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22425939 No.22425939 [Reply] [Original]

My net worth is 120k. I have 50k invested in bonds, 30k in boomer stonks, 10k in gold and silver and the rest in crypto ( BTC and LINK). Will I make it?

>> No.22425948


>> No.22425980


>> No.22426014

So you have $30k

>> No.22426076

btw won't move by a lot, if you want to bet on eth 2.0 why not buy ETH

>> No.22426166

I dunno what that is boi?

>> No.22426292
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wtf, flip that strategy upside down

>> No.22426304

>muh safe investments

>> No.22426362
File: 49 KB, 857x680, 120k what do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about me?
also 10k shares AUY
another $10k in misc stonks/etf
0.8 btc
350 dot
120 link
$50k in physical metals
$15k in ammo
$15k in guns
$4k debt (car note)

>> No.22426421

Should have $150K in LINK alone

>> No.22426431
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>$120k in the bank
>$30k because you have a hardon to kill some libs in muh civil war 2


>> No.22426461

At least $50K into LINK. I’d personally put $75-100K in. $75K from checking and then half your metals.

>> No.22426498

>$15k in ammo
what does that even look like
post your stack lol

>> No.22426513

>50k invested in bonds
How exactly do you see this playing out, OP?

Do you understand who is buying bonds right now and what that does? Where that leads?

>> No.22426525


are you 70?

>> No.22426528

my ammo and guns have at least doubled, if not quadrupled in value since I bought them

as for money in the bank, I fully admit that there is too much. but since I work for a broker dealer, trading stocks is a fucking pain. bought everything in my portfolio over 2 years ago (and at a much lower price)

>At least $50K into LINK
what about DOT?
selling metals is a pain in the ass

but thanks for the recommendations. im probably going to structure some link buys over the next couple weeks

>post your stack lol
its hard to get in frame as it's crowding out my bedroom
probably over 1000lbs

>> No.22426553

Bro... take literally all of the money out of bonds and put it in either boomer stonks or crypto (depending on your risk tolerance). You are better of having that money in the fucking banks than in bonds.

>> No.22426642

>1000lbs of ammo
Holy FUCK lmao libs on suicide watch.

>> No.22426682





>> No.22426740

after prices calmed down after sandy hoax, I bought probably $10k in ammo at relatively good prices

>> No.22426754

Thanks anon gonna make a quick 20x

>> No.22426787

Because you're asking, which implies you have no idea the value of the shit you bought into. So you're either going to sell early or hold long past their point of expiration where they're all worthless.