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File: 35 KB, 300x296, 1595122777082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20482389 No.20482389 [Reply] [Original]

iExec is going to pump so hard soon that it will become the fastest coin to ever enter the top 10.

iExec is actually the Bitcoin of cloud computing and the market will realize that soon. Mass fomo will pump it so hard since the supply is low as fuck.

11490 EOY is an actual possibility.

I can't believe this is happening

>> No.20482414

stop shilling pls still trying to get to 8700

>> No.20482471
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>Mass fomo will pump it so hard since the supply is low as fuck
People will be caught off guard

>> No.20482475

you dont need 8700 to make it anon. even 2k should be enough

>> No.20482482

what price would RLC be if it breached the top 10?
Top 20?

>> No.20482534

Why are you guys so confident in RLC?

>> No.20482538

Depends on the total market cap of crypto, but something like 50$

>> No.20482542

What happened that this coin pumped so much? it was dead for a long time

>> No.20482568

Absolutely based dev team actually delivering what they promised that'll be confirmed in september

>> No.20482589

At the current market cap around 3b is 50 dollars.

In the future though iExec will be in the hundreds of billions or even trillions in marketcap.
Because everybody is aware of what it is now... I'm not gonna spoon feed since I'm on my phone but maybe someone else will help you out
Crazy partnerships leading into adoption phase as well as crazy uncoverings from METHANON that showed us why it's digital oil and the bitcoin of cloud computing

>> No.20482600
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Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and oil bubble

>> No.20482636

>it will become the fastest coin to ever enter the top 10.
That doesn’t make any sense since its coin is older than chainlink’s and ChainLink is already top 10.
>inb4 retard OP thinks because ChainLink was founded in 2012/2013 that’s how old the token is
Also technically Bitcoin immediately entered the top ten as soon as it existed. Can’t be any faster than that.

>> No.20482734

Why are you bringing up LINK?
Most of us hold link.
Don't be insecure about your coin, many coins will make it

Okay, besides Bitcoin..

>> No.20482756

People are going to definitely be caught off guard. This last pump is mostly people trying to get in before the massive reveal. Those of us to who made it with LINK are reinvesting our profits into iExec.
iExec and LINK are both going to play very important roles. Accumulate and hold both.

>> No.20482759

Im not insecure. I’m pointing out that “fastest to reach top ten” is not logically possible. Spouting falsehoods like that FUDs the coin, it doesn’t help it. There’s plenty to like about iExec so why make up easily caught lies?

>> No.20482766

based and singularity-pilled

>> No.20482796
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Bill Gates here taking a break from chemically castrating nigs to say OP is 100% right buy now faggots

>> No.20482797

Yes it is. No one counts Bitcoin retard. It started crypto. Stop arguing semantics weirdo.

>Massive reveal
It's deeper than that anon...
It's a series of reveals alongside the enlightenment of millions that it's digital oil and the bitcoin of cloud computing...

>> No.20482835

>Yes it is. No one counts Bitcoin retard. It started crypto
Why are you blatantly ignoring the part where link’s ICO happened after iExec’s and it’s already top ten? This is poor form

>> No.20482839

To all my RLChads, stop the shilling as we will go into silence. All the non-believers will learn and suffer when they miss this opportunity.

>> No.20482860

Please stop being gay and retarded
It's too late for that anon. We all had 19 years.

>> No.20482890

>makes factually incorrect claim
>s-stop being retarded if I call you a retard I’ll magically be heterosexual and not stupid
This is some advanced FUD but you’re not getting me to sell

>> No.20482889
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Rank now at 66
It's happening

>> No.20482924

RLC will hit $10 and still be under a 1 Billion dollar market cap.

This coin will reach $50 easily, if not $500. Its supply is small, its market cap is small, its all in front of you right now and its there for the taking.

>> No.20482944

Brother no one counts Bitcoin when it comes to "how fast it took to get into top 10"

C'mon now.
It will fly to rrank 30 soon

>> No.20482956

>Brother no one counts Bitcoin when it comes to "how fast it took to get into top 10"
Fuck it I'm getting another 5 eth worth

>> No.20482963

>keeps ignoring the other part that still proves his original statement wrong
You’re like a child caught in a fib

>> No.20483019

I can't compute what you're even talking about
All I gotta say is wait till the news of "the Bitcoin of cloud computing" and digital oil hits normie news cycles.... All normie know what Bitcoin is and all normie know what cloud is

They have all heard of digital gold

Wait till they get a load of digital oil

>> No.20483078

This is sheer delusion narrative that will never exist outside of biz. Methanon schizo threads have worked you bagholders into a frenzy.

