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22158804 No.22158804 [Reply] [Original]

You see all these faggots with 30k+ stacks who can’t stomach link dropping 5-7$ and losing a quarter million dollars? We may have less money then them but we are in a much better position than them. Because our stacks while still enormous to the general population are relatively small compared to OG Linkmarines. Every dollar we gain we make 5k which is still a lot but when we lose a dollar we only lose 5k which isn’t much. These faggots will start selling at 150$ scared of a 50% retrace. While we will be plugging along like the tortoise not caring where the day to day, week to week and month to month price of link goes.

>> No.22158868

I'm riding my link horse into the fucking sunset

>> No.22158924

Im a 6k linklet but this sounds like cope.

>> No.22158947
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Will I be part of the banking elite with 50 link?

>> No.22158969
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These 30k+ weak hands faggot will probably sell at 22$ thinking they have made but they will only delay the inevitable
>EOM 15$
>EOY 20$
>EOY+1 100$
>EOY+2 1000$
>EOC 100k $

>> No.22159013

You can be a security guard at the yacht club. Your job is to keep black marines on their separate area of the yacht drinking malt liquor

>> No.22159027

I have 4500 LINK and what you are saying is Cope.
You are a poor LINKlet whatsoever compared to all the OG's and propaply to most people who take investing seriously.
Normies also aren't still priced out neither.
The only positive thing is that we propaply will still do better than 95% of the population, if we hold another 5-10 years

>> No.22159041
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I'm gambling my stacks on defi roulette. I have no idea what I'm doing. Keep getting the rug pulled. I just want more linkies! Fuck you scamming faggots! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

>> No.22159044
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5.1k larp stack here. Gonna make it. Have you faggots actually checked the docs for Chainlink?

>> No.22159045

10k turbo manlet stacklet here holding since -17 I will only sell 10% when we reach $100 rest goes to staking fuck weakhands and fuck the swingers

>> No.22159082

3k linklet and I feel like kms. Never gonna fucking make it. Will hold till the end of time.

>> No.22159092

>3k linklet and I feel like kms
And rightfully so

>> No.22159095
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Pretty cringe
t. 24k linklet

>> No.22159123

30k OG linklet here. We can all stomach it dropping by this much or we wouldn't be here in the first place. Our hands are forged in fire. Do you think dr;ns was made by a newfriend?

>> No.22159146

It’s more about mental health and stress. You have a much better chance of making a big mistake with a big stack. If you have 50k link and link goes to 100$ that’s 5 million. Do you sell? What if it ends up retracing 75% and sits there for 2 years. Poof 4 million gone for the time being. There already a post in the catalog of some faggot crying about link dropping 5$. These never selling faggots aren’t going to have such iron hands when it hits 200$. Many will sell and be moderately comfy and then will off themselves when it goes to 2k.

The swings won’t be as mentally straining for us. If link goes to 100$ and I have a 5k stack and it retraces tomorrow 50$. It’s not that big of a deal.

>> No.22159159

Who forces big holders to sell everything, you absolute brainlet? Nobody would sell 100% of their stack once it reaches some magic number.

>> No.22159215

You are not welcome in this thread owning 10k. I’m trying to forment a class war between link OG’s and linklets. Having 10k is like being an independent voter. Your white, live near a city, you don’t condone racism outright but you see the 3rd world savages at the door of your community but you don’t know which side to take.

>> No.22159243

You doNt think people did that with ethereum?

>> No.22159280

I hope you're trolling and not an actual retard, because at some point (inshallah) LINK will be worth enough to cause the exact same fluctuations in your net worth. You realize it's all based on the percentage of the price movement and not the actual dollar amount right? The difference is that people with larger stacks can sell off a percentage of their stack and still have more than you. You're intentionally being a retard though, so I guess here's your (you).

>> No.22159394

Why even bother holding LINK if you can't even afford 10K+ or at least 50,000 LINK.

That was like $5,000 at ICO. LOL.

You whale food nigga. Buy NEC.

>> No.22159410

20k suicide stack reporting in. Feel like killing myself for selling 5k during the corona shit.

>> No.22159441

if you guys are linklets, what do you call those of us with 100-500 linkies?

>> No.22159455

Dust in wallets

>> No.22159458

To add on this, large holders are basically just “ahead” of you. If you need $1000 to get 5M, a 50k holder only needs $100. It just means he doesn’t need to wait as long to realize the same target. Of course, it also means they have more flexibility in choosing how they sell since most wont sell their whole stacks. I personally plan to only sell 2/3 of my stack between 300-1000 and keep the remaining 1/3 for staking / long term holding
>t. 30k link holder

>> No.22159460


>> No.22159464 [DELETED] 
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>tfw linklet
I can't breathe
Send some pls

>> No.22159470

The unfortunate

>> No.22159485

I didn’t give two shits when link went from 20$ to 14$ like it is now. I can guarantee you all 5k stacks give or take 2k didn’t give a shit either. If you have 30k you just lost a quarter of a million dollars. The difference is we CAN’T sell so we don’t have to worry about it. Every laddered sell you make will eat at you later on. Unless your just some autistic faggot who’s never selling and doesn’t know how to enjoy life and have fun regardless.

