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File: 12 KB, 300x300, avalanche_token_round-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20637322 No.20637322 [Reply] [Original]

it is trading at $6+, there's no way it is real right?

>> No.20637369

It's not real, don't buy this IOU shit.
But I hope you got in the ICO, because AVAX will surpass $6.

>> No.20637375

It's a scam. Team confirmed it. If you want decent estimate look at OTC prices which are at around 1.3-1.6$.

>> No.20637376

Who cares. Only degenerate gamblers are playing the L1 casino at the moment. It probably will moon on FOMO but you'd want to take profits early.

>> No.20637386
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these are IOUs and not real AVAX tokens.
the pricing is real tho, AVAX will open up at a strong x10, if the tech delivers what Emin promised then it will have an ethereum tier run only faster

>> No.20637435

Are you guys for real? Thats almost x15 ico price, even defi projects with 100K market cap dont do this much multiplier. I'll be happy with x2 for sure, as im with every ico im invested in.

>> No.20637439

Kek Avalanche is literally the best thing happening right now in crypto

>> No.20637443

where's the OTC market?

>> No.20637490
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>muh revolutionary L1

>> No.20637527

Telegram. Escrows are extremely reliable, I bought from there twice.

They just want to create massive hype for flipping it at the highest price, Don't take their claims seriously. 6$ is already valued at near BCH and ADA fully diluted marketcap, It would've been reasonable if the initial valuation was small but no, They fucking valued themselves at near 1B ICO price, Almost Polkadot level despite the fact that this project have nothing beside a whitepaper (It's a fact). This coin have impressive shill army even before it released i'll give it that.

>> No.20637535
File: 495 KB, 1913x1075, AVAXbogsserger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever actually used DeFi on Ethereum?
Its slow and its expensive.
AVAX promises to change that with its new consensus tech that comes straight out of IC3 where Emin is the #2 Prof. (after Ari Juels), this guy was working on crypto before crypto.
If AVAX tech actually works and is as fast and slick as advertised then everyone and their mom will start to copy the DeFi projects from ETH and bring them to AVAX which means: faster, cheaper and more volume for DeFi and AVAX and the shitcoins that will come out of it give almost endless moon potential.

>> No.20637576

Lot's of /biz/tards bought in and want to flip quickly before supply gets diluted, hence the over enthusiastic shilling.

>> No.20637602

That's right it promises, Is this "promise" worth billions? Even if their tech will fulfilled and ready to use it would need to have some serious use cases, partners and community to be valued this high, Some guys here claim it should be worth that much as a whitepaper project kek, the shills don't make sense.

Fact is that initial valuation is already too high and shillers here talking about x20 from being already overpriced.

>> No.20637699

Emin is too arrogant for me to take a gamble on this. Arrogance should not be rewarded - confidence is where it is at for me. It's a hard pass for now, but I wish those who take the gamble all the best. If it is successful and acts as a catalyst for more crypto bullishness, great. Bumping thread for breadcrumbs regardless.

>> No.20637717

Kek I had to laugh hard you absolute faggot:)
Do some research my fren

>> No.20637803
File: 409 KB, 876x592, emninwojakbigbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it would need to have some serious use cases
It has all the same (DeFi) usecases that Ethereum has but it can scale
they are already partnered with chainlink, that early in acknowledging and working with chainlink is a high IQ move. Wont be difficult for them to find partners (if the tech is really as solid as they say).
>and community
thats all in the making, lots of eyes on this project.
> a whitepaper project
testnet was successful and mainnet launches end of august, we will see how finished it is (compared to Ethereum)

>Emin is too arrogant for me
hes autistic and the biggest autists make the most money

>> No.20637867


>> No.20637893

>but it can scale
How do you know a project that hasn't even launched yet can scale?

>> No.20637996

I did my research, I dont invest in projects i know nothing about, but still your claims are absurd, It'll be great for sure but that would make it way too overvalued along the way to even be close to reaching that target price, especially on start when the project is largely new and unknown. I dont believe for a second that almost all ICO buyers won't sell all their stack approachng x4 ICO price, let alone x10+.

>> No.20638006
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the same way I knew chainlink tech would work back in 2017 long before mainnet.
I did the research and saw who was behind the tech and this is in many ways similar.

>> No.20638043

Make it stack? I only own 50K link, will I even be able to buy it?

>> No.20638049

Without name dropping Chainlink or other appeals to authority, explain to me how it can scale.

>> No.20638058

You're better off buying more LinkPool.

