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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22517328 No.22517328 [Reply] [Original]

Been stealing food, electronics, expensive clothes to save money. I work as a junior developer in EU and earn 4000 USD/month after taxes.
Can someone tell me a good reason to stop stealing?
With the constant inflation, saving for an apartment is some years away. I know I have it better than many other people, but I still feel like a wagie that will never experience the best the world has to offer. I invest all of my salary into BTC and other alt coins such as LINK, VEN, COTI. For me its all in or nothing. Can someone wiser/smarter give me some advice?

I am thinking of saving enough to start a company as the only sane resort to get rich and achiece freedom, but I dont have enough experience.

P.S I can give you advice if you want to start stealing

>> No.22517396

Be honest with yourself. You have the self-worth, morality, and discipline of a nigger

>> No.22517402

sounds pretty based desu but it would be really inconvienent if you got caught.

>P.S I can give you advice if you want to start stealing

yes drop knowledge please.

>> No.22517415

Stealing degrades your soul and it will wear into your physiognomy

>> No.22517494

You’ll get hit by karma and you won’t see it coming. Stop it immediately.

>> No.22517570

Why? Companies already steal from him, wheres their karma?

>> No.22517576

Please teach how to steal, I want to start. This is based as fuck.

>> No.22517611

I already thought about stealing but never crossed the line. But i feel the urge to buy more gold and silver with the next economic crisis at our door. So i need more money.
Therefore i"m more and more tempted to do it (only to companies not poor people).

Best advices ?

>> No.22517668

obvious bait.

If not, nice RRR retard

>> No.22517669

Let me guess, you're a /pol/ faggot too? Why is it always the most degenerate mouth breather racists who are the most niggerly of them all?

>> No.22517703

Which companies are stealing from him? Explain.

>> No.22517785
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>the most niggerly of them all?
Or, in this case, niggardly.

>> No.22517937

Never forget when you work, companies steal you.
Benefit are the capital gain not reverse to employees

>> No.22518142

>fuck capitalism i want to steal
>no dont invade my house and take my gold thats my gold i paid for it

>> No.22518194

>Never forget when you work, companies steal you
So when you don't work, companies don't steal you? How does the voluntary exchange of labour for money suddenly create theft out of nowhere?

>> No.22518265

I have never been caught. If I was a nigger I would have done something stupid or been in jail.
My goal is to basically accelerate the time it takes to get out of the wagie race. The difference can be years if you are doing this regularly. And who the fuck cares about big companies that literally throw food and burn clothes/electronics for billions each year. I am not going to be the typical consumerist normie which saves money to buy some crap. I literally get the lifestyle of someone earning about 8k-10k USD / month while saving at least 33% of my salary.

You asked for tips here you go:
-Always do recon for each store before, where are the cameras and blind spots and what is the behaviour of the sales persons
-Always have a detailed plan which you follow through, it lowers anxiety and impulsivity.
-For food, a bag from a nearby store is enogh.
For clothes, metal detachers and strong magnets are good to remove tags but later you will want to buy a jammer. It is stealing on VIP mode and makes more expensive stores easier to clean and is more or less necessary for electronics.
-Start easy! No big shit before you,ve done it at least 15-20 times.

>> No.22518392

Because of leverage it isn't a fair exchange. Im cucking rn maybe someone else can explain globalization multiculturalism etc impact on micro econ to you

>> No.22518398

No, you are a nigger.

>> No.22518433

I did honest calculations.
Saving for an apartment (300-400k) with my salary would've taken between 7-10 years of work to cash out completely in order to not get cucked by jew debt.
Its kind of depressing when you realize that a caveman worked less and had a big and warm cave for himself + roasties of his choice. Also, do you really think boomers needed to save for so long and they even bought a house?

>> No.22518436

I understand that economic rent will be more favourable to the firm than the labourer, but the very fact people choose to be wageslaves indicates that it's the better option than their alternatives. It's by no means stealing

>> No.22518467

>interest rates are jewish
Read a book retard

>> No.22518479

How many LINK do you own?

