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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22057921 No.22057921 [Reply] [Original]

>want to unstake $250 worth of some shitcoin
>that'll be $130 gas, plus tip

The future of money, everyone. Why doesn't Vitalik fix this bullshit?

>> No.22057954

It's already fixed, just wait for arbitrum to release by eoy.

>> No.22058018

I'm not waiting till EOY to get out a measly $250.

>> No.22058069


>> No.22058273

>just pay 50% of your transaction's value in fees bro

>> No.22058387

It can't be fixed, al the smart devs are moving over to fleta, and the smart money will follow

>> No.22058463

If fees are more than 2% of your transaction value right now just kill yourself

>> No.22058561

is this actually real

>> No.22058658

Yeah, it's real. I just tried to unstake my sxp and got slapped with a $50 gas fee.

>> No.22058713

>this is the future of finance

>> No.22058723

Yes. I guess all I can do is seethe, but I wouldn't be making a fucking thread about it otherwise.

>> No.22058831

Its already fixed by xdai

>> No.22058909

LAMDEN. Mainnet in 16 days. dyor.

>> No.22058952

What makes gas fees so expensive?

>> No.22059011


>> No.22059090

If only there was a solution to high gas fees (Loopring)

>> No.22059096
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if you want to trade shitcoins on my blockchain, you got to pay up

>> No.22059099

poor people already getting priced out of yield farming

yfi to 500k

>> No.22059227

FANTOM architected by Andre Cronje solves it today. you can use it on eth chain or port an existing dapp in one afternoon

>> No.22059236

Who the fuck determines the gas fees? Shit is changing constantly and sometime is like 40% of what I'm trying to trade.

>> No.22059281


>> No.22059458

If 40-80$ is 40% of your entire trade, maybe you should stop gambling your lunch money on shitcoins.

Regardless, chainlink fixes this, as usual. Just wait.

>> No.22059557
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>> No.22059598

>Who the fuck determines the gas fees?
how are we not at the top

>> No.22059644
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>> No.22059700

... and it's pumping

>> No.22059820

GoChain will make ETH obsolete

>> No.22059841
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>"hahaha i am going to be so fucking rich with all these meme efi coins!!!"
>"wtf 200 dollar transaction fee how did the government allow this????"
holy shit im glad all you efi niggers are getting rekt

>> No.22059880

>pls buy my "eth killer" bag pls
no thanks

>> No.22059886

Arbitrum is being touted as both an ETH competitor as well as enabler on ETH platform. Arbitrum only uses the ETH network for validation of on-chain discrepancies. Uniswap won't be using Arbitrum on the backend to facilitate transactions, will it? Because that would be a significant shift.
I'm sick of these gas fees. 2.5% commission on a $1k swap is absurd, I might as well be talking to a broker at this point instead of fueling slow tx

>> No.22059951


>> No.22059966

As far as I understand, the transaction still settles on Ethereum network, so it's not directly a competitor. Uniswap blew up in the past month or so, who knows what future will bring. We're very early and it's moving extremely fast.

>> No.22060048

Why don't the miners just raise the gas limit?

>> No.22060087

Actually interesting

>> No.22060105

supply and demad

>> No.22060136

isnt this basically what 1inch does with CHI?

>> No.22060146

>Why doesn't Vitalik fix this bullshit
because eth is a clusterfuck

>> No.22060209

This guy has the correct answer. The best minds in DeFi now care much more about YFI than Ethereum.

YFI is now DeFi.

Fantom runs all the existing solidity code, with sub-1 cent fees and sub-2 second transactions. (with further future scaling ability)

Just watch as a couple of big DeFi projects expand to Fantom.

>> No.22060294

Stop shilling your vaporware

>> No.22060407

I think this is a metamask error actually

>> No.22060513

>staking less than $10000 worth
Yeah no one gives a shit about your lunch money finance kid, passive income is for the big boys

>> No.22060630

Who's gonna pump your bags if new people see this mess, retard?

>> No.22060649

Day trading is for young worthless skiddies. Be fckn chat and hold. Jumping around the next hot cryptp pussy is teen tier IQ... Grow the fck up and hold and youll make $$...

>> No.22060716

>Playing with lunch money
>Eth is broken muhhhhhh

>> No.22060772
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>> No.22060894

Poor people don't pump bags.

>> No.22060939

OK, I'm out. I'm seething and apparently it's all my fault.

>> No.22061017

sorry rakesh you are officially priced out of defi. better luck in the next life.

>> No.22061137
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Yo. You're sure this isn't a rounding error?
I got high as fuck fees when unstaking but it turned out I just needed to take a decimal off the amount being unstaked.

>> No.22061262

I left .03 eth in a wallet to cover gas when i swapped a shittoken back into eth. When I tried to swap it back gas cost was 0.04 so I set the fee a little bit less to 0.3xx, the transaction failed and took my eth anyway. I ended up buying 0.6 eth with fiat just to get enough gas to cover the transaction - it was RSR and I made about 10k so worth it.

>> No.22061415

Can someone explain this gas shit to me lads? I'm a brainlet

>> No.22061516

Imagine Ethereum as a PC. Right now there are way too many apps open on it and a lot of users are interacting with those apps making it lag so you have to pay a high gas fee to compensate for that.

>> No.22061823

Tenement kids, all these threads are just lowkey shills for "eth killer" shitcoins. You want to trade your eth stack for peepeepoopoolowfee coin? Go ahead, but you should probably think about it real hard

>> No.22062331

When you want to make a transaction, you put it into the mempool, which is where all pending transactions sit until a miner picks them up and puts them in the next block.

When there are more transactions pending than can fit in a block (which is always), people making transactions pay a fee to incentivize miners to choose their transaction to put in the next block, the higher the fee you pay the better the chance it gets picked relative to everyone else's transaction because miners want the most fees possible because they want to make more money. Right now so many people want to use the network that they are bidding up the cost to have their transaction picked by miners.

>> No.22062727

this is correct

>> No.22062775

Just trade cexes

>> No.22062834
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>set gas to high and then add 20 or 30 GWEI extra
>transactions always go through and never fail
>and at the same time, I'm pricing out poorfags by continually pushing it higher
I don't daytrade, just hold and sell. Get rekt daytraders and swingies.

>> No.22062846

is it sushi?

>> No.22062903
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You tell me anon
>and sushi

>> No.22062990

>puts lunch money into a revolving door of linked, complicated financial contracts.
>complains that it costs a lot to untangle his lunch money from the revolving door of suboptimal, linked financial contracts

This is your fault retard, not ETH

>> No.22063020

Sushi? The fuck? Why is it getting so much attention?

>> No.22063165

270 gwei is not fucking 100 dollars

>> No.22063217

OP is trolling
but ETH is twice as expensive as BTC now
fucking 2 dollars for a 10 minute TX

>> No.22063253

because it's sushi

>> No.22063621

xDai can fix this. Even vitalik said that it is probably the best solution right now.

>> No.22063809

idk. how could they teahch a cat to dance like that?

>> No.22063958

so these are available now? How do I paste the abi when swapping in uni and MM?