>> No.20638091

Every scams partnered with chainlink kek. Your claims.

>It has all the same (DeFi) usecases that Ethereum has but it can scale

Theoretical, You can say this on every project even those that are x10 better than ETH yet they're no successful in doing so.

You're retarded and likely a pajeet, Non of your claims make it look like a project that deserves a top 150 fully diluted marketcap let alone Top 5 (6$ will put it there kek). This project has one of the most shillers, Don't give a single valid argument (At least that you can verify as this project is literally a WHITEPAPER project) yet claiming the most retarded predictions i've ever seen, Top 5 worthy at the start maximum kek, I know this project is likely not a scam but you sure make it look like it.

>> No.20638135

Link barely was in the top 200 for months. It overvalued themselves at ICO (Still x10 less worse than what AVAX did, like literally) and slowly build a community and use cases until it all glowed together, It was also one of the worst performers in 2017 bullrun because of this initial overvaluation.

>> No.20638143
File: 168 KB, 929x1175, d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the third consensus protocol after PoW, PoS. This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there. We are talking 4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit account tricks, batching, or 2L), < 3 seconds finality, consensus reached by probablistically sampling thousands of independent nodes. Secure and decentralized.
Resist 51% attack (need 80% network control to take over)

>Every scams partnered with chainlink
the difference is that the technology and research comes from the same institution that solved the Oracle problem.
you think they will fuck up their reputation by scamming people? get real bro.
>even those that are x10 better than ETH yet they're no successful in doing so.
because they dont have the same background and support and are not allowed to win.

>> No.20638185

Also Link economics were far more appealing for long term growth, AVAX literally made themselves a flipping project and nothing else, The tokenomics is probably going to kill its growth long term.

>> No.20638191

that's shill pasta that doesn't mean anything. What reason is there to believe that AVAX works at scale?

>> No.20638199

Emin has been shitting on other projects, or at least heavily implying they're inferior during interviews for a while. I hope he would stop fueling the crypto tribalism.
But on the other hand he's been watching all the scams, vaporwares, projects with empty promise happened after Bitcoin, it's understandable that he would bash on them. I think at least he knows what he's talking about and I hope the project lives up to the hype.

>> No.20638206

100m launch cap in 2017 wasn't big at all.

>> No.20638225

scam ...

>> No.20638267

TEzos used to trade 10+ and ICX used trade 15+ at one point..more hyped and more legit , with good tokenmetrics for them...now low at them where they are now...and whats their lows when they released.

>> No.20638273
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everyone that can develop on ethereum can instantly go and develop for AVAX, same tools etc. work for it
its also not as complicated to grasp as chainlink, its quite simple and well understood actually.
because the technology comes from IC3 and the autist who made it developed PoW before that was a thing back in 2003. why would you bet against this autist who has all the right credentials?
>or at least heavily implying they're inferior during interviews for a while
hes autistic and understands the tech better than 99% of people, he knows most of it out there is shit and is not afraid to say so.

>> No.20638292

That's on paper, Products are always inferior to theoretical ideal, Every project can use the avalanche consensus.

Sound like conspiracy tales, actually embarrassing, There are enough projects with x10 the backing that AVAX got.

I still don't get your valuation claims, Why it should be worth more than 0.1-0.2$ (Already around 50-100M fully diluted marketcap)? Give me 1 thing that AVAX have rightnow over projects in that valuation range, It's an infant project with zero things to back it off beside baseless shills of flippers.

>> No.20638312

That's literally another appeal to authority.
You have no fucking idea how AVAX works, do you.

>> No.20638334
File: 169 KB, 900x507, 4343434ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's on paper
and we will see if it can live up to the hype, maybe it can, maybe it can't. I did my research and I think it can and its worth a shot.

>Give me 1 thing that AVAX have rightnow over projects in that valuation range
superior technology that comes out of IC3, last time that happend we got chainlink.
why bet against it?

>> No.20638368

Link launched before to massive bullrun, 35M initial valuation was definetly high at the time. Most ICO went for sub 20M.

In fact, Link dropped to ICO price right off the bat without any serious bearish market period.

>> No.20638521

See >>20638368

Link was barely top 200 project before it started having major use cases.

>superior technology that comes out of IC3, last time that happend we got chainlink.

Horrible reason to why it should be in the top 150 fully diluted marketcap.

>why bet against it?
Why hold a project that's going to 10 its supply over the course of the year?
Why claim absurd numbers without any backing for it?

You're a flipper, Admit it.

