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File: 189 KB, 1472x1103, xrp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22266036 No.22266036 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow XRP brothers.

What happens if 2k EOY doesn't happen? Basically every "insider" confirmed it's guaranteed EOY.

After reading many XRP threads, I turned a believer, yet the thought of being worth 10s of millions is hard to accept for my mind.

I think if 2k doesn't happen I'd neck myself at this point.

Please hold my hand.

>> No.22266142


>> No.22266165

It's le stablecoin. If it doesn't moon, you still have the same amount of money you sunk into it.

>> No.22266234
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People's minds like to avoid drastic change, even if its for best. the 2k EOY includes Jan 2021 according to some. so don't be quick to black pill.

The SWIFT payment system is 50 years old, there's nothing schizo or /x/ about thinking it needs an update.

XRP is the real deal, all fudders are paid or pajeet.

>> No.22266278
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Combined price equals $2k MO

>> No.22266617

Is FedCoin going to run on the xrpl?
If it does, then the switch has to be flipped before 1/1/21

>> No.22266667

Ripple brags about dozens of partnerships in the banking sector. Do you think these partnerships are real and legit?

>> No.22266672
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I love XRP. That being said, I love the LARPs as well. I believe then 65%.

That being said they could be a psyop to make people cash out EOY and not make it. Wait til March or so next year before cashing out imo.

>> No.22266800

of course not

>> No.22266903

>just woke up from a dream about xrp ... what has this board done to me

>> No.22266929
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>the 2k EOY includes Jan 2021
>includes 2021
Fucking kek, the cope.

>> No.22266980
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I will continue to believe that 2k EOY is elaborate FUD designed to associate XRP with ridiculous schizo conspiracy theories that will never come true. When said theories fail to materialize, fudders turn around and call XRP holders idiots. At the same time, it takes attention away from the very real partnerships, increasing ODL volume and connections to things like ISO20022 and the World Economic Forum. I expect the price to dump slightly when 2K EOY does not happen, and I will buy the dip.

>> No.22267008
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Santander, SBI and Bank of America to name a few. Then you have Accenture (one of Ripples biggest investors) winning contracts to setup RTGS systems for national banks like the Bank of England and the Bank of Sweden. Gee, I wonder what technology they will use for these systems?

>> No.22267047
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Pic related

The current Hebrew (Lunar) Calendar year ends early 2021.

>> No.22267056

Get the 2k EOY out of your head now. It's impossible. It's gonna be about 37 cents EOY. By the year 2490 it will be 80 cents EOY.

>> No.22267486

It seems to move slower than anyone predicts. A stable double digit value in 5 years would still make millionaires.

>> No.22267584

2k end of year is a meme
3rd most held on normiebase
Anyone who spends just £450 now on XRP will be a millionaire. You think that is realistic?

>> No.22267638
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but this is a clown world, anon

>> No.22267663

You're applying rational thought to clown world dynamics

>> No.22267889
File: 399 KB, 550x528, Screen Shot 2020-05-06 at 12.05.28 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using realism as a basis for predicting the value of people spouting racial slurs on a Taiwanese furry forum
>Using realism to argue with people on said forum in the midst of their mental collapse into a suicide-inducing gambling addiction as they draw squiggles on charts to convince themselves otherwise
>Fucking realism as a fundamental thesis to dissuade lower-middle class laptop perusing agoraphobics from betting their menial wages on whether or not their robux money is subject to the windfall of penny-stock peddling lobotomites from Mumbai, as if to say that they will undergo a metaphysical awakening and stroke their malformed chins at your assessment
>Asocial aspergers case-studies indentured to the ever-precarious ill-advised speculative investing of conspiracy theory-tier schizoid delusions will calmly and rationally way out the gravity of your emphatic decree that they are not being pragmatic

>> No.22267917
File: 13 KB, 609x169, 0f1d5a9a824af8ac358fffda95a73a08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would NEVER buy a lottery ticket, I don't gamble (besides speculating in crypto), I only drink like once a time in a year. If I lose this 1k euro. Well that sucks. Learned a good life lesson. If It's real like Mellon said. I will sell half of my xrp at 2000. And the other ones I will held longer since they will go to 10k ea then.

Why not? If you would have invested 100 dollar in Apple's IPO you would have now had like 70k dollars. Who would've thought that Bill Gates would help Apple? Consider how much money is printed nowadays and what Ripple is trying to do. Yet these prices are kept so low? It's being manipulated by whales right now who are now trying to shake everyone out.

>> No.22268049

Your alright anon. We should be friends

>> No.22268080

OP XRP is the longest hold, and you must understand that it will be with us forever as a stablecoin. Undoubtedly markets will dump trillions into the XRP ledger and you’ll thank yourself if you own the $50 stablecoin, the $100 stablecoin, the $1000 stablecoin. Price WILL come. It’s designed to be of high value. XRP is for the strongest hands and you should have a bag that you’re literally never selling

>> No.22268156
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>> No.22268157

Sounds good to me.

>> No.22268174

Idk it's like a lottery ticket for me, i don't give a shit. + participating in the memes and learning how crypto works is interesting

>> No.22268189

Sure, 2000 zimbabwean dollars confirmed

>> No.22268192

can i be friends too :3

>> No.22268203

i've watched lots of youtube videos about XRP, basically all the worlds money will go through XRP. If you take a step back and really think about that, that would be literally millions of dollars using XRP every year. Hodl strong, XRParmy for life!

>> No.22268235

Everybody and their dog on jewtube knows this and yet nobody in the real world is buying it, really makes you think

>> No.22268276

The Chinese starts the new year in February.
>Chinese = Asian jews
Really makes you think

>> No.22268289
File: 8 KB, 200x213, 16e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The current Hebrew (Lunar) Calendar year ends early 2021.
Who gives a fuck, all the 'insiders' (LARPs) said EOY, no one said end of the kike year. Dumbass cope. Screencapped to post EOY so I can laugh at you.

>> No.22268297

they're too stupid to realise that the world has millions of money waiting to use XRP, i think XRP has 100 times coming soon.

>> No.22268328
File: 87 KB, 658x405, 1583618517886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is FedCoin going to run on the xrpl?
Which option sounds most likely:

>Feds use xrp so they can make a bunch of 4chan autists into billionaires
>Feds use their unlimited power, expertise, and wealth to develop their own platform so (((they can choose))) who gets immense wealth

Really hard choice, hmm

>> No.22268337

yeah, that makes total sense

so all these central bankers and millions of people in the know around the world are just sitting there with their thumbs up their asses while some miraculous entity makes some crypto the apparently never heard of the world currency replacing all the money in the world and making their jobs obsolete in the process

>> No.22268479

2K EOY memes aside...

If you step back and try and understand what Ripple is trying to do, you'll understand that if they are successful then there is no way XRP can be worth less then $5-$10 a coin.

They want the 5 trillion dollars currently running through the SWIFT banking system to flow through Ripplenet. XRP is currently priced to low to allow this to happen.

I am not saying XRP needs a 5 trillion dollar market cap, but it certainly needs a lot more than its current $10-13 billion.

>> No.22268519

i dont think 2k eoy will happen, but the new bull run will probably happen at the end of year going into new year and XRP will rise along with it