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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 231 KB, 487x392, 54137f8fabf3860572d8ed793cde1c2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19941972 No.19941972 [Reply] [Original]

all of you who are excited for LINK's current price action are newfags and cannot hide it. this shit token has effectively broken me emotionally. this is the third time LINK has breached 50k sats, with the other two times resulting 50% crashes. NO I AM NOT FUDDING. but how can you still have anything but a black heart and ruined soul after the March cuckening when LINK literally went to $0.001? i am literally cracking up thinking about it because the only thing I can do regarding LINK is laugh at myself for putting myself on this 3 year cuckholding, fingers-in-my-ass rollercaster ride that seemingly never ends. i can't look at a big mac anymore. fuckin Sergey the Marshmellow with his cliche thumbs up pose taunts me in my nightmares.

there is only one conclusion. if you're truly a long time LINK holder, your face is pic related for the last 12 months. if not, you are a newfag. sell now if you want to retain your soul.

tl;dr: what are you so excited about

>> No.19941987
File: 347 KB, 2065x1174, klaus alex jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tl;dr: what are you so excited about

>> No.19942002


watch for some realistic hopium

>> No.19942405

im not fudding
why lie

>> No.19942413


>> No.19942453

Funny thread op and i kind of agree

>> No.19943214

mETHheads had it easier

>> No.19943277

You are weak and won't make it.

>> No.19943431
File: 120 KB, 1080x1504, 20200520_040753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it like this: the longer you have held, the more likely you will continue the hold in the future. Thousands upon thousands of people will cycle in and out of LINK as we rise but only the original and oldest faggots have the autism and now experience to hold steadfast into the future.

Never sell, never swing, don't poison yourself by ironically fudding (exception for trolling plebbitors), buy dumps without hesitation and work on the rest of your life. Seems like you need to focus on the last point. Zoom out and prepare accordingly.

>> No.19943791

unironically 90% of Link holders here will have PTSD from all the pnds, crabbing, fake WTFWT threads, tonight posting, and tomorrowposting. I already have it

>> No.19943813

The coordinated decision to keep people from buying into perhaps the greatest project in crypto/digital currency for cheap keks is pretty low, man. Sergey and the team avoid advertising or marketing and it’s enough to simply follow suit. Actually fucking people over that could have gotten in early, especially so now with the economy permafucked, is evil. I didn’t even know what a white paper was back then and could have used a little guidance instead of memes. I stopped eating a few days ago and sleep roughly 5 hours a night. I’m too wound up to do my job and will be losing my place soon. I should have been smart enough to research and see through the fud, but I wasn’t. Holy fuck, this is depressing.

>> No.19943832

Fud is IQ test and you failed.

>> No.19943845

Anons you have to find a happy spot in your life you can retreat to and truly feel happy. Don't walk unto memetic battle grounds if you're not prepared for the challenge

>> No.19943865


>> No.19943878

>Just buy now and hold, retard.

Yes, that few hundred link will help in 5 years when I’m on the street next month. I don’t know how you guys have friends or significant others or leave the home to do anything social. Biz is proof that nobody is coming to your rescue and love the idea of kicking you while you’re down.

>> No.19943895

It's the ground floor of the DeFi bullrun and no matter what wins, it will be powered by Chainlink.
That's what I'm excited about. We literally can't lose.
Picks and shovels to gold prospectors, anon.

>> No.19943953

Anon, I have a climbing rope I ordered off Amazon. I spent the last of my savings on 500 link and it’s going to be liquidated by Gemini when the the landlord finds my body. I put my things up for free on Craig’slist, they say that’s a sign of ideation, giving your shit away to people. My folks are threatening to drive across state lines to see if I’m safe. 6/30 and then that’s it. There’s really nothing left for me..

>> No.19943977


Why don't you just put it in a balancer pool to earn BAL tokens(free money 7% every Tuesday) if you don't know how to swing trade?

>> No.19944011

Things are a little fucked up from the sleep deprivation. Somebody is coming to pick up my smart tv and PS4 later tonight.

>> No.19944014

Boo fucking hoo, people like you represent slave morality. You’re a parasite you know that. You make people pity and feel sorry for you. Instead of trying to better yourself you make excuses. Everyone wishes they could have bought cheap BTC/ETH or LINK.

>> No.19944033
File: 36 KB, 400x500, 1562020318633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

redditors arent supposed to make it, anyway their mods literally are removing any news about LINK

>> No.19944037


That pic is great, I cant help but crack a smile looking at that smug prick

>> No.19944043
File: 390 KB, 704x1042, 1552826605653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19944083

Radioactive green ID and dubs. Heed my words, Link. It's dangerous to go alone, go pool for extra BAL tokens while Link also raises in price.

