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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 687x500, POBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20013399 No.20013399 [Reply] [Original]

>350 eth gathered in presales
>2nd presale reached the limit in 45 seconds
>transactions exceeding the presale limit were refunded (etherscan)
>terms of service done
>whitepaper coming soon
>public sale launch in a week
>big money in

Choice is yours

https //etherscan io/address/0x60ea27e61684B280D5d40866659c71AFaA033C99

https // twitter com/PivvrCrypto

https // dis cord gg/ kW qj Hz4

>> No.20013457
File: 837 KB, 960x750, 88oxbw0c82m41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wait

>> No.20013627

He is called madman for a reason

>> No.20013639

legit as fuck. if you dont get in this you are a literal person that has never seen a toilet in his life

>> No.20014071
File: 450 KB, 629x397, fghfgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20014114

Fucking checked and Christ pilled

>> No.20014671
File: 1.80 MB, 1276x636, Pivvr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They won't hear until it is too late

>> No.20014762

this guy is the scammer behind NUKE last year, that was a complete fucking joke of a project that lost /biz/ alot of money because poorguy and his team dumped their 90% supply on anons

AVOID PIVVR, wont last one month

>> No.20014987

there's a special place in hell for scammers using religion as a shield for their actions. if you hang around the discord it won' take long to ascertain that he's a sacrilegious and hypocritical sinner. dude straight up wants to build his own cult and is suggesting get pivvr tattoos / brand themselves with the logo (nxivm) which goes against the teachings of the bible.

>> No.20015018

Checked bro. Proof of Big Liquidity is going to be solid as fuck and I can’t wait for the launch. Wasápe is based as fuck too, solid due.

>> No.20015052

Show me where he said to get a Pivvr tattoo. You’re jealous you haven’t got any skin in the game, fud.

>> No.20015350
File: 93 KB, 1208x680, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20015783
File: 688 KB, 914x1238, pajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really excited guys.

>> No.20015804
File: 44 KB, 1280x334, 2020-06-29 02.15.42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't mind me

this. your destiny is to burn in the center of the sun for eternity Wasape. That's what hell is, a giant karmic recycling bin

>> No.20015810


>> No.20015848
File: 92 KB, 1230x498, 2020-06-29 18.38.59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20015849

literally confirmed pajeet hirers, jesus christ sage this scam

>> No.20015866


i archived it so the fuckers couldnt deny it later

>> No.20015870

remember when he was actively talking that discord for like 15 hours then right before the priv sale yesterday a 'fake' wasape appearred took like 20 eth from people and wasape all the sudden started talking again saying told u guys about the scammers whoops sorry guys ur out of luck. lmfao hes 'christian' alright. frens please stay away if u dont want to lose money

>> No.20015908
File: 95 KB, 391x1280, 2020-06-29 18.42.44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20015909

Why the fuck would he take 20 ETH instead of 350 ETH that he actually collected in presales? There was nothing stopping him. Just think of it bro.

>> No.20015921

"proof of big liquidity"

>> No.20015931

why wouldnt he use a freely available token sale contract? Just think of it bro.

>> No.20015955

ask Wasape what happened to nuketoken or http://kekexchange.surge.sh/

oh wait, he never finished them and moved on to the next scam

for such a genius he can't even finish the most basic projects that are likely clones of other people's work in the first place

>> No.20016017

no, he's called a madman because the LSD he abused has likely rotted his brain out, its apparent from taking five minutes to read his inane ramblings

>> No.20016038

Who the fuck cares which method he uses as long as it's legit. Every single ETH is still there and ETH that went over presale limit was returned. Nobody is getting scammed here.
Find better fud bro.

>> No.20016075

if he was legit in the first place why wouldnt he code a smart contract or use code that exists? takes literally 5 seconds. sounds like he's incompetent

you're telling people to trust a guy that can't use the platform for what its supposed to do and calling any criticism FUD.

anyone who has actually been on /biz/ and isnt some for-hire shill knows you're being obvious as fuck

>> No.20016109

I know Pivvr is probably your only chance at getting out of the shithole you're in, but consider that its at the expense of other people. You'll always have that guilt of assisting someone who ultimately used you like a pawn.

