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File: 144 KB, 1000x1000, 95D582B2-42C7-4C16-948F-6588EE452571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19434932 No.19434932 [Reply] [Original]

I currently live in Norway with my Aussie gf, but we’re planning to move to Australia for a few years.
This means we wanna bring most of our clothes from here

What’s the cheapest option to send probably 30kg worth of clothes overseas?

>> No.19434957

box it and ship it, probably

>> No.19434981

Do they even take packages from private senders to Australia?
DHL in Germany refuses to do so at the moment.

>> No.19434997

couriers are the cheapest, they often prohibit clothes but just declare it as something else it works very well within europe

>> No.19435004

Just take it on the plane and pay for the overweight. 30kg is not a lot

>> No.19435005

o and pack those clothes up very securely with multiple points of failure, make it waterproof even if the outside package is damaged

>> No.19435006

Shove it up your ass

>> No.19435012

if they're moving they're probably carrying as much as they physically can anyways. not worth another roundrtip with a plane.

>> No.19435038

Layer them all & wear them on the plane

>> No.19435368

Ya but what are the cheapest services?

>> No.19435388

can't you just buy extra flight luggage?

>> No.19435393 [DELETED] 

within europe, if you don't need insurance it's dhl, they also give the most expensive extra insurance and strictest rules on what you can declare in the package

>> No.19435407

within europe, if you don't need insurance it's dpd, they also give the most expensive extra insurance and strictest rules on what you can declare in the package

>> No.19435690

I've seen this exact Apu but as a throw pillow and I know it's probably CGI but it's hilarious thinking someone out there has one.

>> No.19435937


>> No.19435962
File: 99 KB, 1242x926, IMG_20200523_181120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off we're full

>> No.19435976

where to buy those sheets???

>> No.19435993

Just book extra luggage.

>> No.19436020

don't bring your fucking clothes you moron.
australia is a warm place, you won't need your bulky winter clothes.
bring/wear your most expensive/hardest to replace clothing on the plane with you, then go to second hand shops for everything else once you get there.

>> No.19436201

Foreign women always say "for a few years" then try to force you to stay in their native cunt.

>> No.19436521

Take your ganga and fuck off we are full cunt

>> No.19436552

imagine being such a faggot. buy new clothes over there, take what you can in a suitcase, what the fuck are you both, prop actors? is she the problem and has tons of shit? i can'r imagine a man having or giving a shit about clothes like that. don't be such a pussy, tell her to back what she can in a suitcase adn buy the rest there over time. you need to tell her to shut her cunt mouth about it and move on. fucking A man

>> No.19436587

some ppl put serious effort into choosing clothes, plus he will look badass in his foreigner clothes amongst the natives. women usually love foreign fashion.

>> No.19436595

>i can'r imagine a man having or giving a shit about clothes like that
The difference between burgerland and europe

>> No.19436601

>foreigner clothes
>what is globohomo

>> No.19436620

doesn't matter women will still tell you bought your clothes in another continent in 10 seconds

>> No.19436912

woah wymen so smert!!1!

>> No.19437406
File: 27 KB, 600x450, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women usually love foreign fashion
imagine thinking it matters to women what you wear lmfao you simp, you fell for the weakest shit test of them all. the only thing that matters when it comes to women is knowing the reality that they are inferior children mentally, and treating them as such. they will unironically fall in love with you for adhering to reality. choose to wear stuff that you like and are comfortable in, all that matters. having to 'peacock' yourself up is fake and gay and I can't believe faggots fall for this

>> No.19437459


> have to buy new clothes anyways
> might as well donate clothes n buy new ones

Meh. To each retard their own.

>> No.19437485
File: 157 KB, 765x988, 1589170156415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine thinking it matters to women what you wear lmfao you simp, you fell for the weakest shit test of them all. the only thing that matters when it comes to women is knowing the reality that they are inferior children mentally, and treating them as such. they will unironically fall in love with you for adhering to reality. choose to wear stuff that you like and are comfortable in, all that matters. having to 'peacock' yourself up is fake and gay and I can't believe faggots fall for this

>> No.19437492
File: 742 KB, 2668x2137, 1588833501899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off we're full Mohammed.

>> No.19437516

Feel free to stay where you are

>> No.19437551

i've been fucking since i was 14 years old. I was captain of my football team, pro skier etc I've always been able to get laid to the point that I'm disgusted with myself for having defiled so many women. but keep projecting. treat women aligned with the reality that they are inferior and they will love you for it. not like a bully sperg tard but in a fun down to earth way, because it's the truth. haha never gonna make it with women until then

>> No.19437578
File: 121 KB, 1280x1336, soyjak_hd_by_ametistnyanchan_ddkzavz-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been fucking since i was 14 years old. I was captain of my football team, pro skier etc I've always been able to get laid to the point that I'm disgusted with myself for having defiled so many women. but keep projecting. treat women aligned with the reality that they are inferior and they will love you for it.

>> No.19437648

the best solution is probably to only take whatever you can fit in your suitcase/carryon.
I mean, fuck, how much clothes do you have?

>> No.19437662

Just buy new clothes. Or burn your clothes and market buy more LOKI.

