst one looked great

>> No.19037360

Holy shit, I've noticed this too and thought it was just a coincidence. I don't see nearly as many men as I do women at these finance companies. Looking back, all the women are attractive.

>> No.19037414

I've read the whole thread so far, and this anon right here is the highest IQ.

Many, if not most jobs, that men do (labor and such) don't require degrees and women won't do. Men can do them, earn good wages, if not better than the female counterparts who go the college to corporate route. College degrees lock you in for life w/ debt. The money flow needs to go back to the government as much as possible to continue to sustain this system.

It's beneficial to actually continue to propagate the meme of going to college, going into debt, and whatever money you make, you spend it on things that will give you any drip of dopamine to cope with many peoples' miserable existence.

>> No.19037418

let's boycott and demand equal pay. I want to see femanizs seeth at the fact that they actually wanted to be superior than men, and the muh ekwality was just a facade.

>> No.19037419
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>tfw graduating this year in CS with above average grades but no networking
What a fucking waste of time, should have studied to be a spark or something that women can't infiltrate. Gonna lay around on benefits and try to invest wisely. Also every single roastie at my uni was getting help/cheating from all the fucking faggot beta simps, most still couldn't point out the differences between Windows and Linux.

>> No.19037539

the value of money is fluid. if a billionaire burns all of his money nobody is worse off for it besides him. 'wealth' is a measure of your place in line to make use of of capital and labor. people saving simply causes prices to drop. only boomers and 105 IQ college fags buy your shit

>> No.19037550

incredibly based

>> No.19037621

(((they))) did

>> No.19037634

I only need a 4X to be set for life, you?

>> No.19037641
File: 99 KB, 900x675, Nap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing in the world more valuable than a young woman and nothing more worthless than a young man.

>> No.19037665

>you can't compete with women.
Women don't compete, they sell their pussy. Women have less brain mass and a quarter of the strength of men. The only way they can compete is by hedging parasitism to recruit simps to fight for them. Since simps do not reproduce, nature necessitates them becoming weak. The system that protects women will eventually fill with simps, strong men do not fear weak authority and will abandon it.
The moment women are exposed two things happen: the system they rely on collapses and it is revealed that the womb is being parasitized, and the thot feeding on it is useless without it.

>> No.19037667

imagine wanting anything to do with women at all anymore, even sex

>> No.19037683

Women are allowed to throw their pussy around to get what they want more in the past. That's all that is happening.

>> No.19037757

I just found something else to motivate and drive me: hatred.
I indulge in the feeling. Becoming rich and jacked has allowed me to reject women. No high can match destroying their universe, fucking them and never calling back, subtly implying they are ugly and hitting on their friends, discriminating against women the same way they do against men. I love it, the feeling of rejecting cunt society's rejection is what I think about when I'm getting off, helps me be rougher which the dumb sluts love.

>> No.19037773

based and futurepilled

>> No.19037791

Most jobs in the modern era in the 20-30 year old space are literally meme made up jobs that do nothing. So there is no real selection criteria other than "be nice and get along with HR". Since HR is exclusively women, guess who gets along best with them. Once again women are the niggers of gender

>> No.19037800

If crypto 10x I'll be good
It'd be 5x but I can't have my whole net worth in crypto

Will probably need some actual revenue streams but I'm still young. It's bizarre being this much of a loser yet technically wealthier than 99% of your peers. I'm still up by a lot too, it truly is the greatest wealth transfer of our generation.

>> No.19037805

And women that are 30+ will accuse you for being a pedo for sleeping with a legal adult

>> No.19037815

Have sex.

>> No.19037833

women get into jobs where bullshitting is a desirable trait, and they pay high

>> No.19037868

What the pay gap actually is:
Both low to middle class women get stuck in shitty jobs, the only difference being that women can suck their boss off for a raise or marry into wealth then divorce them.

>> No.19037890

*low to middle class men and women

>> No.19037892

for me, it's Saskia

>> No.19037944

Attractive women are getting richer, as ugly women are get poorer

>> No.19037976

Adding on to this, do you guys think that women at these companies actually invest their money or just blow it all on bullshit like other women?

