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21647522 No.21647522 [Reply] [Original]

“We work with them on a weekly and monthly basis,” Sergey Nazarov, co-founder and chief executive of San Francisco-based SmartContract.”
“There isn't a formal partnership or any kind of agreement in place,” - Google spokesman
I’m glad I sold my bags at $19. I hope you guys sell too. I genuinely mean this. Don’t be stubborn and watch your bags trickle down to 0.

Your life is more important than a token you know to be useless. Crypto in general is useless but LINK literally has zero of a use case and is not being used for anything.

Forget all the memes for a second and think about your life. Many of you are NEETs with no money making potential. You can use the money from this to start doing something, building something, instead of wasting all day making racist memes about politics or memes about chainlink which truly only ultimately rich Sergey and his devs, who have already dumped 700k per day on you at one time.

If you continue to hold this, you’re a slave. Period.

>> No.21647546

dr;ns. Period.

>> No.21647550


>> No.21647629

who tf is sergey? ;NS

>> No.21647650

Please tell me this contract you are imagining.

>> No.21647666
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Nice try kike

>> No.21647679
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1 year old fud..

>> No.21647688

based satan

>> No.21647699


Not reading your blog post faggot. Anyway, I am going to coom. It's nearly bed time in Europe and it is time to coom. Not sure what I will coom to today though.

>> No.21647786

Sergey the same time to get a hold for now but if you could please give the details to be in the office tomorrow morning to pick up the car and then just decide to throw up your phone number so we can talk more about this opportunity and look forward to meeting with the price of the service.

>> No.21648060

Google literally published an article about how to use Chainlink. Even if there's no partnership they were interested enough in the tech to post about it.

>> No.21648118


>> No.21648144
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Fuck Bloomberg normies that their inability to understand what Sergers is doing.
Fuck jannies, niggers, kikes, spics, and nolinkers

>> No.21648153

Also while we're talking about it. Why the fuck do they still have so many job openings? Do they ever hire? No physical address for the company. They all just email eachother back and forth? What a joke

>> No.21648154


>> No.21648186

Are you serious? They did this back in 2019.


>> No.21648232

>Many supporters tout hundreds of partnerships that Chainlink talks about, with companies like Alphabet Inc.’s Google.

>“We work with them on a weekly and monthly basis,” Sergey Nazarov, co-founder and chief executive of San Francisco-based SmartContract, which got Chainlink off the ground, said in a phone interview. “I did a call with them this week.”

>More than a year ago, Google posted a blog about how to use a service like Chainlink to make data from its data warehouse BigQuery available on a blockchain.

>“There isn’t a formal partnership or any kind of agreement in place,” said Daniel Gabis, a Google spokesman.

It's really annoying how this is written. Chainlink has never claimed it to be partnership. Call it what you want, an integration, I don't know but yeah:


But of course, the person who made this topic knows all this very well.

>> No.21648248

Listening to some fag on the internet is slave mentality

>> No.21648288

Company grows. Hires 27 more people. Company is still growing. Needs to hire 30 more people.
Retard on internet:

>> No.21648347

Checked. Scam confirmed

>> No.21648348
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Fine Google, have it your way.
We tried to be friendly, but it's clear you want war.
So be it.
We will not stop until you Google faggots are utterly destroyed, homeless and starving.

>> No.21648409

did not read, am not selling

>> No.21648434

This means you need to stop posting on here. I welcome your decision go for it, degoolag

>> No.21648458

>No physical address for the company
The 2 addresses are empty, for lease office buildings. One is in the Cayman Islands, and the other, San Francisco. Both are empty and for lease and both have been for years.

>> No.21648459

what is this? 2019?

>> No.21648460

Thanks Jesus(read secret book of John)

>> No.21648496
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Based. Satan knows if hes going to beat God hes going to need smart contracts provided by a decentralized oracle network

>> No.21648508

I always thought google has reached a point where it's no longer innovative and basically is the status quo which in this case is kinda like a data dragon hoarding all the information on people but not really knowledgeable about what to do with it and too busy with diversity and social justice to persue innovation

>> No.21648532
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>> No.21648552

Good fuck offices. It's a decentralized concept so the team should be working from home. Don't care about Chyna virus. Defi should help destroy the office as a concept.

>> No.21648570

Sold at $19 did ya? Did you bollocks!
Fud post this desperate only come from failed swinglinkers.
You sold at $15 didn't you hahahaha

>> No.21648590
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>> No.21648788

This is literally a scam and none of you can prove me wrong.

>> No.21648814


PRQ invested into by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey!

>> No.21649068
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I don't care. I'm not selling.

>> No.21649185

Every day you Fags yell about link dumping. It’s the best moon shot coin and will continue to be. If you made a fortune already take some profits and HODL. All this FUD is extremely bullish. Look what happened after Zeus capitol. Relax bro’s.

>> No.21649503

They're literally hiring 30 people rn anon. Linkpool is hiring a few as well. Their address is in San Francisco but they Cayman island to not be subject to burgerstanian bs. What were you going to do? Send them a postcard? I'm sorry anon, that's not why people get into crypto..

>> No.21649648
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$50 EOW

>> No.21649778

The really sad thing is that there's nothing that Link can do that code and encryption isn't already doing and hasn't already solved.

I don't necessarily want all of you to get recked who hold, but those who really think this is some revolutionary tech deserve to lose everything, and it will be vindicating.

The only responses to this will be ad hominem or memery. That's how Link works.

>> No.21649893

This is actually what they think. You do realize literally any company could post this graph and say all of these things. The amount of infrastructure and development, oh don't worry about that.

