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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21387966 No.21387966 [Reply] [Original]

If you know, you know.

>> No.21388454

tell me more
I want to add 10k more to y losing streak

>> No.21388547

So many good things coming

>> No.21388606

i am waiting until chicocrypto confirms the smart contract is legit. I mean this could be really big.

>> No.21388615

Yesterday $15 stable coin
Today $13 stable coin

>> No.21388634

*smart contract audit* i mean, forgive me anons, in this case breeders i guess

>> No.21389077

It's $14.32. After a massive fucking pump the fact that it's consolidated here is insane.

>> No.21389262

i know you get yammed with this. fuck off of scammer

>> No.21389571

This has an actual use case anon, its the Mother of all DAOs. This isn't some stupid food coin, DYOR.

>> No.21389822

Probably still less than $20, but it doesn't matter. Buy all you can now BREEDERS, after mainnet it's going to triple digits, we'll pass ETH with ease before EOY and probably YFI also

>> No.21390462

Hotbit just listed sbree, probably a trashy exchange, but hey, any marketing is a good marketing

>> No.21390508

So i decided to buy it before chico confirms it, i digged in a little bit and found so many people already confirmed via email, one of the telegram mod confirmed himself. So i am all in now. But once chico confirms this may fly off the chart, So don't wanna be that late Chad. Wish me luck.

>> No.21390710

6 days since token sale ended

Chico digging

X15 since sale price

Stabilized at $14-16 range

Top holders not even selling

Mainnet in 2 weeks

Staking farming voting burning

Chainlink of daos

Mother of daos

God if this is not bullish I dont know what is

>> No.21390750
File: 297 KB, 1096x1280, D55EDB9E-16A5-4CEE-85A5-A1542F0408CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And sBree is just a placeholder token Mainnet isnt even out. They never wanted users to trade it yet here we are today fuuuckkk

>> No.21390766

several members e-mailed the audit company and they responded confirming that the audit is on going

>> No.21390769

fuck chico pamp this you twatters. dont you realize this is the ultimate fucking coin ever. jesus fc you guys all probably eat fucking yams

>> No.21390856


>> No.21390895

this guy clearly breeds. dont be a stupid pajeet. fomo kicking in hard. you faggots are going to miss the train and wish you bought this 5 digit chadcoin when it was getting plebd on by thomasfags

>> No.21390900

I think better that it sits and consolidates for a week before the audit confirmation, so that it coincides with main net launch a few days later. hope chico can just stfu for a few days

>> No.21391103
File: 164 KB, 1280x1055, photo_2020-08-13_11-48-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do the math. 30k into 3 mil.

>> No.21391213

holy shit i just realized capital loss just holding ampl imagine getting suckered into paying child support holy cow this coin is next level

>> No.21391346

John, one thing I can promise you, even in this market, is that I never ask my clients to judge me on my winners. I ask them to judge me on my losers because I have so few

>> No.21391402

3 digits is fud. 5 digits EOY.

>> No.21391419


Steve Madden.

>> No.21391575

Agreed. People don't realize this is going to make BTC obsolete. It's over for old tech like BTC/ETH now that BREE is taking over

>> No.21391665

And in the case of BREE, based on every technical factor out there, John, we are looking at a grand slam home run.

>> No.21392416

Chico is already buying it, i can feel him breeding

>> No.21392510

BREE is the only chad on bull run. Boss of DAOs

>> No.21392515

Shut up you clown

>> No.21392544

Muhhhhh chico, Ooooh yes code audit gooood

this coin is a piece of shit

>> No.21392561

Fuck you thomas

>> No.21392595

Cope harder Thomas

>> No.21392765

cannot wait to play in your tears

>> No.21392794


>> No.21392882

yeeeessss, I am literally going to breeed all the way to the bank with the mother of DAOs

>> No.21392972

>coin is bad because.....it's bad!

>> No.21393099

This is a scam. Sell for Kleros.

>> No.21393240

I bet you don't even know what it is. Enjoy your SJW coin.

>> No.21393264

> Sell for Kleros.

not even if your mom put her voluptuous lovemaking lips around my dick

>> No.21393372

lmaooooo we gunna mooooon bois. maker devs

>> No.21393479

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's not MKR. Screencap this.

>> No.21393506

Yeah you're right it's better.

>> No.21393524

MKR devs I mean ;)

>> No.21393667

Kekd out loud.