>> No.19944121

>exception for trolling plebbitors
The more money liberal redditors have the more resources they will have to continue their quest to ruin western civilization. It's actually my duty to my people to fud link to redditors, anything less is treasonous.

>> No.19944122

I don’t need anyone to feel sorry. That’s rubbing salt in the wound at this point. I have no debt, I live modestly, and don’t ever ask anyone for anything. It just took longer than most to realize how ugly And selfish the world is. I didn’t want to believe it, it’s like being some naive child having your covers pulled.

You’re not wrong, man. Feeling sorry for yourself never got anyone anywhere. Weak people don’t deserve to make it..

>> No.19944151

lmao I thought it was a mass troll attempt like the jenkem of drugs
>biz fools rave on about shitcoins, the only shitcoin is what they all foolishly invested in

>> No.19944154

Not a redditor. I was around when consequences would never be the same and crashing into slumber. It was right in front of me, waiting to be bought...

>> No.19944220
File: 427 KB, 844x1627, 1579687236402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is an advice of good faith; not because I have an interest in swelling the Ponzi for my own profit, but because our struggle for tomorrow will be through our collective financial strength, our ability to resist via counter networks.

Why LINK? We are moving towards the 4th industrial revolution, that of automation - blue-collar workers with robotics, but also and above all white-collar workers: lawyers, notaries, accountants and other "trusted third parties". Globalists in Davos and Wall Street consortia are all about smart contracts - that is, the automation of contracts, that is, the merchandise that drives the business world: trust. This is called the God Protocol, and has been theorized for decades by the inventors of crypto. Understand one thing: the value of crypto, is not in its adoption as a bargaining chip (btc), but as a database for smart contracts, the blockchain (eth). For very simple reasons, but complex to understand, blockchains, and therefore these automated contracts, can not interact with external data, from the internet, with bank accounts, etc. that is, all the data that allows this revolution! LINK - a pure project with corporate ambition, high level, de facto monopoly on the niche - is the major project at the center of this upcoming revolution: the necessary bridge ("oracle") between database and data. All the rest is wind, copies of bitcoin or ethereum, little small-scale protocols, with a lot of marketing smokiness and speculative hysteria. This will affect ALL industries, because all industries are based on contracts. Everything is announced when one reads in depth the reports of the research and development institutes, banking institutions, law firms, insurance companies, government committees, when one follows the lobbying networks. It's a huge octopus. The collective entity of /biz/ has understood all this via Darwinian consensus and did the job of investigation until the very end, /biz/ is the economic arm of /pol/.

>> No.19944222

How the fuck would they keep it up for a year straight? With that intensity? With that many hours put into photoshopping memes? That also happened to have a rock solid white paper? Working with a respected prof from Cornell? Need I go on?

>> No.19944255

You guys had to go through hell and back with the price action though, so there’s that. Maybe feeling frustrated over a joke that everyone else seems to be in on isn’t so bad.

I’ll be giving my bags away to a luck anon that rolls quads on 6/30. If the jannies stay the fuck out and let me do my thing, some lucky poster will be the new owner of 500 stinks. I’m done fighting.

>> No.19944279

>You guys had to go through hell and back with the price action though,
pic related

>> No.19944292

Lucky*** anon.


>> No.19944391

Nobody needs the 500 or wants it. I’d rather have 0 than have something given to me for free.

>> No.19944443

But, see, that’s the thing; you’re tough. You don’t need free things, but maybe somebody else does.

>> No.19944452
File: 115 KB, 2704x358, Screen Shot 2017-12-16 at 1.32.48 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a very based post.
My baptism of fire was October/November 2017 when we went from 10k sats to 1300 sats (even wicked down to 1k sats when someone dumped a mil at the bottom). You have to understand that sats were the only thing that mattered at that point, nobody measured in fiat or ETH.
Finding this literal gem with your /biz/ bros, staying up to 11pm local time to get in the ICO, buying the rest on ED straight away, grinding through the whitepaper trying to make sense of their solution. Getting so fucking excited knowing this one looked different...
Then losing NINETY percent of your sat value over two months. Every single fucking day just red, red, red. It was absolutely brutal.
After that literally nothing hurt. The first cut was indeed the deepest and if your hands don't break through a 90% dump then fuck, I think you deserve to make it. The mystical side of me even sees it as a true test of faith of the earliest marines.

>> No.19944490

I want someone to stomp on my mouth and break my teeth.

