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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1912407 No.1912407 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you become a drug dealer yet?

>be your own boss
>set your own hours
>work from home
>able to make six figures with ease
>no need to pay tax
>massive potential for growth
>take your leave any time you like

You can get yourself set up with zero risk with half an hour on the darknet. Buy your product in bulk, cut it if you like, sell it on at massive profit.

>> No.1912412

Credit card fraud is better.

>> No.1912415

>>no need to pay tax
Wrong. The IRS is totally amoral and expects drug dealers to pay their taxes just like everyone else. If you don't, you'd better be keeping all your money in cash and never buying anything, or they'll figure out you've got income you aren't reporting.

>> No.1912438

>The IRS is totally amoral and expects drug dealers to pay their taxes just like everyone else
Big deal, what are they gonna do, make me pay?

>> No.1912444


im not a drug dealer, but i sell weed in a state that hasn't yet legalized but >>1912412 this guy is right, credit card fraud would be way better if i could get in to it

>> No.1912619

Because racketeering, pyramid schemes, and grand larceny are smarter

>> No.1912629

>Because racketeering, pyramid schemes, and grand larceny are smarter

No it isn't.

Those carry massive penalties if caught.

>> No.1912637

*if caught

If you have a halfway decent crew you're fine

>> No.1912640

Yeah but why risk it like that? Credit card fraud or something would not only be safer but also have much lower unpunishments.

>> No.1913458

lads how can i start selling drugs on the darknet?

>> No.1913484

>zero risk
You mean aside from the potential of getting arrested, receiving life-ruining felonies and spending years in jail/prison?

>what are they gonna do, make me pay?
Yes, that's pretty much the entire reason they exist. And protip: they're pretty good at their jobs.

>> No.1913531

uhh ship drugs to your house from the darknet? How do you solve that problem?

>> No.1913594

Because it's relatively easy to get a good paying job over the internet. You can make six figures as a programmer working remote with no problem. Also most drug dealers live with their mom. There is a reason only niggers and degenerates sell drugs

>> No.1913614

Yea it was a fun ride until after 3 years I tried it myself. Now I'm out a job and trying to get into /biz/

But there is downsides like Prison and getting killed

>> No.1913632

Just kidding

>> No.1913655
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Getting back into the game myself. Going to a party this weekend and I'm bringing samples. Wish me luck.

>> No.1913660

What a great way to get profiled and have everyone know your face. Don't be reckless. Protect yourself.

>> No.1913673

It's legal statewide. Just not federally. I figure I have some wiggle room. Maybe. I used to be super cautious, but maybe I'm just slipping.

>> No.1913679

You forgot the best part
>it sells itself

But for real fuck off degenerate

>> No.1913681

There's no reason to give out samples of weed. You can't get people hooked and people know what their getting. If you want to get creative just give some deals on it at the party. And then when they call the next day or whatever say you got better stuff and its more expensive.
>my 2cents

>> No.1914096

Buddy ised to sling coke and make crack and grow shrooms.

Very high stress. Cant call the cops when u robbed. Deal with degenerates. Nobody can keeo their fucking mouth shut. Tempting to do all your drugs. Watch uour friends spiral out of control. Peoole bother u day and night. Always wonder if the cops are coming.

Sounds cool in theory but in reality 1/10

>> No.1914098

...yes. or jail newfag

>> No.1914102

No u fucking degenerate.

>> No.1914304

Sold lsd and weed at party's for a summer made a avg 50-200$ this was daily

>> No.1914477

You're looking at it from the completely wrong end of the scale.

The problems you're describing are for people who deal to the end customer, you want to put yourself far higher up the food chain. Firstly because your job is even easier, but also because you'll rake in far more cash and with less risk.

Deal to dealers, they are dumb and don't know that they can just be doing your job. You can pull in 25-50k a month quite easily just by having the worlds easiest middle-man job. Most important thing is to have no anchors (girlfriend or family) that will stop you from moving elsewhere at a moments notice if shit goes south.