>> No.19037993
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Attractive women > Ugly Women > Chad > Ugly men
Even the most disgusting non-male SMV mogs even chad.

>> No.19038014

all in wine n shoes

>> No.19038027

Maybe games from the 90s and early 2000s. Modern games suck ass.

>> No.19038067


>young men don't feel like contributing to a society that shuns them, imports millions of foreigners and rapidly replaces and destroys every reason for a man to do anything

Like, why bother at this point? Women and jews have willfully destroyed civilization. Until there's a reset and true suffering, there won't be any changes in the situation. I'm waiting for that. Meanwhile I'm trying to stay motivated through learning how to grow food and similar stuff.

In 24 months fiat clown money is going to be worthless. We've seen how much they print. All I'm doing now is pretending to work and prepare for the collapse.

>> No.19038071
File: 810 KB, 1545x1849, CA051270-0AB6-4DEE-B5B8-A3B2C20ADE78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly women get the spoils

>> No.19038120


Bro, play monster hunter world already. It's a game where you fukken hunt monsters and wear their skins so you can hunt bigger monsters.

>> No.19038192

World is different for elite women, and there is opportunity for them, but they think they are the same as the dead end job working class women

>> No.19038342
File: 2.55 MB, 2400x3888, 1E02AEC8-0D41-4F20-8F6A-FE61AA0A68B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Also this, you anon could have easily outcompeted that cuck.

>> No.19038476

That's just because most men don't want to stoop to what some women can do. Get rid of your pride and you're in for some cash. Buy a razor, shave your body and balls, and sell your nudes to old fuckers.

My new job pays like shit and since corona crisis happened I don't have any incomes anymore, so that's what I did. Made 420 euros in the last month. It's not much, but if it helps me pay my bills, I take it. I'm probably gonna keep doing that after I get my job back just to make for a better paycheck.

>> No.19038561

So either women slept with bad men to perpetuate this or you are lying.

>> No.19038895

This un-ironically .
>video games provide what was scooped out of culture. A sense of community, comradery, and of being important.
Real life is hard af and we are told everyday how much no one gives a shit about us/ how little we are valued by the market. when you live your life in a scarcity mindset you take what brings you a little joy and escape.

>> No.19039121

Men are
2.5 times as often homeless.
3 times as often autistic
4.5 times as suicidal when young.
13 times as often dying whilst working.

>We must do more to help underprivileged women in our society

>> No.19039167

I missed out on a bunch of good sex by only losing my virginity at 24 and only getting a relationship at 28.
Still had a few years of good sex left but since 30 it went down.
All in all, I experienced only 30% of what Chad experienced but whatever. Still good enough.

>> No.19039179

Well this bitch did go to Dartmouth.

Can't speak for the ones on the right, but Dartmouth is a legit school for high finance.

>> No.19039233

>legit school
>for high finance
not so much

>> No.19039236


>> No.19039270

This falls under "no atheists in foxholes."

>> No.19039283

making money in crypto is more fun than video games

>> No.19039294

because life is the mmorpg.
the free to play 1.
women are given the premium access to the premier in-game currency.
powerleveling, full pieces of statted gears +'d
tiered to the highest tier.

and men are left gathering herbs/ore/wood.
with no way to purchase a subscription.
and they get logged off for maintenance for months at a time, while the women never get logged out.

>> No.19039464

That generally happens when no one gets married and has kids. Society as a whole will get poor though. But don't worry guys, we got pajeets, bugs, and spics on the way to fill America's social security ponzi scheme with pliable cheap labor; this show will go on for another 20 years so boomers can live out their golden years.

>> No.19039470


they only say that shit on social media, don't believe shit that they say

>> No.19039759

Pretty much, BTK made it well into the 2000's but got caught because he didn't know how computers worked. Between DNA and mass surveillance it's near impossible to do what those killers were able to.

>> No.19039874
File: 215 KB, 723x359, LDlMzefzo1thU-FCpwrs7tQFVfJAbLPvnCKSMjSamDg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they all are yes additionally to that they are very stupid and should be treated adequately as stupid whores women don't deserve any respect

>> No.19039918

You don't get laid.

