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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21562900 No.21562900 [Reply] [Original]

Justify this without being a bootlick

>> No.21562948

They’re dumping those gains into PM’s and crypto, /biz/ should be elated

>> No.21562967

Sire... Just use kleros...

>> No.21562986

There's nothing to defend here as no argument has been made.

>> No.21563007

You could have gotten those exact gains if you'd been all in on Amazon or Tesla at the trough

>> No.21563032

what do you mean justify it? you posted a list of successful men who are earning a lot of money by providing goods and services to tens of millions of people what’s the problem? are you mad because you’re a loser? because that isn’t their fault.

>> No.21563043


Good for them. They worked hard to be where they are at.

>> No.21563081

Stocks go up on free money.

>> No.21563107

successful people keep succeeding.... shocking development. kys

>> No.21563207

networth is measured by their ownership in company equity and other such bizarre and pointless metrics that dont really mean much. they cant liquidate that money and they wont really, its just a number on paper at a certain point, economy is being pumped with fed dollars so their "networths" are plump and healthy. ok big deal.

>> No.21563258

>imagine being poor

>> No.21563307

Stock market is bubble by fed money. Almost all the stimulus money went to stock market, retail investors then fomo'd in and these billionaires' networth is pumped up on paper.

>> No.21563360

You do realize those peoples wealth are mostly tied to company valuation and it is heavily regulated the amount that they can cash in right?
They borrow against their name and are likely cash poor and actually in debt in many cases.
>inb4 hurr durr cope bootlicker
$TSLA IPO price -> $17 (107x)
$AMZN IPO price -> $18 (176x)
$MSFT IPO price -> $21 (10x)
$FB IPO price -> $38 (6.8x)

>> No.21563443
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this is the problem with the federal reserve and supply side economics.
Normally they give the rich money to exploit cheap labor, but since we need the labor to stay home, they use that money to mark up prices on businesses that thrive under a pandemic.

>> No.21563526

Without being a bootlicker

>> No.21563527

how can you see this and not realize it is hyperinflation
suddenly all cryptos, stocks and assets pumped 2x amidst the biggest economic slowdown and right after trillions of dollars have been poured into the market
how can you not put 2 and 2 together

>> No.21563728

His company turned out to be one of the few essential retail businesses that exist
Giving it all away to niggers anyway
Not sure how his companies are even profitable, i imagine he supplies plenty of user information to glowniggers
His entire company is about making money, thats what they do, even in bear markets
Literally only increased networth because of Chainlink's integration with Oracle, he bent the knee
Getting paid off by the chinks like everyone else in the NBA
Fraud who pumped his meme stock through memes.

Any questions?

>> No.21563912
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Thou shalt not covet. Which is what you're currently doing.

>> No.21563946

FED is printing funny money, blame the fed not the billionaires.

>> No.21563972

those numbers are actually fake. all the names on this list are actually bagholders lmao. if they try to cash out all their shares they crash the market

the forbes numbers are bullshit. the real richest persons on earth arent to be seen in public

>> No.21564021

There's no justification. Kikes control the government and use your money to fund their lavish lifestyles

>> No.21564056
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Doesn't need justification.

>> No.21564219

People have deemed their assets more valuable now than before the pandemic, is that a problem?

>> No.21564504

Spot on, anon. Especially about Musk. He's a fucking fraud.

>> No.21564564

>You could have gotten those exact gains
yeah i totally could of made billions of dollars. fucking retard.

>> No.21564591

Five billion dollars could buy a tiny house for every homeless person in America. No I don’t think there’s any justification.

Also the Rockefellers made their first trillion over a hundred years ago, so the Forbes numbers are total bullshit.

Can’t believe most of you normies think any human can "earn" a billion dollars.

>> No.21564630
File: 359 KB, 858x821, 103ECBC0-A464-4D74-9701-B2A32872BDA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek bezoz providing, he destroyed the competition through private connections, the guy did not innovate or do anything new other than have more connections than other delivery service/shopping companies >>21563007

>> No.21564673

Bezos is the only one on that list that's a fraud. All he did was put every mall on one website that any fuckwit can go on and get instant gratification with useless shit. I swear everyone who uses amazon must get a fucking dopamine hit everytime they click the buy button.
They legitimately buy stupid 1 time use shit every 5 seconds of the day.

At least Musk's companies fucking do something and are innovative. Space-X and tesla earned their shekels.

>> No.21564678

>don’t use Facebook
>don’t use amazon
Overnight you will ruin their “empires”
Don’t be jealous, you made them this big.
If you were not lazy and or addicted to bragging on Facebook, they wouldn’t be this rich

>> No.21564743

Lmao seething poorfags

>> No.21564763

Did you have a point to make?

>> No.21564799

If I had a billion dollars I would give away 99% of it. It isn’t right to have that much money when there are people living on the streets.

>> No.21564802
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>> No.21564848

Amazon isn't his only business.
>instant gratification
And he definitely didn't achieve this by having his own delivery fleet, nope, all he did was make a website.

>> No.21564867

Apparently NASA wasn’t wasting enough taxpayer money so they brought in Musk’s company to waste even more.

>> No.21564922

But having 10 million is though, right?

>> No.21564925

>If I had a billion dollars I would give away 99% of it.
Because you are not intelligent and don't understand money is plutocracy and hand-outs are enabling bad decisions that keep the world spinning out of control.

>> No.21564981

no you wouldn't you pretentious little shit

>> No.21565149


It's indefensible. Anyone who defends this will have weak as fuck arguments or stray into bootlicker territory.