>> No.19437677

>plus he will look badass in his foreigner clothes amongst the natives. women usually love foreign fashion.

lmfao you couldn't make this stuff up. ngmi

>> No.19437802

There should be some big barrel thing you can buy and take with you on the plane as checked luggage. My dad uses it whenever he travels to Nigeria and wants to send a bunch of shit to our relatives.

>> No.19438074

Now this is a fucking shill
Might actually buy some LOKI now

Lmao what the fuck

Is this Mystery that PUA?

>> No.19438091

is that your bed sheet?

>> No.19438096

probably should look into yourself and work on your inferiority complex if your highest achievments in life were being captain of the football team, a PRO skier, "etc.", and being always able to get laid, and you need to post all of this in your 2nd comments in a random thread on a maltese fishermen's board

>> No.19438120

The easiest way would be to tie a noose and hang yourself

>> No.19438265

This is the obvious solution, but the true meaning of this thread to make incels seethe over muh gf
Case in point

>> No.19438287

Can't you just bring an extra (huge) suitcase on the plane?
It will probably cost you $150 at most.

>> No.19438308

keep dressing for women faggot lmfao. my point was that i've been easily getting laid since i was a teenager, those aren't my big life achievements but being decent looking and really good at sports makes it much easier to get women and from this vantage point i've been able to dissect what women are really attracted too; being controlled (looked after) by superior intellect/strength. that's it.

>> No.19438325

>imagine thinking it matters to women what you wear lmfao
It's unironically true. Fashion is a looklet cope. Just look clean and wear clothes that fit.
I've had several girls tell me they 'love my style' when I was wearing black jeans, white vans and a $5 t shirt kek.

>> No.19438329

>Is this Mystery that PUA?
yeah he's an utter faggot simp

>> No.19438409

Imagine being such a virgin that you don’t even realize how important your style is. And you faggots wonder why you’re still incels topkek.

>> No.19438448

Very wrong, women are attracted to decency and kindness. If you don't tream them as a princess, you have no chance at 10/10 women, only with 4s.

>> No.19438469

>imagine being such a virgin that you think style matters when it comes to women falling in love with you // getting laid // getting a gf

go listen to your PUA programs pathetic faggot

>> No.19438499

> projecting
You think fashion is important for you because it might make up for your shitty looks. It won't. I used to think girls cared about fashion when I was 16 years old too.
Just wear simple clothes that fit. Anything beyond that doesn't matter unless you're trying to attract gold digging whores. You're only impressing other metrosexual men with your "fashion".

>> No.19438511

Don’t even know what that means but you’re one of those guys I was directing my original comment to. Your chances will begin to rapidly decline the older and more miserable you get. But you know this though, that’s why you cope.

>> No.19438531

Projecting what, faggot? You’re obviously not rich so women don’t want you already. On top of that you dress like a bum without a care. Now you’re on a Mongolian weaving board coping to make yourself feel better. The absolute state of cucks

>> No.19438595
File: 13 KB, 657x527, apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love 4chan

>> No.19438651

in my mid 20's. fuck pretty much whenever I want. women unironically don't give a shit about style or any of that and you're obviously coping for something major if you think that style matters. most important thing is knowing you are in control of the relationship and treating her as such, that's whether it's a first date or a long term situation. a functional relationship is one that adheres to reality, if you fulfill your designated function (and by default she does as well) you will win with women. it's really that simple. Conforming to her retarded ideas about "style" just confirms you're her little bitch and will easily confirm to her pathetic childish needs, it will turn her off big time

>> No.19438688 [DELETED] 

But I AM rich kek.
I don't at all dress like a bum. At home I just wear comfy clothes. When I go out I wear simple clothes that fit, e.g. white shirt, white t-shirt + leather jacket, white t-shirt + suit jacket etc.
I have absolutely no problems with women. Trust me dude, women don't give a fuck about your $3000 Thom Browne suit or your Gucci sneakers. If you're attractive (decent looking, confident, funny, sociable etc.) then it won't make a difference. If you're not attractive then it will only (maybe) attract some desperate gold digging whores.
As I said, just wear decent looking plain clothes that fit. Anything more than that is only good for impressing other metrosexual guys.

>> No.19438699

i love 4chan
unironically the best thing in this existence.

>> No.19438760

But I AM rich kek.
I don't at all dress like a bum. At home I just wear comfy clothes. When I go out I wear simple clothes that fit, e.g. simple shirt, white t-shirt + leather jacket, white t-shirt + suit jacket etc.
I have absolutely no problems with women. Trust me dude, women don't give a fuck about your $3000 Thom Browne suit or your Gucci sneakers. If you're attractive (decent looking, confident, funny, sociable etc.) then it won't make a difference. If you're not attractive then it will only (maybe) attract some desperate gold digging whores.
As I said, just wear decent looking plain clothes that fit. Anything more than that is only good for impressing other metrosexual guys.

>> No.19439243

exactly, it's like thinking the ascetics on a car are going to win you races. what matters is the chassis and the engine, the functional components. guys who think clothes/style matter much are the guys who drive around in a geo metro with gay hubs, lowered, stupid race fin and a cut pipe to make it loud, thinking they're fast

>> No.19439262

ohmagerd i want that beadsheet