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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22338109 No.22338109 [Reply] [Original]

>up almost 400% while the rest of the market shits itself

Give me one legitimate reason you haven't bought a bag and secured your future


>> No.22338148

Because it x6'd already

>Buy High Sell Low

People won't listen time and time again, never change /biz/

>> No.22338166

You gotta be fucking kidding me. I bought this shit at $1.10, sold at $.22 when it wouldn't stop tanking and thought about buying back in earlier today when it was $.17.

Fuck everything and everyone

>> No.22338180

That's your fault for thinking this was a shitcoin. This is Hacken. Every single influencer you know will be talking about this.

>> No.22338194

I'm trying to save you /biz/, in a world of pajeet rugpulls this is an outlier and bound to be a big name in the coming months

AMA with the CEO

>> No.22338210

You think this is the top anon? Sad.

>> No.22338216

what's the CURRENT market cap?

>> No.22338261

100 retards on /biz/ who fell for a telegram group pump & dump made it go over 2$.

Okay now try and imagine what is going to happen when normal traders realize what this is.

>> No.22338340

>when normal traders realize what this is
I mean Hacken already existed for years before they went on uniswap, nothing changed since then did it? except for listing on uniswap with a different but same token. whats the deal?

>> No.22338557
File: 78 KB, 970x376, fdajdfajsdafd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want to move into Defi so they started the ERC20 coin on Uniswap. Created a bridge between the two (first time in history). Everyone thought you could buy the Vechain tokens and transfer them to uniswap at a higher price. So everyone dumped their Uniswap token and bought Vechain. 9k holders. But you can't do that. :)

>> No.22338569

So thats why it pumped and dumped the first day. Now is the beginning of the mega pump of the Uniswap coin because the first part of the bridge has started. And all of the Vechain holders will realize they need to buy ERC20.

>> No.22338639
File: 57 KB, 740x728, 1595586689517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me one legitimate reason
Because you guys only ever shill this shit once it goes up 600% over 3 days and its time to dump your bags on the newfags. You are the cancer that is killing /biz/.

>> No.22338700

The bridge just started. Hacken literally just started on Uniswap and in Defi... ngmi

>> No.22338783

This is not a pump and dump coin. There's 9000k people in the telegram. Most thought they could buy the Vechain and transfer it for a higher price. They will buy the ERC20 eventually... remember the team is moved to DeFi starting last week. This is a long ride up.

>> No.22339045

You are the cancer of biz for not realizing this is the bottom of Hacken's move to Defi.

>> No.22339135

i'm riding this, $10 and i'll forget about last week's losses

>> No.22339166

sorry i dont buy unicorn scams

>> No.22339191 [DELETED] 

You understand HAcken is auditors right? They are the opposite of scammers.

>> No.22339216

You understand Hacken are auditors right? They are the opposite of scammers.

>> No.22339225

>Give me one legitimate reason
>Up almost 400%
That is the legitimate reason you fucking retard. You don't buy things that pump 400%

>> No.22339279

Do you understand WHY it pumped 400%?

>> No.22339350

Yes, because it has limited supply as of now and limited liquity, you fucking pajeets then threw in your rupees and now it pumped. Yes I know hacken is a legit company, but the token has no clear use case and now is not the time to buy it

>> No.22339424

So you're only reason is because they don't have use case in their first week of Defi because they're focused on building the bridge which they did in a week, which is also the first time in history and no other coin has done that. Got it.

Now is DEFINITELY the time to buy it before all the Vechain holders realize they can't transfer it over you brainlet. You want to wait until thousands buy it? Then go in when its safe? NGMI.

>> No.22339445

You understand the potential for
Limited liquidity on ETH pair you goon. Check the USDT pair. ngmi.

>> No.22339528
File: 33 KB, 450x346, 1599616381265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. Wait for every influencer you know to shill it, then buy at the top. ngmi

>> No.22339574

People thought that by buying the VeChain HAI from an exchange, they could go on and dump those VeChain HAI tokens onto the ERC20 HAI on UniSwap for profit after the bridge, which isn't the case. >>22338557
Most of that confusion has been cleared up now. "If you bridge your VeChain HAI you don't get any of the ERC20 HAI, it will only be used for liquidity." 90% of those other exchange bag holders don't know this yet.

