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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 125 KB, 715x680, IMG_20200627_135659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19975613 No.19975613 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19975633
File: 28 KB, 478x470, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..oook how many pieces have to be specific

>> No.19975662

Tough call. Take the billions or keep letting basement dwellers post bizzarro conspiracy theories about juice.
We'll see if Zucks takes the bucks or the cucks. Not too early to walk with his billions and start a new platform, it's not like facebook is his last resort.

>> No.19975869


>> No.19975906

He's actually quite based. Takes balls not to comply with all the sjw bullshit. Might actually be a great strategy in the long term

>> No.19975941

I think the problem isn't so much advertisers and it would be a net win in the long run but all the brainwashed low test cucks in tech that would refuse to work for them/sabotage code or other nonsense.

My good buddy got a job at a small time local tech company and is a different person after spending time around these estrogen ridden beta orbiters.

>> No.19975983

I fucking hate Facebook and glad to see its stock plummet, hope it goes to 0 -

but the fact of the matter is, Zuck is right here. Social media needs to take a cognizant step towards allowing all voices/thoughts/retard shit to be posted. Otherwise they're objectively losing their role as a platform and strengthening their role as a publisher. There's no argument there.

Twitter for example is heading the other way - silencing and "fact checking" posts. That's not platform behavior, that's publisher behavior. Treat them as such.

>> No.19976037

Sure, but twitter and co. have been frustrating a whole demographic that Facebook might get back. Also in the long run, I mean at some point people will realise that this whole woke thing was just a phase and they'll be looking for a platform that was able to stick to its guns and allow (to a certain extent, right) free speech during that whole sjw dictatorship

>> No.19976401
File: 22 KB, 418x226, 1593287874288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does his face skin look like this?

>> No.19976634

Swimming in the pool with goggless

>> No.19976955

same reason as trump. project looking glass.

>> No.19977012

ah so when Trump Sama looks into the future is face becomes orange ahh it's all so clear now thank you

>> No.19977025


You have just uncovered the insane right wing conspiracy known as SUNGLASSES

>> No.19977596
File: 338 KB, 720x1280, 1591104569061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based af

>> No.19977624
File: 552 KB, 537x705, 1547755444388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even his JUST face looks soulless
Fuck is wrong with this guy

>> No.19977636

Boycott? What hapenned to Zucc the cucc? Sorry, I don't read the news.

>> No.19977637
File: 70 KB, 800x532, 784564CD-2411-4447-8FC8-F6B46A6613CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based kike

>> No.19977650
File: 846 KB, 1033x1700, 23okVAi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19977666

this could be the turning point for silicon valley and the normie internet. he needs and deserves all our support

>> No.19977676
File: 44 KB, 399x385, 1ewdzs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this what Jews did to Germany in the 1920's? It isn't so fun when it's the other way around, is it?

>> No.19977682


>> No.19977688

No this is actually true. Kys

>> No.19977699

no you're a fucking retard and have 0 understanding of the current situation, and the world would be a better place if you kys'd

>> No.19977705

Seethe harder

>> No.19977715

funny to think Mongolian basket weaving forums are the only place on the internet with near nil-censorship.

>> No.19977716

the numbers of forbes are fake. we have no idea who the richest people are. No idea at all. they mainly calculate their stock holdings and thats bullshit. the richest person on earth? you Most likely never heard his name

>> No.19977774

But what’s the point of being the richest person on earth if nobody knows you’re the richest person on earth?

>> No.19977793


>> No.19977810

Explain how this would worked then. Suppose someone has more money than Bezos but nobody has heard of him. How is that possible? Doesn't Putin have $250B?

>> No.19977813

let me guess, he's not censoring "right wing conspiracy theories" so all the jewish banks and corporations are boycotting facebook

>> No.19977862

Why are Jews turning on another Jew? I thought they stuck together.

>> No.19977863

I’m glad I sold my free FB share from RH to buy more KTOV before this shit happened.

>> No.19977884

Isn't this kind of the same thing they did to YouTube? If so, we all know how it ends.

>> No.19977921
File: 9 KB, 327x154, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't this kind of the same thing they did to YouTube
no way no silicon valley strongman ever raised voice FOR free thought / free speech / free expression beside zuck. if they did quote them. go.

>> No.19977956

not really. Not all jews are bad just like not all blacks are bad or any other race. Pretty weird it would be the Zucc of all people to stand up for what's right though, assuming that's actually what's happening

>> No.19977984

my wife is asian


>> No.19977985

Yes we do. The richest family is the Rothschild family. Their wealth dwarfs that of Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos. Trillions, not billions.

>> No.19978022

i work in tech as well, but almost everyone is right wing, but this may be because my company is focused on electrical engineering opposed to just software engineering

>> No.19978029

Also, what is the situation with Libra now?

