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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21975182 No.21975182 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to make any meaningful amount of money with this?

>> No.21975197

Always bro, just will need more time as you might lose a lot in fees if you swing too hard.
Pick well, good luck.

>> No.21975203

Spend it on a cheap suit and go to a job interview

>> No.21975204

all in a potential 10x

>> No.21975214

Yes. Buy YFI now. Never sell

>> No.21975215

i put $500 into private sale 3 weeks and its now worth $3000, so yes with time+timing

>> No.21975231

Yes. If you pick right, you can make 100x.

But you probably won't pick right. Make more money the hard way.

>> No.21975241

i started with 100 and got to 1k last week from uniswap shitcoins
then one shit trade and im back to 100, but yeah its possible

>> No.21975272

Just need to carefully pick a few 10x’s. Take your time. Then you’ll have a money to play with.

>> No.21975285

Invest in LINK back in 2016

>> No.21975301

You can get some top of the line knee pads for $100

>> No.21975325

Honestly this is your best bet. Not trying to black pill. You need to start making some income, then worry about shitcoin investments/gambling later.

>> No.21975334

Put $100 in a small cap gem and cross your fingers. Maybe something like aergo, LTo, maybe DMG.

>> No.21975336

set some stink bids on binance and hope for the best

>> No.21975337

>Is it possible to make any meaningful amount of money with this?
Percentages are all that matters.
$100, $1,000, $10,000, $100,000, $1,000,000
All of those numbers are meaningless without percentages. Percentage of your capital, percentage gain, percentage loss etc etc
You will make it.

>> No.21975344

Well, it's not impossible.

>> No.21975509

No one with $100 to their name is wearing a suit to their job interview at burger king. you'd be seen as a joke. Go for a shitty polo shirt, or work boots and jeans if you're too dumb to count changes.

>> No.21976305
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0xMR, easy 10x

>> No.21976371


>> No.21976731


>> No.21976766

Not investing in stocks or crypto.

>> No.21976781

Buy the cheapest coin you can find.

>> No.21976786

Spend $25 on COOM and $75 on LINK
Don’t get greedy. Double your money and only take out half of your earning. Use the rest to keep playing the crypto game

>> No.21976832

Well I started w 3000 and made 800k (could have been 8mil but I sold Chainlink too early) I think I got pretty lucky but also had an intuitive bs meter for projects. I think if you really got your head wrapped around the space you could make 50k. Just be obsessive and absorb everything.

>> No.21976847

Gamble on stock options. You'll probably lose, but the upside can be very high.

>> No.21976857

Also go all in obviously. Don’t diversify. My path was ans(neo)>bnb>link.

>> No.21976873

This is a known scam. https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/i27fhk/0xmonero_summary_of_findings/

>> No.21977016

there is no 0xmonero project
there are only some liars who sell a generic erc20 based on hype

>> No.21977242

>not being a 2015 link marine

>> No.21977573

Go all in

>> No.21977642

Buy magnet MGT tokens right now you'll be in the first 200 holders. If your not into crypto buy Jordans or nike sb's. Only buy the sought after ones, it's literally a lottery so if you get lucky you'll at least 2x if you don't sell them you can return them.

>> No.21977764

> buy USDT
> get into a chink exchange eg, Hotbit
> go all in VIDYA
> profit

>> No.21977825

sell bottled water at intersections you will have a 100x your initial investment