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20557895 No.20557895 [Reply] [Original]

>Emin Gün Sirer
Cornell CS Prof, has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC, worked on Bitcoin, called out DAO hack before it happened, recognized the importance of Chainlink from early on, was mentioned in the Town Crier Whitepaper and is the Number 2 in Cornells IC3 (Ari Juels is number 1)

>Avalanche protocol
The third consensus protocol after PoW, PoS. This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there. We are talking 4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit account tricks, batching, or 2L), < 3 seconds finality, consensus reached by probabilistically sampling thousands of independent nodes. Secure and decentralized.
Resist 51% attack (need 80% network control to take over)

>Full EVM support
Low friction of adoption for projects developing on ETH. Athereum is a subnet of AVAX running EVM. ETH is a mess, ETH 2.0 will be a mess. This is the chance to bring smart contract to the next level.
All Ethereum smart contract and infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box which means all the slow DeFi running on ETH right now will switch to AVAX to speed it all up.

This is Avalanches bread and butter. Independent networks can be launches on Avalanche, with near infinant customizability. Athereum is a good example of this.
Big picture: Within one year, the best parts of the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem can be mirrored on Avalanche. Giving it all the TPS, scalability, and speed, and also interoperability with the entire ecosystem.

>> No.20558482

you really think theres a chance defi switches over?

>> No.20558600
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have you actually used DeFi recently?
Ethereum is slow and time is money, everyone who developed on Ethereum can instantly hop into AVAX and build on that.
even if they just copy what is already there and make it faster and better, thats many more moon missions in the making.

>> No.20558665

I think the chances are high enough to have invested a significant amount of my ETH into Avalanche. Things arent looking so good for ETH.2, and Avalanche is the only realistic platform that supports the tooling, chainstates, and has the performance to better the tools.

>> No.20558831

there are already big defi names confirmed on avalanche like LINK

based on what I've seen, more integrations and partnerships are coming in

>> No.20558883
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every CT influender I know is SECRETLY buying CAP instead. Why?


they are planning a mass marketing campagn with this after the beta launch so buy in before August

also read the whitepaper


buy here

>> No.20558889

Anyone know if AVAX has been trading OTC and what price? Not cointiger, not sure how trustworthy they are

>> No.20559021

there is no mainnet right now, tomorrow we get news.

>> No.20559202

Discord for a bit under $2. Good price indicator but dangerous to buy there

>> No.20559207

I have seen some unofficial Discord OTC markets using escrow. The lower end price seems to be set around $1.60 - $1.70

>> No.20559474

Ethereum is having a huge scaling issue, a few hours ago it cost $0.5 to simply send a transaction, imagine if you need to interact with a complex smart contract or when the ETH price is high. ETH is becoming what they made fun of BTC.
I don't know when and how ETH 2.0 will ship, but the whole process still looks like a mess to me

>> No.20559820

I'll tell you how they will ship, by constantly kicking the can down the road 2 years as they have for years. I am fed up with it at this point.

After mainnet launches, the Athereum subnet will launch on Avalanche. A fully functional ETH 2.0 environment. Once that happens I expect a huge migration of developers.

>> No.20559895

holy shit
people are seriously retarded
why they are fomoing into something that has only 0.00001% of the coins unlocked, and waiting for VC to take profits
there is a huge chance this shit will trade between 50 and 85 cents

>> No.20559936

Coinbase soon.

>> No.20560331

>there is a huge chance this shit will trade between 50 and 85 cents

based on what? I agree though that I don't understand all the posts on this today due to the fact you can't even get it anywhere other than OTC discord scams

>> No.20561179

VC's where a legitimate concern before the token sale limit was increased. Now the VCs have a minority of coins, and they are locked for the same amount of time. There is no real incentive to dump with the lockup.

>> No.20561271

>imagine if you need to interact with a complex smart contract or when the ETH price is high
Yeah dude, farming gains are great until you need to actually take them. Fuck Ethereum, Vitalik failed.

>> No.20561576

0.00001% just isn't true.
VCs didn't buy a solid project at $0.33 waited 2 years to dump at $0.5.
This will list at $3-5 and consolidate between $1.5-$3 before it takes off. If they deliver, watch it reach $50+.

>> No.20562331

Based numbers.

>> No.20562806

Ethereum had its place. It built the tools to get us there. Now its time for Avalanche to take those tools and build something useful.

>> No.20562985

Obviously, this is, like, sooooo much better than Fantom, right?!

Because VCs!

>> No.20563117
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It is because the Technology comes out of Cornells IC3.
What other tech came out of IC3 and was very very successful? Chainlink! and AVAX is not much different when it comes to potential.

>> No.20564055


>> No.20564773
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>> No.20565178

So buying OTC for a safe 2x and possibly 30x?

>> No.20565185
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where to buy? wat is suicide stack size and considerable good price to buy?

take this rare fren pic as an exchange for your answers

>> No.20565338

There is rumors it will List on Coinbase and they already confirmed they are going to list it on a top tier exchange.
CB is also allowed in NYC and AVAX has their office near Wall Street.
So thats probably where you will be able to buy it.
Tomorrow we maybe get more info on that.

>> No.20565362

Payment confirmed.

Suicide stack is 10,000k AVAX.
I will personally be buying as much as I can below $3.00.

>> No.20565405
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10k lol i dont have those kind of moneys. maybe i'll buy 100... go without me frens...

>> No.20565883

I can buy 10k but not 10,000k. bye anon

>> No.20565993
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suicide stack is like 1k.
make it stack is 5k+

>> No.20566191

VC's are vested. Just buy bags at 2x and hold you niggers.