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File: 91 KB, 1280x598, photo_2020-09-08_07-21-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22311286 No.22311286 [Reply] [Original]

YFFS is the best yield finance project. It literally combines all the functions of other defi projects. Farm, stake, and swap are live. Vaults and governance (voting) are coming. Mint keys already burnt. Liquidity locked for a year. Current circulating supply 36,500/60,000. Listed in HOTBIT and in a few hours a larger exchange listing will be announced. Current MC >2m!!









Of course, always DYOR anons, but given the current climate, this project has great potential.

>> No.22311610

Sub 100 IQ Indian brigading other threads to pump his bags, don't buy.

>> No.22311669

lul how pathetic

>> No.22311693

Yearn For Fuck Sakes

>> No.22311707

what's up pajeet are you scared you won't be able to escape the slums of mumbai?

>> No.22311775

Coming from the literal mumbai nigger who couldn't make it any more obvious he's samefag fudding in another thread? How pajeet of you. Enjoy your curry Rakesh, you won't have much more left because this won't feed your village. Imagine getting defensive because someone called you out on your obvious bullshit, just take the L and let your shit thread die, faggot. Try again tomorrow and take it as a lesson to stay in your lane.

>> No.22311786


I bought a small bag of this as a short term play. Nothing worrisome, a tiny gamble. Needless to say it didn't pan out.

This thing absolutely has nothing over YFI original and is likely going to pan out as an exit scam (anon team). I really hope to unleash my bag before then but doubt it. This is an absolute shitcoin

>> No.22311831

wow cope harder with your yfuel shitcoin. do you actually think there is only one person investing/shilling yffs?

>> No.22311840
File: 128 KB, 750x920, 46215437365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out YFFS, the developers have already released 3/5 functions.
>Farm, stake, and swap are live. Vaults and governance (voting) are coming
>using a shill as a FUD because another coin has been more successful than yours
I'm up 5x still.
The absolute state

>> No.22311892

Dude, you make it incredibly obvious as your key shill to FUDing the other thread was the 3/5 functions, and half of your shill in this OP was the same 3/5 functions. On top of literally no one else shilling this, this being the first time this has popped up, and your post on that coming right after this thread was made and you'd gotten a grand total of 0 replies after 8 minutes. Just give it up homie.

>> No.22311905

What yfi has is massive traction because it was the original clone. the dev team has been true to its promises until now. I haven't invested a tremendous amount either, but I reckon this project has some good potential.

>> No.22311926

>What yfi has is massive traction because it was the original clone.
Clone of fucking what? YFI was first movers' advantage. This is just sad at this point desu, you don't even know what you're talking about.

>> No.22312017

calm your tits, I had yfii in mind. of course and no clone will ever compare to yfi.

>> No.22312044

So we're just going to pretend you're not a fudding piece of shit using literal pajeet tactics to pump your shitty gambling bags in other threads, because your shitty thread can't get any posts? Literally fuck yourself, stop trying to make this thread work, and try again tomorrow.

>> No.22312091

why are you so upset? someone posted in your pajeet shill thread about yffs and all of a sudden you are shoving dildos up your arsehole in my thread.

>> No.22312161

Because it’s incredibly clear that it was you, and hilariously, you’re taking this just as seriously as I am, because you wouldn’t have bothered with posting that unless you were getting frustrated about your threads situation and trying to discredit another project while shilling your bags (which has a 0% success rate in the history of this board, I might add). No one else is shilling this shitcoin on this board except you, and the only other guy that bought it is a degenerate gambling addict that has no faith in this. You can seriously stop pretending, I’ve made it abundantly clear with >>22311840 and how you’re phrasing/syntax is the same in the other thread. I just think it’s kinda sad you’d have to resort to such pajeet measures, it’s incredibly Indian of you, and I unironically wish we had flags just because of anons like you.

>> No.22312211

You're now writing whole paragraphs full of unbased accusations. Why? But I agree, flags would not be a bad thing.

>> No.22312231

And everything listed here as well >>22311892. Admit you went indian-brained or nigger-brained to pump your bags and it’s a non-issue, what’s sad is pretending there’s unironically someone else on here shilling this after such coincidental and obvious timing.

>> No.22312242

I mean unsubstantiated assumptions and an anonymous linguistic analysis prove literally nothing.

>> No.22312252

You’re such a fucking useless ape it’s unbelievable. Still refusing to own up to anything. Truly nigger mentality.

>> No.22312283

now we're getting anonymous anthropological analysis, this shit is just getting better!

>> No.22312354

Nice -75% since launch, I can see why you’re shilling heavy bags and fudding other threads. This is clearly going nowhere. I’ve been called out for samefagging when I was 15 but had the wherewithal to either stop posting or admit I was fucking dumb. Looks like you can’t do that, either due to immaturity, fuming over the state of your bags, or being a moron. Have fun riding this to the bottom.

>> No.22312374
File: 132 KB, 828x933, 384C0E67-466D-49B7-BEC0-AD2A5142E4FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek what a pattern, congrats on giving your money to indian trust funds

>> No.22312401

was that "samefagging admission" a rite of passage for you anon?

>> No.22312408


>> No.22312451

Enjoy your indian exit scam faggots.

>> No.22312469

Why for fucks sake

>> No.22312472

It was a sign of being immature enough to do exactly what you did, but mature enough to not look like an absolute mongoloid after the fact, something you don’t seem to be capable of doing. Shocking. I guess it’s more understandable after seeing the chart, I didn’t even realize how deep you were in the red. I don’t think you’re the kind of person smart enough to buy a bottom either, based on your 10 post interaction.

>> No.22312512

again with the accusations. I wish I could give you what you want anon, but it would then all be a lie...

>> No.22312591
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 4DB18813-5B56-4EFA-B9B8-501CE6328E85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP of this thread when no one wants to buy his yfi scam

>> No.22312637

feeling comfy with my bags anon.

>> No.22312825

Reminder that the devs for YFFS had a fucking presale for YFARM, and the price of YFARM dropped from $20 to $0.2 in a matter of minutes. YFFS devs have no idea as to what they are doing.

>> No.22312840

that is true. but i am not getting scam vibes from them.

>> No.22312914

By admitting that's true, you've really killed off any incentive for Anons to buy your bags. Think about what you're agreeing with. You're admitting that it's true that the devs scammed YFARM presellers. In fact, that event is the reason why YFFS fell off by so much. It killed a lot of good will with the community.

>> No.22313088

i didn't agree to the devs being scammers. i agreed to the devs having made a mistake in relation to the yfarm presale that was probably due to lack of experience. hopefully, they learned from their mistake.