>> No.21565311

This has nothing to do with "supply side economics" and it has EVERYTHING to do with the federal reserve.
We need to end the fed and implement free markets.
But you leftists are too cucked for that.

You people are central bank/statist bootlickers though.



Bezos provided cheaper products and services to the working class and revolutionized shipping quickly.
Other than that, his net worth is just propped up on paper due to the federal reserve.
In a free market he wouldn't have nearly as much money. It doesn't matter though because wealth is not a zero sum game and taking his money won't benefit everyone else, it would just raise prices.

>If I had a billion dollars I would give away 99% of it. It isn’t right to have that much money when there are people living on the streets.
So you would MAKE people poorer?
All your actions would do is raise prices for the poor and middle class.
If you saved your money and used it productively, the working class would have more goods and services.

How is leaving people alone "bootlicking"?
You're the bootlicker.

>> No.21565355

>And he definitely didn't achieve this by having his own delivery fleet, nope, all he did was make a website
Oh shit so you're a double digit IQ lad, well here goes:
Durr own many warehouses, Get own delivery system Durr.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.21565370


Learn what bootlicker means you fucking imbecile. Don't just try to redefine words like SJWs.

>> No.21565384

It tends to be the same for the people who attack it too.

>> No.21565489

What the fuck will you commies do other than complain about it? Kill yourselves you insufferable fucks

>> No.21565509

How am I redefining anything?
If I want people to be left alone and not taxed, how I am a bootlicker?

>> No.21565557

I don't care about poor people or stoner commies like you. You will lick MY boots, faggot.

>> No.21565603

Btw I 3x'd my stack during the pandemic.

What's your excuse?

>> No.21565701

>muh bootlick

The people saying this are the same people who demanded the CARES Act and burned down small businesses in order to funnel literally all the wealth into the hands of massive corporations.

I fucking hate you all and you deserve nothing but a helicopter ride.

>> No.21565730

I DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND why people don't get that the federal reserve creating money and pumping it into the stock market is the reason it keeps going up and these people get richer.

People are so fucking confused and ignorant about the Fed, it's incredible.

Just end the Fed and these people would probably be broke.

>> No.21565770

What an insulting and traitorous image for mentioning blacks

>> No.21565802

>His entire company is about making money

Same with literally all for profit businesses.

>> No.21565805

A customer's convenience is not worth the abuse of employees, the carelessness with our environment and the suffering a forgotten groups. People with disposable incomes don't need the convenience that these company's offer. Other people need their basic needs met FIRST

>> No.21565879

A wealthy Elon is our only hope.

>> No.21565927

>abuse of employees
Eat shit and die and send me my angle grinder and cat food you human garbage.
Amazon employees get paid more on average than other people in the same industry. If they don't like the stress(every job is stressful) they can find another job.
Why would consumers want to pay more and get lower quality service just because you want your job to be easier?

>> No.21565989


this is stupid, March 18th was after the markets all crashed due to the chink flu panic. now things are recovering and so is the wealth/stock prices of these billionaires. what was their wealth BEFORE the crash?

>> No.21566006
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it sounds like you're the imbecile, fren.
how can you see what our central bank is doing and blame it on markets?

>> No.21566044

This. Commies need to kill themselves. Fuck they make me want to vote trump again and I dont even like him.

>> No.21566064
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>Why doesn't the working class, the largest of demographics not simply eat the others?

>> No.21566119


>> No.21566143

>twitter commie says capital gains should be abolished
>says that we should only be able to get money via manual labor

Holy cringe. I fucking hate these people so much, it's so hard not to. But it's not like they'll ever be taken seriously I suppose.

>> No.21566159
File: 79 KB, 445x528, FBBB27A1-2589-42B0-B6A8-9CB9ACECF79F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, we’re throwing a Donner party!

>> No.21566203

Because that's not how it works. The working class receives virtually all of the consumer goods/services in the economy. The capitalists receive very little when we're talking about the total amount of goods and services.
Stop confusing money with resources, they're completely different things.

>> No.21566212
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>msft only a 10x since IPO

hold on frens massive retard posting

>> No.21566217

>That's why it's called doner kebab

>> No.21566218
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>> No.21566245

They don't understand that value is completely subjective, they think value comes from labor. They're insane and retarded.
Economic illiteracy is a cancer.

>> No.21566315

>could of

>> No.21566337
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if they ever do get any attention paid to them a fuckton of innocent people are gonna get hurt

The /biz/ consensus is that the Fed has obviously been pumping stocks/equity - which rich people own a disproportionate share of - with artificially low interest rates. QE hasn't changed any of that. And thats not even taking into account all of the crony bullshit. In fact, the share of the wealthiest individuals worldwide was DECREASING until after Bretton Woods.

>> No.21566403


>> No.21566458

I laugh at stats that treat black suffering as more important than other people's suffering, or downplays the degree to which blacks savage each other, leading to black suffering

>> No.21566508


>> No.21566832

The starting point is at the bottom of the massive March market crash. With the entire stock market recovering, of course their wealth will recover too

>> No.21566872

funny how these infographics always leave out the Rothschilds

>> No.21566928

You're a dumb bigger. It isn't the Fed that caused this it's just the byproduct of living in a Post Industrial society. See Thomas Picketty's Capital in the 21st Century

>> No.21566931

ITT "White" American Bootlicks

>> No.21567046

>Five billion dollars could buy a tiny house for every homeless person in America.

Those buildings would just turn into crack dens.
I know it's tempting to fall into the fantasy that everyone would just be ok if they were given a home, but their homelessness is the result of deeper problems those individuals have. No matter how much shit you give them they will continue to be self destructive.