>> No.22339587
File: 135 KB, 597x1280, 1599512215282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based bitboy, buy blzn ez 5x by eow

>> No.22339660

I already saw your other shill thread where you posted the exact same thing. You are trying way too hard sandeep. They are literally allowing the Vechain holders to bridge over to erc-20...

>> No.22339688

Check picture here

>> No.22339717

I don't think you understand how the bridge works..

>> No.22339818

Oh really

All Hacken holders who want to participate in HAI bridge to Uniswap will have to make a deposit to a VeThor address, that will be disclosed any time during the next 10 days. Every week based on the First-in-First-out (FIFO) principle adjusted by Hacken Club membership status algorithm, up to 100 HAI holders who have made a HAI deposit will execute the bridge.
Only 4th level Hacken Club members will be allowed to make first HAI VIP180 token bridge into Uniswap. All next bridges will be available to all HAI holders

>> No.22339946

If you bridge your VeChain HAI you don't get any of the ERC20 HAI, it will only be used for liquidity, so In order to get your HAI back, you would have to stop providing liquidity to the ERC20 HAI and bridge it back to VIP180 in order to receive the HAI back on VeChain. Also, the liquidity lock lasts for a few months before you can remove it from UniSwap.

>> No.22339950

I read a kit through the chat and it said: only very few tokens are bridged at first. Doesn't change the fact that the erc20 supply is much lower. Even if bridged tokens will be "swapped" with erc20 ones from the liquidity pool. So the erc20 is a strong buy until at least a market cap of 1.5mm, no? Or more. Especially considering the potential for the eth side.

>> No.22340098

*I mean you have to consider that if 1 Hai = 1 Hai, there will also be price competition due to a lack of supply on the eth side. Not all vechain Hai can swap at the sand price unless the vechain version moons, as well.

>> No.22340115

*sand = same. Fucking auto-correct. Too much drmsn

>> No.22340145

I know 1 Hai = 1 Hai, but the whole point is to move everything over to ERC 20. They can only bridge a few percent at a time.

>> No.22340186

Because it is currently up almost 400% while the rest of the market shits itself. That's why

>> No.22340262

Where's the audit?

>> No.22340299


>> No.22340643

You know they just audited Trustswap right?

>> No.22340701

Why even sell when you're 5 times down?

>> No.22340872

He got scurred

>> No.22341136

Already pretty much all in on it, this isn't for your average biz goer, I think the majority of them wont understand how absolutely fucking big this is

>> No.22341225

Because I don't want to be 10x down.
You could have used the same logic when I woke up to a price of a whopping $.44 and I would have left with double the money at that point. There has to be a point where you just say "fuck it I'm out", because $500 is better than nothing.

>> No.22341445

But you didn't know it would come back up?

>> No.22342171

$1,000 eoy is no joke lets fucking go

>> No.22342245
File: 915 KB, 960x946, EV7vcpKVAAAubKR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna be a comfy hold, if you don't accumulate while this is low you are gonna be completely and utterly pink wojacking in the coming weeks

>> No.22342278

Buying now is stupid. There is no volume, minimal liquidity, already went up a lot. It will go down now. Avoid.

>> No.22342308 [DELETED] 

hey, dumbass, check the USDT pair for bolume and liquidity. Maybe try reading for once. Do you know why it went up and down once? or do you just see uppy downny

>> No.22342361

hey, dumbass, check the USDT pair for Volume and liquidity. Maybe try reading for once. Do you know why it went up and down once? or do you just see uppy downny.

This is LITERALLY the perfect time to buy before influencers start shilling it.

>> No.22342404

TrustSwap just got audited by Hacken.
With TrustSwap, there will be no more rug pulls.

>> No.22342412

you mean with Hacken in Defi, there will be no more rugpulls.

>> No.22342426

Yeah some shitcoin just did 400%. It's the moment when you dump on 4chan incels.

>> No.22342457

Anyone with an above average IQ can see this isn't "some shitcoin"

>> No.22342521

PND trash but enjoy and don't forget to not sell , and definitely do not buy ARPA.

>> No.22342611

You're right, sell before all your favorite influencers shill it.

>> No.22342881

"if it's being shilled on biz you already missed it"

-room temp IQ person that lurked for longer than 1 hour

>> No.22342912

>the amplefart defense.

>> No.22342950

Ampleforth was a shitcoin to begin with. No end game.