Btw all mainnets with no exceptions suffered from immense bugs during the initial stage that caused serious price plummeting,Prepare for unusable product for at least the next 6-12 months, If the product will even resemble the optimal implementation of the consensus. It's all air of promises at this point, Projects like this shouldn't be respected as i thought people here learned from 2017.

>> No.20638612

these connections are the most important thing about it.
you dont even have to understand the tech to know that this is something important.

>You're a flipper, Admit it.
at first that was my plan but then I saw the bigger picture.
>Why hold a project that's going to 10 its supply over the course of the year?
if its successful that wont matter much and its worth investing in just for the possible moonshot before the other cucks unlock.

>> No.20638708

You're aware that the 4-5$ the scam show is massively overvalued for a purpose right? The whole point of this scam exchange is to make people buy it for the highest price, there are no sellers there, Only exchange that determine the price and "sell" its tokens on the basis of promise which won't be met because the exchange is literally a scam.

The fact that it showed that valuation should tell you the real valuation is much much smaller. Like i said, OTC prices are at low to mid 1$, And those tend to be overvalued, Many flippers calculate profits from 0.85$ which is the flippers buying option at the ICO but fact is that 80% of the tokens in day 1 will be either those that costed 0.3$ or 0.5$, So 1$ is already x2-3 which is profit taking price for most individuals and surely for VC's who take profits no matter what.

>> No.20638865

Wrong. Algo is the most successful project from institutional perspective yet it rekted so many investors regardless, Granted fully diluted marketcap of algo is at 1B so there's that (Probably the reason why it doesn't pump no matter how huge the news are, It even got listed on coinbase and pumped barely 20% only to dump again).

AVAX wished to have 1/50 the connections and use cases of ALGO yet it already valued at 1/4 fully diluted marketcap at ICO price, My point is that 0.5$ is already overpriced at this moment, Tech potential is nice and all but if there's no economic potential if the project is a bad investment.

Yes i'm mad because i followed this project for 1.5 years and was utterly disappointed by the tokenomics, I won't invest in it until it's going to sub 0.2$ and show some decent use cases, I mean it. I wasn't the only one who thought the same and many AVAX veteran gave up on the sale (Tho some tried to get in option B which was maybe flip worthy only because they promised tier 1 exchange).

>> No.20638936

Kek, opinion discarded, compare apples and oranges somewhere else buddy.

>> No.20639015

Wait what AVAX have on ALGO exactly? Literally nothing, like literally absolutely nothing, I'm even doing a favor for AVAX phrasing it this way, I'll correct, AVAX wished to have 1/50 what ALGO already achieved from use case and partners standpoint, Even from technical standpoint as AVAX showed nothing of value to us yet.

You're delusional, I'm not even ALGO holder/fan but this is a plain fact.

>> No.20639047
File: 1.97 MB, 2096x1178, EdirtrIWsAASWdK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how I look at it, oracle was a obscure use case in 2017 that not many people truly recognize the value of. It takes DeFi boom to let the world know about the importance of oracle and pump LINK, ofc LINK is much more than DeFi.
Band, Tellor, and any other LINK "competitors" are piggybacking the oracle narrative despite having 0 worthy adoption. Band is at rank 95 now simply because it's another oracle.

But the value of L1 protocol has been widely recognized because of Ethereum, naturally all "Ethereum killers" have high evaluation. Sure it is a whitepaper now, we can only take their words for what it can be in the future. So the question is whether you believe it'll be better than HBAR, Elrond, Algorand, Neo...and up the mcap rank.

>> No.20639096

>sir buy algo not avax algo gud coin sir
>it'll be better than HBAR, Elrond, Algorand, Neo...
it sure has the potential to be better than all of this.

>> No.20639124

.25 algo otw and I’ll get some more.

>> No.20639189

But the point is that it's already valued at top 50 fully diluted marketcap at ICO price, No i don't think it's better as i saw nothing of value from the team, All the projects you listed although have slightly less tech potential are already more established with use cases, communities, partners and to some extent network effect, I repeat, AVAX is a whitepaper project that operate so far only on promises, No this project shouldn't be valued above 50M fully diluted marketcap and that's generous only because the potential in the most optimal scenario is good. That's it.

Your graph just make me think it's even more overvalued than i thought.