>> No.22159524


>> No.22159592

This is inception level fud, trying to induce irrational fear in larger holders kek. Your logic doesn’t make any sense: they lose more now than you, but you will also lose the same amount one day...? So...it’s bad because they are facing the fluctuations now? instead of later in the future when you will face the same fluctuations? Your just moving a time frame around declaring it a better time to fluctuate in the future. Anyways, I just fail to see how you think having a smaller stack is “better” kek. Pure delusion

>> No.22159598

If you sell your links the jews win. Plain and simple.

>> No.22159657

Way to not address my main point at all, which is that if you wait long enough, you will deal with the same swings that people are dealing with now. Instead of a 30k holder watching it go from $20 to $14 though, you'll have to wait for it to go from $120 to $84.
You have a great deal of cognitive dissonance as well if you can't reconcile your claims of "laddered selling is bad" and "never selling" is bad. So when are *you* selling anon? Because it sounds like you better sell 100% of your stack at the exact highest price that LINK will ever reach or you'll off yourself.

>> No.22159660

Mental health. What are you going to do when you hit 6 million? Maybe you sell half and have 1.5 million after taxes. Comfy.... then link goes up 10x and you just fucked your self out of 30 million.

I’m just saying it’s going to be tougher holding a bigger stack. The fact that we can’t sell makes it so much easier

>> No.22159684

Based and scumpilled

>> No.22159687

>Way to not address my main point at all, which is that if you wait long enough, you will deal with the same swings that people are dealing with now

Not true. If link gets to 5k per coin its not gonna drop to 500$. Link at 500$ could easily drop to 100$

>> No.22159705


>> No.22159718

To add to this.... we don’t really have enough link to fuck ourselves. We have to hold. And even the 100$ fluctuations aren’t going to feel like much when it gets to $1,000 territory

>> No.22159723

I thought we were all in this together?

micro-linklets it is

>> No.22159767

That’s why you set price targets. To be honest, I already said what I plan to do here >>22159458
I set targets and a general range for a bulk of my selling. Even if the price went up, I’ll still be sitting on $10M-$20M (which alone would set me for life) + 10k Link still left that I’ll hold / stake / sell later which would be more than most linklet stacks anyways. So while you all exit the game, I’ll get to continue playing with what would’ve been 2x your stack had you not exited. There is literally no way you could argue having a smaller stack is better, even mental health wise since why would I feel any pressure in that scenario?

>> No.22159780

Link isn't going to 1000. If ~50$ link isn't going to be enough to make it, you missed it.

>> No.22159783

I have 1k link I brought for 50c on the dollar.
This shit could go to $1 and I will still be up.
I cant loose.

>> No.22159809

I have 10 link, ama

>> No.22159838

If you have a 50k stack your like a pure or virgin chick who is trying to avoid being raped. Because you can lose big and your mental health will be affected forever by it despite still being rich. Some of us with 5k stacks are used to the abuse For being linkets on this board . We are like African chicks who get raped on the regular. We can easily tolerate the abuse of huge swings.

>> No.22159868

> If link gets to 5k per coin its not gonna drop to 500$. Link at 500$ could easily drop to 100$
And why is that?

>we don't have enough link to make it

I'll be honest with you, you had me for a sec, but this a genuinely good troll thread

>> No.22159911

I might consider selling link if my bank account drops low enough not waging right now so even if I just sell 1k it would be enough to hold me for another year

>> No.22159964

The swings will always be smaller than yours. It’s just a fact that we are going to have to deal with less issue. Plus when we make it we will feel like we achieved something. You guys are like trust fund babies who made it. You knew you were going to make it all along. It’s not so certain with us. We will value that 5 million much more than you value that 50 million.

There have already been posts on this board on the run up to 20$ where people where link marines were posting I just made 300k in 2 days and I feel nothing. It’s all a mirage for you.

>> No.22159974

I'm not selling ever so the price is irrelevant. I'm desperate for staking. Even 40k a year let's me quit waging that's all I need

>> No.22159984

Nearly every 50k holder had held through bigger swings than you've ever experienced. We lost 90% of our sat value after SIBOS, at a time when people only measured in sats.
I was on this board when someone dumped 1 million link at 1300 sats and flash crashed it to 1000, after we had been at 10k+ sats before SIBOS.
It was fucking bleak. Real iron hands were forged that month.

>> No.22159989

>implying the same thing won't happen to you at $100

>> No.22159999

Kek the level of cope holy shit, we felt/feel nothing from $300k losses / gains because we all know we’re never gonna have to stress or think about money ever again soon. I didn’t know not having to stress or worry about making it is a bad thing, kek

>> No.22160007

>people who have held longer and through greater dollar amount swings will have weaker hands than linklets that have held for less time and through smaller dollar amount swings
You have to try harder than that fren. Also you never told us at what price you're selling. I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.22160024
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Checked and truth pilled. Epic get

>> No.22160058
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Checked. Also because this thread is obviously a troll thread, roll and try not to get an ugly 3DPD waifu. Hopefully mods are asleep.