>> No.22518571

Good tips, anons. Have you taken the false stolen credit card pill? You need someone with questionable morals to pull it off though and you need to have some balls
>Person Y goes to a bar and buys a drink on a credit card
>Person Y slips Person X his credit card + pin code somewhere discrete
>Person X disguises himself completely and goes to an ATM to max out the card (preferably before mid night, so you can do another transaction after midnight for max gains)
>Person Y calls his bank next morning reporting his card missing
>Bank will question where he think he lost it and how someone might have gotten his pin code
>Person Y explains that he was out drinking and explains that it is likely someone has been spying on him as he used his card to buy drinks but that he was drunk so his memory is fussy
>The bank will in 99 percent cases immediately cover the loss without further investigation
>Person X leaves a share of the heist for Person Y as a thanks for letting him abuse his card
>Easy profit, low risk

>> No.22518598

Who owns the banks onions boy?
Total crypto holding is 23k of which 3k is in LINK. Most of it is in BTC.

>> No.22518611

Every thief thinks they’re smarter than the others until they get caught.

>> No.22518632

no, all the knowledge you need can be found in infographics made by schizos

>> No.22518681

Also might be worth it in the short term but when you get caught you’ll struggle to get a job and be fucked long term

>> No.22518693

Why the fuck would you risk getting caught and ruin your career when you make 4k a month? Are you stupid? Well you're probably just larping

>> No.22518711

Yeah man, that works as long as the cameras at the ATM don't spot your person X. However, how much money can you actually withdraw in one go? Between
500-1000$ if there is no weekly limit. Also it works once or twice. You can rather do similar stuff with your insurance company a couple of times per year.
Shoplifting is at least more efficient for me since I can get out with 500-2000$ worth of goods each run.

>> No.22518737

And for such petty crimes too. Yeah no you're just a larping nigger

>> No.22518809

It doesn't matter who owns lending institutions, interest rates are not jewish inventions. They are, in fact, representations of the price differentials between costs and prices (which is also representative of tjme preferences of consumers).

>> No.22518836

Larping nigger larping as a nigger

>> No.22518845

You won't believe how stupid people can be then.
Nobody checks your criminal record unless you work in bank/safety related company. You can minimize the risk by only hitting food stores that have low security which makes it really difficult to get caught if you follow my tips.
Thats an additional 500-1000$ saved each month on food.
You save even more on clothes. Why the fuck would you buy clothes to satisfy some colleagues/girls? Let them believe you waste as much money as they do.

>> No.22518873

Just keep stacking then anon.
Eventually increase your risk tolerance a bit and buy some smallcaps. You'll get there. Eventually PNK or STA (not trying to shill. Just DYOR)

Regarding the stealing: Stop it. And I am unironically saying this as someone who stole stuff for years on a weekly basis.
Nothing to be proud of. I also thought "well we can steal from those big companies without problems"
And while I agree that we should destroy them and that they deserve it 100% and I still feel not sorry for them, I can only say what other anons said:
It destroys yourself over time and you only undermine yourself. This doesn't sound rational at first, but it is true on a deeper level.
Don't get me wrong, I hate those Jews so fucking hard.
But I just can't. Maybe I turned into a cuck. But as I found to God not too long ago and pray to him on a daily basis, I just can't go out there and be a sinner on purpose.
Maybe you also turn to Jesus. Bu if you don't and feel like fucking those companies up and it doesn't subvert your self esteem, then just continue doing so

>> No.22518901

Don't they give shit away for free in San Fransisco and blm "protests" now? Why even go through all of that

>> No.22518905

I dont give a fuck. Still not going to become like all normies, smiling on the outside while dead on the inside from all debt and no aim in life

>> No.22518939

Incredibly arrogant and naive anon. Remember making this thread when you’re a shaking like a leaf in a mall security room.

>> No.22518951

Im not in your retarded collapsing country/states so I honestly dont know!

