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21743141 No.21743141 [Reply] [Original]

Newb here. Been reading about crypto for a while now.

It seems like Brave has serious potential for a big reason that no other coin has
>it solves an obvious problem in a way that benefits everyone involved. (advertisers know their ad was watched and dont overpay, people get paid for watching ads).

All the other coins to me seem to serve only one real purpose. Money laundering/purchasing illicit goods. Everything else legitimately can be done with credit cards and cash.

The other crypto seems to be fueled by doomsday fears of complete fiat collapse.
Brave's value seems apparent regardless of whatever fiat currencies are doing.

>> No.21743182


I like Brave and while it's use case is the most grounded and realistic it is certainly not super ambitious... i'm not sure how high the coin could go but im still stacking BAT so what do i know

>> No.21743304

Look at xlm, it has a legit use case a d much broader implications

>> No.21743316
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why not pay advertisers in eth or btc? you're doing the equivalent of putting money on gift cards that can only be spent on advertisements when buying bat. I think it's the only crypto that only ever goes down in price, somehow worse than pump and dump copy and paste coins.

correct me if I'm wrong, but I've never seen any arguments for buying bat, while entire books have been written on why the business model in general doesn't work.

>> No.21743317

this is what i keep zoning in on.

I'm pretty smart by conventional standards and im really having trouble zoning in on why any cyrpto currency has any value whatsoever (as a currency/medium of exchange).

I can see how the blockchain could be useful for all sorts of verification in business (bank confirmations, document authenticity, passports, verifying licenses and credentials). But i'm still not getting the whole "currency" aspect.

Seems like more and more coins could just be created.

Brave seems unique because it offers a "ecosystem". In otherwords, other companies would have to create browswers and infrastructure with publishers and advertisers to compete with brave, a much more difficult task.

hmmm, just dont really know.

>> No.21743336

working products don't moon. Only vaporware.

>> No.21743374

>why not pay advertisers in eth or btc?
because there is no eth/btc browswer that verifies you watched the ad, and there is no anonymous browswer that is capable of distributing those funds based on the sites you visited.

Also, Brave is a good web browswer to start with and people already browse the web so it seems like mass adoption could happen quick with such a small learning curve.

Other coins seem to require people to fundamentally change how they interact with the world, Brave "fits into peoples lives seamlessly" to sound cliche.

>> No.21743417

>working products don't moon
this is actually depressingly true.

Thinking about lots of really amazing engineering stocks i own that created life changing products and made lots of profit...yet there stocks did not go up much. Meanwhile other hype companies went much higher.