It's really more common that you'd think. You're telling me none of you guys wondered how your friends dad could afford a brand new Range Rover every 6 months despite them supposedly being piss poor? If people dumb enough to flaunt their cash around like that can deal anyone in this thread can.

>> No.1914492

>this is a problem for him

>> No.1914577

Why hello there, Mr Capone. It's a shame that we cannot pin any of your crime on you, apart from not paying taxes. Truly a shame...

>> No.1914592

> Be social work consultant for a law firm
> Basically help criminals get their shit together before court
> Basic life skills, parenting classes, chemical dependency evals, ect.
> Actually a fun job
> Dealing with lots of drug dealers who invariably lose their children when caught with drugs in their possession
> They have food stamps because they have no legal income
> Section 8 means their rent is $30
> Literally can pull in $8,000/week (I've seen it)
> Reinvest most of their money into product to expand their business
My job is basically to get them court ready. I'll get a pool of clients and get them to go in on a laundry mat or fast food franchise in order to make a legal income *wink wink*. Honestly, the ones who can control their temper, not yet complacent, and have good guidance, can retire millionaires before 30. I'd never want to do it though.

>> No.1914718

so you claim your drug money on your taxes. lets say you get audited and have to provide receipts or whatever it is that happens. and you cant prove youre not a drug dealer. then you get in trouble?

>> No.1914733

Just do what I do and say you found a huge bag of cash which fell off the back of a wagon.

>> No.1914801

I like my butthole the way it is

>> No.1914866

Full of AIDS?

>> No.1914875

are you a MSW or LCSW?
How much do you make?
I used to work in social work, but found there was a concrete sealing without having a LCSW.

>> No.1914991

Selling drugs is for people who live without physical assets.
You get a lot of money, but you also spend it in cash.
Enough to live a travel/party/toys life, just like my dream life.

>> No.1915013

The illegal weed trade is coming to an end soon, Canada just legalized it and most of the US states are on track to legalize it, The south may drag its heels at first but eventually it will be legalized there too, The states are starting to see the benefits in taxing it and Trump has already stated he plans to decriminalize it federally.

You better find a new profession.

>> No.1915029

It's illegal federally

>> No.1915040

Man, I have a difficult enough time sourcing legal products. You want me to rely on somebody trying and maybe failing to dodge the police?

>> No.1915042

Not for long. Trump is going to take it off the schedule list.

>> No.1915048

It's not worth the potentially life ruining risks

>> No.1915933
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Heres the scam with minimal risk.

>Deal small time, and make connections.
>Find enterprising individuals who want to be dealers.
>Maybe humble brag how easy it is, all the money you make, and how easy the pussy is
>Deal to the dealers.

Now heres the clever part

>Tell them you dont want to move such high volume in person or that you dont want them to know where you live or keep your stash. Idk make something up.
>Explain that you will mail it to them instead, its safer that way
>Get on the darknet, and just order to their house
>Become a middleman drop shipper

When they inevitably get busted and rat you out as the supplier to avoid a harsher sentence you will be clean. And if you're smart, there will be no trace on your computers, and if you correspond only using encrypted messengers like wickr, the police wont hae jack.


>> No.1915942

Bruh IKTF, I want to become an investor in a cartel so badly. Those 50% returns mang

>> No.1915948
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I agree with you but he has a point.

These motherfuckers can't keep their mouths shut.

>> No.1915954
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So your going to ask for their address? Stop smoking your product.

>> No.1915990

From Holland, looking for german customers. Can do big amount ofMDMA, Haze, hasj, xtc ect. Smaller amounts for sos and hero.

PGP for contact.

>> No.1915997

The IRS doesn't care if you're honest about where it comes from, just if you're honest about how much you made.
Besides that, if you get audited, and you DIDN'T report the money, you are DEFINITELY fucked.

>> No.1916010
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>not a drug dealer
>sell weed

>> No.1916022
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Anyone else miss the train? I guess it would have been a pain in the ass anayway.

I was about to set up a small scale operation but with weed about to be legal it's near pointless.