>> No.19039943


>> No.19040602

the truth is
most women are hideous beasts
not pretty princesses
but men and even chads still give attention to even those ugly goblins because that's the way nature is
so women get very cocky
and men lonely

>> No.19040744

Men used to be paid with status and respect when they would be a husband, father, and breadwinner.

Now they get none of that and their dick smashed with a hammer in the form of a divorce and alimony payments.

>> No.19041005

Fbpb, unfortunately.

>> No.19041009

Easy, just change your name to a unisex name and don't have social media. Checkmate HR Toasties.

>> No.19041132

in the ford era,
men were making a qp of gold per week.
now most men make a qp of gold every 4 months.

so sense in working really.
except to buy link.

>> No.19041889

The woman cries out "oppression" as she strikes you.

>> No.19041950

Young white guys can't make money in America anymore because older white guys promoted feminism. You anglos fucked yourselves over and them you blame Jews and niggers. Move to South America and start over, and learn from your mistakes.

>> No.19042043

stop saying bullshit you low IQ retard.
>because older white guys promoted feminism
if anything, old white guys were the one resisting feminism in the workplace. why do you think the old white man is the main target of feminism? it's zoomers and millenials who are pro equality and pro feminism

>> No.19042087

Age? I’m in similar boat, 23 messing around with woman 6 years older whom seems a lot like yours! Debating whether or not this’ll be a good investment.

>> No.19042137

getting richer isn't the same as making more money. the biggest change in the past decades though is that women are actually finishing their college degrees at a higher rate than men.

>> No.19042164

fuckin bullshit. a lot of savage women out there but it's a clickbait article.

all the heavy hitter fields such as commercial real estate, mergers and acquisitions, and silicon valley are complete sausage fests.

>> No.19042280
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Women are getting richer? Where?
The few women I know are all flat-ass broke. they have no clue about money or finances.

>> No.19042371

It’s a clickbait article that’s distorting facts. Sure, a slightly higher amount of women are becoming richer then, let’s say, 20 years ago, but the majority of women don’t know shit about finances.

>> No.19042411

>useless job

this is different. portfolio managers are salespeople first and foremost. who's gonna talk a boomer into bullshit mortgage backed securities? A clean-cut, new england broad who just got her hair done or Joe Blow who's overweight and talks too fast?

>> No.19042455

>ion they lived in previously) and men are becoming poorer (than the owners of everything even their wives used to be).
>Fucken hell, only wimps complain about this, you can't compete with women? What do you do for work? Knitting?

This. At my company the women are always chatting and volunteer for every charity bake sale/activity planning instead of doing any work.

>> No.19042515
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>> No.19042535
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Despite making up only 1% of the population...

>> No.19042537

Men have no tits and ass.
It would be easy af,even fr an averages girl to become an Instagram “model” or drain cucks money from Chaturbate, Onlyfians etc

>> No.19042538


I'm pretty sure it's just "there are marginally more women in their 20's getting $40k/year jobs than men in their 20's these days"

>> No.19042788

>Still good enough.
cope desu

>> No.19042899

Why the fuck would you be honest about your life?

Just lie.

LIE. Make shit up, tell them you manage a fucking hedge fund or whatever.

If you're not lying, you're not trying.

>> No.19042945


Congrats. You let nasal voiced Turkish convert women anxiety-whine your Good Ol' American Blue Collar families into tranny degeneracy. Further proof that all Americans, no matter the skin colour, are degenerate, weak willed niggers.

China and Latin America are the future. Enjoy your 45 genders burger

>> No.19043023

>The money flow needs to go back to the government as much as possible to continue to sustain this system.
Top brainletism. The current government is payed for through monetary policies, not fiscal. Money does need to cycle through to keep companies/economy afloat, though we're rapidly doing away with that too. Federal taxes are inflation control and social engineering.

>> No.19043038
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I want to make it to basically live out this fantasy. Portfolio at around half a mil right now so I'm getting close. I'm going to dangle the rich guy carrot in front of their whore faces, give them the facialabuse treatment, and ruin their self esteem.

>> No.19043103
File: 414 KB, 695x677, (((multiculturalism))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I couldn't stop the Jewish cabal before I was born. Europe and Australia and anywhere else with white people aren't safe either so stop acting so high and mighty.

