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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21563331 No.21563331 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21563365
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HAHAHAHA...to expensive for you?

>> No.21563385

cool, buying more

>> No.21563430

There is no rug to pull?

>> No.21563461

Stay poor faggot. STA is going to be the King of Defi. The rate that the number of holders are increasing and supply is burning is why the price has gone up so much this past month. And it's not stopping any time soon.

>> No.21563487
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>mfw I own delta

>> No.21563550
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He is FUDing to get cheaper STA, but it is cheap enough. He probably swung and wants a cheaper entry :)

>> No.21563556

Hahaa I’ve been pooling this entire way down and still profiting. STA is unbreakable

>> No.21563711
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That is the best part...

"Oh it is dropping? POOOL and know the tokens are burning twice"

"Oh it is pumping? UNPOOOOOL, and know I am making gains"

How is this not the comfiest hold while we are still early?

>> No.21563823

can you guys explain this to a brainlet? i'm just hodling cause i'm too dum to understand the pool thing

>> No.21563833

Guys i got in around .12 and my hands are getting weak. I feel like the enthusiasm for this project has died. It had a small following on here and now we are all just waiting on a REFUND to propell us to the next level. I don't want to leave, but PNK and RSR are looking so good. Maybe the grass is greener.

>> No.21563851

yes can you explain how to pool my STA so I can make more?

>> No.21563858
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>> No.21563993

The volume has remained steady at $1M though, so you can't really say any enthusiasm is dying. Volume is the best way to judge how alive a coin is. And the amount of holders has been going up at a very fast rate as well. Those metrics together show STA is still growing in momentum. Also I don't know how you can deny the comfiness of knowing that your percent of the supply is always increasing just from holding.

>> No.21564016
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>wanted to swap for stinky linkies
>uniswap 4 dollar fee
>can't be arsed to move eth back to wallet so I can transfer

you're lucky I'm lazy... Let's see where this coin goes lads

>> No.21564285

Substantiate your claim.

>> No.21564310
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Go to uniswap
Click pooling
Add liquidity
Equal parts ETH and STA
Get your delta tokens that give you gains passively from 36% APY to 40,000% APY
Utilize Balancer and/or Phoenix fund with your Delta tokens for COMPOUNDED gains even more. Pool during tops during dumps to keep STA safe and get more while unpooling during pumps and watch your money go up organically compared to the stupid high but scammy gains from AMPL.