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21364395 No.21364395 [Reply] [Original]

With LINK now making hundreds of millionaires on this board, perhaps we should now have regular "wealth management" generals, ie boomer advice? Going all in on a single shitcoin is fun when you're a poor neet but once you hit the first mil, you really should begin to consider boomer advice like "diversify across different asset classes to minimize risk exposure", right? Are we now gonna have regular real estate advice threads, etc.? Where do you even learn about this stuff, besides meme reads like rich dad poor dad?

Blighttown somewhat related, all I want is to retire with passive income so I can play dark souls all day.

>> No.21364543

Yeah this recent surge has left me completely unprepared. How do I avoid paying absurd fees? How do I avoid paying absurd taxes? How do I avoid having my bank account frozen? How do I avoid getting kneecapped? How do I avoid the gold digger roastie menace?

I don't have the answers frens.

>> No.21364628
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>mfw holding was the easy part

>> No.21364648


>passive income and play dark souls all day

Absolutely same but I can’t even focus on anything until I secure this money. It’s become my singular thought awake, asleep etc.

Wouldn’t be a bad general to have.

>> No.21364675

These threads can wait til we hit $100.

>> No.21364719


I always knew holding up would be harder than holding down, I had no delusions about tbat but it’s all consuming.

Knowing and doing are two different things.

>> No.21364733

nah, people here are retards

Watch them spend all their gains on the next shitcoin and lose it all

or even worse, watch them kill themselves for not being able to cash out lmao

I say fuck them

>> No.21364761

this thread has some useful info

>> No.21364800

>Cash out enough to invest in an ETF or property to produce residual income.
>Start a charity helping autistic neets.
>Accept donations in crypto.

>> No.21364830
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I never knew it and am stupefied by it

>> No.21364853

Keep your wealth secret from everyone. Only your closest family can know if you trust them.

>> No.21364897
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here's your wealth management advice: hold your link, faggot. peace

>> No.21364916

I have 6 linkies. Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.21364935

Hire a tax attorney and talk to exchanges about their OTC desks. You can get a flat rate for large trades and have it done in a couple transactions

>> No.21364950

are you fucking retarded?? link will the best investment in general for the next 10 years at least, wake the fuck up
but agreed we need more wealth management threads, tax advice, relations with banks & big amounts, real estate, managing wealth etc etc also security. also how long till private member club threads

>> No.21364989

Hire a lawyer and a CPA. Let them take care of that shit. You just go vroom vroom in your lambo

>> No.21365055

You don't understand anything. If all the bagholders would dump and cash out, the pump would be over. It's a run for the exit, give it some week's time to happen but no need for wealth management meetings, lol

>> No.21365100

0.1 LINK = Suicide Stack
1 LINK = Make It Stack

>> No.21365190

You should probably call up your bank before cashing out. They'll probably try to jew you and push various paid services on you though, that's the type of thing I'd like to know about before moving forward. Getting a lawyer or financial advisor, I should probably learn how to do that without getting jewed too. Getting jewed will be one of the top threats to look out for. The tax man you probably can't evade, but learn about the other middle men.

About the tax man, I'd like to know about loopholes in the EU, like for example can I move to Germany or Portugal and cash out tax free, do I need to apply for residency first, how does that work... In my eu country it's a flat 30% tax rate for crypto which is insane.

>> No.21365307
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Swap your Chainlink for physical silver and junior silver miners (SILJ) before the price crashes, as crypto did in 2017. Don't delay until it's too late.

>> No.21365359

>"diversify across different asset classes to minimize risk exposure",

Link is going to spark the bull run if this happens...

>> No.21365520

I have a similar stack to you. This price increase is nice and all, but the goal is to make a passive income from LINK so I'm not counting this money until staking is released

>> No.21365552

this pic gets me every time. insane amount of dread

>> No.21365660

Based. I didn’t wait damn near three years to sell this shit before I get what I’m waiting for.

>> No.21365669


>> No.21365997

Checked. Digits of truth.

>> No.21366007

the staking return would need to be like ~8% for me to cover my expense, I literally cannot wait to quit my job

>> No.21366822
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Cashing out is going to be scary. I would have no idea what to even tell a lawyer.
How did you get this money?
>I shitpost on 4chan and some Indian guys had a pretty good deal.
What do you mean? Are you sure this isn't a scam?
>Yes, the autistic nerd who posts frog pictures said it was a good investment.
Is this some kind of joke?

>> No.21367038

>Cashing out is going to be scary
How so? Profits from crypto are the same an any other capital gains. The OP should be able to unfreeze his account with no problems.

>> No.21367501


>> No.21367533

fuck off boomer

>> No.21367601

100% in the same boat as you. I haven’t been able to sleep or thinking clearly about anything the past 3 weeks.