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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 128 KB, 800x489, 7554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1929812 No.1929812 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get the expensive car meme.
Why would you work so hard to acquire money
just to spend it on a depreciating asset like a freaking """sports""" car?

>> No.1929819

To buy status. Status givea ypu mpre oportunities to be richer and contacts make things easier.

Also, pussy.

>> No.1929821


Expensive cars only remotely make sense if you have clients that are impressed by such things.

>> No.1929825
File: 47 KB, 575x300, Ingvar-Kamprad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to impress whom?
Shallow, dumb people?

>> No.1929826


>> No.1929829
File: 168 KB, 425x450, fun_allowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you leave house in rags everyday
Why do you even wash yourself and waste water
Why do you cook your food, raw fish is cheaper
Why do you have sex you need a better ejaculation/pregnancy ratio
Why do you listen to music, it doesn't help your bank account
Why why why

>> No.1929830

Because you appreciate machinery for what it is? And to get that kind of top performance you usually have to buy relatively new vehicles

>> No.1929837


>you have enough wealth to live the rest of your life in a manner you are happy with and have some spare cash

>you believe the car will appreciate in value and could also be an investment

>you are a car enthusiast, owning the car is one of your life goals and you have enough money to buy and maintain it

>you are a poser idiot

>> No.1929838

>comparing cheap things to something that most people take out a loan to buy
seems legit.

>> No.1929840

>Why don't you leave house in rags everyday
I optimize my clothes TCO. Turns out $100 pants don't last much longer than $20 pants.
>Why do you even wash yourself and waste water
Health. Bad hygiene causes health problems.
>Why do you cook your food, raw fish is cheaper
Health. Raw fish is potentially infested with salmonella.
>Why do you have sex you need a better ejaculation/pregnancy ratio
Sex is definitely overrated. Once you've done it a few times, there's nothing to gain from it.
>Why do you listen to music, it doesn't help your bank account
I don't listen to music on purpose. Only talk radio.

>> No.1929845 [DELETED] 

I can lease a Porsche for 12k/year. It's all a facade

>> No.1929861
File: 9 KB, 200x176, 3e7[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turns out $100 pants don't last much longer than $20 pants.
>Sex is definitely overrated. Once you've done it a few times, there's nothing to gain from it.
>I don't listen to music on purpose. Only talk radio.

>> No.1929886

It's not to impress, you would need more than a car to impress.
It's to be admited.

>> No.1929891

>I am an extremely boring person

>> No.1929956

I absolutely love driving and cars. The sensation i get when i drive hard with the windows down is one of the best feeling in the world.

If you could sell my mother for an used 2015 Nissan GTR i fucking would.

>> No.1929963

*if i

>> No.1929971

If you spend a substantial part of your wealth, it's very stupid.
But if you're rich and spend like 5% of your all your money on a fun car, why not?

>> No.1929981

Yeah this. I love driving and making more money will open opportunities for me own more performance vehicles: luxury, sport, and offroading.
It's not first priority if I can use money to gain more pressing capital first, but it's definitely on the list.

>> No.1930032

Femanon here. I'm not against the concept of owning performance cars, but there is a time and place for them...

Only after you reach the point of maturity and net worth and income that you can easily afford to have "TOYS".

SMART women can sniff-out a wanna be poser that thinks they are the coolest thing in their fancy little shitbox racekar that they cannot really afford. No girl wants to live in a trailer park and work at Waffle House and he works the parts counter at vatozone for $12.75 an hour.

It speaks highly of the idiot nature of the man and rules him out as a worthy candidate for a relationship.

He has an expensive toy that he dumps money into and can barely support himself. No worthy girl is gonna waste her time with a guy that is on the road to loserville.

Guess what, anon in that ebin racekar or whatever is alway gonna be broke. It may be your pride and joy but it is going to send anon to the poorhouse or the repo guy is gonna retrieve it and then you'll see anon taking the bus again.

The moron that dumps money into his car when he has nothing: low income, no established career, has no house, little or no savings, no investments/401k, no health insurance, his net worth is negative as he lives paycheck to paycheck. Yay for anon in the car that he can't afford.

