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22557517 No.22557517 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else feel like as time goes on they become less involved in mainstream culture
>mainstream media: lies and deception
>celebs and social media: pedos and narcissists
>newest product: waste of money
>newest show: boring and cringe
>new music: nothing will be better than 70-80s rock
>going out: would rather shitpost
>sports: except nascar, its all niggerball
this has all happened in the last 3-5 years
i cant imagine what ill be like at 45
whats the word for this?

>> No.22557533

Its cause of the jews niggers and faggots. Once we deal with that things will be great. If we dont deal with it, then shieeeet.

>> No.22557560


>> No.22557564

Yup. I feel like I have nothing in common with people my age. I enjoy trading, but everyone my age is always concerned with buying a new car or truck or some other shit they don't need, then constantly complaining about how broke they are.

>> No.22557572

No you fucking bitch

>> No.22557581

Imagine thinking you can judge people when you like nascar. Lol car go vrrr

>> No.22557588
File: 1.73 MB, 500x708, Dreams.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup normies talking about normie things make me cringe. The only good thing about how shitty this time period is. Is now we can shame the normies for contributing to things that actively hate them. I love it. It feels soo good. There is maximum butthurt when the autist is continously right too.

>> No.22557604

Congrats your becoming old and grumpy

>> No.22557606
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>> No.22557610

>all my friends complain about how the NFL supports BLM and other leftist faggotry
>all my friends constantly post on FB about the NFL and watching the games while dressed in their $200 jerseys

>> No.22557615

yeah i know they turn left but "go dale"

>> No.22557617

Yes, the line between the wheat and the tares has become much more visible so to speak. The pendulum has swung very far into the waterfall of degeneracy. And it will soon swing back into the fires of reality.

>> No.22557642

are you referring to how every corporation is "woke" now to pander and how normie activities lead to more virus transmission.

>> No.22557651

Iktfb I have a friend that is getting into flipping retail items for profit. Except he doesn’t do it at a volume that would make real money. He makes a few hundred dollars here and there and then doesn’t reinvest it into his flipping operation. I tried to talk to him about investing and he just refused to listen to anything I had to say. I have one other friend that is getting into trading. Everyone else either spends all of their money or just sits there with it. Then they all complain about their financial situations. It’s bizarre.

>> No.22557696
File: 102 KB, 675x1200, DVc01mDWsAA8doA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought a bow, and I'm looking for land to hunt on now.
Get a bow for a few hundred, I sighted mine in in my garage.
It's quiet and good exercise.

>> No.22557720
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Yes exactly the normie tears of how they just want everything to go back to normal and we all know it wont. Their tears sustain me i laugh at them because they all called me crazy a year ago and now they are forced to agree. Hahahahaha

>> No.22557751

yeah. I do drive to a station that's 90s too though, its like 80s-90s I guess.

Even the Internet really went downhill with 2.0 or whatever. Was a lot cooler back when your LinkedIn would be your one paragraph intro section to your Angelfire page

>> No.22557782

I feel like a try hard when listening to 70s 80s rock

>> No.22557818

agreed, but i've found that first person shooter games, and anime, are both more or less insulated from the bullshit. at-least so far. so i still have a place, lol.

>> No.22557830
File: 618 KB, 2789x1925, AD9911D9-E329-4AB1-A442-A2518630C24F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That says more about you than it does about the best kind of music out there

>> No.22557832

rock can be for feelin comfy, working out, driving etc. just depends on the mood

>> No.22557854

>everything you like is all niggers and faggots now

Fortunately hipsters make good coffee and food. They can't ruin that by putting politics into a sandwich and even if they did I would just shit it out. I don't think I've watched a new movie in like 4 years lmao.

>> No.22557858

it's the fault of the education system, no one is taught how to think anymore. if you think critically, the solution to not having money, is to earn money. but, since that's been out of the curriculum since the late 1990s, a large majority of millennial's and zoomers have no ability to solve their own problems.