Of course, if you have no conscious then these words are meaningless and you'll continue to shout "find better fud bro" without giving it any consideration. I hope you sleep well at night.

>> No.20016128

It's your loss, I'm more than happy to give part of my stack away once you fomo in

>> No.20016146

This. Every single person fudding this literally are mad that he returned their eth because it went over the presale max limit. People in the discord are trying to buy the presale allocations from others for 2x the presale price because they missed out and the token hasn't even launched yet. The fudders in here are literally mad because Wasape won't take their eth. Consider that. Easiest 100x of your life.

>> No.20016160

I'm not fomoing into this.

I'm going to watch it implode after you retards realize this whole concept is a harebrained scheme to trick retards who don't understand the first thing about game theory into investing into a "defi project" that doesnt even have a SINGLE LINE OF CODE.

go fuck yourself shill

>> No.20016172

OK if it takes five seconds then you launch one right and now and reply with the link.

>oh you can't?

Sounds like he used a simple solution to a simple problem and didn't over complicate things like a faggot. You should try that sometime.

>> No.20016179

explain the screenshots of your little 4chan shill room and how a legitimate project would need it. why was wasape upset about a "traitor"?


>> No.20016191

On a scale of 1-10 how mad are you that you missed out anon? It hurt when he returned those ethers didn't it?

>> No.20016198


sounds like you're trying to justify incompetence. what defi project raises funds without a token sale contract or vesting of project funds? ZERO.

>> No.20016209

I'm not explain shit about your schizo screenshots. I have no idea what they are or where you got them or if it's even real. You need help bro.

Meds not taken.
Eth returned.
Mad big style.

Yeah I think it's real faggot hours.

>> No.20016227

this has nothing to do with the evidence posted in the thread contrary to your "boy genius" developer that can't even use openzeppelin lmao

again, explain the shill rooms i posted

>> No.20016250

That's a openzeppelin contract. Launch your own using those assets in the remix solidity ide like you keep bitching about. You know what I meant.

>launch your own in five seconds bro
>posts a link from five years ago

Are they paying you guys to fud pivvr? Because you're doing a terrible job.

>> No.20016257
File: 31 KB, 1280x413, 2020-06-29 19.01.32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok Wasape. explain the archive link


I hope you're not about to say that an ARCHIVE LINK is fake. that would make it really obvious you're lying...

>> No.20016273

Dude I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about. How mad are you that he returned your eth and you missed out on the presale?

>> No.20016316

Is your therapist named Wasape? Who is Wasape? How mad are you schizo

>> No.20016336

Wasape. Stop denying it. You paid people to post here and you're mad that your "team" is so incompetent that they made a public telegram channel and your retarded ass thought it was private.

>> No.20016367

you might find this useful

>> No.20016415
File: 153 KB, 918x856, 2020-06-29 19.11.08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20016419

Just keep talking please

>> No.20016431

thanks, i'll continue to post evidence in this thread and any future pivvr threads.

>> No.20016452
File: 45 KB, 512x608, BA744368-89CF-4E12-A2A7-C7CF2180CF08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys seem pretty obsessed with this Wasape guy. How did he hurt you?

>> No.20016456

bump - lets let /biz/ be the judge - are archive.is links fake?


why's the channel gone?

>> No.20016457

Please do so, i'm so afraid of scam

>> No.20016471

Do you do it for free? Lmfao

>> No.20016474

stop phoneposting.

Terry would be ashamed a blasphemer like yourself would be using the templeos logo like that.

adopting board memes doesnt make you 'fit in', its obvious propaganda

>> No.20016492

I hope your mortal wealth is worth an eternity in our Sun's core.

>> No.20016509
File: 680 KB, 1017x1135, 1593369812102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the TempleOS logo

You retarded pajeet, kill yourself immediately

PROTIP: If there's one way to turn this entire board against your shitty PnD scam, it's to rip off Saint Terry, you bootlip black-skinned absolute gorilla nigger

>> No.20016510


it looks real good, though.

>> No.20016511

Double posting? How mad are you bro? Did Wasape rape you or something?

>> No.20016529

It does. Pretty sure Terry would have a laugh at these hysterical niggers.

