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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21639317 No.21639317 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make money other than wageslaving or investing? Is there really nothing else you can do besides these two?

>> No.21639378
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you can wait for a rich family member to croak and you can also rob people.

>> No.21639467

I work as an escort on the weekends.

>> No.21639691


Leaving aside gifts and windfalls, the formula is Money = Impact x Scale, where impact is the degree of value you provide to another person, and scale is the number of people you provide value to.

A viral video provides a small amount of value to a huge number of people = good money. Building luxury condos provides a huge amount of value to a small number of people = good money. Figure out what you can make that falls somewhere in the middle and you'll make good money.

Consumers basically only think of their own desires, and they wage to get the money to spend on satisfying those desires. Producers only think of other peoples' desires, and get rich by figuring out how to satisfy consumers' desires. Start thinking about what other people want that you can provide, or that you can learn to provide, and you escape the wagie cage.

Good luck bro

>> No.21639743


>> No.21639862

sure, for example robbery, marriage, or inheritance

>> No.21639934

sorry but if u cant figure it out on your own, you will never make it

>> No.21640145

Play blockchain games. Go to OpenSea and have your pick. I made $400 every weekend playing a Hearthstone clone a while back.

>> No.21640567
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Is this legit?

>> No.21640613

Selling. If you are a wagecuck, you work for a business that sells things. You play a part in their system and get paid according to your value. If you want to make more, go sell something on your own so you can take all the profit. Maybe even start a business and grow a team.

>> No.21640702

You can make your own business in literally any industry if you want. I would rather scrub toilets in my own company working for myself than work in an office for anyome else. Not that I ever have to, but still, it's way easier to stay motivated when 90% of the profit from your efforts isnt going to someone else.

>> No.21640900

selling card sets you mean?

>> No.21640964

you can rob jewellery stores and you can run scams, you can hack people's crypto

>> No.21640969

Find a career you're actually passionate about, or try to make one

>> No.21641234

Yep, you got card packs and in-game currency from playing. Both went to your ETH wallet and were resellable. There are other games with other sorts of NFTs too. Up to you to find what you like/which one pays best.
There are bored crypto whales that throw unbelievable sums of money at NFT games, yet it's still too weird and obscure for most other third worlders to have found that niche and driven up supply.