Grow the fuck up. Owning a nice car is fine if you have the means (income/net worth/career/family priorities....house/kids college/everything else like reserves to cover 8 months living expenses if either spouse becomes unemployed)

Often, the car you want is often not within the budget of said idiot anon, yet he will buy it anyway even if he is broke and lives in his mom's basement. Putting your car as priority when a guy can least afford it shows bad judgement, immaturity, and self-centered stupidity.

>> No.1930050

It can be really cheap and effective to buy status. Let's say you are the CEO of a food distribution company. You are going to give a sales pitch to a representative from Whole Foods about how your product can fit into their store.

Case #1: You roll up in a Mercedes S-class, professionally dressed, with a briefcase containing samples of your products.
Case #2: You roll up in an older Volkswagen Jetta, dressed in cargo shorts and a white t-shirt. You take your samples out of your Swissgear backpack.

Which guy would be more likely to get a call back, all else equal?

Expensive cars are a social signal. They can be a good indicator that you know what you are doing in life or that your business is doing very well.

Of course, comical-tier things like driving up in a McLaren to sell someone girl scout cookies is probably not the best approach.

You should never spend more than 2-3% of your income on a car when you are a wealthy business owner, but having nice things might make people much more receptive to your propositions.

>> No.1930052

>Femanon here tlnr
u know the dril
(•_ㅅ_•) or gtfo

>> No.1930056

ultimate /biz/
this anon's gonna make it!

>> No.1930059

Nice rp fag

>> No.1930073
File: 172 KB, 600x527, IMG_1562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't need a nice car!
>it's tradition to spend 4 months wages on an engagement ring! Don't embarrass me!

>> No.1930075

You typed a whole lot of shit no one cares about

>> No.1930165
File: 98 KB, 896x717, Genos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm 100% sure this is bait, and although this makes sense for the losers most girls fall in love with anyway thinking they can "change them" this drivel literally doesn't matter to a man whose driven and wants to enjoy his life in all aspects: quality of living, property, transportation, and the bitches just flock over.
Anyone on this board should be on here for self-interest and not put pussy first.

That being said yeah if you have 40K or whatever don't be an idiot, keep stacking
If you have 400K maybe then look into buying a higher-tier vehicle but even then
There should be no ultimatum you should be striving until you die.

>40 hoes. No wedding ring. 100 emoji.

>> No.1930187

Prove it

>> No.1930191 [DELETED] 


>> No.1930212

>Femanon here
What does that have to do with anything?

Tits or gtfo

>> No.1930219

A buddy of mine just bought a nice car. He's got money piling up and it's not like he's going to live forever.

>> No.1930220
File: 2 KB, 126x97, 1340149448014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ebin racekar

>> No.1930245

What if you're poor wagecuck with good saving habits? And you've saved for the car and not financed the car?

>> No.1930249



good answer

good answer

this, what's the point of being rich if you just hoard it

>> No.1930259
File: 13 KB, 585x315, formulas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>appreciate machinery
>good answer
Study mechanical engineering.
>uh but that's hard

>> No.1930309

What are you some kind of faggot?

>> No.1930314

>Why would you work so hard to acquire money
that's where you went wrong.

people that can afford those cars didn't work hard for the money.

>> No.1930348

if you want a fast fun car get it used, or ride a motorcycle
if you want to impress "clients" rent it for the day
if you want to impress girls you should kill yourself immediately

>> No.1930372

They lease you moron

>> No.1930393

As someone who is very passionate about driving, I would love to buy a sports car some day.

That being said; I think buying for status is retarded, and anybody with an appreciation for cars would at least look for the right compromise between performance and price.

>> No.1930433

>depreciating asset meme
Might as well walk around naked OP, you don't want to wear a depreciating asset do you now? Hope you're reusing trash bags as clothes otherwise you can fuck off /biz/ you fucking casual.

>> No.1930437


Not him but I'm a soon to be civil engineering grad. Just studying mech e isn't enough, lots of car guys in all the engineering disciplines as well.

>> No.1930507

Do any of you faggots know what soft power is? Or gunboat diplomacy? If I look cooler than you and understand more things than you, I can make you do what I want.