>> No.20016533

the pixels arent even crisp, the creator was too lazy and in a rush to churn out mass produced memes that they didnt scale pixel art properly. it has the hallmarks of a 5 second meme made hastily for boardposting. go fuck yourself

>> No.20016554

nice - changing IDs but back with the "how mad are you bro?" rhetoric.

very obvious, but please continue

>> No.20016556

Did Wasape rape you?

>> No.20016566
File: 9 KB, 410x230, _52272673_crying-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20016572

shouldnt you be busy coding?

>> No.20016581
File: 225 KB, 1420x926, 2A42784C-45E0-473E-9959-18950FCF7449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My IDs change automatically because King Terry is sending blessings from heaven. You're just mad that you missed out on the presale and Wasape raped your dad.

>> No.20016586

no, but you/Wasape will be raped in hell, for eternity and his suffering and pain will give new life to people who actually look to enrich others

>> No.20016613

lol imagine sharing this meme thinking it would convince anybody of anything except that this is a giant scam looking to rope in people who don't know the first thing about defi

>> No.20016615
File: 39 KB, 470x470, 1591666034054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to admit, it's pretty impressive that our resident PnD expert has graduated from the NUKE scam all the way to a full-on doomsday cult Armageddon scam

>> No.20016616

don't worry fren, anyone with 2 brain cells won't fall for this scam after reading your posts

>> No.20016623
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 9DC1B3F1-81B2-4828-ABD3-D2FEC77FD30F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would I be busy coding? Becsuse your schizophrenia told you that I'm the big bad dev man who raped your dad? I'm just a random investor who thinks your hysteria is funny.

Now say the line schizo


I bet your a democrat. Post proof of white skin now.

>> No.20016643
File: 662 KB, 1500x1947, circles-of-hell-in-dantes-inferno_50291c3324df2_w1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might want to familiarize yourself with this.

>> No.20016647
File: 24 KB, 340x220, B23DFAB4-B44E-4E41-8752-AEED154CCBB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that the Dev refunded 100 ether today and those people (who are smarter than you) were begging him to give them tokens instead, right?

>> No.20016665
File: 70 KB, 500x571, 926ADB99-DD84-44AA-AEC1-1820E738DB78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post white hand you big mad pajeet

>> No.20016670


yeah, sure.

>> No.20016695

if you care about pajeets so much why are you invested in a project that hires literal pajeets to shill on 4chan?

>> No.20016722

i'll post my proof after you explain the archive.is link

>> No.20016744

Damn bro he lives in your head rent free huh?

The project is legit. Your probably a disgruntled pajeet worker. Post white hand shitskin.

>> No.20016750

i think they're bretty gud. Pivvr launch gonna be even better.

>> No.20016760
File: 265 KB, 897x1655, AE3ED85E-3833-4374-B35D-C9F6482F3978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what you are talking about but I'm really sorry that the Dev raped your dad I can see that it's effected you a lot. Lol

>> No.20016765

retort this mr philosophy man. you guys love talking about philosophy so much on your discord. what do you think about my idea of the sun being a karmic garbage collector for people like you?

>> No.20016773

>The project is legit
ha almost spit my coffee out, poorguy (dev) is the EXACT opposite of legit

pivvr wont exist by august, your loss if you dont sell before then

>> No.20016780

King Terry is giving me multiple IDs automatically because he knows pivvr is a Christian company and he hates these satanist niggers.

It looks great.

>> No.20016782
File: 519 KB, 375x600, 1592114110092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet posting the same 6 lazy images from the memes channel on your pajeet discord

Fuck me, is this going to be every day until the exit scam

>> No.20016795

you should really consider doing some honest work for once in your life Wasape. maybe your car won't be repo'd

>> No.20016797

You can't afford coffee you lying pajeet. Post white hand.

>> No.20016813
File: 34 KB, 408x176, Screen Shot 2020-06-29 at 2.23.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, even the fud is coordinated. its retarded.

>> No.20016826

stop using christ as a shield and stop using religion as a smokescreen. everyone sees through it and you are digging an EXTREMELY DEEP karmic hole for yourself. MONEY WILL NOT SOLVE IT.

