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20341112 No.20341112 [Reply] [Original]

What's going to happen to my dad?
>divorced mom
>she gets 40% of his pension
>he has no debt, 20k in the bank, retired
>gets $1200 a month from his pension
>just a few years away from collecting Social security
>lives with his friend, pays him 1k a month for rent with utilities included
>burning through his 20k
>smallest house you can buy in my state is a 55k-70k HOA ripoff shithole ww2-era quick-build pollack house
>dad is upset
>just keeps renting

I feel like hes going to rent until he dies. money will always be tight for him. he keeps saying he will get a small part-time job but I keep telling him he isn't going to want to work 5 days a week/25 hours for $200 a week lol

what do? should he move down south where he can buy a house 40k?

>> No.20341531

Make sure he knows you care about him.

>> No.20341565

Convince your mom to be her power of attorney.

>> No.20341594


It's not looking so hot for him DESU. Lowering costs is definitely something he should look into. Hopefully you make bank in crypto so you can support him.

>> No.20341600

Women are disgusting and this gynocentric system we live in is an abomination

>> No.20341607

give him 5 link and tell him you love him.

>> No.20341657



>> No.20342271
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he knows. I tell him to try to buy a house all the time. he could totally get away with 15k down a on a 65k crapshack. Money would be tight until he gets social security in two years, but at least he would have equity and not answer to a landlord. I just don't understand why he wants to keep renting. I tell him I will buy him furniture, help him pay bills, and what not but it seems like he's resigned himself to renting for the rest of his life.

he won't have the freedom to do anything, thats what kills me the most. hes going to rent for the rest of his life staring at a tv until he's placed in a nursing home by the state or he dies

>> No.20343079

Move in with him, you'll keep company to each other, that's healthier than just staying alone, and you'll both save money
Get in touch with your mother and suggest to her to gently decrease what she retains on your dad's income

>> No.20343145

You people are fucking troglodytes. HELLO?
WOMEN are OPPRESSED in America. They are the victims. Not you sad little incels. Once my diversity efforts have taken off here, you little maggots will have to find another rock to hide under. The Chainlink team WILL know the truth about the community they so recklessly decided to empower.
–Aaron (he/they/them)

>> No.20343175

The best thing you can do is make your mother's "win" bittersweet. If she thinks she still has your love then you're enabling her and working against your father. You let your mother know how much a disgusting evil bitch she is and how you do not ever want to associate with her and instead you'll devote 100% of your love as a son to your father. You never pick up phone calls, you never see her again, unless she redeems herself by paying back what she's taken and stops taking further from your father. She can't have her cake and eat it to. She chooses money or you.

>> No.20343228

What's your relationship like to your mom? Is she a Karen?

>> No.20343673

Giving linkies power was a mistake.

>> No.20343709

Tell him to beat her, it’s about damn time.