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File: 62 KB, 960x720, 118475931_4575585172452450_4606544709272499147_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21818438 No.21818438 [Reply] [Original]

5mm likner here. this is luxus i can affort.

>> No.21818455

Looks like shit

>> No.21818459

An old communist pool? Lucky...

>> No.21818465

Made no money until you cash out. Also, you'll still be alone and lonely, because no one likes you

>> No.21818480
File: 34 KB, 516x594, 117875952_309273543744226_8005334458628922315_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like me.

>> No.21818504
File: 44 KB, 500x208, tumblr_ndhjmqRZjj1r13rhyo1_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can litrerary put an lambo in that poll if i cash out. stay poor

>> No.21818696

so you can afford to spend time in a pool in some east europoor shithole?

>> No.21819051

Yes. can you? i dont think so..

>> No.21819067

your pool is 5mm deep?

>> No.21819203
File: 348 KB, 1333x2000, 64d478f8f6a83dbdf4bc88dba8ec1bde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not my pool. i live nex to it. but i can buy it whn i cash our right now. desu, i dont want stinky gypsy pool. just braging about link

>> No.21819275

i mean, this is how crypto work, right?

>> No.21819285

This literally looks like the pool in an apartment complex in my middle class literal who outer borough neighborhood in NYC. The only discernable difference is the buildings are red brick here.

>> No.21819311

welcome to checkoslovakia fren

>> No.21819457
File: 59 KB, 636x424, 133_H6051525_1_1594322054_636x435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm serious though. Shit I might have to retire to Eastern Europe after I make it seems like the same standard of living for a fraction of the price.

>> No.21819654
File: 549 KB, 1400x2108, 1597615681431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come here for sure its most comfi an beautiful country ive ever been if you like paganism. especialy if you want to be alone, try slovensky raj. extremly cheap and chicka are not sluts in rural areas, so there is a big chance to find fine and halthy wife to procreate.

>> No.21819676

top kek

>> No.21819706

sheeting kosican. stay at link9

>> No.21819753

Do you encounter gypsies a lot or are they easy to avoid?

>> No.21819769
File: 11 KB, 220x192, concernedApu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is it for an English speaker though? Could I get by? Would 20k USD be enough to give me a comfy start; and how's the IT industry there? I'd be cool with relocating honestly. The US is kind of a shitshow anyways. I'm down with formerly Soviet nations if it means nicer people and less of an emphasis on consumerism.

>> No.21819906
File: 178 KB, 714x477, coco-fusco-observations-of-predation-in-humans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, they tried to suckerpunch me like 3 years ago. whats that nigger game from usa when you punch a man an he hit the ground? they have it form intrenet. literary 10 gypsies + tieir dirty sluts. i was walking the wal home. ony two beer in me. sudenty one nigipsie punchend me in the head.

then nothing. others gypsies held him dovv cuz they saw it did nothing to me. i guess i was just lucky

tldr; gipsies are weak, they are too mixed. literary degenerates...

>> No.21820265
File: 845 KB, 1209x2610, 144590023463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of girls under 20yo here thinks that everitning from usa is a ticket for them to better life. they are too brainwashedy by jewish looby. go for it. one rule; BE TALL or atleast taller than grill. Be humble / comfident / inteligent larp. they hate insecurity. + eat some bull testicles, no joke

>> No.21820267

Kek i believe you are thinking of the Knockout Game. Sorry about giving our nigs internet because it looks like they influenced your gypsies

>> No.21820343

>Knockout Game
fucking this was it. fuck niggers. I have a few black friends and I have some white nigger fiends. its not about race. being a nigger is a state of mind.

>> No.21821265

kraken or coinmetro?

>> No.21821913


>> No.21822100

kde si fellow linker?

>> No.21822180

If you're sharing it with others who aren't your personal guests, then it isn't luxury.

>> No.21822245

Give me one linkie and receive a prayer in return


>> No.21822252

kedy jachtparty na zlatych?

>> No.21822261


>> No.21822347

nikdy. vykupujem solne bane. vzduch tam ti zaisti 300 rokov zivota. skontoroluj cisla

>> No.21822398


>> No.21822538
File: 174 KB, 855x1100, EeHXiBjUwAINHh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stare mexiko. pijem vo/dkus bre. idem do bj kupel. ide mi bus

>> No.21822572

>cisla necekuju. sergeeeeeeyyyyyyy. . doveroval som mu

>> No.21822628

asi spacham sudoku ked budem mat ceruzku na vyplnenie. vsetky moje korbace a zlataky... zase som sa nechal ozidovat..

>> No.21822728

ten pocit keď schizoposting v slovencine

>> No.21822811
File: 22 KB, 673x500, 1597555829772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drz kraken a poiz vypic. pozivas , v dobreho hucha biz. d+makcen

>> No.21822847

that looks like a chink hellscape

>> No.21822867

idem do bjkupel. daj heslo. budem drzat neironicky ruzu. ale bielu. mozno kus zozltne

>> No.21822925

based op. I'm happy for you, live it up and stay out of trouble.

>> No.21822969

you are lucky I dont know what thah worderino menafjjdn...k

niggers is anyone of you in bjk?

>> No.21823102
File: 61 KB, 553x719, 28962_1266906920616_959370_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tu uz nikto nikomu neveri na nonymnej doske?
? chodte spat na alokal naka frens. dnes toho bolo na vas dost.

>> No.21823184

niger kupuj kolenacky a sukuj kures
1000 peňazí KR 2020

>> No.21823543

daj preklat

>> No.21823593

iba ak tranny mliekarne
nie homoerotika

>> No.21823649

toto nedva zymselerino

>> No.21823679
File: 63 KB, 968x688, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NAKA kamo. daj mi tip

>> No.21823698

nie ide make it

>> No.21823730

codobre bys rad

>> No.21823839


>> No.21823864

pojeb sa

>> No.21823880

zla odpoved