>> No.1930509


The expensive car says "I have so much money I can afford to spend thousands on something totally unnecessary, something just for appearances"

>> No.1930866

Kinda like those black athletes think/say right?

>> No.1930883

>Why would you work so hard to acquire money just to spend it on a depreciating asset like a freaking """sports""" car?
That's the thing... they don't work any harder than you or I to acquire money

They might put in the same hours as Captain Burger Flip at your local McDonalds but they just sit at a desk or sign checks to keep their business running.

Captain Burger Flip injects about 30% of his/her income into car ownership.

Mr Successful might only inject 10% of his/her income into car ownership but that 10% of a $200k income gets a """"sports"""" car, makes you jealous and he/she doesn't even give a fuck about depreciating $20k per year

>> No.1930886

>$20k sports car

>> No.1930890
File: 147 KB, 1024x739, zuckerbergs-Honda-Fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont have to when you have the money

>> No.1930891

>$20k per year you imbecile

>> No.1930895
File: 69 KB, 625x521, Dicaprio4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1930898
File: 403 KB, 1920x904, 1988-1991_Volvo_240_GL_station_wagon_(2011-06-15)_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ingvar Kamprad is a billionaire and drives a 25 year old Volvo tho

>> No.1930901

Basically it goes:

Poor fag => cheap car
Wannabe rich => expensive car
Rich => cheap car

>> No.1930915
File: 47 KB, 940x808, Mel-Gibson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1930919


If you're wealthy, these cars aren't expensive to you.

When you're worth 10m, a 100k car is chump change. If you're buying it on credit, then that's retarded, gotta use that credit to buy financial assets instead.

>> No.1930927

100% this

>> No.1930938

There's nothing worse than someone who pretends to be old money.

>> No.1930951

>this, what's the point of being rich if you just hoard it
They're betafaggots who pretend to by old money and not able to appreciate the power of a naturally aspirated V12 engine. The reason old money guys always try to hide their money is because they havent earned the money. They're ashamed.

>> No.1930959

no, not really.

i'd say 66% this.
most rich people like nice things believe it or not. and when i say rich i mean rich, not guy who had enough money to buy a honda civic in cash

>> No.1930961
File: 269 KB, 636x671, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The reason old money guys always try to hide their money is because they havent earned the money. They're ashamed.


>> No.1930971

>what are exceptions
You know. Maybe he just doesn't give a fuck about cars but Leonardo definitely shows off his money sometimes. Driving a supercar in the US doesn't make much sense anyway. I mean I'm from Germany and here I can actually unleash the power of a Ferrari but in the US they'll thrown you into jail.

>> No.1930974

A femanon on 4chan, guaranteed landwhale. Get off my board you fat roastie.

>> No.1930975

They are assets that appreciate value.

What tard pays money on cars that don't gain value?

>> No.1931005

>appreciate the power of a naturally aspirated V12 engine.
or maybe they've progressed beyond the mental age of 12 and are not particularly excited by muh ebin racekar anymore, realizing cars are just a means to get from point A to point B

>> No.1931046

extra monies need homes too

>> No.1931231

you shouldn't be buying an expensive car on payments, That's just being nigger rich

>> No.1931265

If you can't afford your dream car, you aren't rich enough.

>> No.1931287

look up videos of the 488 spider by ferrari.

can you honestly say you dont want one? corvettes are shit tier compared to the spider

desu i will need a lot of money to get a 500k car

>> No.1931308
File: 122 KB, 1024x683, bmw1m1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People in this thread who don't know cars can appreciate

>> No.1931389


Zuckerberg is just obsessed with efficiency.

You can't get 300k miles out of a Ferrari

>> No.1931394
File: 444 KB, 436x932, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>truly believes he only owns a honda fit

>> No.1931685


To enjoy the splendor

>> No.1931778

what if we build cars from concrete?

>> No.1931805

1M coupe is one hell of a car

>> No.1931816
File: 238 KB, 1024x567, F12 Berlinetta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting an F12 Berlinetta

>> No.1932226
File: 718 KB, 1024x768, autowp.ru_kraz_kraz_255l_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not wanting a fuckin Kraz truck

Fuck off /r9k/ fags

>> No.1932234
File: 222 KB, 1280x819, 1912-ford-model-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would probably buy a Ford Model T

Yes, I vape, unironically.