Not even Chainlink is mentioning it in slides anymore lmao

>> No.19978034

it is weird, I think Zucc was never part of the cabal since Facebook was one of the first so they didn't anticipate his race
he's just a rich jew who got lucky but never joined the club
explains why he got questioned by the government for his libra project. They don't control him

>> No.19978045

He's gonna run for president eventually and run on a "free speech and no bullshit" platform

>> No.19978070

the royal saudi family?

i mean they basically own aramco which is (estimated to be) the biggest company in terms of market cap

>> No.19978079

facebook is lifelog

>> No.19978105

I remember when the richest people in the world were actually rich as fuck and had massive assets and produced huge undeniable wealth. Now its just somebody with a website who hodls big stonks.

>> No.19978123

Skiing leaves a tan line like that. Either that or sunglasses, but I heard somewhere that zuck was chilling in Colorado for a lot of the time since corona, so skiing is my bet.

>> No.19978127
File: 553 KB, 715x680, ze zucc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the original. Please stop posting fakes.

>> No.19978278

He’s got my vote

>> No.19978345

If George Soros really is doing all the shit you guys say he is, doesnt it make your side look worse to post quotes that are just totally fake?

>> No.19978439

you're full of soi

>> No.19978485
File: 27 KB, 480x360, lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is weird, I think Zucc was never part of the cabal
>"people still trust me"
>"dumb fucks"

>> No.19978502

>the world would be a better place if you kys'd
i'm not kidding dude just do it

>> No.19978599
File: 38 KB, 500x500, 3C69150B-F6E8-481B-8263-863046311A8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh soi
IT'S FAKE you dumb retard. he didn't say it in the Bild interview (idk if there ever was one with him in 2014) and there is absolutely no proof of him saying it in any other context. Even if he did, it would be extremely stupid to say it out loud just like that, makes no fucking sense. /pol/ is a mental illness

>> No.19978635
File: 5 KB, 305x165, lizard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep trusting him dumb fuck.

>> No.19978682

why does every rich person age horribly? is being rich really that stressful lmao

>> No.19978717

It is considering 80% of its users are geriatrics and if they get banned they take their friends with them.

>> No.19978775

I will. Thanks. Stay in your cuck shed and never leave. It would be better for everyone.

>> No.19978792
File: 13 KB, 300x300, VARGA_EMMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never gonna make it

>> No.19978831

This is hillarious.
Poor dumb dumbs still think trump actually loves the bible

>> No.19979490

Trump is a jew

>> No.19979555

lol he can just put his investment in silver and gold and be set for life for generation, even if facebook goes to 0
i bet he already hoarding

>> No.19979568

but facebook just banned david icke.
isnt that against free speech?

>> No.19979598

i ski in tahoe like every other exec from the bay?

>> No.19979622

lmao i can't even imagine being as stupid as you are, like really what is it like inside your head? a little flea circus or what?

>> No.19980147

are you joking? FB moderation is ultra cucked

>> No.19980372

Based af.

>> No.19980395

Drops out of top 3 richest? Poor guy. He must be pouring a big glass of whiskey with a handgun next to him

>> No.19980430

Zuckerberg and his company aren't the same.

>> No.19980460

>Takes balls not to comply with all the sjw bullshit.
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.19980483


He never gets any sunlight. He's also probably on some hippie vegan diet

>> No.19980499

just fuck already

>> No.19980580

the richest man is right here, and its right here in his heart

>> No.19980634

Hey mark did the winklefag twins have anything to do with the creation of BTC or did the cia give it to them like they gave you lifebook?

>> No.19980814

it is. but if you have a giant ass silicon valley company with all the soiboi silicon valley workforce already in it, you can't reform it in a week. he's only started to _seriously_ raise voice aganist censorship recently. we'll see there it's headed, whether he genuinely believes in freedom or it's some game on his part. but nothing like this has ever been observed from the ceo of a 'social media giant' company. ever. so this is incredibly serious and promising and there's a chance that a year or two from now you'll be able to listen to anything on facebook, which would be a grand fucking step toward freedom from where we are right now, and _especially_ from where we are going to be in a few years if zuck gives in to the pressure.

>> No.19980861

Amazing bait

>> No.19980873

all of that is true and if you had an iq above a certain treshold you wouldn't consider it bait soz

>> No.19980881

take your meds

>> No.19981909

jfc why is facebook even still talked about? Didn't it die out once instagram, snapchat, and tiktok gained dominance? What happened? (Are boomers just that huge of a demographic that it still matters?)

>> No.19981938


boomers are keeping it alive. also they own instagram

>> No.19981960
File: 243 KB, 2120x1164, Screen Shot 2020-06-28 at 2.48.16 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooooooof look at that dump, how will facebook survive this.