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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2077594 No.2077594 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw made a fucking cake for my mother in mother day
>tfw it was better than commercial cakes, much better, made with integral flour and nice shit
>tfw it was cheap
>tfw thinking of making a bakery
>tfw selling them at 7USD
>tfw I need to sell 100 to make 700USD which is double minimal wage here in my spic shithole

>> No.2077618

Better bake a cake for my gay wedding

>> No.2077620

what is a fucking cake

is it a cake that you can fuck

>> No.2077634

Is just a cake retard.

>> No.2077639

>my spic shithole

If you don't have horrible laws for food production go for it in your free time tbqh

>> No.2077649

the cake is a lie

>> No.2077705

this is probably the most autistic thread I've seen on /biz/ in a long time

you think because you baked some piece of shit cake for your mom that you're going sell dozens of cakes a day for 7 bucks and consider that a successful career?

if you live in such a spic hellhole you think they don't already have abuelitas to bake their quinceanara cakes you dumb fuck?

>> No.2077729

most cakes taste like shit faggot.
and most bakers use white flour which is garbage.
I'm not looking to become a professional baker retard, is simply a hobby because I like cooking fucking retard.


>> No.2077730
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What's a cake usually go for in your 'ss'? Wouldn't 7 dollars get you some crazy cake? Pic relater

>> No.2077737

A 17 by 11 cake is like 20 dollars+

>> No.2077745

sorry, I didn't mean that type of cake.
had to google and what I meant is pound cake.

>> No.2077753

Go for it bro and don't listen to negativity from /biz
This place is all crabs in a bucket, even coinfags hate each other

>> No.2077759

>actually has a business idea
>requires hard work and dedication that OP may or may not do
>gets called autistic

Sounds like /biz/. Give it a shot, OP. This board will only tell you to buy and hold shit coins or resell alibaba trash on ebay for $1 margins as viable businesses.

>> No.2077766

eat my cake (asshole) instead

>> No.2077769

you dont make money by making good tasting cakes

you make money by making cake as cheap as fucking possible, fill it with caffeine and sugar so people want more and reap the cash

>> No.2077774

>mom makes me chicken tendies every day
>tendies taste good
>mommy should open a restaurant and cook tendies for 10 bucks a plate

this is the level of business plan this autist put together

>> No.2077776

Make sure to bake other shit and donuts. Bring the donut culture to your shitty country. Coffee wouldn't be a bad idea either.

>> No.2077777

I'd buy your cakes OP :3

>> No.2077779

HAHAHAHAH you sore fucking loser.
hate some more, OP actually is able to produce some value to the earth. All you did was complain and be negative while offering no fucking alternatives.

Lmaoing @ ur life faggot.

OP, if anything, this type of ''noise'' should be a sign to do it.

>> No.2077798
File: 20 KB, 320x272, kjhkjhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2077803

Yeah bro, go for it. It's a small cost/time outlay and if it fails you're not bankrupt. It it succeeds, maybe you build it into a chain or a brand. One day we may all be eating OP Faggot's poundcake from the supermarket. Good luck! The other guy's idea to sell related shit is pretty good too (coffee/etc..)

>> No.2077822

>bawwww there's competition in my X market
>there's not point on doing it
what market is not oversaturated now?

fucking faggots.

>> No.2077838

Did you forget that you have to pay for ingredients?

>> No.2077843

did you forget they extremelly cheap?

>> No.2077849


not bad idea need rich area to make money but then high real estate cost ur not making money real money for years without storefront unless u are genius at marketing

honest advice know ur lease like u know ur recipes smackhead or dont be biznessperson

>> No.2077869

>needs storefront
>not networking through your friends and local shoopkeepers
>what is whatzzap
learn to networking, pleb

>> No.2077928

Why don't you sell them at bake sales instead of opening a bakery? Get the roasties to buy them.

>> No.2077989

It's just an idea.
I will simply sell them to friends and my neightborhood shoopkeepers.

>> No.2078041

fucking beggars don't know how to beg good luck you going to need it

>> No.2079346

awesome idea!

you should also purchase a brick and mortar storefront

then kill yourself in it