>> No.1932316

What's wrong with what he's saying there? They all seem fine to me

>> No.1932322

only poor retards do this. rich people dont give a fuck.

>> No.1932368

>Thinking that you can get the same rush from having a sports car studying enginering
Delusional cuck i bet you dont even have a license
I know guys studying that shit that dont even know how to drive

>> No.1932456

I grew up hotrodding. I have no car payment but 6 cars. I know very well they are in no way an asset. I budget it as a hobby luke collecting guns or coins. It interests me. Sure i want a tesla, but rather than blow 130k or wtf ever i will find a good used one in 10 years. Buikd my orn pack, fix it up and thrash the fuck out if it. Sell it when im done.

Other than keeping up with the joneses or somefhing thing i dont know about normies.

>> No.1932470

It cost a comparable anount and turns into shrapnel when u bump it.

Muh 1mpg

Just..... wat?

>> No.1932474

Wtf is that on the back? And no, i want nothing with 2 back axles ever fucking again.

>> No.1932477
File: 30 KB, 570x421, 5028bf4154a8de90b2f3c0eba8f91014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.1932489

I want a prostitution heavy car from eighties and ride with louie and tony and crash into walls without breaking

>> No.1932495

This is the correct answer. When you drive an exotic car you get attention from women like you would not fucking believe. My friend got to drive his rich uncle wraith for two weeks while he was house sitting. He said about ten percent of the time when he left the house he got a girl's number and around half of those panned out so approximately 5% of the time when you leave your house you get cunt is worth six figures

>> No.1932507

I get the top quality pussy and I'm basically a drop-out loser on skid row. Girls like that 'tortured artist' type.

>> No.1932729


>> No.1932754

A fine example of someone who is afraid of risk and adrenaline.
I guess you will live a long sad life

>> No.1932767


You two are fucking faggots. If you can afford the monthly payment of BMW M3 you can afford to bang a 10/10 Russian hooker once a week.

>> No.1932786

You wish you were an NBA star. No wage cuckery will net you more fame and respect tha that.

>> No.1932800

A Ferrari is definitely not a depreciating asset

>> No.1933562
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, CFLodZc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the actual joy of driving?? First thing Id do if I was rich id buy a nice car and tune it up over time.

Status isnt everything you beta faggots. Only if you do business it might matter and only if your business partner is a gullible idiot thats impressed by monetary values.

>> No.1933567

What's the point of being rich if you don't use that money for things you enjoy?

>> No.1933570 [DELETED] 


>> No.1933579
File: 35 KB, 403x405, 1478642044931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread was about people who have net worth less than few hundred thousand especially people who buy car with interest rate lol

>> No.1933589

My new life goal:

>get $$RICH$$
>buy bugatti
>apply to burger king craiglist "chef" position ad
>slip into a tuxedo
>light cuban cigar
>drive up to the interview in bugatti
>"hey, I'm here for the job interview"

>> No.1933600

you know he can have multiple cars right?

and he might not want to drive around everyday in a fucking expensive supercar?

>> No.1933604

holy shit. this is some autistic shit right here

>> No.1933888

*shallow dumb people with money (ideally)

Think of a lawyer driving up in a ford pinto vs a Lexus.

Pinto might be the better lawyer, but Lexus "looks" like the better lawyer.

>> No.1934442
File: 761 KB, 1024x683, RO-Kraz-255B-RATB-210509-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a stack-able trailer for carting long logs.

Goddamn, it's as if it's not within most of /biz/'s ambition to retire to the Siberian wilderness to haul logs through the Russian forestry.

Now that is the life.

>> No.1934730

For one, a love of driving. Sure some people drive them to pull bitches or for status, but others love them for the driving and engineering. For the "pops" of the exhaust, and childhood dreams come true. Also financing a supercar and using a platform like youtube to generate content can net you $10k per month. Your car could pay for itself in ad revenue on youtube. Then flip the car and eat the loss. Most supercars you can count on to retain at least 100k value throughout its life. You pay for the depreciation, price per mile and cost of ownership via repairs and maintenance/insurance as the actual price and make your money back when you sell. Or you could invest in the proper car. A McLaren P1 has jumped 3x in value from 1.4ish Million to 3ish million when being sold. Hypercars almost always rise in value, even when driven a little bit.