>> No.20016832


>> No.20016853

as long as you're here responding to us and not working out how you're going to scam everyone, I will continue to post in every single pivvr thread and make your existence miserable

>> No.20016865



How mad are you guys?

>> No.20016866
File: 320 KB, 600x800, stillbuyingpivvr10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20016879

stop diverting the thread from the topic at hand and the evidence presented against your "investment". as an investor i'd be extremely concerned about blatant shilling - it shows a lack of confidence in the project if it needs to be pushed so hard

>> No.20016880

I already told you in an investor. Bro I think Wasape has your address though, you better watch out.

>> No.20016899

Wasape is in the discord laughing about it right now I just told him that you guys do it for free and he lives rent free in your heads and he thinks it's hilarious

>> No.20016912

>How mad
>How mad
>How mad
>How mad
>How mad

you literally repeat yourself like a child

how mad are you that you can never build something of value, Wasape?

>> No.20016924
File: 316 KB, 600x800, stillbuyingpivvr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please stop . . ! My feelings...!

>> No.20016927
File: 77 KB, 620x400, 8FF7B813-5163-4B61-A487-A5DBC0E072D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diverting? I couldn't divert from the fact that wasape raped your dad if I tried. Your a committed little faggot.

>> No.20016936


Damn son, you best calm yourself. You do seem pretty mad.

>> No.20016947

How mad are you though? Just answer the question.

>> No.20016950

ok post a screenshot of you telling wasape with his response

should be simple and easy to do if you arent wasape, right?

>> No.20016971

answer my question about the archive link motherfucker

>> No.20016982

Lol you're getting angrier. You poor bastard

>> No.20016989

eww don't reply to my posts

>> No.20017012

so you're just going to ignore what I said?

>> No.20017028


Is this all the same guy that sent eth to a scammer or is there a literal pajeet army that is mad they missed out on the presale?

>> No.20017037
File: 525 KB, 780x530, 3gorgesdamvietnamkidrunningpivvrlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, calm down. OK? Let's just talk about how Proof of Big Liquidity is going to bust through the crypto market and become the next big thing. Uniswap won't even know what hit them!

>> No.20017054


>> No.20017059
File: 57 KB, 735x339, 15C8206C-2C05-4B88-8CD3-4BC3894AD680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's too mad he missed out on the presale. Pivvr will do 100x and he will still be in every thread raging.

>> No.20017078

Lol would you say that's your favorite link? It's like your autism security blanket?

>> No.20017094

no, lets talk about your little shill room that got busted instead.

please explain and justify why it would be necessary for a legitimate project.

>> No.20017118

pivvr will be in the dirt like NUKE by 2 months time

fuck off poorguy, go simp for sasha in your meth cave again

>> No.20017128

imagine thinking your unaudited code is going to 100x anything except the number of lawsuits coming your way on top of SEC complaints once this shit craters

imagine thinking some bored anon won't give you a complimentary security audit for being such a pompous dickhead

>> No.20017161

this - people should ask about NUKE and keksexchange

>> No.20017228

imagine thinking you're not going to burn in hell for eternity for using religion as a shield for your scam

you aren't worth the dirt my dog shits on dude

>> No.20017293

I hope Wasape/poorguy "makes it" if only to go on another drug-fueled binge and finally off himself.

>> No.20017372

because fuck tard he already has the 350 eth if he can get 20 more eth than why not? hes a fuckin religious weirdo scammer bro

>> No.20017398
File: 51 KB, 524x499, 32821100-AB7A-49CB-A3A0-9BED1B9D1CB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sent 100 eth back today. Scammers don't send eth back. You're a retard.

>> No.20017405
File: 318 KB, 600x800, stillbuyingpivvr24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20017426


It's not even spelled right you retarded fucking pajeet

>> No.20017797

I joined and checked the members list. The same rotating biz faggots who have run countless scam projects on /biz/. Anyone who buys into this is beyond retarded, no one even knows what it's supposed to be for. I know you like losing money biz, but stop enabling these fucking assholes to keep building new scams and spam this board.

>> No.20017820

post the archive link to their "private shill room" in their discord and see how they react