>> No.19944568

This is fud

>> No.19944588

It sucked dude. You act like holding LINK was this magical experience but it fucking sucked. For a long, long time. Buying in at $5 with the massive amounts of information out there is honestly probably better for someone psychologically than holding since 2017.

>> No.19944651

He would of sold. Captain hindsight was never going to make it.

>> No.19944710

Is this a pudding contest? Do you know what it’s like to have zero friends, go without any intimacy or adult experiences because you’re good looking but live on the spectrum being an awkward fuck towards everyone you meet? I’m 35 in a few months and I don’t know what a boob feels like. Then the nip flu hit and the closed my gym, my fucking temple, my one and only source of release and escape from hating myself. It’s not essential business, but fast food stays open because people need their dollar menu.

Unironically happy for you though. You’ll be rich when all of this is said and done. I’ll be stealing tuna from the dollar store.

>> No.19944724

Pissing contest.

Sorry, phone posting.

>> No.19944743

Ha, I still have my BCH when I thought that was going to help me make it. Roger is still better than the federal reserve. Not selling.

>> No.19944745

Anon there's gotta be some autistic chick that will let you awkwardly fumble around her chest

>> No.19944747

Pudding contest made me lol, I understood what you meant anyway. I hope you find something that works for you, fren. I'm not an "everything will work out" fag but I'm sending you good vibes.

>> No.19944838

Come visit on 6/30. I’ll do a sign pic so you know it’s me. This won’t be an attention seeking douche an hero, but a 500 link giveaway and the climbing rope going up around a doorknob. I’m going to immortalize myself on 4chan. When marines come back to shitpost and say “linkies on suicide watch”, they’ll post me in a raw, permanent moment in time; the loser that gave in before a bullrun...

>> No.19944925

This is why we started didn’t read not selling and the whole never selling meme. Chainlink is quite literally going to be the best asset this decade unless someon invents a pill that’s give you immortality. If you were a bitcoin whale and you knew the above premise to be true wouldn’t you suppress the price? Wouldn’t anyone who knows the premise to be true and already has money suppress the price? This is it and some people with money know it so they are suppressing it while it still is a little baby and defi is a little baby.

>> No.19944968

It's true OP. you're right. If you don't have at least $200K in Chainlink you're either poor, or late.

Move on to another lower cap like EPIC while it's still uncycled / under $500k marketcap. Sell the parabola, continue.

>> No.19944973

Would really rather you didn't anon, I understand your life sucks pretty bad right now, and has for a while, but there's undoubtedly people you will upset greatly by doing this. Idk how to talk you out of it but really wish you wouldn't. I'm very sorry you see this as the only way out. Can you sell some of your linkies and stuff to make rent and pay for food? Shit fren don't do this.

LINK marines need to fucking get on this guy. We're all in this together and need to live by this code.

>> No.19944976

it already is. and you should sell the top now.

>> No.19944983

If you have money and the ability to load up or even accumulate, wouldn’t it be in your interest to promote so link is worth more? Thereby inflating your bag value?

>> No.19944984

That’s what I’m doing , I have accepted I’ll be a millionaire by thirty but probably sooner in the mean time just build my career further

>> No.19945047

Missing out on profits sucks worse then just losing money but you've already proven you can make money off crypto so don't end it now. This is round two baby, you might've gotten beat up a little in round one but this is a fight to the death so get out there and fight.

>> No.19945052
File: 1.01 MB, 960x1200, St Macarius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will be very dissapointed if you kill yourself anon
why dont you go monkmode and get some perspective? Live in a tent and pray, keep your seed in your head and do this for a year.
Go far away from anyone you know.

>> No.19945138

Seriously, shut the fuck up. I don’t want your fucking help, making the hurting stop, that’s what matters now.

I refuse to believe this ongoing campaign was about reddit. No. You guys worse than merchants. At least the (((Tribe))) goes for one another. Marines are more like the nips; no sense of loyalty or regret. The business of fucking people over to get ahead is the only life you know and it doesn’t register on your moral compass because you don’t have one. There’s no community or camaraderie among us, no trust or goodwill, just those that make it and those that don’t.

>> No.19945410

You stand out here as being kinda fucked in a non standard way. Quick guess is that you have maladapted coping mechanisms and perceptions. Likely repeating the same mistakes over and over again with out realising. Likely causing the situation where the mistake happens also. Bouncing between this being all your fault and all everyone elses fault? Overwhelmed by shame and guilt while you ruminate over a perceived catastrophy? You'll justify it away, 'thats not what I was doing', but you've threatened suicide like 3 times in this thread. You will probably also say that you're not manipulative despite this.