Also previous anon was pointing our link is already faster into top 10 but you keep going back to bitcoin because you are an illiterate street shitter.

>> No.20483106

I don't think you get it anon. Or you missed the bottom, but buying now will still get you an 11000x at some point

>> No.20483119

>linkie wants to try and argue honestly
your ilk have lowered the bar for discussion so far below what you're entitled to expect for responses. guess what: The point you're trying to prove makes no difference.

>> No.20483126

Pity sir gay holds a billion of your worthless meme tokens

>> No.20483139

>they think he holds link

>> No.20483194

CZ pulling the old $.001 scam made me perk up again.
I was all in link, and then got in on DMG, I might throw some fresh money at RLC though, just cause of chinky tricks.

I'm still mad at them for talking shit about link though

>> No.20483213

It's also something to do with all those GPU farms when everyone bails on btc

>> No.20483260

Woah I never thought of that

>> No.20483303

Hey, thanks for putting RLC back on my radar. held for a while back in 2019 but sold for link. looks like it's done well but you're overbought right now, looks like you will retrace just like link will. I'll rebase a few more days and look to pick some up later this week.

>> No.20483308
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You are emotionally attached to your investments. You will never make it. kek

>> No.20483336

Lol yeah hey it's whatever shit happens.

You guys I just thought of something.
You know how Gilles has 1m RLC?
RLC at $11490 makes Gilles only worth 11.49 billion dollars.....

That's pretty low for inventing the world supercomputer

>> No.20483338

when is this shit going to pump? tomorrow?

>> No.20483355

Yeah or the day after. It's going to 30k then if it beaches it will price explore to the fucking moon

>> No.20483405

Note: the v5 release is at the end of the month. It might dump then, but you have 12 more days of hype to ride and major announcements.

>> No.20483406

Everyone read this that thinks RLC will ever be too expensive to buy.

I am not sure we completely understand the scope of what is about to go down

>> No.20483540


I bought in when it was 2.90 aud, totally fucked up. I have anxiety issues and can't handle the dump. I want out, but the loss will lead me to seriously consider roping myself.

>> No.20483601

Sell half then. There's no point in killing yourself with anxiety of a potential dump after any news announcement but you must also realize things are different now.

Once we start the shill machine it will pump

>> No.20483606

Stop losses?
Set them up as insurance for dumps. They're not 100% going to work(your stack may not sell if you max it out), but it prevents a lot of catastrophy. If it dumps hard enough, you can buy more.

>> No.20483612

wtf dude chill. you will have to hold on to it for a few days and you will sell it for a higher price.

my suggestion is do not trade if you have anxiety disorder just buy and hold. or just dont buy crypto whatsoever. you will prolly end up panic selling or panic buying which will lead you roping yourself.

>> No.20483676


I can't take the losses. I just want some Bancor.

>> No.20483690

Okay nice fud and shill
Bancor is okay but it's not the bitcoin of cloud computing.

>> No.20483698

Lol that's me. I read the white paper, did a bunch of research. I woke up at 3 am on Thursday and sold 30% my LINK to put into RLC. I couldn't believe how this project could not explode or be successful - even if iExecs whitepaper seemed super futuristic to most. Made a good decision at $1.18 - and am still buying more as I am simply excited about just how incredible this will be for humans in general. I can even imagine this scaling with LINK and Space X satellite constellations.

>> No.20483719

Scaling as in, there's room for both LINK and iExec and their use cases are unique.

>> No.20483743

mate just hold. it will be fine eventually...

>> No.20483806

High IQ play anon.
RLC marketcap will be trillions within 5 years

>> No.20483825

you did the right thing by buying RLC anon. I think RLC is going to worth a lot more than link due to total supply of two coins. regardless both have mind-blowing potential.