>> No.22160086


>> No.22160096
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Kek roll

>> No.22160123
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no one cares, stop shitting up the board with your filth faggots

and off the cliff

>muh muh muh stack
when are the fucking jannies gonna do their job and ban you guys outright, fuck

>> No.22160125

Cope and also deluded.

>> No.22160148

Trust me. You will be empty inside. A linklet with 5 million dollars will have a more fulfilling life than an OG with 50 million.

>> No.22160157

Thats why you taper off your sells you absolute brainlet
If you have 30k you can sell 5k at 200usd and continue on with your life, accepting that if the rest goes to 0 you are still ahead 99% of people
You dont have that luxury as a stacklet, all you have is a moonshot with no contingency plan

>> No.22160161

im a linklet but this thread is pure cope kek.

>> No.22160196



>> No.22160208

>t. doesnt own LINK

>> No.22160214

I remember reading this one story once....some swede... who started some company and sold it for like 2 billion dollars. He went from regular joe to not having to ever worry about money again. Guess what happened? He didn’t know what to do with himself. His girlfriend actually left him to go live a normal life.

You faggots have no idea what having that much money will do to your psyche.

>> No.22160238
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What you say is true - every day has a whole new terror. I thought I could hang on until $1000 EOY - but now I think about it. I could buy a flat outright etc - shit that I never thought I could do. But, I'd have to sell a stinkie. And, I've conditioned myself to pic related. 140K OG Harder than I thought - but still not selling - you hear me you fucking kikes. Even at $1000 I will not sell a fucking Link

>> No.22160255

I can't believe we are almost 3 years in and people still discussing selling link... Probably the safest bet in all of crypto that will have global implications and the best part is you never have to fucking sell because eventually you'll be making money on staking. Eventually it'll be probably pennies but once everyone is using CL Oracles even a 1k stack will make it beyond all dreams

>> No.22160261

you 3 fucking years

>> No.22160316

you gotta suffer to become billionaires faggots, most wont make it

>> No.22160363
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>bought 5000 link in 2018
>sold when it hit $1
i thought that was making it

>> No.22160375

Explain. How much would a 1k stack make

>> No.22160384


>> No.22160388

About three fifty

>> No.22160393


>> No.22160496


>> No.22160537


>> No.22160542


>> No.22160564
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>having a 5k stack is better than my 50k stack because you lose less when it dumps
Biggest cope I've seen on this board since Nov 2017 kek.

>> No.22160594

I have 14 times more than you, ama.

>> No.22160596

so few links they are not even stinky
the unsmellables

>> No.22160619


>> No.22160689

>black marines
>implying I won't hire private security to kill any negro within a mile of me at any given time.

>> No.22160828

Sold 10k link purchased at ICO at $16.

Where my successful swingie’s at?

>> No.22160878

If i run my own node how do I ensure uptime when I’m asleep

>> No.22160991

Checked and quadspilled

>> No.22161051

Brainlet reasoning as one day you will be in our position which is giga comfy

>> No.22161085


>> No.22161160

But now u can't buy back as much unless link dips a lot. You have to save a bit of your profits for taxes.

>> No.22161260

kek, tfw considered an independent voter

>> No.22161346

Rolling for depression waifu

>> No.22161350


>> No.22161440


>> No.22161482


>> No.22161526

I have 6k and this logic is retarded. That said if link is what we all think it is, even triple digit stacks may make it on a long enough timeline. The advantage to a larger stack is you get to quit waging sooner, and I really wish I had 29k instead of 6k cause having the luxury to sell 5k somewhere in triple digits and still hold more than a make it stack would be amazing.

Either way if you hold a non-negligible amount you should be happy and humble that you’re probably going to make it.

>> No.22161532

>Every dollar we gain we make 5k which is still a lot but when we lose a dollar we only lose 5k which isn’t much
The mental coping is off the charts. You should join a sect or something they need people like you.

>> No.22161651

real og´s took the lessons of the last years and are now immune to dumps and fud

>> No.22161681
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I dissociated my happiness from my stack $ value with 100k+ link.
I don't feel anything when it moves and don't check its value often (less than once a day/week).
I try to live my life without this money and use the same incremental process to improve my life that I used to make it.
It makes such a big difference to improve your life while waiting that you won't feel you need this money after you improve yourself enough.

>> No.22161693

Link will drop at least 80% from its recent high.

Don’t get mad at me I don’t make the rules, I just follow them.

>> No.22161807


>> No.22162057

You mean foment. All this thread has done is prove you are bad with both numbers and words.

>> No.22162402

The whole crypto market is down

>> No.22162404

>You have a much better chance of making a big mistake with a big stack
People who made better choices in the past will make worse choices in the future
What kind of backwards retard logic is this. Link holders are not at risk of making mistakes because of staking, when will you nulinkers get this through your head

>> No.22162428

Checked and rekt, lets talk neet nodes with hopes in VRF. Anyone running on testnet for a longer period of time?