>> No.20639925

I agree with you on a lot of things and your critique. I do think it's more than a whitepaper project though, after all they will release on mainnet next month and staking will be available pretty much right away. That said, others have in fact assblasted Emin's avalanche consensus mechanism extremely hard on a technical level end of last year. As far as I know without a substantial,formal rebuttal by the AVA team, they are extremely cocky. I really have a split few on this, hard to say where it will be going, without Emin's rep it would probably be dogshit. Link to technical avalanche btfo below https://ipfs.globalupload.io/QmcPs3ckeqtPowjVnA8TetmaNfZjw1vCLuDNRK8e5vnc6a

>> No.20639960


>> No.20640289

>first true innovation since Bitcoin
>pajeets are FUDing it to buy low

You missed the ICO, get over it. People who missed Ethereum's ICO and bought early still made a fortune.

You can think of buying as an insurance against going insane when it eventually becomes a top 3 coin.

>> No.20640505

did you actually read the critique


what you call "first true innovation since bitcoin" others with higher level brain functions call "pseudo-profound bullshit" ... no rebuttal from Emin after the 'paper' publication in Nov 2019.

in short, the avalanche paper on which AVAX is based on shows:

>conclusions based on mathematically unsound arguments
>circulus in probando
>lack of scientific standards
>at best inaccurate or right out misleading
>pseudo profound bullshit: in other words lots of buzzwords without meaning

proof me wrong faggot

>> No.20640562

whats up with these misleading fake reports? has Simeon too much free time?

>> No.20640580

what kind of volume do your groups have?

>> No.20640826

>no rebuttal from Emin after the 'paper' publication in Nov 2019.

Kevin Sekniqi (Emin's right hand) destroyed it shortly after publication:

Sorry, you will have to come up with different fud to cope with the fact that you missed the ICO.

>> No.20641203

dead project already

>> No.20641234

Yeah we all "missed" the ICO that took 5 hours to sell out and included a last minute change from 2% public release (lmao) to 10% for L1 solution number 1000 that was SO GOOD that everyone that bought in is shilling it like crazy instead of downplaying it to continue accumulating...

>> No.20641383

Everyone knew about it, The sale itself just wasn't attractive enough, Anyone who wanted to buy could've done that as they had full 5 hrs to buy yet there was 40M+ left that only filled by few individual whales after the allocation lifted to no limits. The conclusion is that not enough people wanted to buy it.

>> No.20641512

>included a last minute change from 2% public release (lmao) to 10%
Because almost everyone in the telegram group asked them to after the first failed sale attempt.

According to the old terms, if only 240 people bought the maximum amount ($25k), the sale would be over, and this caused a stampede.

>the ICO that took 5 hours
They switched to randomized queues instead of first-come-first-serve to prevent gas wars and DDoS attacks. The site went down during first sale attempt despite on the fly scaling efforts for one full hour.

I had to wait in the queue for 40 minutes.

> that everyone that bought in is shilling it like crazy
I rarely see it shilled and this is actually the first time I talk about in /biz/.

Avalanche's tech will stand in its own. It will get to the top with or without you.

Many people didn't knew. I rarely see it mentioned on CT. Also almost everyone know about Ethereum's ICO. It mooned nonetheless.

> only filled by few individual whales
the limit was $25k that was raised after 1 or 2 hours to about $1M (according to the terms). It's not just few individual whales.

>> No.20641532


Many people didn't knew. I rarely see it mentioned on CT. Also almost everyone knew about Ethereum's ICO. It mooned nonetheless.

> only filled by few individual whales
the limit was $25k and was raised after 1 or 2 hours to about $1M (according to the terms). It's not just few individual whales.

>> No.20641583


>> No.20641623

Wrong. They organized the queue in a way that should give the possibility of the whole 60M to be filled before they lifted the limit, "What's left will be sold in gas war" kind of thing, The fact is that not enough people were willing to participate no matter how you spin it.

Even after they lifted the cap it took it 30 minutes to be filled, So gas wars competition surely didn't happen.

>> No.20641772

That's simply incorrect and you don't seem to understand how queues work. There were no gas wars because of queues. As I said, I had to wait for 40 minutes to be able to buy.

You can review the terms at their website and read their blog posts for more details.

>> No.20642152

what's CT?

>> No.20642343

Once on exchanges it will probably go above $6. The circulating supply will be so limited, especially in the first few months that if it reaches the cap of other L1 projects (let's say conservative $200M) it will imply price of $10 per AVAX.

>> No.20642376

Crypto Twitter. I follow many traders.They shill shitcoins and tokens and discuss ICOs all the time but can't recall seeing anyone mentioning Avalanche except maybe once.

>> No.20642406

I personally don't plan to trade more than 5-10% of my bag because I don't want to be a salty motherfucker when it becomes a top 3 coin.