>> No.22557879

you used to be able to get away with anything on youtube as long as it wasnt porn.

>> No.22557880

just wait until eat the bugs meme becomes reality

>> No.22557884

everything, at-least regarding the virus, will go back to normal in the weeks following the election. this has all been one big democrat/establishment GOP shill campaign to shut down Trump's booming economy and get us back to a managed globalist decline.

>> No.22557890

i think the last time I attempted to connect with wider trends and subcultures was when I was 27. I'm 37 now. 30 was probably a big shift, fathered a child at 29.
there are still pleasures from growing old, I kind of like country pop now and the whole western genre for entertainment. just read blood meridian.
now everyone lists 4 bs titles they think they are in their bio (inventor, entrepreneur, dancer, cuck fetishist)
gl. hitting static targets is fun, but bow hunting I think is a meme.

>> No.22557903

Go back to bed, Grandpa. You have dialysis in the morning.

>> No.22558106

I can’t relate to anything or anyone anymore, I literally hate what some people find ‘important’ to talk about. Even the celebrities they find so important are literally just people either from reality shows, insta ‘influencers’ or you tubers who just spend hours talking about shit or doing some fake ‘reaction’ to something. Just people with zero actual talent, they do nothing but talk.
>mainstream media
Totally detached from this now, it’s almost laughable some of the stuff they push out and their agenda is so blatant.
>newest show
I used to love new dramas that came out, there was a period of Swedish crime dramas that were great. Now all we get are either ‘kid discovers he has super powers’, ‘kid discovers he has supernatural shit’ or some schizo main character who constantly has ‘flash backs’ so we jump to stuff totally unrelated to the plot line every 5 minutes. Not to mention the shows with in your face feminism bullshit.
>going out
I can take it or leave it, sometimes it’s fun, sometimes I cba. Never understood those people who’s whole life revolves around ‘going out’. Huge waste of money.
I used to be really into football (soccer) then one day I was at a game and focused more on the fans than the game. It was crazy how serious they take it, like every game result actually affects their lives. They go on as if they are part of any success totally ignoring they have just sat in a seat for 2 hours, achieved nothing and have to go back to their humdrum life tomorrow.

Same time frame for me, last 3 years. I don’t think it’s down to getting older and think things actually are getting shitter. Nothing is ground breaking anymore, it’s all just boxed up cheap shit. Songs all sound the same, tv shows and movies are all the same, 90% of other people are all the same. Everything is just boring.

>> No.22558386

American culture is reaching ita maximum pozzing, yes. The good thing is that the decline comes next.

>> No.22558460

The part that really throws me through a loop, is that I’m more successful than these friends I have, and yet they refuse to acknowledge any advice I give them. They discount or question my knowledge in things that they know I have more knowledge of. It’s not just finance, it’s EVERYTHING that I have a strong background in. I’ve literally had one of my friends disparage their own intelligence and then five minutes later act like I don’t know what I’m talking about when it comes to finance. Clearly I know more about finance than you, since my net worth grows every year and yours has been stagnant for the last six years. Clearly you recognize that you’re not that smart, yet then you turn around and pretend to know better! I don’t even care that they’re not that smart I just want to help my friends succeed!

>> No.22558632

I feel the same. I ended a friendship back in May/June because of this. All he could talk about was Sony, the Niners (American Football team), Marvel, and Star Wars. He started going along with the rioting that was and is still occurring because his fucking brands were and he wanted to support his brands. I realized in that moment that I could not be friends with this person. It was intolerable. I suddenly understood why his wife had left him. Nice guy. Very kind hearted. But a complete fucking moron and a living example of the consoomer meme.

>> No.22559544

disliking going out is just being a pessimist. there is all kinds of fun things to do outside your house, you dont have to do them with other people if you dont feel like it
new products are usually interesting. things have to be competitive nowadays. i was looking at the lg wing the other day; samsung folding phones finally look decent too.

sports can be fun to watch just dont make it into escapism
media, shows, social media, new music, sure thats all a wash