>> No.20483884

How do we get iExec more attention guys?
I hope you are all packed up to go to the moon. We need to get iExec more attention. How do we do it? Methanon's posts suggest Twitter shilling

>> No.20483973

I am not too knowledgeable when it comes to marketing but twitter is a pretty good idea since it has a decent crypto community. Shilling on biz works as well.

Also we can get in touch with youtubers other than chico to review fundamentals, and provide technical analysis or something. Normies love easy access to info via youtube.

>> No.20484045
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Please dip slightly I only have just eth for 10k and i have to buy whole numbers

>> No.20484085

Yeah biz will always be a great place to shill but it does have limited reach. We should definitely sneak comments in about iExec is the Bitcoin of cloud computing to increase curiosity.

How would we get in touch with YouTubers? If we can get them to make a video why iExec is the Bitcoin of cloud computing and digital oil and all the crazy possibilities...... Normies will come running and maybe iExec will get on the news

>> No.20484123

This is the last time it's under 2$

>> No.20484144

majority of them share their email addresses or social media accounts on their channel. We may use twitter to start a conversation with them or send them an email outlining what RLC is about (they prolly know already) then convince them to make a video.

this is what METHANON did couple days ago which resulted in chico making a video about RLC and AWS partnership.

>> No.20484240

Hmmm I didn't know about the email thing. If we can get a list of emails we can create a massive message that will inevitably result in iExec getting super promoted on all algorithms for media.

The problem is I feel like most of them can't comprehend all of the possibilities of iExec but maybe teaching them how to shill digital oil, world computer, and how iExec connects all things digital it will be enough.

Hopefully he posts tomorrow so we can get some leadership and directions

>> No.20484284
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Can iExec replace link as the de facto data source for smart contracts? or can link and iExec coexist?
For what I get, sourcing data isn't the main function of iExec, but it can do it.

Im feeling weak handed on link...

>> No.20484312

Yeah you basically got it. iExec could technically replace LINK but they can also coexist because iExec can be a connector for every oracle

>> No.20484313

yeah I will be waiting for him to post tomorrow so he can give us some directions.

>> No.20484354

Same, hopefully he posts earlier than normal for my time. Would be even better if rlc pumped tomorrow for ultimate hype

>> No.20484788


>> No.20484813

What are you holding your bags with? Currently I still have on exchange but I’m getting antsy.

>> No.20484825

It's just consolidating. Weak hands are giving into the digital oil Jew whale manipulation

>> No.20484842

>He holds his digital oil on exchanges

>> No.20484866


Lol you don't even make 5-10% gains by selling at the highs and re-buying? Yeah, *he's* the one not gonna make it ...

>> No.20484890

Why would I risk losing any barrels there's no point. All it takes is one bad trade to fuck your entire gains over and you could even get priced out by multiples on this coin because of supply and other shit.

But please by all means lose your barrels

>> No.20484940

Jeff BEZOS or seriously any billionaire could see the potential and buy the rest of the supply for a long time.

They will need rlc eventually to get the benefits of decentralization...

>> No.20484947


It's all about the magic touch brah


Krabby Patties Secret SAWS

>> No.20484999

FYI the richest people in crypto never sold for years
It will be the same with iExec

>> No.20485050

Bro just chill no one is selling it will easy touch 3usd/5aud

>> No.20485104
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>> No.20485173



>> No.20485210

It's 1am burger time fren please give our Lord and savior iExec some cooldown time

We will all make it if we work together

>> No.20485218

Taking directions from a fucking retard with a broken capslock.
Glad I sold everything at 1.80.

>> No.20485253

Yeah he is the reason you even made your measly 100$ profit kranpresh.

You will probably fomo back

>> No.20485321

You're such an inpatient faggot.
Ive been holding this token for years
You'll never make it with that attitude

>> No.20485362

good. retards like yourself don't deserve to make it.

>> No.20485526

Based and oilpilled

>> No.20485599

Wait there are people selling before the Microsoft presentation?

>> No.20485610
File: 48 KB, 480x360, You already made it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sold a bit during this dip to scoop up some more RLC. Everything's going according to plan.

>> No.20485641

buy the rumour, sell the news mate.