>> No.22519061

Debt on a house is fine and usually just a fact of life. Normies are usually dead on the inside from owing 10-30k in credit card debt and 10-30k on a high interest car loan. I'm really surprised more normies don't just file chapter 7 bankruptcy and move on though

>> No.22519077

Yeah will continue stacking.
Thanks for the advice but I cant cope with the fact that I'll need to work for years just to buy myself a fucking roof over my head. This globalist central banking bullshit has gone too far.
This all started back in January when I literally had to borrow from my friend to buy food while seeing companies throw the shit away like its nothing.
My self-esteem is fine since I dont do this to flex on someone or to be dependent on it. Just a shortcut in a sense.

>> No.22519081

What is your skin colour

>> No.22519152

Still forces you to be dependent of your employer like a cuck and makes you more risk-averse/less mentally free.

>> No.22519176

>I cant cope with the fact that I'll need to work for years just to buy myself a fucking roof over my head
Yeah shit is fucked. It's a worldwide problem. I am also a yuropoor (German) and still studying. Would there be any chance for you to work remotely from a cheaper place to have a higher savings rate? Or just try to start your own thing in your free time? If you lose your job (not because of stealing), then shit is also fucked and it's better to get a second income stream instead of relying on stealing.
After all it really is Nigger tier

>> No.22519186

>You can minimize the risk by only hitting food stores that have low security
Yeah they're called family owned independent businesses you disgusting fucking nigger. I really hope they catch you in the act one day and pump you full of holes you fucking subhuman.

I stole ~$10 worth of snacks as a kid and felt immensely dirty for weeks, I don't know how you as a grown man can do this shit with zero conscience.

>> No.22519226

White ofc. Being black/middle east while doing this gets you caught.

>> No.22519246

Karma is going to mess you up lad

>> No.22519272

>title a thread asking "should i stop being a nigger" yet has already made up his nigger mind years ago

>> No.22519371

This is why socialism for white people only (national socialism) wont work

>> No.22519397

Not true. It really varies from shop to shop. Have never stolen from family/mom n pop stores or from private persons. Why would I make it more miserable for somebody else?

You felt dirty since you were probably scared of the consequenses or actually took it from a private business/person. When you steal from big companies, you kind of can't get that feeling since no one gives a fuck.

>> No.22519426

You arent wrong. The only other option for me was to rent and I'd rather owe noseberg 80k at 2.49% APR than pay some parasitic landlord every month

>> No.22519557

Currently working from home and its very comfy. However, as you know employers want to have control over their kettle and won't be keen on letting me. I've thought of freelancing as a plan B but will need more experience in web development.
Ideally, I would like to start something on the side, but I really don't know what or if it would be profitable due to Corona-chan. If I lose my job, I'll have more savings at least to invest further or start a small business.
In the end stealing is Nigger tier on a society level but as an individual I'm just playing the game.

>> No.22519628

Well, relatively a better alternative but that 2.49% will get big in total after the apartment is payed back fully.

>> No.22519933

I used to do it too, just a year back. Seeing things as free is obviously great and you might even love it. But (linked to discovering Christiannity) I started to see that it was useless, it was only material consommation and you never deserve what you stole. Never. I used to steal a lot but only from big companies and such. One day a Friend of mine said "Fuck it you steal things all the time and it turns out fucking great" he then proceeded go steal a bag from someone and I realised wtf was I doing all this Time.
Stealing is always bad, for the people you stole from, and for you. Give it up Anon, not worth it

>> No.22520216


>> No.22520962

I keep this to myself and i try to avoid making it into a lifestyle. Just the necessary times I need to go, I do it. I don't steal a new wardrobe each season.

>> No.22521132

Holy shit has biz been infested with christcucks? turn the other cheek and let me fuck your gf, cucks. jesus christ i cant believe this good goy cult is taking a hold in THIS board especially.

steal all you can anon and try not to get caught, christcucks might tell you otherwise but they dont understand shit

>> No.22521791
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I sometimes pocket small chocolate bars at the supermarket for the double dopamine rush of theft and sugar. hihihohohihihihihihi

>> No.22521877

When Caesar rose to power he vastly reduced public debt, decreed that money mustn't be hoarded, interest must never be higher than 3% and that payment on a loan must never exceed 100%.
As a result, the economy prospered and the gap between rich and poor shrunk dramatically.