>> No.21649897

Agreed, I believe most LINK holders probably don't have basic computer science concepts down and just buy and hold for the memes. A cursory look into the github shows how underdeveloped you might expect it to be after 3 years of "nonstop" work and millions of dollars in (eyeroll) development costs. Like what are they even doing? Fucking Taiwanese hookers and eating caviar off ladyboy ass while mashing in a couple lines of code every day to look busy?

>> No.21650206

I'm not completely surprised it went up so high considering that projects with higher market caps are just as useless. But Link really isn't that hard to understand as a concept and there is no reason for it to exist, bringing crypto (the most volatile asset ever conceived btw) into insuring data processes is a Rube Goldberg machine. No one is asking for it, and there is no problem that needs a solution in this regard.

There are a ludicrous amount of data transactions that are occurring throughout the world constantly, and they are secured via encryption. No problem. I really can't think of any solid use cases (and neither can linkies), it probably will only solve a handful of extremely esoteric and niche issues, if any at all. It's shocking people don't see this, and the irony is they all think they're incredibly smart. It's poetic.

>> No.21650279

Thats cool but still not selling.

>> No.21650294


>> No.21650638

This. For example, so sick of the "muh derivatives" that they constantly dangle in front of themselves. They haven't even asked themselves why the derivatives market operates cleanly every day without bringing in a blockchain and why link is ""fundamentally necessary"" to improving it. Literally all hype like EVERY other crypto in history.

>> No.21650707

Dear friend,
It is with great pleasure that I write this reply to you; please know that your letter was delivered safely into my hand with utmost care. My gratitude to the messengers who bore if for bringing such auspicious tidings.
However, I must inform you that, at the time of this writing, your letter to me remains pristine, that is, unopened and unread. Having confidence that I have accurately surmised the content of your letter, I must say that while your investment advice is certainly valued, there is no asset that will convince to me to trade, no misfortune that would compel me to part, no voice to which I will harken, no price at which I will sell. In simple terms, it is my conviction that my asset, having limitless potential and true value not yet manifest, will far outstrip all other investments over time, and secure most satisfactorily the financial future of myself and my loved ones; indeed, I believe there shall never be any circumstance in which I shall part with these assets.
I pray for your health and success.
Sinerely yours.

>> No.21650711

this. There is no reason to migrate to email when fax machines transmit data reliably billions of times a day.

>> No.21650802

I’ll take Deloitte, a company with a real value and ACTUAL revenues over Google any day of the week.

>> No.21650816

why would you do this

>> No.21650995

Exactly. Email is just a fax parser than anyone could write.

>> No.21651056

> Discord trannies detected
It's okay magic trannies I love you too
Checked and this. Tech is all hype and no-one wants new stuff. People hate change and boomers have built a perfect world by outsourcing to poos

>> No.21651094
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And this! Jason Parser will be caught and social justice will be served.

>> No.21651110

checked. baste

>> No.21651198

Whats sad is people will buy into this.

Im not selling. Eat shit. Anyone with any business and financial sense understands the implication of link. This shit isnt a joke

>> No.21651251

I was gonna sell, but now I'm not

>> No.21651340
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Post mail salon address if your really an oldfag

>> No.21651545

tweet is gone
what did the horse rimmer say?

>> No.21651629

I mean, some of the FUD sounds heartfelt. Are they truly just bitter nolinkers, or are they actual retards?

>> No.21651755


mmm it's not the questionability of the google partnership for me--- the "denial" you quote is the type of very specific language that doesn't thoroughly dispel the idea they're involved; things could be informal, under a different corporate umbrella, in the works, going by some other categorical description or technical language, etc. It's not an affirmative denial of any affiliation; it's a vague negation of a specific type of relationship.

What does worry me is that this rally has been intensely stupid since $8. This is stupid, new, fomo money and it shouldn't have gone nearly this high. Now the price has formed a massive jenga tower of green dildos which only has one way to go and meanwhile there are literally anons saying we're recharged and ready to keep rallying. The euphoria is intoxicating and it deludes rationality--- you begin to think that somehow, just somehow, the price will keep going up forever. This is how people felt in 2017 and walked away form a massive record-smashing rally with no profits or anything to show. With LINK, we are at the same magical point where in 2017 BTC had already euphorically rocketed to 20K, then dipped to 16K with everyone calling it a small dip before rocketing again to 50K. It's clear the rally is done and this is a bull trap, but we're still at record highs with the chance to sell.

>> No.21651765
File: 423 KB, 1075x1415, Screenshot_2020-08-20-11-57-16-31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> out of the oracle startups all have failed to deliver anything of value and substance to the programme and will be dropped
> All except for gravel coin my fellow marines! We're now focusing on tokenizing gravel full time.... Nevermind why.. and this well does require a lot of writing but the benefits will be extraordinary

>> No.21651813

LINK 1k EOY. OP is a seething faggot

>> No.21651843

The thing is, Google has enough resources to write its own JSON parser. This FUD could be on to something.

>> No.21651850

> There isn't a formal partnership or any kind of agreement in place
That leaves informal partnerships on the table

>> No.21651901

how do these threads even exist still? are people really that gullible

>> No.21652747

>Sergey lied.
Sergey has literally never lied about anything retard

>> No.21652823

This shit is about to take off.

>> No.21652872

based coomer and checked

>> No.21652899
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>> No.21652925

$Link stabilized yesterday. It will start climbing to $18 by Friday.

>> No.21653003


>> No.21653123

absolutely positively based. good tidings, anon.