>> No.20485642

The people panic short selling right now are going to kill themselves when the market realizes what digital oil is, and when all of the announcements this year happen.
Based as fuck meme
Only weak handed gambler retards are selling right now.
Me personally?
11490$. Eat my ass digital oil Jews

>> No.20485707

I just bought back in. I don't think it's going to drop much more. Enough oil accumulation for me for tonight. I think that creating that meme was the highlight of my weekend so far.

>> No.20485730

Yeah I just did some chart inspection and it seems this is the bottom. It should pump today

>> No.20485741
File: 459 KB, 1125x634, 73F1CF5B-57CA-40C6-AC7E-C5B22C9AEA79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gilllllessss. Why!!!


>> No.20485822

What day is the presentation?

>> No.20485895

Kek that's amazing
29i think same with link

Imagine selling digital oil as it presents with Microsoft and just after hinting at a Google partnership

>> No.20485922


>> No.20486018

it can easily hit 16000 in the short term. i expected it when I woke up this morning and its still working its way down.

i havent sold yet, but I was tempted. still tempted.

>> No.20486031

We'll see but I doubt it.
Fuck off non-believer digital oil Jew

>> No.20486032


Bruh I'm holding 10m SIA

It's just iExec SHOULD pump in the night.

>> No.20486042

What's a good exchange for this guy?

>> No.20486052


>> No.20486061

No way iExec always pumps early na time or mid day
Binance or kyberswap or some other shit check cmc

>> No.20486123

US one doesn't have it unfortunately

>> No.20486181

VPN new account

>> No.20486203

How long do you guys think it will be before this is on Coinbase, and will it be before it hits $10?

>> No.20486208

I personally think it goes to 10 before coinbase and 50 after

>> No.20486255

Fine I bought in are you happy????

>> No.20486314

Congratulations on joining the rlchads. RLC is digital oil. iExec is the Bitcoin of cloud computing. We must accelerate the adoption of the world computer. Never sell below 11490$. OVERLORD METHANON is based.

These are all things you must remember and shill.

>> No.20486334
File: 299 KB, 622x1286, 349-3494417_golden-beerus-god-of-destruction-clothes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RLC is the future.

>> No.20486363
File: 1.95 MB, 2072x1304, gilles_69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Guys, Gilles has realized it's over and is making trap music (and fucking traps) now:


You need to buy his new album "Straight outta Jakarta" to make it

>> No.20486365

And unironically the future is here. 2 months.

>> No.20486488

just get it from uniswap.

>> No.20486642
File: 8 KB, 167x221, ss+(2019-03-31+at+03.57.15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

the existence of starlink would supercharge what iexec is trying to accomplish

>> No.20487502

How would iExec and Starlink be mutually beneficial? Is it because you could purchase bandwidth/hours on Starlink with RLC?

>> No.20487583

I don't see why not.
>Use starlink iExec subscription dapp
>Have starlink account inside dapp
>Put rlc into wallet
>Click connect to starlink
>You send 0.00000001 rlc per hour of use
>Starlink satellite confirms connection and payment via proof of contribution algorithm
>Starlink enables your internet device
Yeah something like that

>> No.20487604
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>meanwhile, in reality

>> No.20487628

Cringe. You still have time anon. 30k sat today

>> No.20487650

>implying that I would ever sell even a part of my .40c link stack for my old $2 rlc bags that some dumb nigger is trying to sell back to me.

>> No.20487667

87 is a fucking million burger bucks

>> No.20487681

Gay and ignorant

>> No.20488230

A better/more reliable/global internet connection would amplify the benefits of decentralization.

>> No.20488318

Why would I buy server with RLC when i can use fiat or other cryptos?

>> No.20488348

>Other cryptos
Nothing like iExec exists on the face of the planet Earth.

Because then you dont get unique attributes and features of using iExec.

>> No.20488378


>> No.20488712

the connection with Starlink is retarded but Link and RLC is a good portfolio

>> No.20488748

This will not be adopted. You will lose all your money. Invest in rope while you still have some money left.

>> No.20488769

Swing traded iexec a bit this week. It could be a decent long though after the short term price correction. That's if half of what the rlc shill cult says is true.

>> No.20488771

Adoption phase is next buddy I'll take that bet

>> No.20488857


>> No.20489004

I TRUST METHANON & THE POWER OF THOUGHT - Imagine saying that out a loud in a pub. 11490