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22106394 No.22106394 [Reply] [Original]

>they're gonna implement a tax only for white men if Biden gets elected

is it possible to identify as black until i cash out?

>> No.22106416

Just identify as nonbinary

>> No.22106438

I’m a transnigger so I’ll be fine

>> No.22106446

they owe you then

>> No.22106513

do i just go to the DMV and say i need a new license that says im a black woman? i want to qualify for the reparations so i gain money not lose money

>> No.22106575


>> No.22106584

What? Really?

>> No.22106604

Calm down, Biden’s going to lose in a landslide

>> No.22106643

Yeah but they’re going to rig it for him with early mail in voting

>> No.22106655

It’s weird how white people suddenly became Nazis, very strange

>> No.22106980

It's almost as if people fight back when you try to eradicate them

>> No.22107150

fuck biden and fuck niggers

>> No.22107151
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if this ever happens every sane white man will agree to work that percentage difference less hours per paycheck, and do it discreetly if needed

>> No.22107272

Reminder to everyone in this thread that trump will not win this election.

>> No.22107299
File: 42 KB, 750x431, racialjungle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listen here fat
*rolls up sleeves*
>I'm a bad dude, with long hairy legs that turn blonde in the sun, just ask my black friend Corn Pop.
*sleeve rolling intensifies*
>If you think your so big and so tough, we can step outside for a foot race.
*dozes off a little*
>in my day we fought against communism, not for it.
*sniffs frightened child*
>because America is the finish line!
*doesn't take your malarkey*

>> No.22107303

Change your name to Darnell Cornelius Aristotle. Watch the judge throw it out when they introduce you in tax court. Insist on swearing on the Koran if it gets past introductions.

>> No.22107337

you should worry more about the civil war and how it will affect crypto and stocks

>> No.22107413

There won't be a civil war, there will be a few false flag bombings in cities and then the government will declare martial law and we'll be a the dark future, 100% monitered, 100% digital brave new world.

>> No.22107442

no. go back to pol.

>> No.22107658

As long as we all get to bang hot robots im in

>> No.22107684


>> No.22107685

just buy 100 dollars worth of xrp and bsv
there, you're legally Indian

>> No.22107709

Nah, not all of us. There will be tiers like in brave new world. Your tier will be bottom.

>> No.22107731

Guess you never heard of lockstep. Coof was a big part of implementing that.

>> No.22107746
File: 34 KB, 602x329, images - 2020-06-29T120633.584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just identify as american.

>> No.22107762

Yea if you're white you'll probably be executed some time in the next 2 years.

>> No.22107835
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So what? Don't be a pussy about it. At least we aren't culling you.

>> No.22107839


>> No.22107848

That’ll teach you to say nigger online
Now pay your taxes white bitch

>> No.22107952


>> No.22108076


>> No.22108110

>tfw american with mexican parents and look 100% european

i won

>> No.22108149


Lol. No way he does that even if he wins.

>> No.22108151

Yea like it's crazy how one day, for no reason at all, people elected hitler into power

>> No.22108158

Lmao if this happens I'm not paying taxes and any cop/irs/fed that comes onto my property can get free lead implants to the fucking head.

>> No.22108255

Yikes, that's a red flag post friendorino, the FBI are on their way to bring you to the New-Normal education camps.

>> No.22108355

I'm a soldier in a special ops unit, idgaf

>> No.22109295
File: 8 KB, 177x285, unclejoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a dog faced pony soldier

>> No.22109306

I identify as an american indian african american holocaust survivor and former slave. surely i must git gibs

>> No.22109599


>> No.22110518

Fattie who makes children addicted tp lootbox gambling mechanics and cancerous hats in TF2 pretends to be moral. Top fucking kek.

>> No.22110745

Move to Bulgaria or Georgia or Australia... if you are white.

>> No.22110786
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>> No.22110808

What? Why Bulgaria? Whats wrong with you?

>> No.22110839
File: 650 KB, 1280x640, speical-nyfed-statement-fp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NY Federal reserve confirmed taxes for white men only

>> No.22110868

They already have a white people only tax, capital gains.

>> No.22110889

God I hope Biden wins.

>> No.22110899
File: 134 KB, 683x1024, 1516916930-f62dd9cb997ea9451fef8e4bcda88135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for playing goy

>> No.22110920

That doesn't mean anything because people will still vote for him

>> No.22111102

these are literally the richest people in the world, larping that they care about inequality

my sides

>> No.22111154


>> No.22111257

yeah. you can be any race you want.
if that is what you feel.
if questioned simply explain africa is yoru homeland, it's deeprooted in your blood.
and go on with the myth that we are all from africa. . use that 1. and say that is what resonates within you the most, africa.
so you are "african american"

or vote trump, make money and maga..

>> No.22111578
File: 491 KB, 2000x1333, header-punta-del-este-uruguay-aerial-PUNTADELESTE0120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He won't get elected. Every poll in 2016 except Rasmussen was horribly inaccurate. The same polls now show Biden isn't getting nearly the support and enthusiasm as Hillary did and Trump's polls keep going up as joggers and commies continue to riot and start attacking suburbs. All the normie fence sitters weren't jazzed up to vote for this Alzheimer's mush mouth to begin with and seeing him do nothing and defend this sort of chaos is only going to drive them to vote for Trump. They may not personally like him or his policies, but they'd rather hold their breath and vote for him if it means fewer niggers come to their neighborhoods doing drivebys and burning down local businesses.

Just get your exit plan lined up so you're out of the country by January 2025. This could very well be the last time we see a Republican in the white house and you can bet your ass Democrats are going to open the floodgates for more low IQ shitskins and jack up taxes once they take office. If LINK truly takes off by then and I'm able to retire off my 30K stack, I'm booking a one-way ticket to Uruguay and doing whatever I can to fast track getting citizenship so I don't have a front row seat to the US turn into Brazil 2.0. The US is a sinking ship and as much as I love my country, I'm not going to let my quality of life suffer and have my money and rights taken as they let the animals run loose.

>> No.22111895

My father's mother was 1/2 Peruvian, do I get a pass?

>> No.22111996


Literal brain damage.

>> No.22112041

It was only 2800 or so but yeah I'm not buying anything from Steam ever again.

>> No.22112095

Maybe it's because every other race decided it is ok to openly hate on and be racist against whites. Just maybe.

>> No.22112145


>> No.22112371
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that would never happen. it would draw too much attention to an injustice that already taking place