>> No.19043123

>ruin their self esteem
Whores are insecure creatures. The biggest dagger to a whores heart is to show them that you are happy and successful without them. And that you are a better provider than the current cuck they are with now

>> No.19043140

>he didn't get a dopamine rush looking at his monthly bank statement

>> No.19043249

Israel is going to be an Islamic country by 2050.

>> No.19043336

All of my "gamer" friends are further behind in their career than non-gamers

>> No.19043386

Makes sense they aren't kicking themselves out of their own country after being thrown out of every other one.

>> No.19043638


Only upperclass and upper-middle class people count, silly.

>> No.19043743

>creates government laws and subsidies for women to enter high paying jobs


>> No.19043873

Women have beaten men in this generation desu. Not because they are stronger, or more capable, but because they are more manipulative and evil. That's always been the female way to succeed, and their ability to control men into doing all this garbage for them is how they've won. Men have let women run all over them.

>> No.19043881

this, also the last bullrun was the best high of my life

>> No.19044005
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>> No.19044047

The answer is on the right. Women don't want to work, they want your resources. They say the shit on the left so simps give them money and they don't even need to fuck them.

>> No.19044111

35 here
keep your pace, bro. Silver haired men with self care and monies in pocket can score as much as primetime chads. Cat ladies have time against them, the wall does not forgive

>> No.19044144

Women with no dignity will never be poor.

>> No.19044179
File: 36 KB, 800x450, sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yup... quake 3 was a good game...

>> No.19044537

>Not because they are stronger, or more capable, but because they are more manipulative and evil.

Maybe 80IQ goys should ask 130IQ jewish men how to fight fire with fire

>> No.19044731
File: 19 KB, 474x412, OIP.5K6aGiH77OSjw7psw4IPXAHaGc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe 80IQ goys should ask 130IQ jewish men how to fight fire with fire

No need to. Got myself a nice woman who makes six figures as a result of female affirmative action who I live off of. Women can now pay reparations for all the years they lived off of men. The future is women slaving away in cubicles for years in order to pay for men's NEETbux, don't you see?

>> No.19044773

you responded to bait

>> No.19044844

He means neoliberlaism but his sentiment is right. There is clearly a cultural filter in place designed to weed certain people out of higher paying jobs.

>> No.19044893

implying making money isnt just a game.

>> No.19044923

i disagree. dartmouths econ program is literally their best one. not to mention that they're drastically overrepresented off of school size in wall street. i rejected dartmouth in favor of somewhere better for the sweet sailing oceans of the bay area, but when i was thinking about going into finance even i knew this was the rep dartmouth had.

>> No.19044955

>Got myself a nice woman who makes six figures as a result of female affirmative action who I live off of.

Based, but how do you get into this? It'd be nice to turn the tables on women for once.

>> No.19044988

>Black rock
They are literally in control of the economy now due to corona and a bunch of bullshit back room deals that were made. Also people in charge of it are literally ALL Jews. So when you see a bunch of young blondes working their, know it's because Jews just wanted them their so they can try and fuck them.

>> No.19045194

>Based, but how do you get into this? It'd be nice to turn the tables on women for once.

Don't be hideous or feminine. The quality of women aside, the quality of the average man is also going down, which means that women are trying to grab up the small group of men who still actually act like men. Women don't find your Call of Duty and vape pen habits attractive, so take up more masculine hobbies.

On a personal level, I found the woman I'm currently with while she was in college (she was an Ivy Leaguer; a bit nerdy but also cute). The more you examine women the more you realize they all want similar things. Men (especially geeks and nerds) make the assumption that nerdy and geeky women want nerdy and geeky men. In reality, nerdy introverted chicks want the same men as Stacy—viz. fit, masculine men with ambition and more mature interests.

>> No.19045259

idk i fucked a lot of women after they begged for hits off my dab pen

>> No.19045296

They have to be evil to keep men on their toes. Weak men, hard times etc. It's basically all a big shit test and you all failed.