>> No.1934759

Sports cars are fun to drive.

And if you're buying vintage or antique sports cars you can buy them cheap when the market is down and sell them some years down the road for a profit. I bought an old 1985 Ferrari after 9/11 for cheap, sold it in 2005 and made a sweet profit.

>> No.1934779

>why would anyone wear designer clothes when you can just wear $10 Walmart t-shirts?
Maybe if you made more than minimum wage you would understand

>> No.1934973

I know a tech CEO who wears just that, washed out shirts. He has 1 or 2 suits for rare occasions.

>> No.1934981

Because I want one an I'm not poor enough for it to matter

>> No.1936158

The median price that millionaires pay for their cars is a meager $31,367. On his blog, he argued that luxury brand automakers are largely supported by the pseudo-affluent – those who spend quite a bit of money but have very little REAL WEALTH to show for it.


>> No.1936392

Eyah, i am litterally building a cock shaped bunker if i dont spend 100k on one this month.

Not kidding.

Will shitpost on /diy about it.

Its gonna be yuge

>> No.1937644

why get a car when you can get a fuckin jet

>> No.1937654

Not everything is to be looked at on a balance sheet you dumb fuck. Nobody works hard to make a load of money then blows 100% of it on the fucking car. How dumb are you? You think people who buy new sports cars have just spent 90% of their net worth? Fuck off.

We live in the day where A-list celebrities can get like $150 million dollars for a single ad campaign which takes a day of filming. There is ridiculous amounts of money going around in celebrity/rich circles.

>> No.1937757

Agree except for the girl part, just get a Miata.

>> No.1937758
File: 827 KB, 2128x1416, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not owning and maintaining God's own chariot

What is wrong with you people?

>> No.1937764

Why everything's gotta be about /long-term/ with wimmimz

>> No.1937770

Wwhats wrong with a VW Jetta bro

>> No.1937786

>no V8
get a real 4X4

>> No.1938287

ITT: Poor people making excuses.

Owning a nice car is perfectly acceptable providing you actually know what you're buying.
If I meet a guy driving a Lamborghini and he actually knows what this thing is, and respects it for what it is, then that's fine by me. You'll find it's the inherited wealth and "attention" hungry who buy shit they don't understand because they just want to attain it.

>Guy 1:
Buys Super car, could probably dismantle it and rebuild it with his own hands. Or at least, he knows a significant amount about it. He respects the engineering that went into it, he respects the craftsmanship.

>Guy 2:
Buy super car just because he could, doesn't know shit about it other than that it looks nice and people stare at him when he's driving it. He doesn't respect the craftsmanship, or anything, really. He just wants to own something that most others can't own, thus, in his mind, making him "better" than others.

It's the same with anything.
Billionaires and other rich people buy musicians instruments despite not being able to play.
Billionaires and other rich people spend hundreds of millions on pieces of art that some guy who is nothing like them made.
Billionaires and other rich people buy yachts for 500 million that they spend maybe 1 week of the year on.

Name someone who isn't guilty of these things?
Even the billionaires who try and pretend they're like normal folk secretly do all of these things. Gates, Buffet, all of them. All of their interviews where they mumble and fumble and act like "innocent old men" while talking about how they only carry 100 bucks in their wallet is all an act. It's all public relations. They own super yachts, and super cars. They own castles and private islands. They fund charity campaigns under the guise of being a good person simply to feed their egos. Behind closed doors they likely laugh, and read their 600 year old da vinci renaissance manuscripts that they purchased at auction.

You fuckers know nothing

>> No.1938303

rich people have so much money that they dont worry about depreciation because it's throwaway cash for them.

>> No.1938332

>doesn't matter
>Inline 6 4.0L is torquey and more reliable than most V8

>> No.1938337

One expensive car would buy you many hot pussy. It is the best investment.

