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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20518808 No.20518808 [Reply] [Original]

>virus on the rise
>places shutting down again
>10,000,000+ still unemployed
>millions of more underemployed
>30 states have broken one-day case records
>almost 150k dead

where are is this all heading boys?

>> No.20518832
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, Bobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll tell you where it’s headed: NO more unemployment benefits!

>> No.20518845

It’s all fake news bullshit. There’s no virus, nobody has died, and nobody important has lost their job. It’s all just plebbitor lies and NOC propaganda.

>> No.20518851

stocks only go up. the fed is buying soon and the world doesn't care how many dollars are printed.

>> No.20518867

>He fell for the cases meme

Death rate still a percentage of a percent. Its a hoax anon. Ngmi if you believe everything you hear on talmudvision.

>> No.20518865
File: 77 KB, 749x525, 1595243393784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where are is this all heading boys?
a pump for LINK, XRP and Idena.

>> No.20519040

>The world doesn't have a choice about how many dollars are printed
Don't try to guilt trip plebs for what the kike elitists do.

>> No.20519052

Trump is the single most retarded person on the planet

>> No.20519060

economy is fucked because they arent going to let Trump win

>> No.20519081

>Total Confirmed: 14,530,563
>Global Deaths: 606,741
606741/14530563 = .04 * 100 = 4%

They've said the death rate is 4% for the last 5 months, and today its still 4%.
What did they mean by this?

>> No.20519083

>become most powerful man in world, leader of richest best country

cope harder bernout shit

>> No.20519127

You're a dumb sheep if you're still falling for the fake left vs. right paradigm. Trump is a puppet. Nothing more. You don't actually have freedom of choice, and the Presidency is being made into a circus to justify the UN taking control of America.

>> No.20519151

Trump is literally the king of retards, and this is coming from someone who voted for him and will do so again

>> No.20519229

>low IQ, the post

keep being jelly. you dont get to that level without being ingelligent. certainly not a retard

>> No.20519271

denial is pretty powerful.

>> No.20519378


>> No.20519415

>where are is this all heading boys?
Collapse of the west.

>> No.20519711
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>> No.20519989

This. Based. All the news, media around the world including data, experts, scientists, healthcare workers, epidemiologists, giant organizations like CDC and WHO are all lying to us because the Jews control this narrative and want to use social engineering for control or something. 600k people die every year from heart disease and you don't see the economy shutting down and force people to go to the gym do we? 160k people die from car crashes, but do we shut down cars!? NO.

>> No.20520760
File: 50 KB, 600x604, shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are there shills on every board?

>> No.20521050

what could i possibly be shilling? do you know what shilling is lol

>> No.20521111

your not from here nigger

>> No.20521236


>> No.20521269

they counted a dude who got hit by a bus as a covid death

>> No.20521315

Maybe the bus driver coofed sending the bus out of control. You don’t know

>> No.20521360
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>> No.20521374

what am i shilling skelly boy?

>> No.20521472

>skelly boy?
peak reddit

>> No.20521497

how many calories did your 90-pound skelly body burn typing that post? kek

>> No.20521551

none of that is real the virus is a hoax

>> No.20521699
File: 49 KB, 254x246, Screenshot from 2020-05-13 09-53-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how many calories did your 90-pound skelly body burn typing that post? kek

>> No.20522303

cringe, miga shill

>> No.20522430

trump loves nigger cock, he wont shut up about them

>> No.20522444

get out shill

>> No.20522470

how many times have you been raped?oh wait its not rape if you enjoy it

>> No.20522762

>force people to go to the gym
unironically yes, gas the fatties
>do we shut down cars
requiring people to take a test and maintain licensing and insurance? sounds great, keep the fuckin diseased anti-science twats away from society

>> No.20523155

you better start believing in global pandemics, your in one
this fall/winter shit will hit the fan.
this is a 100 year plus event, if you thought it would end in 6 months buddy do i have news for you.
screencap this: by the end of this year, everyone will know someone that died from corona

>> No.20523322
File: 29 KB, 280x305, 1566622575175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you better start believing in global pandemics, your in one

>> No.20523604

So I guess you have no problems with getting your rights taken away for masks huh? You degenerate

I already know someone who did die but he was literally an old man he would've died anyway.

>> No.20523674

my uncle died from covid
and my mum survived it.

but sure I'll believe a guy on the internet saying it was a dream/government conspiracy/aliens etc

>> No.20523677
File: 87 KB, 1024x683, trumptest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you dont get to that level without being ingelligent. certainly not a retard

I don't think you would pass the big boy cognitive test

>> No.20523679
File: 9 KB, 249x214, 1584461431926s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you better start believing in global pandemics, your in one

>> No.20523722
File: 218 KB, 2048x2048, 8E9EE058F28447EBAB9F2C9951285CB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where are is this all heading boys?
LINK $1000 EOY

>> No.20523826

oh look the shills are trying to act like us.they think they understand us .so cute

>> No.20523871

Imagine thinking the president, the house, the senate, and the Supreme Court have any power whatsoever

>> No.20523879

>vaccine trials successfully triggering immune response

>> No.20523971
File: 11 KB, 300x218, 1023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling facts

>> No.20524989

and also:
>retarded americans still thinking this is all an elaborate conspiracy to make you wear a mask because lol idunno

>> No.20525090


>> No.20525128

jesus you stick out,even when you try to fit in its so obvious,whi is paying you faggot

>> No.20525141


>> No.20525145

The virus is a scapegoat

>> No.20525181

oh yeah, stocks are up

>> No.20525185

My whole family died because of COVID-19.

>> No.20525220


>> No.20525232

I got Corona and almost died (smoker)
It is very real

>> No.20525252

nigger what?are you a discord tranny?you sound like a bitch.

>> No.20525337

No he is not dumb.
He played people for money.
Prob keep shorting stocks when he was saying “it’s nothing everything under control only 15 infection nationwide “ and the reason he pushing to nation reopening, cut the CDC TESTING BUDGEDT, limiting testing and report of infections are all probably becuase he put some more Money in stocks and he need to pamp them with people blood.
Not retarted, people who trust him like he is a saint are retarded

>> No.20525342

Well there is something worse waiting for you retard.

>> No.20525377

The Great Reset

>> No.20525387

Retards mad about wearing masks in a pandemic but crickets when the state is throwing people into unmarked vans

>> No.20525579

how much does share blue pay you?

>> No.20525840

Where is it all headed? Simple, we're gonna be home owners at a very good price when we made it.

>> No.20525854

and to top it off trump has been running the printer on overdrive around the clock and handing that money over to big corporations to keep the stock market propped up and as a result the middle class is going to be absolutely wiped out by inflation over the next couple years. trump is so insanely based he is literally bending over and fucking his retarded followers up the ass so hard and they are so retarded they just take it and smile kek

>> No.20525911

More importantly is China building a military base in international waters to attempt to block trade from Europe, North America and Australia, and whatever the fuck is going on with the Three Gorges Dam. That's going to have a larger impact on the absolute state of things more so than the kung flu

>> No.20526042

Based, the 100 year long white walker polar bear is coming, also the next ice age will start tomorrow and white people will start migrating to equatorial shitholes.
edit: thanks for the XRB kind stranger