>> No.19045322

>idk i fucked a lot of women after they begged for hits off my dab pen

Those chicks aren't gonna pay the bills. At best they'll just end up making power point presentations or working in HR telling people over the phone that they can't help them for $40,000 a year.

>> No.19045335

And yet, comically, women don't into crypto. Imagine having to sell your soul and youth for muh career and then refusing to 'marry down.' Enjoy being single and childless forever thots.

>> No.19045484

No, this is just a yenta who most likely has above-par dick-sucking skills.

>> No.19045487

Never in my life have I met a single woman that is willing to work hard to achieve something. And I do mean hard, as in putting your well being to reach for an ideal. They are also irrationally afraid of making mistakes or being wrong.
Also they bleed every month out of their vaginas. It's awful

>> No.19045572

oh fuck no would i ever engage in a meaningful relationship with one. i attend an ivy league tier school in california and there are infinitely better women here, but the ones at the public school 40min away give some good blowjobs

>> No.19045706

Shit anon, that sounds just like me desu,mostly the irrational fear of making mistakes. I've been laughed at for my poor problem solving and decision making before, so that's where that fear comes from. Chicks do work hard, but oftentimes, it's towards bullshit busywork like making powerpoint slides or memorizing meaningless business acronyms.

>> No.19045806

If you are a white man there really is no future so video games and LSD are the patrician choice.

>> No.19045873

Also, because of this fear and lack of motivation to do hard work, women peak on abilities pretty early in life, but tend to park in that spot for the rest of their lives. Hence the memes "girls are making more money than boys" and the pay gap, one refers to young women and men, the other at mature workers.

>> No.19045928
File: 165 KB, 351x339, sheeeit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wew lad that pic is a weapons-grade nuclear redpill

>> No.19045939

FF7R is the best game I've played in years. Retro games are pretty meh desu. nostalgia goggles make them seem better than they are but go back and try playing them, and you'll see how retrograde they are

>> No.19046042

>not having social media
Lol enjoy getting rejected, police called on you and being put on a terrorist watchlist

>> No.19046110
File: 2.94 MB, 696x528, feminism.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because women are the ideal consoomers. They don't save or invest, they just buy buy buy consoom consoom consoom and when that lifestyle comes back to bite them in the ass they REEEEE about muh soggy knee.

>> No.19046223

Haven't laugh this hard in a while anon. This is webm is basically any and all women in the job market. Thank you.

>> No.19046351
File: 32 KB, 474x360, This is How Easy it is To Divide, Distract, and Conquer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate video games, but to be fair a lot of them are way less rigged than the current economy so I can see why people just settle into them and abandon everything else. In a video game you invest time, you build skill, you get results, and it's fairly linear. You eventually hit some sort of escape velocity with regards to your skill and results.

In real life, it's like playing against people who are using hacks 24/7. You just made 1,000 gold? Well that's convenient because your sword has 1,000 gold in maintenance fees, now go back into the dungeon! The system prices itself and adapts in direct accordance with your income and skill level and worst of all, it does it blatantly. It's pure nigger tier.

From the perspective of the financial elites, anyone making too much money represents an opportunity to peel a piece off and pay someone else less. In other words, let's say you're a day trader and you're somehow miraculously profitable. In the eyes of the financial elites that's unacceptable and you either aren't paying enough taxes, aren't paying enough commissions, or your data isn't being sold to the right person for enough money and exploited. Now apply that to every single profession in existence.

"Oh you're a physician? Well that's too easy to make money. Clearly medical schools aren't expensive enough. Let's jack up the price and just loan people money so we can peel a piece off that sweet medical salary." "Oh you're starting a business? Profitable??? Well here's the exorbitant interest rate we're going to charge to leverage your process...we just want to wet our beaks." On and on and on it goes. There should absolutely be blood in the streets and there will be, once everyone catches on.

Better shine the spotlight on another gunned down minority to keep people distracted!

>> No.19046441

Let's say for arguments sake this is 100% accurate. What percentage does a woman have to reach before they're equal in investing and entrepreneurial endeavors?

