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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 78 KB, 807x1024, A8137E7A-C5F1-413A-8F07-9826A32A5B74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22120194 No.22120194 [Reply] [Original]

Gas prices to 220 dollars EOD. Pic related.

>> No.22120238

It's great. Wait until gas prices cost one ETH kek

>> No.22120256

sometimes i wonder if this is all just a long-running joke

>> No.22120297


Gd, if I were him and you fags we’re all in my nuts. No wonder bill gates wants us killled.

>> No.22120346

You want to be an overt pedo? That’s fucked up cabal shit. Just buy some coti and pnk.

>> No.22120355
File: 15 KB, 320x480, vermin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just increase the gas limit, fuck what the devs think.

>> No.22120367

>go to make trade on uniswap
>gas fee over $50
Fuck this shit

>> No.22120390

So uniswap is dead? Welp time for me to eat a bullet.

>> No.22120399

>people want to shit up the eth network and pull a bunch of rugs
>gas prices get really high and no one does shit about it
>integrity of the technology unironically self-preserving against people’s greed and unimaginative use of the technology
>collects huge amounts of money in fees for the network
isn’t this what happened in 2017?

>> No.22120631

I dont understand. Can't you just adjust the gwei?

>> No.22120697

Vitalik agreed with Rodger you sack of shit. stay poor

>> No.22120710

fuck etherum the gas prices are insane whats the point? even banks have waaay lower prices

>> No.22120729
File: 177 KB, 1000x1000, 1597576994754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand, my ETH transaction wallet to wallet went through just fine in one hour for 40 GWEI

>> No.22120730

Buy worthwhile coins already on exchanges.
LINK ETH and RSR are on exchanges, not sure why you need to buy anything else.

>> No.22120734

fuuuuuuck, i’m all in on gas, i’m gonna make it

>> No.22120811

Exactly, Vitalik is a fucking hypocrite who caved into a brainlet mob because he thought he could gain political points to dab on BTC. Now he's in a world of shit because the BTC devs were actually right about L1 scaling and now it's his coin that is getting pounded by pajeets. He should just keep increasing the gas limit it's centralized as fuck already anyway at least let me make a buck before the musical chairs music stops.

>> No.22120842
File: 720 KB, 600x600, PowerTradeUni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strap in boys, Power Trade Chad coming through

>> No.22120845

VRA fixes this. Verasity will not only give you 500x the gains of ETH, you can stake too.

>> No.22120885

How do I buy gas?

>> No.22121121
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What are you an opinion archeologist?

>> No.22121279
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, dillasnake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, Vitalik's such a fucking snake, I bet he was chuckling like a school girl when BTC fees were hitting $50, now it's his boypussy's turn and what is he recommending as a solution? L2s, which is what the BTC devs said to try first before they were run out of town. He should apologize to them, *Irish accent* fooking snake in the grass.

>> No.22121357

Where's the Ethereum Cash contentious hard fork then?

>> No.22121414


>> No.22121438

You dumb fuck, he’s shilling L2 to scale for the next couple years. 2.0 will bring adequate L1 scaling for decades,

>> No.22121449

Who can contend it?
No normal user can sync a node these days.

>> No.22121505
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Post tx or gtfo

>> No.22121528

That's exactly the same order that the BTC devs recommend. L2 first then come back to L1. lol, you are the dumb fuck.

>> No.22121552

That's a good point, lmao. What a fucking mess.

>> No.22121570

He's a faggot and I want nothing to do with anything he's involved with.

>> No.22121593

The fact that he's shilling L2s at all is vindication for the BTC devs.

>> No.22121638

>People notice DeFi trend
>Start pooling their monies and make money together
>ETH tx prices rise to crazy amounts to halt the growth

What if it was (((them))), almost alike it happened in 2017 with BTC?

>inb4 m-muh high usage of network caused gas prices to rise

>> No.22121665

The hit pieces are already out btw


>> No.22121767
File: 816 KB, 1080x1581, Screenshot_20200902-053114_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set up a system where you lock money up, and have time sensitive limited throughput to close positions.
>blames the jews when it backfires

>> No.22121937

>Links Bloomberg article

Did you just unironically kind of prove my point?

Seems plausible

>> No.22121969

nice dubs, but don't ask pajeets to be logical

>> No.22122307

It makes sense for it to be both yield farmers AND the arbitrage bots.

The yield tokens are being paired with various legitimate coins, creating a spoke system from one coin to the other, creating arbitrage opportunities by design. Considering that there are multiple arb-yield coins that exist combined with multiple arb bots, it makes complete sense that fees would increase as well.

You already had a system where the different exchanges had arb opportunities, now each exchange can have multiple. Uniswap V1's spoke was ETH, and now it can be anything, which is apparently a god damned fucking nightmare.