You're all you have and you never even learned to love that.

Your parents are right to be worried, you're going off the deep end.

But I say you've been floating around there for a while, I say jump in.

>> No.19945423

Chainlink is utter shit, you actually think it’s a good investment?

>> No.19945444
File: 22 KB, 657x628, 1587222985808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw it's happening tonight and every night before that for the last year and every nigt after that until we break $6

>> No.19945558

Link should come with some kind of warning like, “Causes weight gain, suicidal thoughts and delusion.”

>> No.19945632

The gym should probably reopen soon. That might be good. What else does a man have to look forward to? Getting older and losing everything, that’s what. You see the good in life and have a positive outlook. There won’t be anymore suicide talk or fedora tipping douchery. Do you want the link I have? You probably deserve it more.

>> No.19945651

Don't care still buying Link.

>> No.19946025
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You're being emotional, I don't blame you most people are in these situations. The only thing you need is to invest longterm, only money you can afford to lose, and don't expect the moon even if you hope for it, live your life normally while the market does its thing.

If chainlink moon hard, how lucky are you, you got to buy some for a very little price, even it you don't get rich that's a nice story to tell.

If chainlink fails, lucky you! You were level headed enough not to invest too much and even if you lost money that's nothing excessive. Can you imagine some people actually have 50k linkies? How would they suffer if link fail!

>> No.19946176

Hey you can google Xtremweb to start, in 2001 the RLC founder wrote a paper about the system that he is creating today.

He is one of the most cited scholarly authors of the cloud/fog computing space.

He spoke in front of Caisse d'Epargne this week and they are a banking group controlling trillions in assets.

This system absolutely BTFOs Golem, Sonm, Sia, and DADI. Honestly no other decentralized computation platform is as robust or complex and they've developed a suite of tools to be utilized by DeFi projects to provide privacy, interoperability and provide better order matching.

This coin has existed since 2017, been developed since 2015 and has hit every development milestone on its roadmap. This coin is going to provide 100x returns as this space evolves and the performance of dapps becomes the main reason users drive adoption rather than yield %s or # of users.

Anon I am not one of these meme fags shilling his bags, average buy in is 25 cents and I'm holding for at least two years or until a 5 billion marketcap

>> No.19946221
File: 80 KB, 1000x707, 0099P_Crystal_2015_WEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro youve been hitting the gym and sounds like youve been going consistently so you already know what it takes to build up yourself and get good at something. if you can get good at one thing, that's like learning how to get good at anything. you can see it as learning how to learn. bear with me here. learning how to learn is an important concept because literally anything you could conceive being good at you have to learn. talking to people, making money, managing your social life is all learnable just as much as something like weightlifting, piano, or chess.

now dont get me wrong some people have natural talent at this stuff (chad whatever zzz) but the biggest thing is going out and seeing what works and what doesn't. people will tell you this should come naturally (that screencap of the football player kissing the cheerleader comes to mind) but ignore people that say that, you can't compare yourself to others as your personal learning journey is something that you have to go alone. you will fuck up and you have to be ready for that. learn from it and also be ready to forgive yourself when it happens

what is your communication strategy for talking with people. what works and what doesn't? why? be a scientist about these experiments you run and you may realize a lot of conclusions you draw about interactions and people aren't based on reality.

hold onto your linkies and forget about them. consider them money down the drain and forget about them for a few years.

>> No.19946258

See what you're doing there? You're caught in a black hole type situation where all your instruments are giving you false readings but you keep making decisions based on those readings. I don't think you want to die, you just don't know what else to do. These are all solvable things, you just need to let go.

"There won’t be anymore suicide talk or fedora tipping douchery." No, you mean you're not going to communicate it. You didn't switch off your brain. You've just switched to internalizing it right? You're not breaking your pattern you're retreating into it, probably while telling yourself something like 'this is what i get for looking for help'. how accurate is all of this? Pacing? Agitation? Racing thoughts? Angry outbursts?

Rather funny turn of phrase considering your future plans but you've got some hang ups to deal with. Hope might be an illusion but so is hopelessness.

Scary thought to comprehend right now but the way you react to being hurt means you are going to push people away and cause yourself to be hurt in a repeating cycle. If that's true then this isn't the first time you've been like this is it?

You can't trust anyone? Everyone betrays you? You're going to always be alone? Do you think these things because you develop some internal flowchart and people don't say what you want when you want so that's proof? Even if they pass this time you'll throw another one at them later until they fail?

Hey listen man, I'm putting a lot of shit in your head right now. If it's roughly accurate then you can know for sure that you aren't alone, because how would I have guessed. And if it's not then that doesn't prove you are alone either just saying haha.