>> No.1938357
File: 75 KB, 750x458, 2016-Porsche-911-GT3-RS-lp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>depreciating asset

only if you buy shit cars

>> No.1938362

What is the best car though for attracting women in 2017?

>> No.1938366


Who the fuck buys a lambo and dismantles it? Wtf are you even talking about? Please stop posting

>> No.1938380

I'm saying they probably could, you fucking invalid.
Enjoy being lifelong poor retard

>> No.1938386

>he thinks a 911 isn't shit
it's all plastic now and cheap shit now.
the value has already dropped significantly within the last 6 months. stay pleb

>> No.1938392

The best women don't care about your wealth.

>> No.1938416
File: 63 KB, 750x422, 1961-ferrari-250-gt-swb-bis-artcurial-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks all 911's are the same

ok, thanks for showing you don't know shit about cars i guess

>> No.1938451

I don't think they're all the same, moron. Post 90's Porsche's are all shit. I was referring to the GT3 RS that you attached.
They're terrible. Even you'll probably be able to afford one in a few years.

>> No.1938472
File: 193 KB, 1920x1080, nsx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks the new gt3 rs is shit

did you buy a second hand 911R for way more than it's worth or something?

>> No.1938488

It is shit. Have you ever even driven one? Or even sat in one? Worst build quality of any "super" car. You're simply buying a name.
Enjoy being poor, as I said.

>> No.1938513


You're one of those people who complain about a rough ride and squeaks in a hardcore track focused car aren't you? Pathetic.

>> No.1938789

Did I say that, or even imply it? No, I didn't think so.
You're a poor fag who has never actually driven a decent car. You wouldn't know what "good" feels like.

>> No.1938980


>> No.1939114

>poorfag worrying about "muh depreciating asset"

If you're rich enough you dont give a fuck and use it to show off.

>> No.1939132

>show off.
Not everyone is a douche bag :^)

>> No.1939172

Because it's nice to enjoy things that other people can't have you classless pleb

>> No.1939933


Only big drawbacks I see of buying a luxury car:

1) Neighbours and people in general will be ratting you out to IRS constantly due to jealousy

2) People will want to rob and kidnap you

3) Fake friends

>> No.1940049


no shit theyre called golddiggers and they will work your ass for every cent

>> No.1940052


btfo and mad

>> No.1940072

Because people want the "illusion" of being rich.

If people were aware of their true state, they would either have to find spiritual enlightenment, or do something about their material state.

So people buy stuff to delude their subconscious mind into thinking they have status.

You see it everywhere, weak people acting tough due to insecurity.

People tend to do the opposite of what they really feel in order to convince themselves that they don't feel it.

Poor people buy overpriced cars, rich people with insecurities buy overpriced cars, rich people who are sensible buy a car thats useful.

>> No.1940078
File: 73 KB, 514x386, jaguar-e-type-classic_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People percieve value as the price attached to something. How else are you supposed to know if something is good?

I dont care for price at all, but Id like to own and drive around in one of those, for swagger reasons.

>> No.1940084

Maybe when you're 22

>> No.1940094
File: 426 KB, 2048x1315, asesino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expensive cars will get you laid.
Just get a BMW, fags.

>> No.1941252


Oh look OP this youtuber is making money by investing in the car featured in you pic. How ironic. You don't even have the bank roll to understand this market.

>> No.1941294

Because the thrill of driving one is worth the money to some people. Not everyone, of course, but some people. What you're basically asking now is "how can people have different interests than me?"

Of course, if you're buying it to impress someone else then you're probably an idiot. But that's true of anything, not just cars.

>> No.1941317

think of it this way: you're giving people a short cut to know you have money without saying you have money

>> No.1941393

Some people have so much money that it doesn't make a dent in their bond interest if they blow an extra $5 million a year.

>> No.1941399


Is this what I'm becoming? I knew I had this darkness inside of me for a while now. but this post gave if form in my mind. I'm afriad, afriad that I like it...

>> No.1941407

Why is this wrong? Once you get up to two or three decently attractive women you're set for status and can retu to anime pussy for the rest of your life

>> No.1941410

> I don't listen to music on purpose. Only talk radio.
This unless it's to help focus