I can count on one hand the number of women I've met who actually invest wisely. One girl I know makes around 100K at a top 4 and only puts in 3% into her 401K, despite her company matching up to 5%. Women are naturally adverse to risk. They're not going to do research on stocks or portfolios, they'll just go with whatever index fund Fidelity or T. Rowe Price tells them is the safest overall investment. They aren't taking extra money at the end of the month and putting it in a Roth IRA, gold, silver, or crypto. Chances are they're spending their disposable income on a new Jeep they don't really need or going on whatever meme vacation will allow them to flex the most on instagram. Women are far too emotional and lack the foresight required to make smart or risky investment.

>> No.19046743


company I work with works with automation of production, the bosses just hired 3 women for desk jobs hr, book keeping and assistant. Except for 3 really necessary heads of projects those 3 women out earn all guys in company I work.

Fucking revolt when?

>> No.19046778

All because they aren’t financially responsible doesn’t mean that women aren’t taking a lot of the better paying jobs out of college.

>> No.19046832

It's gay to compete in a woman's game, to negotiate with a woman's HR and to piss in a woman's urinal.

>> No.19047323

Ha, see how fun it is now it's the other way around? Time for the age women.

>> No.19047347

Correction, uneducated men.

>> No.19047795
File: 437 KB, 2029x2048, 1589308301468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gender paygap in their favour

kek at the quality of the article

>> No.19047967

Hard for young men to get promoted or even hired when boomer geezers refuse to retire because of their brainwashing

>> No.19047997


>> No.19048408

so you're saying the problem is simps

>> No.19048429
File: 85 KB, 500x744, 1588819895616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the roastie cries in pain as she strikes you

>> No.19048477
File: 138 KB, 640x852, vd2qd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurdurr see how fun it is now the other way around? Now I can wage slave for my jew overlords and spend all the money I make in shit that makes me feel less insecure with my body. If I don't like my job I can make whine all day that I earn less and they'll give me more while doing less. If I keep doing it for a long time I can be like that girl in sex and the city and fuck everyone I want until my ovaries rot and my uterurs dries up. Then I can die surrounded by my cats and absolutely no children.

You go, girl.

>> No.19048495

>despite men earning more, women are earning more
1 shekel has been deposited into your account, faggot

>> No.19048535

Every position in my country that isn't slavery wagecucking has says
>women are encouraged to apply for this position
Which means if a woman applies you don't get the job no matter how good you are.

>> No.19048564

Based. Saved this wisdom

>> No.19048583

Are you me?

>> No.19048650

>I have never seen a pretty girl engineer who was any good

I've never seen a pretty girl who was any good at anything, period. They don't need to be any good if simps are going to cater to every need, desire and whim. And since simps are willing to simp even for girls that are 4/10 at best, there is no woman that is as good as a man at anything.

>> No.19048693

>it's 2020 and people are still peddling the "America is a meritocracy" argument despite two centuries of that not being the case

>> No.19048797

>Women are becoming richer (than the near destitution they lived in previously)

Yep, masses of poor women would pululate the streets of london and take any and all godawful jobs they could only to eat something. This is the reason why, historically, armies have been composed mainly by destitute women.

>> No.19048932
File: 770 KB, 602x602, hbAR15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously based

>> No.19049303

Women will be property again before 2030

>> No.19049527

Are you cute? Where do you sell them? Sell them to gay men? Do you show your face?
Just curious, r-really.

>> No.19049706

"Activity is essentially the curse of Wall Street. If there's no activity in Wall Street, there's no money in Wall Street. Every day all those 30 trillion dollars of stock that's traded, changes hands, something like that--one person's buying, one person's selling--it creates no value, it's just value from A to B, or from B to A, and this system of Wall Street takes its cut out of the middle. So the "gambling casino" comes up again--you know, the croupiers of Wall Street like the croupiers of "Vegas" as its called . . . they, all the betters who bet red and the betters who bet black are equal, but they don't divide the returns because there is the croupier and he's got this rake and he pulls his (shitter?) off the table . . . love Frank (investment advisor), buy him a drink every once in a while, encourage him to tell you the latest jokes . . . but thinking about investing as a long term thing doesn't involve trading whatsoever."

- Jack Bogle

>> No.19049773

snowpiercer reference?

>> No.19050195

An hero cunt.