Learn to laugh. Because the sun comes up tomorrow, you'll have calmed down, and another shame spiral awaits when your brain helps your remember how carried away with this you got. I'm talking about me, but maybe it applies to you. Is why I'm quite ashamed to write this out.

>> No.19946655

You never answered the question, about accepting or declining the link I have to give. The rest of what you said is largely unhelpful. I won’t assume you own a large stack, but your advice reads like another frog poster that’s drunk on green wicks, multiples up on his initial investment and generally enjoying life or managing well enough. It must be nice, seeing things in a healthy, balanced, way and encouraging others to do the same.

There’s a pandemic that turned the world upside down, I’m starving myself and living on very little sleep. If shitty crypto trades are another symptom of all the shit leading up the moment. A lifetime of battling to feel normal, but never really being happy. I wish I had a 50K stack, and link was valued at $1000. I cash that money out and burn it in a furnace. All of it. You and biz can go fuck yourselves. I hope your families get heart disease and cancer than die painfully, but not too fast.

>> No.19946691

Shitty crypto trades are**
Leading up to the moment**
I’d cash**
Then die painfully**

Measure twice: cut once.


>> No.19946723

Now, that’s just lashing out and not personal. just, make sure you’re here on the 30th, for the contest.

>> No.19946754

Yep, late 2017 did it for me too. I bought on ED from ICO up to $0.44 and then sat through the post-SIBOS dump with the brutal FUD here. Went to down to $0.13 from memory and this was during the bullrun.
It's easy now. But yeah, has taken longer than I expected. But is now far bigger than I understood too.

>> No.19946767

Any chance of you killing yourself a bit earlier and just giving me your stinks now, anon?

>> No.19946864

No, I have to say goodbye to my parents and maybe kill their cat before checking out. Plus, you didn’t roll quads, I checked.

>> No.19946905

>The more money liberal redditors have the more resources they will have to continue their quest to ruin western civilization. It's actually my duty to my people to fud link to redditors, anything less is treasonous.
>/biz/ is the economic arm of /pol/.
Chainlink based esoteric Christian monarcho-fascism, when?

>> No.19946931

lmao the thinking process of aspies really is something, I wonder what evolutionary purpose made it so that your neurological structure able to be passed down for generations.

Read >>19946025 if you haven't, it's solid advice.

>> No.19947026

Probably sitting around chipping stones for spear tips all day while the chads went out and killed shit. Enjoying repetitive motions etc

>> No.19947438

anon, there is more to life than money. You can live off the dole until you find your new job. Just take it one step at a time.

>> No.19947454
File: 292 KB, 559x565, 134516616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you can google Xtremweb to start, in 2001 the RLC founder wrote a paper about the system that he is creating today!

He is one of the most cited scholarly authors of the cloud/fog computing space.

He spoke in front of Caisse d'Epargne this week and they are a banking group controlling trillions in assets.

This system absolutely BTFOs Golem, Sonm, Sia, and DADI. Honestly no other decentralized computation platform is as robust or complex and they've developed a suite of tools to be utilized by DeFi projects to provide privacy, interoperability and provide better order matching.

This coin has existed since 2017, been developed since 2015 and has hit every development milestone on its roadmap. This coin is going to provide 100x returns as this space evolves and the performance of dapps becomes the main reason users drive adoption rather than yield %s or # of users.

Anon I am not one of these meme fags shilling his bags, average buy in is 25 cents and I'm holding for at least two years or until a 5 billion marketcap

>> No.19947560


kek do it faggot, link will crash hard and I'll buy your linkies when it does

>> No.19947584
File: 22 KB, 500x396, 1574734319146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting so fucking excited knowing this one looked different...
>Then losing NINETY percent of your sat value over two months.

>> No.19947839

I used to respect you 42 before I found out you are Trumptard and actually believe this bullshit "darkness vs light" narrative that Q and other fuking MKULTRA social media storylines feed you

You were just a fucking sheep all along. I'm sorry. You must understand that Trump betrayed you and he probably won't get second round

>> No.19948560

>this shit token has effectively broken me emotionally
Wow you must be bleeding from your gash.

>> No.19948572

You're pretty retarded then - thinking that stuff was good without realizing it was going to lead there.

>> No.19948642

Oh the huge manatee, I am up but a mere 15x. Whatever shall I do with 'only' a ~230usd profit should I decide to sell today? Holding link is knowing only pain. If only I had listen to pajeet and held nuke or grounder. Even bitcoin managed to 3x, what is wrong with chainlink??